














简介改编自小说《都市修炼狂潮》 每周六更新不定时暴更!!! 撩人小姐姐过分了,我把你当兄弟,你却想跟我发生关系?少年欠下巨额校园贷,被逼走投无路。幸得小哥哥相助,偶得武者药水,这才重塑基因,逆天改命!漫画粉丝群:933681470 欢迎进群吹x,唠嗑。


















内容简介:  学霸系统降临。  只要学习,就可以增加积分!  “叮!您解答了数学题目,数学积分+2”  “叮!你查看了英语单词,英语积分+1”  “叮!您进行了一次化学分析,化学积分+1000”   “叮!…..”  “您的化学积分已经足够,等级提升:三级!!”  当学习变成刷积分的时候。  苏牧终于可以理直气壮的说。  “我要从今天开始当学霸!”  “而且是全能学霸!!”  ……  轻松校园风,无敌文,可放心食用  书友交流群:665、041、3251w0-4108 >>


内容简介:蓝星少年因救人而死感动创世之神穿越到斗罗大陆,以比比东的纯血脉降生,成功夺取唐三的主角光环,被天水学院院长收养,由于强烈的意志觉醒了黑暗蛛皇和噬魂蛛皇。“这一世武魂殿的悲惨结局由我改变 !”去TM的史莱克,武魂殿必胜!和唐三竞争,揭穿伪君子玉小刚虚伪的一面,拒绝圣母。1w0-72384 >>


内容简介:这个时代,诡异当道,夜晚人人闭户不出,街上妖魔横行,只有强大的武力才能够保证自身。幸好你能够合成武学,在这诡异的世界也能有自保之力。“白玉基础桩功61提升天赋的白玉桩”“十斤铁砂基础拳 脚61威力十足的铁砂掌”“十五斤铁锭基础炼体诀61刀枪不入的铁布衫”“吐息功二十斤金属61金行功”你思索片刻,看向了手边的小皇叔,准备看看这个能合成出来什么。1w0-62184 >>


内容简介:【1v1双洁团宠病娇穿书】现代中医大佬穿进一本叫《病娇男主杀疯了》的网文里,成了患有心疾的五岁炮灰小萝莉。小萝莉虽然身娇体弱,却被七个逆天狂拽的反派哥哥们团宠。什么镇国将军、腹黑首辅、 皇商首富、武林盟主、五谷先生、机关大师、第一神厨……自家哥哥们实在太优秀,可惜在原文里却被那病娇男主团灭!为救哥哥们,彤宝决定先下手为强!汤里下毒?某男主:彤宝心疼我,给我煲汤。买通杀手?某男主:彤宝心疼我,特意请人护我!爬床抹喉?某男主:彤宝她已经迫不及待想嫁我?彤宝:你踏马到底脑补了什么??病娇男主微微一笑,将国玺放在彤宝面前:“乖,叫一声夫君,命都给你。”1w0-75605 >>




内容简介:豁达健气受vs阴沉心机攻林真从床上爬起来,就发现自己成了同名同姓,丈夫刚死,还有一个八岁继子的寡夫郎。由于被那小崽子误会想卷着他爹的财产和人私奔,小崽子要跟着舅舅住,觉着自己不会照顾人 的林真松了一口气,安顿好他回原身的家,带着家人发家致富奔小康。哪想到小崽子舅舅舅母为了银子虐待小崽子,他这个继爹只能收拾了舅舅舅母将其接回来,顺便为了不让孩子长歪,将其送进学堂。童生,秀才,举人,状元顾凛越来各位书友要是觉得《穿成寡夫郎之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-94543 >>


