
































内容简介:太古后,天地动。生界烽烟浓。铁骨铮铮,问天下谁是英雄。一切皆蝼蚁,不过眨眼间本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我真的很猛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3670 5 >>


内容简介:一命二运三风水,四积德五读书,六择偶七择业,八交贵人九养生。且说命和运,自古丝来线去,缠夹不清,穷人与富人似乎在出生时就已决定一生。非也!君不见拮据之徒穷儿乍富,屠狗之辈飞黄腾达。君不 见富埒陶白却江河日下,直至家散人亡。活人要想凭增好运,必要借助枉死之人,邪祟之物,常小旗无意间收到一具清朝女尸,恐怖祸端随之而来……恐怖灵异类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《背尸人》这本吧。这是一本在堂前雁笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。堂前雁无抄袭纯原创力作之背尸人最新章节、背尸人无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、背尸人TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《背尸人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《背尸人》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的恐怖灵异小说排行榜推荐1w0-75022 >>


内容简介:秦牧之穿越玄幻世界,开局得罪城主,被灭灵根,毁肉身。 却意外激活系统,重塑至尊灵根! 从此在凡尔赛这条道路上越走越长! “好羡慕你们突破还可以服用丹药,我还没来得及吃就突破了。” “不 会吧?真的有人连天阶功法都没有?” “你们修炼遇到瓶颈了?真羡慕,呼吸就能变强的我完全没办法控制自己。” “我真的没什么天赋啊,只是普普通通的至尊灵根而已!”1w0-3162 >>






内容简介:荣夏生接到自己大学老师的电话,对方让他帮忙照顾一下自己的儿子。佟野因为跟室友闹翻,一气之下决定搬出宿舍,被他爸安排着,住进了他爸以前教过的学生家里。荣夏生:同学之间闹点小矛盾很正常。佟 野:他说我抢他女朋友。荣夏生:无风不起浪,你是不是撩人家女友了?佟野:叔叔,别闹了,我是gay!年下,但也没至于到叔叔辈,受比攻大七岁,都是佟野瞎叫。同个屋檐下,一个一见钟情一个日久生情的故事。温润成熟通透冷清受x热烈深情追梦青年攻1w0-28297 >>


内容简介:“你今天要不去相亲就给老娘滚出这个家,别整天跟个大蛆一样不咬人膈应人,浪费咱家粮食!”一位妇人一脚踢开房门,扯着嗓门对着床上的儿子开骂。猫在被窝里长毛的肖尧,一脸生无可恋,毫无底气的碎 碎念,“妈,我才22,就让我去相亲真的好呀?”“老娘管你多大,你刘姨说了,那闺女温柔娴淑,貌美如花,人见人爱……今天你要是不把人家姑本书关键词:都市生活都市系统刑侦《我22,老妈逼我相亲,却被相亲对象抓了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、锦衣娘子、女总裁的超级兵王、尸妻难缠、糊你一脸白月光快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、校花之贴身高手、武极帝主、子夜十、跨物种相亲、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、大天师、受何苦为难受(GL)、真千金不干啦、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、子夜十顶点、那个被我活埋的人、三界狂徒、姐姐领进门:掌权1w41533-82463 >>


内容简介:穿越平行世界,赵戎发现这个世界,游戏行业发展落后。获得系统后,赵戎开局就抛出了一个抡大锤的游戏。萌妹子主播:这也太简单了吧?完全就是个放松身心的小游戏。然后,尝试了几十次之后,萌妹子主 播崩溃的将鼠标砸掉,哭喊道:“赵老贼,你快做个人吧!!”1w0-29638 >>




内容简介:  重生日本东京,成为寺庙的候补和尚。 白石秀只想读书、念经、学习、充实自我、传播正能量。 却不想平静的日常,总被魑魅魍魉打破。 不得已,白石秀挽起 袖子,拿起禅杖…… “施主,该上路了!” —— 书友群:6592870991w0-121 >>


内容简介:?《队友都是深井冰》小说精校版,无删减?由狐生有梦所著,点击全文免费在线阅读。游戏主播荆宇一时失足,跌入了一个画风成迷的职业战队:上单:我就是闭着眼睛,睡着,做梦,都能把你们全杀了!中 单:退缩?不存在的。我哪怕只剩一滴血,也要把你们全杀了!射手:远程优势是什么?我就爱近身缠斗!有种别跑,让我把你们全杀了!辅助:辅助?辅助个鬼!1w0-75989 >>


内容简介:quottaroertyquotogiaquotntentquothttsodtisoduesarticeiasnjg各位书友要是觉得《白昼如焚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里 的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26719 >>

