


























类别都市 恋爱






内容简介:捡来的小乞丐不要扔简介:秦唐在瓢泼大雨夜捡了个男孩儿,给他吃,给他住,慢慢就成了自己身后黏人的小尾巴。秦唐出门时,小孩儿扒在门口眼巴巴的望着:“你去哪儿?”“去多久?”“回来还会爱我吗 ?”秦唐把人疼成了宝贝,可他没想到这宝贝说不见就不见了,他找不到人,差点疯了。——再重逢时,那人成了年轻有为的永盛二老板,穿西装打领带,冷漠斯文,跟他面对面的擦肩而过。秦唐眸色渐沉,在电梯里将人堵住。褚眠面无表情:“秦总,自重。”秦唐:“当初是谁在我怀中哭着喊着叫哥哥的?需要我帮你回想一下吗?”1w0-78248 >>


内容简介:一朝穿越修仙界,顾苒只想在修仙大派中做个吃喝不愁的咸鱼。但偏偏有人变着花样来找茬,顾苒表示在修仙门派中生存好难,只想回家!自此,为了早点回家,顾苒只能依靠迟到三年的不靠谱系统开始了卖惨 之路。在卖惨的过程中,她还不小心招惹了门派老祖,冷心冷面的大冰块连祈和魔界的人形大杀器不白。嗯,应付他们俩比卖惨还难……——————1w0-88570 >>


内容简介:  穿越而来突然得知自己家有一片小区的陆垚,在前去投奔自己叔叔的路上,遇到了一块发光的石头……从此,作为合成素材地虎铠甲开始惩恶扬善?不,还远不止如此!但愿,每个心向光明的人,都能被光 芒照耀!1w0-3536 >>


内容简介:秦昊穿越到妖魔横行,仙神同流的北俱芦洲,从老道师父手中继承了白玉观的道统。一枚造化玉在身,绑定徒弟,师徒同德,可同步徒弟们的修为和神通法术。自此金鲤化真龙,黄猴拜齐天,人道一柄有情剑, 贯杀天地大罗仙。“这些徒弟太妖孽了,明明贫道啥也没教,怎么一个个的全成了仙上仙!”1w0-89560 >>




内容简介:  【不废柴,不舔狗,天骄争霸暴爽无敌流】君逍遥穿越玄幻世界,成为荒古世家神子,拥有无敌背景,惊世天赋,更得到签到系统,开局签到一具大成荒古圣体。在泰岳古碑签到,获得六星奖励,神象镇狱 劲!在十岁宴上签到,获得七星奖励,至尊骨!在青铜仙殿签到,获得八星奖励,万物母气鼎!在无边界海签到,获得十星奖励,他化自在大法!无数年后,君逍遥盘坐九霄,剑指苍天道:“九天十地,我主沉浮,仙路尽头,我为巅峰!”1w0-1666 >>


内容简介:《信息素紊乱综合症》简介:“啦啦啦……啦啦啦……”许星海哼着曲儿回了宿舍(信息素紊乱)。“让我闻闻,让我闻闻……”赵尧蒙在被子里就露出个小鼻子,“Alpha的味道,海星你今天艳福不浅啊 ?”“别提了,有艳福,都被江淮搅和黄了(信息素紊乱)。”许星海接了杯水。“那你磕了药啊这么兴奋?”“我刚接到面试通知了。”许星海把手机凑到赵尧面前(信息素紊乱)。赵尧露出两只眼睛看了又看:“我去,水榭集团,不错啊你海星。”“面试而已,之后也只是实习,导员那边我已经沟通过了,”许星海长叹了口气,“正所谓‘情场失意,商场得意’(信息素紊乱)。”“啊啊啊啊啊啊!”许星海正抿着水,被赵尧突如其来地一嚎吓得一激灵。“咳咳咳……咳咳咳……”许星海猛拍自己胸口,“你见鬼了?”“真的是鬼!!”赵尧拿着手机噌一下子从被子里坐了起来(信息素紊乱)。。1w31249-74029 >>




