








类别游戏 都市 恋爱










简介臂力超群,人赛机器的白岸,励志成为优秀的中式点心师傅,找齐家传点心谱。 但是,她没有味觉……一个尝不出味道的厨师只能找个外置舌头了,美食小说 评论家宋清耀被她绑上贼船,只是这次相遇与合作真的是意外吗?还有已经预 谋好的阴谋呢?白岸已经手握榴莲酥准备好应战了。



(C100)Dress up doll (东方project)

(C100) [みみぷる (魅未)] Dress up doll (东方project)










内容简介:本文将于8月26日(周四)入v,届时三更,感谢各位小天使的支持!整座栖霞城的人都知道,金平侯家的嫡子向宁,知书达礼,容貌昳丽,更兼有个家门雄厚的父族,是早早定了要嫁与安国姥的孙女的,将 来自有世袭爵位,百般荣华。而他家庶子向晚,不过是个受人冷眼的外室子,得了老祖宗说情,才勉强接回府里养着,连粗使的老侍人也敢低看他一眼。那一日,他低头听着嫡父道:“凭你的身世,实难挣得什么前程,我做父亲的总要为你操心,你且作阿宁的媵侍,同嫁去安国姥府上吧,也是你天大的造化。”他也以为,如他这般的人,理当知足。不料世家踏青,暗中相看的那一日,他眼看着小王女司明玉,人尽皆知的纨绔,凑近安国姥家女儿耳边,同时向他一挑眉,“此等美人,做媵侍可惜了,你卖我个面子,让给我做王夫呗?”排雷:女尊,男生子——————————新文求预收,《帝城阙(女尊)》世人皆道,苏锦,苏大人,是全天下最不识好歹的人。以男子之身,居帝师之位,如此千古未有之事,皇家给他多大的脸面。然而,护着孤弱的小女皇,从群狼环伺中一步步走来的是他。眼看大功将成,却反手背刺女皇,与乱臣贼子共谋的还是他。他事败被擒,跪在大殿上犹自带笑:“这些年在你身边,只是为了行事方便。朝臣皆忌惮我,只有你最好骗。”女皇仁慈,不要他的命,只要他从朝堂消失,从此安居后宫,做她的君侍。人人都以为,苏大人当感恩戴德。谁知册封当日,他一身大红吉服,就在女皇的眼皮子底下,纵身一跃,血溅宫墙……——————————楚滢一觉醒来,回到了十五岁。这年,她还不是一代明君,那个到死都不让她痛快的人,还活着。朝野内外传说,苏大人白天辅佐新皇,夜里还要为皇家开枝散叶,属实……兢兢业业,令人钦佩。1w0-79103 >>




内容简介:  那一年,燕宁穿越了,起初他只想按照正常穿越套路躺着升级(激活一个系统),但结果系统没激活,却创造出一个个神话《白蛇传》《倩女幽魂》《封神榜》《西游记》……只是,这些神话都不太正经! 山巅之上,燕宁看着一众的神话人物,嘴角一扬:“这个世界本没有神话,我来了,便有了!”PS:这是一本反套路爽文!(没有系统)读者交流++VIP书友群:450416188(需全订),普通1群:392767347,普通2群:10303017111w0-1307 >>


内容简介:意外得到了动漫作弊器的张志军,生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化。可以自由穿梭在每个漫画世界中,参与进剧情,完成任务,得到每个宅男都想要拥有的女神。回到现实后仍然拥有动漫里面的技能,海军六式, 分身术,舞空术……轻松称霸都市。海贼王,火影,死神,我来了……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无限动漫作弊器》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67071 >>




内容简介:乾隆为了自己逍遥自在,竟然弄了个替身帮自己坐朝,身为替身的孙星能否甘愿当这个傀儡吗,他可是正常的不能再能正常的男人,每日无女不欢,守着美女如云的后宫,他能甘愿为乾隆恪尽职守吗。嘿嘿—— 如果是你会将如何?如果是你坐到这个位置会有什么想法?如果是我——1w35219-98004 >>


内容简介:王未初,一个一看就很敷衍炮灰路人甲的名字,他的人生也的确很炮灰,他被父亲从山村接回家,第一件事就是嫁入豪门做男妻,他的丈夫程先生英俊潇洒,年少有为,他仰望且爱慕着程先生。然而全城都知道 程先生心有白月光,追求数年求不得,而他连白月光的百分之一也不及。直到家宴上,王未初见到了白月光岑尧,这位矜贵优雅、冷漠不可亲近的白月光,在桌下勾了勾他的腿快穿,文案只是第一个世界的概括,自割腿肉,全文一个套路,受被白月光攻救赎、治愈。狗血狗血苏爽甜,加粗标注。白月光才是漂亮大猛1别站错了各位书友要是觉得《渣攻的白月光和我HE了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30997 >>






