


















简介从前有个秀才很有妖缘,总遇到各种萌萌的小妖怪,后来秀才飞升天界,奉仙君之命出任飞升司主事,掌管各路妖怪飞升渡劫之事。于是,秀才见证着各路妖王的爱恨情愁,生离死别…… 一样的呆呆小秀才,不一样的可爱小妖怪,萌化版“聊斋志异”,一起来寻找最有爱的妖怪cp吧!作者其他作品《门徒》《教主是柔道队队员》《我的烛龙养父》《我的纯阴师尊》《应龙兄弟的日常》【完结,责编:凡】














内容简介:抗拒总裁不许欺负我小说最新章节由网友提供,《抗拒总裁不许欺负我》故事扣人心弦、情节跌宕起伏,是一本文笔与情节俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供抗拒总裁不许欺负我最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读 !1w0-130939 >>


内容简介:  明初,明朝国力的巅峰。这一年,建文帝朱允炆登基,翌年,朱棣造反,史称“靖难之役”。这一年,一个穿越者来到了这个时代。穿越朱允炆,推动大明横推天下。本书群:9606943191w0- 4379 >>


内容简介:一场意外,她成为光彩夺目的海家大小姐。当真千金找上门,她选择留下,却不想掉进了一场精心算计的阴谋,最后落得身败名裂,不得善终。重活一世,当真千金上门,她这个假千金爽快利落地离开。她将前 世被夺走的牢牢掌握在自己手里。手撕渣女,脚踢渣男,登顶巅峰。她以为自己要孤军奋战,却未曾想……亲生母亲:谁敢欺负我女儿,我跟谁拼命!哥哥们:妹妹,我罩着你!墨思霈:谁敢欺负我女人,找死!等等,她什么时候成为他的女人?笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《假千金她不服输》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-86915 >>


内容简介:苏南星一觉醒来,发现数码暴龙的世界竟和现实世界融合在了一起,自己还有了只妖狐兽拍档!生活、高考、工作…一切都与数码兽相关,驯兽师竟然成了第五次工业革命中的黄金职业!是我疯了,还是世界疯 了?接受设定后……苏南星下定决心:我要成为五道口技术学院最强的驯兽师!另外,妖狐兽我老婆!……………………………………简单来说,本书讲的是苏南星获得了知识徽章系统,在成为最强制卡师、最强驯兽师的路上,与妖狐兽、迪路兽及三位青梅竹马恋爱的轻松故事。(绝大部分是数码宝贝设定,也会涉及到少部分宝可梦,纯爱后宫流。)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我老婆是妖狐兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80534 >>


内容简介:欢迎大家进我的书友群,660907385)五位绝世老者,教会秦墨一身本领。秦墨重回都市,开局一个人,一条狗。炼丹、修仙、做饭……我秦墨全都会!少年英雄,自间荒归来。誓要做这天地霸主,誓 要活个出人头地!华夏,因我秦墨归来;而震颤连连!1w84781-108588 >>


内容简介:姜弘穿越了,开局获得了属性加点系统。大到种田干饭,小到勾栏听曲,他都能随机获得属性加成,其中薅师姐羊毛获得的属性点最多,于是乎他走上了一条薅羊毛一去不复返的道路。【你和师姐一起交流论道 。】【体质】1w0-134763 >>


内容简介:  苏沐被修仙界召唤去了一部分灵魂,拥有了灵魂穿梭两界的能力,随即一个问题摆在了苏沐面前,如何才能够把修仙界东西搬运回地球!1w0-4561


内容简介:九十年代充满机遇与挑战。陆宁春为了让弟弟妹妹过上好日子,决定走出小山村进城奋斗,前往那座充满机遇的一夜崛起之城,做过服务员,当过工人,摆过小摊,开过酒楼,建过工厂……多年后,一辆黑色轿 车开进村里,事业有成的陆宁春回乡造福乡亲了。收获事业的同时也收获了一份真挚的爱情,那个他,原本一身公子病,只喜欢吃喝玩乐,却为了喜欢的姑娘改掉了身上的毛病,一直默默地陪伴在她身后,与她一起成长,不离不弃。1w25632-60197 >>


