
















类别都市 恋爱
















内容简介:人间妖精女主VS温润腹黑男主三年后,她重新回到晋城,已经有了显赫的家世,如胶似漆的爱人和一对可爱的双胞胎。端着红酒游走在宴会里,她笑靥如花,一转身,却被他按在无人的柱子后。他是夜空里的 昏星,是她曾经可望不可即的妄想,现在在她耳边狠声说:“你终于回来了!”她嘴唇被咬破个口子,满眼是不服输的桀骜:“尉先生,要我提醒你吗?我们早就离婚了。”1w26770-95716 >>


内容简介:预收文《有生活系统后我暴富了》文案在下方,正文文案如下:沈玉姝穿成了甜宠文里面白莲花女配的早死娘。看着眼前亭亭玉立的少女傅青璇娇俏地喊自己娘,沈玉姝心都化了。这是自己心心念念的女配,最 意难平的角色啊。趁着少女现在还没跳入渣男主的火坑,她一定要让眼前少女成为全京城最幸福的女子,帮她挑一个翩翩少年郎,平安喜乐过完一生。系统:宿主,我会帮你的!沈玉姝:……这,好,那就一起发家致富,给乖女儿挑夫君去!系统:“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感5,奖励火锅制作图纸一份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感10奖励精致珠钗图样五份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感15,奖励……”于是傅家人发现原本久病在床的三房太太身体好了,还经常带着女儿到处跑。听说沈玉姝要去开店,众人不屑:好好的高门主妇不当,干这种末流事!一个个都等着看沈玉姝笑话。三个月后,京城多了家火锅店、珍宝轩、绸缎庄……顾客都排队排出京城城门外了。众人:真香,怎么办?买不到了?某天,沈玉姝正在给傅青璇挑这京城儿郎。突然外面丫鬟跑进来:“夫人,将军,将军他回来了!”沈玉姝惊坐起:什么?傅远回来了?那个在原著中早早死在战场上的丈夫?傅远进门:“夫人,许久未见,可是不认识我了?”——预收《有生活系统后我暴富了》——赵静婉一朝醒来成了赵家村最好吃懒做的婆娘,屋里乱糟糟,崽儿脏兮兮,家里的米缸也空了。幸运的是,她之前玩的生活小游戏也跟过来了。“叮咚,扫一次地奖励半斤米。”“叮咚,擦一次桌子奖励半颗大白菜。”“叮咚,洗一件衣服奖励一小块红烧肉。”“叮咚,帮小崽崽洗一次澡奖励一个小镜子。”赵家村的人发现,村里那个最懒的婆娘赵静婉最近爱干净了,屋里变得亮堂堂的,崽儿也穿上白净的衣裳,家里时常飘出浓厚的肉香味。赵静婉家富了起来。出门在外长途贩运的赵晋升心急地赶回来,本以为自家的米缸已经空了,自家婆娘和儿子肯定得饿坏了,打开门一看:自家婆娘正吃着热腾腾的米饭,儿子正啃酱猪蹄子。赵·疑惑·晋升:这世界是玄幻了么?总以为自家很穷要努力赚钱的赵晋升×每天干干小活莫名其妙富起来的赵静婉。推一下专栏《网红古代养娃发家记》,已完结,小可爱们可以看看。1w0-81400 >>




内容简介:《热风吻过玫瑰》为作者慕色晚晴创作,作品热风吻过玫瑰章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供慕色晚晴精心编写原创热风吻过玫瑰及无弹窗热风吻过玫瑰全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于热风吻过玫瑰:【 妖娆妩媚人间玫瑰众所周知,朵高岭之花。可这朵花偏偏被温月强势摘了。就在所有人都以为他们会结婚时,始作俑者温月却毫不留情提了分手,拍拍屁股消失。可谁知,玫瑰带刺,伤人又伤己。多年之后,温月和盛宴晚宴上重逢。那天,温月一身红色旗袍犹如最美的玫瑰,又重新惊艳了盛宴。再后来,盛宴掐着她下巴将她抵在墙壁上,低哑道,“温小月,是你先来招惹我的,只要我还没同意分手,那这场游戏便还没有结束。”没人知道,其实盛宴第一眼见温月,他早已动了心。玫瑰永不凋零,热爱至死不渝。雷,女主非C,姐弟恋,女主不渣但是很浪,有很多个前任。1w0-83430 >>


内容简介:  “知识就等于力量。”  “所谓神,不过是强大一点的奥术师。”  带着一大堆知识的夏风穿越而来了。  1w0-538


内容简介:【下一本《反派总在自我攻略》,意外穿书的怂包大小姐X高冷却总在自我攻略的高岭之花,感兴趣的话可以收藏一下呀!文案在最下面,啾咪OvO】文案一:季潇发现自己穿进了课上没收的abo小说里, 面前这个被自己折磨的奄奄一息的处在发热期的Omega正是同学口中那个落难的白月光女主魏轻语。知道自己以后会被魏轻语以牙还牙,生不如死,季潇想哭。为了活命,季潇决定将魏轻语当祖宗供着。发热期给她1w0-29119 >>