内容简介:文案一:姜叶为了演戏什么都干过,别人演个尸体,她到处演老男人、农民工……有句话说的好,走别人的路让别人无路可走。姜叶身行力践,以女演员身份一举拿下最佳男配奖。颁奖过后记者问她感想,姜叶 淡淡一笑:承让。文案二:十九线演员姜叶,手滑点赞歌神钟迟津黑粉的微博。钟粉全网出动:他们倒要瞧瞧这个说哥哥演技不好的人有多厉害。只是骂着骂着,钟粉突然发现……有点上头。这个女人演技该死的好,演什么像什么。就在钟粉犹豫选择维护哥哥的荣誉还是粉上这个女人时,他们哥哥发博替他们做出了选择。钟迟津:谢谢大家,我们领证了姜叶1w0-79992 >>


内容简介:    国际巅峰调酒大师、品酒大师,有酒神之称的李解冻,为了品尝出土的汉代美酒而醉死于而立之年。  当他一觉醒来时,却发现自己来到了一个名叫五行大陆的世界,变成了一个叫做姬动的小乞丐。 在这里,有一种极其特殊的职业,名叫阴阳魔师,奇异的十系魔技令人叹为观止。每一名阴阳魔师都有一顶属于自己的由本属性凝聚而成的阴阳冕。  一次偶然的机遇,让他认识了地底世界的火焰女王——烈焰,作为阴阳平衡体质的他,接受了阴阳极焰的传承,他的命运也从此走向了强者的道路。  他的未来,只有他一个人创造……1w0-721 >>


内容简介:她一朝身死,再次醒来已然是文华国的第一废柴,还是人人皆知的傻子,受尽嘲讽,受尽欺凌,居然还要被迫代替继妹和亲他国。好,不就是嫁人吗?她偏要活的风生水起给你看!至于白莲和有眼无珠的太子? 定让你们悔的肠子都青了!1w0-36838 >>

Hanappe Bazooka

From the Animeraider: This one is just plain bizarre. Funny and ecchi, but bizarre. Hanappe is something of a loser. He’s no good with women, and some have been known to take advantage of him. After one such incident where he winds up helping in a gun robbery after a woman flashes her breast at him, he goes home to (ahem) relieve himself when two demons pop out of his television set. They are Mephisto (the she-devil) and Ofisto Bazooka (the demon) and they’ve come to grant three wishes, but instead the demon assaults his mother, Mephisto piles a ton of money in front of his father and then goes after his sister, and they lose track of things. They decide instead of granting wishes to simply live here. As a result of this unplanned madness, Hanappe winds up with the power to make people spontaneously undress and want to have sex with him. He is also given the power to shut this off, but he doesn’t learn this immediately. It has consequences far beyond what he imagines though… And then Hanappe discovers a side-effect; he has untapped strength and abilities. And then it gets weird…

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01

From Animag V-Tamer is a manga version of Digimon that was never really released in English, but various sites have talented people who have actually posted a translated version of this great series. Based on the original Digimon V-pets, V-Tamer certainly brings a whole new twist on the world of Digimon. It opens with Taichi, the main character of the series, attempting to enter a tournment with his V-pet, only to be disqualified because the monster on his V-pet cannot be identified and therefore was not a Digimon that was supposed to be programmed into the V-pet. A short time later, Taichi finds himself in the Digital World and meets up with his Digimon, Zeromaru, or just Zero for short. Zero is a V-dramon (Veedramon), and between himself and Taichi, they have a battle record of 100%. For this reason, the two of them were chosen by Holy Angemon to save the Digital World from the supreme evil, Arca Demon. With the help of their guide, Gabo, Taichi and Zero set off to defend the Digital World from Arca Demon.


From MangaHelpers: Being one of the few longtime friends with Onizuka (GTO), Danma Ryuji has seen all the fiascoes he has gotten into. But the motorcycle shop owner and self proclaimed fastest driver in the city is about to get into a world of trouble. A hot teenager named Ishikawa Mimon starts taking interest in Ryuji, but contrary to her appearance, she's a dangerous person that will put Ryuji into life threatening situations. Even though he has a beautiful girlfriend named Nagisa, Mimon is about to wreak havoc in Ryuji’s peaceful life. [vyc]

Matenrou Maybe

Hiroto was homeless and jobless when he met Tomo, a successful businessman who was unlucky in love. As a temporary solution to both their problems, Tomo bought Hiroto for the night. After the night was up, Tomo let Hiroto stay with him and even got him a job at his company. But Hiroto doesn't really know where he stands with Tomo, and after he sees him hugging a woman on the street, he's even more uncertain.

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A Sense Of Purpose summary: A Sense Of Purpose summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sense Of Purpose. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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The Daughter of a Republican

The Daughter of a Republican summary: The Daughter of a Republican summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Daughter of a Republican. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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