

















简介已完结。 机缘巧合之下,女神与小胖妹互换身体,怎么偏偏在这正爽的当口!看小胖妹绝地反击各种人渣!看女神如何认识什么是爱……

通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...












内容简介:王立无意间来到了木叶村,并且获得了合成系统!影分身手里剑之术手里剑影分身之术螺旋丸雷切螺旋闪电丸地爆天星豪火球之术溶岩爆裂于是王立开始缠着鸣人,疯狂向其讨教多重影分身之术,以及击败三代 火影的那招禁术!王立:要不去找木叶丸学吧!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《木叶我能合成忍术》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76987 >>


内容简介:嬴高重生大秦,开局就在巨鹿之战,此时项羽八战八捷,千古人雄的名声,就差最后一胜!开启召唤系统,千古人雄赵云杀来,救王离、收章邯、退项羽、诛赵高、三世而立!破釜沉舟不再是美谈!当李广带着 三十万并州狼骑封狼居胥;赵云率领白马义从马踏罗马,威震欧洲;甘宁在美洲插上了大秦的龙旗!除了世界毁灭,没有人能够阻止大秦帝国的扩张!1w21613-27792 >>




内容简介:#任务进行时,请保持严谨#『小姐姐您好,您已绑定绿茶攻略系统,是否了解详情』round1“你男朋友好像生气了,你去陪他吧,我没关系的…”予兮低着头拽着她的衣袖轻轻晃着,不经意抬头,眼圈 红红的,“只是会有点想你而已。”“乖,他不是我男朋友,姐姐陪你。”round2“你对你男朋友真好呀,我要是你男朋友,肯定每天睡觉都要笑醒了……”“不过……上次我还看到你男朋友跟另一个好看的姐姐一起吃饭来着,不过没你好看哦,是你男朋友的亲戚吗?”“他没有亲戚,他是孤儿。”“啊?对不起对不起,我不知道,他……”round3“你跟你男朋友在游戏上怎么都不是情头啊?要是我的话,情头情侣名肯定都跟你用!!”“不用在意这些细节。”“那他在意什么?你跟他换嘛!反正是情侣,你男朋友不会不同意的,上次我还看到他跟另一个姐姐用情头来着。”“……”还是分了吧。×ד靳姐姐……”予兮咽了口口水。“别叫姐姐,叫老公!”1w0-79098 >>

品月录 (仿古NPH)

内容简介:Po18视频兄弟站PO①⑧Tv。CO秋家有女初长成,轩窗晓月动春情。自此芙帐鸳乐起,万绿丛中一点红。京郊首富掌上明珠VS英武大哥、倜傥二哥、腹黑藩王、忠犬侍卫、清冷道长反正被各种花样疼 爱,吃干抹净。1w0-27057 >>


内容简介:  这是一杯见鬼的维多利亚式奇幻小说。  加一勺蒸汽机,让那见鬼的科技树动起来!加一勺爱与憎恨,让大家好有理由打来打去!加一勺神经病,让这阴暗的世界轻松些,最后加一勺天灾来当主要bos s……等等!沃日倒多了!  ……  英尔维格历931年。  我所在的城市被评为西方最先进的城市。  主要原因呢,颠覆世界的蒸汽技术,新兴科技与混乱的源泉。  无法否认,可事实就是如此,来此居住的人还是络绎不绝。  这城市总会给你一丝希望,谎言也好,幻觉也罢,但就近在咫尺,仿佛触手可及,让你舍生忘死。  迷幻的城市。  我正是逐梦之人。  群号11215444541w0-1577 >>


内容简介:文案一:从小锦衣玉食的杜家千金杜友薇,临死前才尝到了没钱是什么滋味。重来一次,她再不去潘静和张圣泽的爱情里扮演恶毒女配,只想好好守护家人和家人的钱,普普通通地过完她富豪的一生。损友发现 最近再怎么给杜友薇吹耳旁风,她都油盐不进,急得跳脚:“杜友薇,你怎么这么没出息!”杜友薇:“我不要出息,我就要小钱钱,略略略。”文案二:重生后的杜友薇发现远离了潘静和张圣泽后,天更蓝了,水更甜了,钱更多了,世界都美好了。直到她遇到人人闻风丧胆的张少言,传说中张家真正的大佬,比张圣泽还要惹不起一亿倍。杜友薇:我完了,我还能再来一次吗?张少言:别问,问就是不可能。文案三:张少言在无数个忍受剧烈头痛折磨的夜里,靠着听同一首歌缓解痛苦。后来他终于找到了唱这首歌的人,传说中杜家最没出息的千金杜友薇。再一次病发时,他将杜友薇压在床上,独属于他的气息汹涌而来,炙热的呼吸吐在她耳畔:“出声。”张少言有病,杜友薇是唯一的药。1w0-4898 >>