内容简介:  天才少年叶麟,因为一场意外,回到了过去,一个他完全陌生的年代,看叶麟……  已有两本完本精品,质量有保障,请大家放心收藏。  为方便大家交流讨论,可进书友群:292724802(无 要求)!VIP群:135356857(两千粉丝值,需验证)1w0-164 >>


内容简介:在有着外星人坟场之称的纽约,有一家名为‘探险家‘的酒馆。在这里,你能看见穿着兔女郎服饰背着断剑的服务员,需要跳起来才能够敲到你膝盖的约德尔人迎宾,只要998就能让你爽到无法呼吸的调酒师 ,以及各种造型极具特色的符文大陆英雄们。而作为酒馆的老板,南柯每天需要干的,就是跟顾客科普,自己是这些年是如何从法外狂徒张三、山寨杰克·斯派罗、紫色触手怪、虚空偷窥狂等等超级罪犯手中拯救的世界!ps:1w0-29994 >>






内容简介:公主为奴(1V1高H)是由来瓶矿泉水所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供公主为奴(1V1高H)最新章节阅读公主为奴(1V1高H)全文阅读公主为奴(1V1高H)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现公 主为奴(1V1高H)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w5208-72739 >>

Okitsune No Hanayome

From Evil Flowers: Oneshot Lisa is deeply in love with her senpai. She became a coach at her school's archery club hoping she'd get a chance to get close to the senpai she loves. One morning Lisa visits a small shrine and prays for her dream to come true... not knowing the fact that she should be careful what she wishes for...

Kono Oneesan Wa Fiction Desu!?

Late one night when Jun was out on his bike, he came across a drunk, half-naked girl sprawled on the side of the road. She came to just enough to be uncomfortably affectionate, but Jun took her to his home to sleep it off with gentlemanly discretion. It turns out that she is Kawase Narumi, his author mother's new assistant. Unfortunately, she has no idea what she's doing in her new job, so Jun's going to have to coach her. He's also going to have to deal with her habit of getting drunk, mostly naked, and cuddly. Jun's life will never be the same! [From Baka-Updates]

President Dad

from Tokyopop: Ami Won’s late mother always told her to grow up to be an exemplary woman. And the chance presents itself now that her dad has been elected President of Korea. Thus begins this klutzy girl’s transformation into the girl her mother had always hoped she’d become. However, in the spotlight and imbued with a kind of social power she never expected, Ami is now beset on all sides by the jealous and dismayed. Her cousin Bi-Na leads this parade. Bi-Na considers herself naturally charismatic and infinitely more charming, so she feels she deserves the role as Korea’s First Lady.

Tokyo X Day

It is predicted that there is a 70 percent possibility of an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo within the next 30 years. Are you prepared? The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has compiled a manual called “Disaster Preparedness Tokyo” (Tokyo Bousai) to help households get fully prepared for an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo and other various disasters. The manual includes a short manga, Tokyo 'X' Day, to give Tokyo residents an idea of what to expect if a magnitude 7 earthquake hits. 'This original manga comic vividly describes how Tokyo would be like just before and immediately after a major earthquake. Imagine yourself in these situations and take actions to be prepared.'

Mary Marston

Mary Marston summary: Mary Marston summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mary Marston. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Underworld: Evolution

Underworld: Evolution summary: Underworld: Evolution summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Underworld: Evolution. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I became the Villainess's Brother

I became the Villainess's Brother summary: Having wandered the borders of life and death because my younger sister lost control of her magic, I remembered that this world was the otome game 「Sparkle like a Jewel」. And I, Langlease Jackberry, am the villainess’ brother. I want to evade the destiny of destruction that I remembered. I’ll watch over my cute younger sister so that she’ll become an ordinary girl instead of a villainess, and at the very least avert her death if ruin so unluckily falls. The BAD END routes for the villainess are split into three general types. 1) Destruction Route As a villainess, my sister brought about the Prince’s displeasure when incidents of her bullying the Heroine came to light. With his impropriety exposed and his peerage revoked, Father was exiled out of the country. 2) Suicide Route My sister, who had truly loved the Prince, shocked that the Prince had announced the cancellation of their engagement at the party, committed suicide. In this route, it is only my sister that dies, and my family and I are not condemned. 3) Jewel Route The END that could be said to be the centerpiece of the game. My sister, having displeased the Prince, was sentenced to be turned to a jewel with magic. She had been turned into a jewel the same color as her eyes. She was shattered to pieces in front of everyone. With pink jewels dancing in the midst, the still of the smiling Prince and Heroine was beautiful. However, it was my sister’s life that was smashed. I will absolutely never permit that kind of future for her. Presently, perhaps owing to her young age, her personality did not resemble in the slightest that of the template domineering, ill-tempered villainess in the game. She was kind and with a deep compa.s.sion, to the point where she was loved completely by the servants. Naturally I also thought of her as someone precious. Though I want to avoid the BAD END completely, I’ll work so that I can avoid at the worst the second and third routes where my sister dies and provide a viable lifestyle even after ruin. To continue living with my sister and my family.

32 Caliber

32 Caliber summary: 32 Caliber summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 32 Caliber. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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