内容简介:林佑穿越到斗罗大陆,觉醒了魂兽图鉴收集系统。只要不断收集魂兽,将它们纳入图鉴之中,就可以获得丰厚的奖励!【您收录了百年“凤尾鸡冠蛇”图鉴,获得奖励“先天满魂力”!】【您收录了千年“暗金 恐爪熊”图鉴,获得奖励“外附魂骨”!】【您收录了十万年“蓝银皇”图鉴,开启绑定“蓝银皇武魂”,获得“阿银”人类形态!】集合魂兽的力量,他一步步屹立于世界强者之巅。林佑:“唐三?武魂殿?两大帝国?……不,我只对魂兽感兴趣,谁也别想阻挡我成为魂兽饲养员!”唐三:“万恶的林佑!不许碰我妈!”玉小刚:“此人强得完全不讲道理,我的理论崩塌了!”比比东:“十万年魂兽都被林佑收走了!想要魂环,难道要我去求他才行吗?”拳打唐三,揭穿大师,征服武魂殿。斗罗大陆真正的守护神只有一个。p1w0-78936 >>


内容简介:三年前,她被庶妹陷害致死,三年后,她含恨重生。“慕容莲心,你这个恶毒贱妇,你等着下地狱吧,我就是做鬼也不会放过你的。”“我定会让你求生不得,求死不能,我要你血债血偿!”“那些欺我辱我的 人,我一个都不会放过,我要将他们挫骨扬灰……”重生前,慕容莲心是欺辱她的最大罪人,重生后,她是慕容莲心不能惹的人。1w0-96343 >>


内容简介:从末世回来以后,陈繁星有些烦。据说那个她爱的不要不要的老公要跟她离婚。网上称她为嫁入豪门的十八线花瓶小明星。末世的水异能还能用,但是只能用来美容了。复出发布会上,记者提问。记者“陈小姐 复出是因为离婚了,所以想要发展自己的事业么?”陈繁星“我只是为了赚钱。”记者“……”陈繁星复出以后的画风恭喜陈繁星获得华夏八百米冠军恭喜陈繁星获得华夏扔铅球冠军恭喜陈繁星……她前夫要跟她复合PS甜宠苏各位书友要是觉得《花瓶跟她的豪门前夫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99352 >>


内容简介:被人栽赃陷害贪污受贿的胡飞在心灰意冷之际,他继承了一个活了九万年的人的一切,一个活了九万年的人有多少财产?房子不是几套,要看是多少栋。汽车?不你得问有几个汽车公司。游艇?飞机?妹子?这 些都不是问题。他只想说,从这一刻起,他就是神豪!各位书友要是觉得《都市之我就是神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-54862 >>

Yuuwaku - Sakaraenai Yokubou

1) Teach Me More by SHINJO Mayu On her way home from school, Hina is attacked by a pervert on the train! She's too embarrassed to raise her voice, but - she's saved by Kyousuke!? Kyousuke is the hottest guy around, and there's not a single girl who doesn't want him. He pulls Hina off the train, and then... he does more things to Hina than the pervert on the train would have! (Also included in Motto Oshiete) 2-4) Chase 4Me by IBUKI Kaede Hana's mother and father died when she was five, and ten years later it's her four incredibly over-protective and super-possessive brothers who take care of her. Today, she's beginning her first day of high school at an all girls school... but when she accidentally walks into the all boys school next door, she's assaulted by males! Then Hana falls in love at first sight with the boy who saves her - Ren - and begs him to take her on a date. Ren can can rescue Hana from the boys in his school... but is he any match for Hana's brothers? 5) The Frontline of Summer! A First Date Victory-or-Defeat Charge by FUJIWARA Natsu Megumi is 16 years old. Today is her first date with her crush, Satou-kun, and... the extra-long title says it all about this extra-short story! 6) Radical Love Revolution by SARA Mahiro Riko and Kippei have been friends since they were kids. They're so close that they beat up bullies together, and now they've handcuffed themselves to each other! They've always looked for excuses to fight... but now Riko is looking for an excuse to love. So the question becomes: can Kippei survive the romantic advances of a girl who expresses herself through violence? 7) The Desires of My Right Hand, the Beating of My Heart by AYUKAWA Mio Touko is a mild-mannered high school girl with an unspoken crush on Kuga-kun... until her friend hypnotizes her, and Touko's right hand takes on a perverted mind of its own! It gropes Kuga-kun, and Touko no longer has any control over it...!? 8) Sepia-colored Secret Room by HARUSHIRO Amami Third grader Chiko's friends were constantly being bullied by Rei-kun, a boy who glared at them with beautiful sepia-colored eyes, because he didn't want anyone hanging around Chiko but him. They took revenge on him by locking him in a haunted house, and Chiko never saw him again... Seven years later, the new transfer student from America is... Rei!? He's become rich and is twice as sadistic as before, and he's got a score to settle with Chiko's friends - and Chiko herself.

