






















双向暗恋小漫画~是我自己的恋爱小故事~ 各种轻松小日常,希望大家看得开心我也画得开心。 真人真事童叟无欺看过都说好甜(拇指 不上色,无压力随缘更新。 是珍视的回忆所以不接受任何ky!ky怪都要挨揍!!










内容简介:预收文《玫瑰禁区》《软话》欢迎收藏TvT从小到大,言意最害怕的就是那司家的大哥哥,每次只要她不听话,她爸妈就会说——“再不听话,就把你丢到司家去。”高三那年,言意书包里掉出来一封情书, 正好被她爸妈看见。她爸妈都在国外,没时间看着她,真打算把她丢到司蕴寒那里。言意誓死不从,后来司蕴寒亲自过来接人,言意又怂又委屈地跟着司蕴寒走了。1w0-28362 >>


内容简介:长佩VIP20190315正文完结文案江酩要让辜负母亲的江家人都付出惨痛的代价!他要毁掉江家的一切,毁不掉或者舍不得毁的,他就占为己有,比如这个被他亲哥在婚礼上放鸽子的纪家少爷。披着阴 狠冷血皮本质是个舔狗的攻X撞伤脑子失忆傻乎乎的小美人受攻的信息素是苦咖啡受的信息素是甜牛奶本质是个披着狗血皮的小甜文避雷:1受失忆,恢复之前傻乎乎2攻和炮灰攻是同父异母的亲兄弟3是的,有个炮灰攻,但和受没有实质关系。各位书友要是觉得《ABO咖啡撞牛奶》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27404 >>

绝色嫂子 赵力杨欣宜

内容简介:小说主角赵力杨欣怡赵力赵婷婷杨欣宜又名雪白的嫂子三伏天,太阳都要把地给烤干了。这是茅坪村的一片桃树林,一男一女刚给桃树洒了水,坐着休息。男的叫赵力,三个月前,他哥哥发生意外过世了,留下 年1w0-98767 >>


内容简介:继母继妹联手背叛,一场精心的设计,让宋锦书失去清白,众叛亲离。无数阴谋交织,她更是成了娱乐圈中人人喊打的过街老鼠!甚至祸及家人!她不甘,誓要绝处逢生,逆袭报复!她要继母精心谋划的家族继 承权!她要嫁给那白莲妹妹心心念念,权势滔天的男人!她要将所有害她辱她、欺她的人,踩在脚下!曾经的耻辱,悉数奉还!可谁知,那掌控着全国经济命脉,矜贵十足、禁欲冷情的男人,却竟是个宠妻狂魔“老公,她们都说我坏。”1w15820-25592 >>




内容简介:  “虚拟现实游戏”《精灵国度》中人气最高的NPC,世界树的化身,自然之母,生命女神,精灵主宰——  伊芙·尤克特拉希尔高坐在自己的神座上,微笑地看着台下的玩家们:  “欢迎来到剑与魔 法的世界。”   这是一个重生成真神的穿越者携第四天灾在异世界共创美好生活的故事(迫真)……  PS:非DND,幕后玩家流,主角单身,群号见评论区置顶帖1w0-37 >>


内容简介:陆子筝是没钱没势没人缘的小家碧玉,江怀溪是有权有势有名望的大家闺秀,虽说都是公认的面瘫冷美人,总被人放在一起比较,陆子筝却是自认与她井水不犯河水。哪知莫名其妙的一次相遇后,大家闺秀却是 对她,拉拉扯扯,软硬兼施,纠缠不休,没完没了……喂,说好的大家闺秀呢?!有钱,就是任性!傲娇弱攻遇上女王诱受,且看冰山如何捂热石头,1w0-25972 >>


内容简介:宋欢穿越到异界开网吧,明明是网吧老板,却把自己包装成网管,把网吧说成是天道至宝,然后宋欢就只需要发布任务就好了,没事上上网,有事会员干。会员A:玩游戏真的可以涨修为啊,好快啊。会员B: 网吧又有新任务了,交给网吧一套房,奖励500网吧声望,简直太赚了。会员C:我网吧贡献度刷够了,终于可以升级为黄金会员了,我就可以买泡面了。1w0-31082 >>


内容简介:敢惹我的人不分男女,美女统统推倒,男人打断他第三条腿! 重生之后的李天宇在异世嚣张称王!别人能忍,老子不能忍。有钱有势就能无限嚣张?有实力就能随便欺负人?这些在我面前是行不通的!1 w0-4192 >>