内容简介:地球陷入危机,第一批闯关者进入闯关世界。闯关世界极尽凶险,通关者生,失败者消失,全人类不能幸免。莫砚非酋了二十几年,一朝进入闯关世界。闯关声音不怀好意:非酋体质加成,关卡难度up,祝您 饱受磋磨!莫砚愣住,饱受磋磨?快逃。非酋体质加成,莫砚被关卡boss追杀,一不小心闯入黑不见光的树林,死亡概率急速上升。谁知身后传来声音:追杀时间过长,能源消耗完毕,停止追杀!莫砚兵不血刃,顺利通关。饱受磋磨?不可能的。一拳就是一个关卡boss,看我如何C位通关。看着榜单池上金光熠熠的名字,莫·C位·砚邪魅一笑,天赋技能【以我为主,为我所用】在手,任你是非酋体质还是欧皇体质,通通让步,拜倒脚下。关长洲看着天赋技能带给自己的欧皇体质,望向旁边的人,耳朵有点红,假装淡定道:你开心就好。-组队闯关拿道具,朋友一生一起走。我们的地球,由我们自己来守护!聪明腹黑乐观吐槽非酋受×温柔强大坚定深情沉稳欧皇攻莫砚×关长洲C位通关,拯救地球,顺便谈了个恋爱?阅读指南:①1v1,强强②无限流,不恐怖③有单人副本也有团队副本④其他的想到再加吧⑤最后,祝大家万事顺遂,阅读愉快!1w0-106366 >>


内容简介:反派沉迷我的毛茸茸是玖宝创作的经典的小说作品反派沉迷我的毛茸茸小兵提供反派沉迷我的毛茸茸最新章节全文免费阅读,反派沉迷我的毛茸茸下载,反派沉迷我的毛茸茸全文字更新,反派沉迷我的毛茸茸无 弹窗!请关注反派沉迷我的毛茸茸吧,本站最新最快更新反派沉迷我的毛茸茸的最新章节。1w0-81506 >>


内容简介:  天才少年叶麟,因为一场意外,回到了过去,一个他完全陌生的年代,看叶麟……  已有两本完本精品,质量有保障,请大家放心收藏。  为方便大家交流讨论,可进书友群:292724802(无 要求)!VIP群:135356857(两千粉丝值,需验证)1w0-164 >>


内容简介:一个潦倒的普通人,在上苍的一点眷顾下,最后如何站在世界的顶峰成为全球的商业巨人,而背后的身份又是最让人闻风丧胆的地下皇帝就连国际联盟组织也惧怕几分一部惊险香艳而又神奇的欲望之旅等着我们 一起去经历1w0-82311 >>


内容简介:你有远程?不好意思,我的大秦箭阵早就瞄准了你。你有骑兵?我的关宁铁骑可不是吃素的,我的大汉铁骑,蒙古铁骑可征战天下。你的将军厉害?不好意思,白起你去给他上一课。炎黄军魂系统,召唤华夏上 下所有超级兵团,诸天万界皆在我手!1w0-83157 >>


内容简介:修复书画,游历时空。书中有妖兽凶煞,有仙侠修士,有不该存在的异常故事,更有光怪陆离的里世界。乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《里世界修书匠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦 !1w0-85520 >>

Secret Garden (Amagatsu Toriko)

From Lililicious: Misono and Masami are working women in a long-term relationship; they even live together. Most of the story revolves around their sexual exploits, but there are also some sweet domestic moments.

Velvet Going Underground

A collection of short stories: Le théâtre de A 1.Oeufs D'ange - Tenshi no Tamago A man is asked by a young painter to be her model. 2. Velvet Going Underground A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue. 3. Childhood's End Alastair runs away and meets the Rabbit. 4. Bite Me Something Allistaire followed Mr. Rabbit all the way to Wonderland. Will he be able to find him among the crowd? 5. Long Along Alonging A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive? 6. Till Dawn In a dark tower, a caged voice is singing until a hunted man enters the darkness. 7. Leçon un Sequel to Long Along Alonging. 8. My Skin on My Back 9. Highland Walker Sequel to Leçon un. 10. Perfect World The story of a young wife whose husband is infected with a fatal disease called Flower-Blossomitis. 11. Perfect Lady Sequel to Perfect World and drawn especially for this book. 12-13. Looks Like a Teaspoon A boy named Allistaire is often teased at his all-boys school. One night he dresses like a girl and stumbles upon the boy who often bullies him, Simon. Allistaire runs off into a tower and as Simon runs after him, we see the sign 'Welcome to Wonderland' hanging by the tower's door. 14. The Pearl Blue Story Do you believe in mermaids? Coggy, a young boy finds a mysterious lady laying down near the shore of the beach. He brings her home to help her. 15. I Am a Piano A piano tells the story of her life and the people she encounters. 16. Parade Le théâtre de B 1. Noël A short story about a holiday romance. 2. Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken (The Teddy Bear Murder Case) Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. 3. Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken 4. A is for Alice Alastair, a grown man, is off to follow the Rabbit once again to return to Wonderland. 5. Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume (The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl) A story about a girl in her death bed finding another chance in life in the body of a doll. 6. B&W (Black&White) A story about a boy waiting for his sister. 7. Le Jardin du thé (The Tea Garden) A mysterious story about a poor young man who orders a kind of tea called Huan Ying – “The Illusion”. 8-9. Free Fitting for Her A priest and his captured vampire must save a naive and selfish young girl from the murderous desires of a Lolicon. But perhaps this girl isn't all that she seems. 10. Rose Dusk, Pale Moon 11. Hello, My Sister 12. The Happy Prince 13. Welcome to Wonderland Simon, Alastair's old classmate, is now a grown man who bumps into his childhood Wonderland traveller.

Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo

Rebellious and outcast boy, Chiwoo, has been searching for his identity and purpose all his life. But when he finally finds out about his father being a Mangnani, a mysterious executioner who carries out God's judgment, he is confronted by an Emperor and his army who are determined to obliterate all Mangnanies. A Mangnani's dance prior to beheading a sinner determines the fate of one's afterlife - the forgiveness from God, or eternal damnation. Can you forgive someone by killing him? Can you love someone by cutting his head off? That's what a Mangnani does, and that's what Chiwoo has to find out.

Velvet Going Underground

A collection of short stories: Le théâtre de A 1.Oeufs D'ange - Tenshi no Tamago A man is asked by a young painter to be her model. 2. Velvet Going Underground A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue. 3. Childhood's End Alastair runs away and meets the Rabbit. 4. Bite Me Something Allistaire followed Mr. Rabbit all the way to Wonderland. Will he be able to find him among the crowd? 5. Long Along Alonging A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive? 6. Till Dawn In a dark tower, a caged voice is singing until a hunted man enters the darkness. 7. Leçon un Sequel to Long Along Alonging. 8. My Skin on My Back 9. Highland Walker Sequel to Leçon un. 10. Perfect World The story of a young wife whose husband is infected with a fatal disease called Flower-Blossomitis. 11. Perfect Lady Sequel to Perfect World and drawn especially for this book. 12-13. Looks Like a Teaspoon A boy named Allistaire is often teased at his all-boys school. One night he dresses like a girl and stumbles upon the boy who often bullies him, Simon. Allistaire runs off into a tower and as Simon runs after him, we see the sign 'Welcome to Wonderland' hanging by the tower's door. 14. The Pearl Blue Story Do you believe in mermaids? Coggy, a young boy finds a mysterious lady laying down near the shore of the beach. He brings her home to help her. 15. I Am a Piano A piano tells the story of her life and the people she encounters. 16. Parade Le théâtre de B 1. Noël A short story about a holiday romance. 2. Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken (The Teddy Bear Murder Case) Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. 3. Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken 4. A is for Alice Alastair, a grown man, is off to follow the Rabbit once again to return to Wonderland. 5. Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume (The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl) A story about a girl in her death bed finding another chance in life in the body of a doll. 6. B&W (Black&White) A story about a boy waiting for his sister. 7. Le Jardin du thé (The Tea Garden) A mysterious story about a poor young man who orders a kind of tea called Huan Ying – “The Illusion”. 8-9. Free Fitting for Her A priest and his captured vampire must save a naive and selfish young girl from the murderous desires of a Lolicon. But perhaps this girl isn't all that she seems. 10. Rose Dusk, Pale Moon 11. Hello, My Sister 12. The Happy Prince 13. Welcome to Wonderland Simon, Alastair's old classmate, is now a grown man who bumps into his childhood Wonderland traveller.

Aura: Koga Maryuin's Final Battle

Aura: Koga Maryuin's Final Battle summary: Ichiro Sato formerly suffered from a case of youthful delusions of fantasy and grandeur, which caused him to be bullied throughout middle school. Now in high school, he strives to be a normal student. Unfortunately, his teacher has entrusted him with the care of a girl with a similar case of delusions.

The Crimson Flash

The Crimson Flash summary: The Crimson Flash summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Crimson Flash. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Southern Highlanders

Our Southern Highlanders summary: Our Southern Highlanders summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Southern Highlanders. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island

The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island summary: The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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