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends want to eventually become more powerful; and transfer pupil Miu Furinji, he follows her a dojo home, to Ryozanpaku several masters of martial arts that are varied, directed by her grandpa Hayato Furinji. After learning principles from Miu, Kenichi beats a high ranking member of the karate club of the school, and becomes a goal for the delinquents in the institution. Kenichi becomes enamored of Miu, and finally becomes a complete disciple of Ryozanpaku while initially training to guard himself. Later, the day-to-day routine of Kenichi is broken up between training below his battles against the members, and the six masters of Ryozanpaku of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. Miu and Kenichi are targeted by Yomi after Ragnarok is disbanded, several disciples personally trained by means of a master of an organization matching Ryozanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryozanpaku and their allies follow the principle of constantly sparing their adversaries' lives (Katsujinken), the members of Yami consider that any means of defeating an adversary is valid, including homicide (Satsujin ken). While his masters face the members of Yami in the battle between both factions, Kenichi, Miu, as well as their allies fight the members of Yomi. The conflict between both factions culminate with all the ultimate battle to prevent Yami's major goal, which will be to usher a fresh age of turmoil and war on earth, also called 'The Eternal Sunset'. Their principal leader is conquered and after the Eternal Sunset is prevented, Yomi and Yami are disbanded too. Kenichi subsequently continues to train at Ryozanpaku, and years after he becomes a renowned novelist, but it is also suggested that he also becomes a martial arts master as well as Miu's husband at the same time. Main characters in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga Kenichi Shirahama is primary Protagonist and the name character of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He could be the Disciple of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, examining martial arts from them to not only get more powerful, but to finally develop bravery and the strength needed to defend the individuals and values which are most imporant to him. He's additionally a member as well as the honorary 'co founder' of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the creator Haruo Niijima (the after of which he's not completely happy about) and is now another year pupil at Koryo High School in course 2-E. In the final outcome of the show, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Furinji, however he eventually becomes a Master himself. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi AMW Miu Furinji is the principal female protagonist of the show. She was previously in The School of Shouchiku Gakuen before transferred to Koryo High School in course 1-E where she and he met a shared love interest and Kenichi started. She's the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, A Disciple and member of The Ryozanpaku, as well as the sole daughter of Shizuha Furinji and Saiga Furinji. She's also a decendent of both the Kuremisago Clan as well as the Furinji Clan, which are both regarded as being ill-famed tribes of martial artists who have been known for his or her physical superiority. In the final outcome of the show, Miu became the wife of Kenichi Shirahama. Other manga: + Death Note Manga + Terra Formars Manga

Romantic Beauty

Collection of 5 stories 1. Romantic Beauty - Yuka, who during the Junior High graduation got rejected by Takigawa-kun from that day on goes on a diet, loses 20 kilos, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This is because she wants to meet up with Takigawa-kun again, confess her love a second time, and have her first time with him! The completely transformed Yuka goes back to her old home town for a school reunion but the person who calls out to her is...?! [from Tenshi-Tachi] 2. The Queen And Her Slave - Ai is a university student and also a virgin, but when she's drunk she forgets everything. One morning, she awakens only to find herself naked and next to a handsome high school student. He fell in love with her and offers to become her slave. 3. Pure Love, Forbiden Love - Ryo nii-san is Kazuko's cousin and her first love. After ten long years, she transferred into Ryo's school where he is the student council's president. She's looking forward to seeing her kind, gentle cousin, only to find that he's not as pure as she thought he would be. 4. The Days Where I Yearn For Love - Mochida is a shy high school girl who can't seem to speak up about her opinions, especially in front of Aoyama. But now he sits next to her - the worst thing ever, because now she's more nervous than ever. Aoyama befriends her, noticing her shyness and manages to make her open up to him. Although Aoyama is now friends with her, Mochida doesn't expect anything out of their friendship, but does Aoyama want something from Mochida? 5. The Warmth Of Your Fingertips - Hanashima Yuna is often molested on the train to school, but she is afraid to speak up. One morning, Yuasa Kouichi saves her and protects her throughout the entire ride. She's confused at his kindness, especially when he hovers over her protectively on the train ride home. Why is he protecting her?

Pita-Ten Official Fan Book

Pita-ten doujinshi collection.

Kumiko & Shingo

This series of manga is about a romance between the dimunitive Shingo and his friend Kumiko in different stages of their lives, from childhood to adulthood. It spans six different manga titles - 5 one-shot manga and a 10 volume 6th series that eventually wraps things up. It's well worth the time: 1. 130 cm no Dandy 2. Dodgeball wo Shiyou 3. Mirai Yousouzu 4. Step Up 5. Paris de Issho ni 6. Otona ni Naru Houhou (10 volumes) How to Become an Adult

John Milton: The Jungle

John Milton: The Jungle summary: John Milton: The Jungle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Milton: The Jungle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Janice Day, the Young Homemaker

Janice Day, the Young Homemaker summary: Janice Day, the Young Homemaker summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Janice Day, the Young Homemaker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hardy: The Suspect

Hardy: The Suspect summary: Hardy: The Suspect summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hardy: The Suspect. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Moral summary: Moral summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Moral. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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