内容简介:穿越异世、携带着九焰天火塔,韩风开始了强者之旅! 修炼九焰异火诀,燃尽世间万物!真元、真晶、领域、神元、混沌、世界、意志,统统化为灰烬! 且看少年韩风,如何在异世各大天才当中一飞冲天, 踏破苍穹,成就至尊之位!1w0-3849 >>




内容简介:天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮》宋咿祁淮著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文内容。1w0 -75557 >>


内容简介:  一场大唐盛世的际遇,自由搏击选手李业附身为大唐李嗣业,一个尚未成为陌刀将的男人。从盛世长安到安西四镇,从里坊曲巷到大漠边城,灭吐蕃,平突厥,征大食,男儿当赤膊奋起,当嗣业者,人马俱 碎!1w0-1951 >>



Abe Seimei Koikatari

In the Abe Seimei Koikatari series V.1 - Hana no Utage 1. Feast of the Flowers Ming became blind after an unknown illness two years ago. One night, she meets a man in her dreams who restores her sight. She falls in love with him, but how will she find him again? 2. The Girl Among the Moonlilies A princess chases a firefly which leads her to a man. She is so surprised by him that she steps backward and accidentally falls over a cliff, losing her memory. What will happen to her? 3. Moon's Dew; Star's Tears 4. Winter's Bloom V.2 - Hanakanmuri no Hime (The Flower Crown Princess) 1. The Golden Phoenix, the Silver Phoenix A princess longs for a lost love and almost loses her life until a mysterious exorcist opens her heart and mind to the truth and to what has been right in front of her all along. 2. The Hime with the Flower Crown A young princess learns with the help of a mysterious young boy that putting away childish things may ultimately lead to a fulfilling new world and to the fulfilment of her beloved father's wish. 3. Memories of a Flower While trying to solve the mystery behind the ghostly apparition of his beloved princess, a young man learns to ease his own sadness. V.3 - Hanaemi no Otome 1. Hanaemi no Otome A daughter of a high status man is being cursed by Douman, a man with strong spiritual power. Abe Seimei is set to save her. 2. Kaze no Hatsune Story of young Douman's love, and also of how he met Seimei for the first time. 3. Tsukimiya no Maihime V.4 - Hana Akari no Yakusoku

Colorful Harvest

Ryosuke returns back to his birthplace to help run his family's vineyard after his father gets hospitalized. He has sour memories of his hometown after being shut down by the girl next door, who he admired from day one. That's the whole reason why he's never returned after moving to Tokyo, to attend College, 3 years ago. Despite his reluctant return, Ryosuke happens to be quite popular with the ladies. His sexual endeavors start off with a fling with a former high school classmate, a charming girl working at his parent's vineyard, and a sexy nurse. He even manages to allure the girl next door who he has been dreaming of his whole life but...

Watarai-Kun Ke No Youkai-San

From Dragon&Fly Scans: The story revolves around a family of five. Due to a financial crisis, the family moved to the countryside. After they moved into their new house, a spirit appeared and threatened to kick them out. What will happen to them? What on earth is the spirit? This is a sweet family comedy you shouldn't miss!

Ayashi No Kimi No Koiwazurai

From Loveless: The protectors of a certain fox deity shrine happen to be Unka, an overly-serious red fox with a low social status, and Aura, a delinquent, pure-bred white fox. Can Unka, who is unable to express himself honestly, and Aura, who always goes all-out to get what he wants, really fall in love!? For another adult animal-eared series, check out the postscript at the end...

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

A Sequel For The Villainess?

A Sequel For The Villainess? summary: After my engagement with the Crown Prince was broken off, I was thrown away in the slums. I started to live as a commoner and yet… Why am I summoned by the King now? I live like a commoner so, please leave me alone. My plans are over…

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise summary: At long last, Fu Zhi, the mysterious heiress who had developed countless technologies was given two guardians by the country! Initially, the Lu Brothers shut her out when she joined the Lu Family. However, after spending some time with her, they began to warm up to her and took turns showing their brotherly love for her by throwing money at her.
Lu Yumo would say, “My sister just came from the countryside, so don’t scare her.”
Lu Yushen would say, “My sister is fragile, so don’t bully her.”
Lu Yubai would say, “My sister is not good at studying, so don’t laugh at her.”
Nevertheless, it soon became clear to them that the little girl from the countryside was not what they had imagined.
One day, a reporter took a photo of a professor carrying her purse and having a meal with her.
The professor said, “She is my teacher, and I’m her student.”
The crowd was surprised. “What?”
Another day, a different reporter snapped a photo of a business magnate serving her tea.
The business magnate said, “She is my boss, and I’m her employee.”
The crowd was shocked. “What?”
On a different day, a group of reporters spotted the biggest esports bigwig stepping down from his throne and helping her get rid of a sc.u.mbag.
The bigwig said, “Stop all this hara.s.sment and the rumors. She’s my sponsor.”
The netizens asked, “Just how many supporters do you have?
The country’s official portal responded, “We’re her strongest supporter.”

Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress summary: Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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