内容简介:这是中二少女拯救世界的故事计划安心farm几十年,静等紫薯,谁知高一那年夏,天上掉下个大姐姐——《惊奇女士》剧情开始了这又是斯克鲁尔人又是克里人的,还是安静和平的九十年代地球吗?到了高 二,连希阿帝国都来了,说是要争夺凤凰之力“什么?灭霸这鬼·父要收我当女儿,想凑齐银河杀手三姐妹?““星爵他爹找我报仇?”“说我的大招就是放鞭炮?别急,这次互乘起爆符通灵的是核弹”(抢先观看《惊奇女士》《x战警:黑凤凰》郑重承诺,本书无脑残剧情,人物智商在线,没有主角在大事件中好似可有可无的剧情,没毒点,自我感觉干草以上,请各位放心食用)群:928781376各位书友要是觉得《变身漫威的我也要当霸主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79176 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,竟意外重生在了东汉末年,成为了最年轻的西凉郡守!此时的天下太平道猖獗,氐、羌两族响应黄巾反叛,各郡县接连失守,关键时刻钟离觉醒了签到系统,签到就能变强!前往陇西郡签到【奖励十 万大雪龙骑】前往古都洛阳签到【奖励十万玄甲龙骧军】前往金帐王庭签到【奖励十万狼骑】此世天灾人祸并起,他虽是无意逐鹿,但也知苍生苦楚!传闻帝君出征之时,北击匈奴,西征大漠,一统九州,主宰中原,还天下一个朗朗乾坤!1w0-94005 >>


内容简介:  心狠手辣的李桑柔,遇到骄横跋扈的顾晞,就像王八看绿豆……1w0-1843

家庭淫魔 VIP未删节全本

内容简介:故事大约起先在两年以前,那年我十七岁,一个对性爱懵懵懂懂的年纪,由于母亲对我的管教甚严,所以我在高中以前几乎都不知道有关这方面的知识。而高中很凑巧的读了一间和尚学校,里头的学生全部都没 有异性,只有清一色的男性学生,想当然尔正处在青春期的我们,对于男女之事都是充满了好奇心的,但是我们当然没有正常的管道可以来了解,而学校里面也几乎都是晚娘脸孔的女老师,所以三俩哥们凑在一起,话题当然离不开有关性爱的东西。分享书籍《家庭淫魔VIP未删节全本》作者:狂龙使1w0-30081 >>

Butterfly In The Air

From Transcendence: Zhong Xiaohui is convinced that things are finally starting to fall into place - That is, until her mother falls terminally ill. In order to save her mother's life, our heroine will need a fortune she does not have. And just in time, Lan Dongcheng, the young, rich, and handsome hospital director, is willing to offer her the money she needs...under one condition. But what does this mysterious man want? And as the plot thickens, it seems like everything centers around a certain butterfly tattoo. Love and Betrayal await you in this breathtaking and elaborately drawn full-color series!


From Miista Manga Fox: 12 year old, Momoki Asuka, first met his soon to be step brother, Momoki Yui. The brothers were closer than the average step brothers, until one fateful summers day, they both accidentally get locked in a cabinet together for one hour, at a abandoned warehouse, near their family vacation destination. However, after they finally escape, something life changing happened to 7 year old Yui in that cabinet. Yui began avoiding Asuka, by joining his school Tennis club. -10 Years Later- Life has changed for 17 year old Yui and 22 year old Asuka. Yui is a super tennis star, whilst Asuka is still depressed that his younger brother is ignoring him. As Asuka is still being avoided by Yui, the family decides to go to the same family vacation destination 10 years ago. Although, for the first time in 10 years, Yui chooses to join along with the family. At the same abandoned warehouse, Asuka gets stuck in a hole, until Yui purposely joins and gets stuck with him. Now that the two brothers are together, Yui reveals the secrets of what happened to him in the Cabinet 10 years ago, and how it had changed him. What will the brothers do, now that their secrets are revealed? Will they grow further apart or will they become closer? Yuzuha Ougi's story, Brother, recounted in a hypnotic, dreamy prose, brotherly love, encapsulates the perfect true love feeling of sexual tension and alienation. Sequel: Brother 2

