





















漫威VS卡普空: 两个世界的命运

《漫威VS卡普空3》前传漫画!The Earths Mightiest Heroes are all here!Who will rise to the Top?!










内容简介:京城出了大新闻:乔爷守了十二年的小媳妇跑了,跑了!连儿子都不要了!一时间流言四起:听说是乔爷腹黑又高冷、婚后生活不和谐;听说是小媳妇和别人好上了;听说是儿子太丑。某天,小奶娃找到了叶佳 期,委屈巴巴:“七七,爸爸说我是宠物店买的。”“宠物店怎么能买到这么漂亮的儿子。”叶佳期呵呵笑,“明明是……摸奖中的。”小奶娃望天:“……”二十岁前,他把她宠上天;二十岁后,他把她和小包子宠上各位书友要是觉得《乔斯年叶佳期》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w57-4718 >>


内容简介:文文从29章入V,日更6000,防盗比例70,谢谢亲们的支持。作为一本修真爽文的主角,为什么萧冕如此清纯另类不做作?一言不合杀人爆尸,不看对错,只看心情。但主角的心情就跟大姨妈一样,每 个月总有那么一次不爽,一次三十天……说好的天道宠儿,为何要毁灭世界?天道觉得好受伤,儿子养大了不听话了只想R天C地怎么办?在线等,挺急的!系统:【拯救世界(神经病)的时候到了!】呵呵,温雅只有一句话想说!我敲里lailai!萧冕:【师父骂脏话了呢!可爱,想日!】废材炮灰师父带着拥有主角气运的天才徒弟一路摸爬滚打(?)求仙问道的故事。系统:【明明只是在谈恋爱啊魂淡!】,HE。女主前期弱,会慢慢成长。2男主前期是一个半大的团子,很快会长大。3日更,跪求收藏,么么哒!三观不合,萌点不同的请点叉,不接受人生攻击。预收文求收藏请点击作者专栏收藏此作者包养并查看详情文名:《大魔王的小酒窝》方锦在临死前发现了一个大秘密!传说中冷漠无情,杀人如麻,从没有过任何表情的面瘫魔尊!他居然有一对小酒窝!!HE甜甜甜2一笑就崩人设的万年面瘫魔尊(划掉)VS超级酒窝控迷妹魔怂怂1w0-86080 >>


内容简介:  看成败,人生豪迈,一切不过是从头再来。  我是林扬!  这是我的故事!1w0-4425




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者言晚安的经典小说:《顶流小可爱成了六个哥哥的团宠》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【团宠爽文超甜娱乐圈】某吃瓜论坛爆料:被全网黑的假千金沈听 溪竟然做出这种事儿!众黑粉普天同庆:苍天有眼,沈听溪终于要退出娱乐圈了吗?楼主回帖:不…她不仅回家继承亿万家产,还有了六个护妹狂魔的亲哥哥……众黑粉:???我不信!!!数月之后,沈听溪成为娱乐圈顶流,整个圈子都为之震撼!红毯之上,沈听溪和某位神隐多年的大满贯影帝狭路相逢,少数几个黑粉叫嚣:沈听溪你得到了全世界,你也得不到这个男人的心!1w0-68666 >>


内容简介:通知:更新时间每天早上七点。撩遍三界,无数女修口中的妖艳贱货狐仙姝儿意外绑定女配系统,渣男贱女争相把脸凑上去……姝儿:我就问你们脸疼不疼?渣男:姝儿再打我一次!【总裁的娇纵未婚妻】总裁 :小优她这么单纯,哪像你?嚣张任性,娇纵傲慢。我们分手吧!女主:好啊!好心提醒一句:她肚子里的孩子是你爸爸的。【影帝的网红前女友】影帝:靠脸吃饭的花瓶而已,你还真把自己当盘菜?女主:据说有很多人想要吃我这盘菜。【少城主的废材娇妻】少城主:要不是指腹为婚,你以为我会多看你一眼?女主:赶紧退婚,拳皇的聘礼已经在送来的路上啦。【民国少帅的娇媚妾】少帅:汪家早就败了,看在叔叔的份上给你一个姨娘的名份,你竟然不识抬举。女主:依我看,少帅府也该败了。【知青的傻白甜女友】【校草的软糯小青梅】【世子的农家下堂妇】……排雷:1、苏爽打脸文2、1V1,男主至始至终只有一个最近会开的连载文《超级女神》,求预收!修真界天才少女朴心只差一步便可成神;意外穿越成一个被催眠后扔在垃圾堆里的女孩;无论身处何方,实力才是王道!满分学神,朴心超高智商秒杀全校;天才神医,朴心一手银针起死回生;盛世美颜,朴心仙姿玉貌声名鹊起;当原主身份之谜一点点剥开,朴心冷哼一声:“犯我底线者,为贱必斩!”基友の文《总裁的女装天师》BY春风无邪《奸臣之子》BY花心者《种田之美食大亨》BY凡尘片叶《世叔》BY长沟落月《影后是只小飞猫》BY凡尘片叶1w0-95319 >>