内容简介:【双洁、甜宠】传闻,郁家财阀继承人、三栖影帝郁锦炎的隐婚男妻长相奇丑、粗陋不堪。郁影帝一门心思想和他离婚,可对方一哭二闹三上吊硬是霸占着正宫的位置死不离开。网络骂声一片,千万粉丝实名抵 制。直到有一天,国民男神余年在家直播时,众人看到郁锦炎围着浴巾从后面路过,对着宣称单身的国民男神说:“媳妇儿,我衬衫在哪儿?”粉丝爆哭:还我老婆!郁锦炎夺妻之仇不共戴天!直播结束后,郁影帝收获了一大群黑粉。黑粉每天一问:我老婆今天和郁狗离婚了吗?!!!余年是易孕体质,拿到验孕单后,他气哼哼的回到家,将郁影帝踹出房门:“滚,这都第三个了!”郁靳炎嘴角上扬,温声哄着,“乖,这是最后一胎。”可心里却想:十二生肖还差九个。又帅又撩流氓影帝攻X又甜又软国民男神受。攻:郁锦炎受:余年PS:有撩宠副CP出没 ̄︶ ̄1w0-72939 >>


内容简介:“别动”楮实突然摁住宋望舒的肩膀。“怎…怎么了?”宋望舒愣了一下问道。“你今天没洗干净脸吗?为什么你的眼屎会发光?”“……”“楮实我去你大爷!”狂拽炫酷沙雕女VS外表禁欲冷淡男神实则毒 舌幼稚儿(1v1)追更:ωoо1⒏υip1w84227-120488 >>

Father Complex

Fukami Rei is making the switch from modeling to acting, and getting a part in a drama with his idol Agawa Ryuuji is a dream come true. But admiration for Ryuuji's acting isn't the only reason Rei wants to get closer to the older man...

Hinyari Rouka, Mangekyou

1) ) Icy Corridor, Kaleidoscope Kousa is staying after school to help Nagai Sensei with some data entry. One thing leads to another, and data isn't the only thing being entered. 2) The Two of Them At The End of The Corridor Continuation to the first story 3) A Bewildered Space Date Third year student Endou started a dating club (for finding good places to go on dates), but because he's considered the 'Muddled Prince' he gets Hayanari, a ladies man to work with him. But are both Endou and Hayanari being totally honest in their intentions? 4)Total Reversal Continuation to the third story. 5) Am I Not Good Enough? Kuniharu's older brother Mitsu has just moved back home after breaking up with his live-in girlfriend. These boys have some unresolved issues to work out, but why bother talking about it when there are other ways to express your feelings...Incest warning! 6)Sleeping With Tears of Joy Continuation to the fifth story Plus Afterword

Yokujou Kiss

1) Passion Kiss (Yokujou Kisu One night) - Manatsu has a dream of an incredibly fulfilling kiss. 'Who was the boy in my dream? That's the first time a kiss has made my chest ache.' That's when Manatsu gets a feeling from her classmate, Morishima-kun -- the same feeling she got from the boy in the dream. Without thinking, and despite the fact she already has a boyfriend, she... (!!!) 2) Second Virgins (Sekando Vaajinzu) - Kawori is prepped and ready to lose her virginity to Shunsuke... until he penetrates her and it hurts like hell. She wants him to stop, but he can't. They get into a fight and stop talking after that. Then, one and a half years later, Kawori gets coerced into attending a singles party -- and Shunsuke is there! ...As the boyfriend of Kawori's friend Nao? How will Kawori and Shunsuke handle their unresolved feelings? 3) Eternal Summer, Fleeting Summer (Eien no Natsu, Isshun no Natsu) - The first love letter Takeshita Riho wrote was to Sakurai Touma, the class president she had a crush on from second to sixth grade, but the letter never got sent. ...Until now, when Riho's meddlesome friend mails it out. To Riho's surprise, Touma writes back and responds well to her feelings! He's just as Riho remembers him, and the way he writes makes it sound like those elementary school days were the most important of his life. What Riho doesn't realize is the heart-breaking (and tear-jerking) reason why...

The Demon Queen Weight Loss Plan

A short oneshot by Haruse Hiroki about Maou from Maoyuu (http://mangapark.com/search?q=maoyuu-maou-yuusha) trying to shed her useless meat.

The Siege of Boston

The Siege of Boston summary: The Siege of Boston summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Siege of Boston. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863

Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863 summary: Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society summary: The second moon marked the beginning of a revolutionary change. With the emergence of monsters and dungeons in modern society, and the ability users who fights against them, the world faces a shift in its paradigm. It heralds the advent of a new energy source and the decline of traditional occupations. Common sense thus becomes uncommon sense, and imagination becomes reality.

I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? summary: Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a j.a.pan with a different history than the j.a.pan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”
But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.
For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.
This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.

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