Aruhi Totsuzen Koi Wa Kuru?!

Collection of oneshots that largely revolve around the Hadano brothers. 1) Sudden Love 2) Us From Now On - Younger brother Hadano Takeru from chapter one is dating fellow student Isehara. But Isehara has a secret that involves Takeru's older brother Hikaru. 3) Sudden Appearance - Kousaka sensei and Hikaru get freaky on the beach. 4) Infinite Sensation Supplement - Masamichi is the personal doctor of the Setoyama family and must obey Tadasuki the young head of the family. But when Tadasuki wants his young cousin Asuma to be 'prepared for love', Masamichi finds the task may be more than he can handle. 4a) People of the Hadano Household (2 page extra) - Youngest Hadano brother, Kaoru, attempts to introduce readers to the mysterious eldest Hadano brother, Satoru. 5) One Day, An Angel Flutters Down - Gifted at almost everything, Komadori still hasn't recovered from his failure of capturing a girl's heart due to his inability to express feelings. Ren, a gorgeous actor, helps him to learn the language of love. - Attractive Fascinante


A collection of one-shots. 1) Two boys are at odds with each other-- The trigger towards hot, gay sex? Eaten pudding and a girl with pigtails. 2) Jun confesses to the one he likes, only to be told he doesn't want to be with someone 'inexperienced'. Therefore, foreplay, a promiscuous boy, determination and jealousy lead to hot gay sex. 3) A group of classmates play chocolate roulette - a game of roulette which includes Guarana chocolate, which has the effect of an aphrodisiac. When Ogasawara draws it, his classmate cooperates to release his desire. [Prequel to Mix Mix Chocolate chapter 1.] 4) A very popular student uses his classmate to evade his girlfriends. But once girl gets angry and hits the classmate, then the hero takes him to the school infirmary, where bottled-up feelings leads to a confession.. and then some. 5) At a school festival, the right of Shimohira is put for auction. He is bought by the boy in which he had rejected a few years prior. After the revelation that the feelings once confessed still lingered, Shimohira reveals something rather surprising... 6) A tedious rich son orders his servant to preform an -ahem- lude task, which leads to something more. [YUMMY SHOTA] 7) A student decides to blindfold the one he likes, seducing him, all the while refusing to reveal his identity. Rather hot, gay sex ensues.

Left Tackle Thayer

Left Tackle Thayer summary: Left Tackle Thayer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Left Tackle Thayer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

To The World Full Of Pussy

To The World Full Of Pussy summary: Kiann 18 years old young man was considered trash in the world full of summoners as he still can 't make a contract to a summoned spirit at this age. When one was 13 he will receive the gift of G.o.d and gain the knowledge to write and activate the inscription circle to transport themselves temporarily at the spirit world to make a contract to a spirit. So until now he has none. He almost give up...

Positive Energy System

Positive Energy System summary: Ji Chen Ai has always wanted to be a good person until he was physically disabled for some reason. When he has been neglected by his parents, Ji Chen Ai just smile. When he is being bullied by his brother, Ji Chen Ai just smile. However, when someone pushes him and his wheelchair down the stairs, Ji Chen Ai can’t smile anymore. But why is it during this time, something came out suddenly and tell him that he must be a good person?! System: Our goal is — No! More! Bad! People!

Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium

Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium summary: Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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