内容简介:【医妃虐渣打脸先婚后爱甜宠日常】虞知知一朝被撞死穿成跟她同名同姓的丞相府庶女虞知知,刚来就被送上花轿,替嫡姐嫁给瞎眼的梁王。她本来想偷溜,不想梁王虽眼瞎,但整个人全长在她的审美点上,所 以她决定暂时不溜了,留下来跟梁王谈一场没谈过的恋爱。顺便查查身世,报报仇,把那些个试图算计她的都打脸回去,夫妻合力,走上人生巅峰。1w0-107558 >>




内容简介:“陛下,你可知你为什么会被篡位灭国?因为你的男宠太多了。”夏九璃:“……滚!”月锦渊前世为了自己的好兄弟出生入死,最后却被一箭穿心而死。重生而来的他立誓要让那个叛徒一无所有,血债血偿。 咦好兄弟被换了芯子而且还是一个女人?顿时,他整个人都变得不好了,这个仇还要不要报?医术超然性格诡然的1w0-126589 >>




内容简介:  平民少年罗天,身怀绝世之资,却被误认为废脉者。偶得无上天书,开启至强神脉,修造化神诀,一飞冲天,震烁万古。  从世俗底层,到万界诸天,横压当世天骄,纵横万千宗门,睥睨神话万族,成就 不朽不灭永恒超脱的万古至尊之王!  ①本书是天才流,非废材流  ②已完本《主宰之王》、《仙鸿路》等作品,品质有保证。1w0-575 >>


内容简介:少年李夜,生下即渡劫,誓要走一条与众不同的修行之路。随先生上天山修行,披一肩风雨,斩一山飞雪......下山回城遇退婚风波,狠心女人欲要斩草除根......行一路烟雨,踏一江春水... ...少年国师笑傲南疆,灭敌于南云城前......遇外敌内匪,踏修罗刀山......身陷黑洞,降临修罗域,天途道断,且看我如何踏天而行,搅动两界风云。1w0-3321 >>

Gensou Suikoden - Uketsugareshi Monshiyou

Due to the friendship he had with Ted, McDohl's attempt to save him eventually turned his life around from being the son of General Teo McDohl of the Imperial Army to become a wanted enemy of the Empire. A chosen bearer of one of the 27 True Runes, his encounters with death were already foreboding the moment the True Rune was attached to his right hand. Yet, McDohl continues to walk upon the journey through the Empire: facing corruption, cruelty and the life-changing decisions he has to make in order to restore order and peace for the people in his country and to fulfill the hope of many that was entrusted to him. Based on the PSOne video game, it is also loosely based on the Water Margin classics, though it's limited only to the gathering of 108 Stars of Destiny in order to overthrow a corrupt government.

Fiancee Shitai

Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic) From Baka-Updates: 1) I Want to Be a Fiancée (Fiancée Shitai). (There are 5 chapters to this story). Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom - and he has such a weird name - so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? 2) My Darling in the Infirmary Room (Hoken Shitsu no My Darling) Maki doesn't mind a few cuts and bruises if it'll earn her a ticket to the campus infirmary room. That's because her school's doctor is handsome Takashiro, age 23, single. She works so hard to make passes at him - and Takashiro knows it. But is Maki really so busy trying to catch his attention that she doesn't notice...?

Mahou Wo Shinjirukai?

It's a cute story involving a girl that could see Shinigamis. One is trying to claim the life of her boyfriend and she'll do everything she can to stop it...

Back To The Hero

Back to the Hero summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Back to the Hero. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Am A Truck Driver

I Am A Truck Driver summary: I Am A Truck Driver summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I Am A Truck Driver. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hello Mr. King

Hello Mr. King summary: Yun Xiangxiang was a well-regarded celebrity in her previous life.
This life, she wants to be a proper actor.
Have a good reputation, rather have nothing than everything and not rely on the words from her fans. The products are quality. Firmly plant her own feet to the ground and only rely on herself to take the throne, step by step.
Yet, she accidentally got entangled with a world-cla.s.s big shot.
Ever since then, the world-cla.s.s big shot followed her on Weibo. He would gift her advanced technological goods for protection. Create rings that no one else can wear but her. He would glorify her family name so he can go through fire to watch over.
Until he finally embraced her, “It’s too dangerous for you. You can only be safe if you become my wife.”
Yun Xiangxiang: &h.e.l.lip;

Cottage Grove: More Than A Memory

Cottage Grove: More Than A Memory summary: Cottage Grove: More Than A Memory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cottage Grove: More Than A Memory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Harbor

The Harbor summary: The Harbor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Harbor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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