Shitsuji De Maid Na Otokonoko

A bodyguard, in an effort to protect his rich mistress, has to dress up as a maid and act as a female to protect his boss from all potential harm. Many things will occur to harm his master, but he will always protect her even if he loses his life. His master, on other than, has a secret of his own.

Girls' Glasses

Funny short story about two friends talking about getting used to wearing glasses.

Koi O Suru Made Kisanai

From Midnight Scans: I'm always into trouble since you’re impertinent, a bit perverted but cute. My mind is driving me mad by being attracted to a handsome youth who is 4 years younger than me! Please teach me!! On the hinge of recession, Tamako joins a household chores company, 'Smile Maid'. Having an affair will make her lose her job. Uehara is her next job place, and its only son, Yuu-kun tells her that he knows how to cover the affair. The partner who will evaluate her works is a high school student who always makes Tamako’s heart skip a beat!!

King Of Skills

King Of Skills summary: Author Summary: Kang MuYeol, Humanity Swordsmen Unit 2. He returns to the past. He knows the kills in the future. In order to stop extermination of humanity he puts the past behind And he stood up to rise to the Throne. “I will now rise to the Throne.”

The Other World Dining Hall

The Other World Dining Hall summary: The Western Style Cathouse. Near the business district and nestled in a poor corner of the shopping district, in the first bas.e.m.e.nt floor of a multi-business building. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. is lunch time, and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is dinner time. During holidays and weekends, the business district becomes empty. Lunch is up to 1000 yen. You have your free choice of rice, bread and soup and it’s a good variety. On the signboard mounted on the store’s entrance is the image of a beckoning cat. The cat’s bell is the main feature of this mascot. My cat-loving grandpa left this small store to me who, if I had to say, liked dogs better. In other words, an average restaurant you can find anyway. …Ah, but there’s one thing that’s different from other places. Every Sat.u.r.day, the store has some very special guests come in, and it becomes a business day. Shouldn’t the store be closed? That’s right. That’s why it’s a special sale. Only on Sat.u.r.day, we welcome only these special customers, and because of that, superficially it’s a holiday. Even I don’t know when my grandpa started doing this. But, ‘Those on the Other Side’ call this place ‘The Other World Dining Hall’.

The Blue Pearl

The Blue Pearl summary: The Blue Pearl summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blue Pearl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Mr. Gu is Courting Death Again

My Mr. Gu is Courting Death Again summary: As a fiery young shrew, Xu Weilai was confident that no one would be able to resist her charms. However, time and again, she was thwarted by Gu Yu.
Not only had he not taken responsibility for her, he had also dissolved his betrothal to her, causing her to be a laughingstock.
Three years later, she did her best to stay as far away from him as possible. But how&h.e.l.lip;?
She’d met him by chance at a banquet. She’d met him by chance at dinner. She’d even met him by chance while on the way to the washroom! This had to be a curse!
Finally, the heartless Gu Yu coldly warned, “If you appear before me again, I won’t let you off!”
Xu Weilai was so frightened that she booked the next flight out of the country!
But who could have predicted that the man she was seated beside&h.e.l.lip; was none other than he again!
Oh no! Her life was flashing before her eyes!

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