







细思极恐 M

类别悬疑 恐怖












人類老公配上鋼鐵機械老婆?! 用愛剋服現實的重重難關 不平凡的婚姻生活就此展開!!












内容简介:《病弱美人自救系统(快穿)》为作者十里长堤创作,作品病弱美人自救系统(快穿)章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供十里长堤精心编写原创病弱美人自救系统(快穿)及无弹窗病弱美人自救系统(快穿)最 新章节,病弱美人自救系统(快穿)全文免费阅读。1w0-32417 >>


内容简介:   “周小栀,请问一下您这次拿下双料影后有什么感想??” ”我最想感谢的就是我的前男友,没有他就没有我的今天。“ 手握双料影后的周小栀云淡风轻的说道。 …… ”楠姐,这一次 获得双料视后的桂冠,您有什么想说的吗?“ ”我要谢谢我的前男友,谢谢你,当初和你离婚背叛你的人应该已经后悔了。“ 电视一姐鲍楠依旧口直心快的说道。 …… ”李老师,这一次新综艺获得观众最喜欢的节目,您现在心情如何?“ ”我心情很平静,你们应该懂的,我前男友什么时候失败过呢?‘ 综艺一姐李佳冰嘴角露出一丝笑容说道。 ……1w0-1832 >>


内容简介:《我的征途是民国》是光景精心创作的科幻小说,恋上你看书网实时更新我的征途是民国最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的我的征途是民国评论,并不代表恋上你看书网赞同或者支持我的征途是民国 读者的观点。1w0-75541 >>


内容简介:此为《此间的少年》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《此间的少年》介绍:这是一个讲述我们熟悉的大学生活的故事,以宋代嘉佑年为时间背景,故事发生的地点在以北大为模版的汴京大学,登场的是我 们同样熟悉至极的乔峰、郭靖、令狐冲等大侠,不过在大学里,他们和我们当年没有什么不同,早上要去跑圈儿,初进校门的时候要扫舞盲,有睡不完的懒觉,站在远处默默注视自己心爱的姑娘……1w0-64491 >>




内容简介:某天,穿越数年的林辰,终于迎来了自己的金手指……一款修仙模拟器!【是否开启模拟?】林辰:“是。”【第一天,你死了。】林辰:“???”【一个时辰过去了,是否再次进行模拟?】林辰:“……是 。”【第一天,你走出道观,来到山上,偷偷观察着山腰下的道观……你死了。】林辰:“…原来,是这么用的吗?”【一个时辰过去了,是否进行模拟?】林辰:“是!”【第一天各位书友要是觉得《模拟修仙:我能固化天赋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73084 >>


内容简介:一艘高科技武装采矿船,从千年之后的世界,穿越时空到了二十一世纪,砸在了狄小虎面前。狄小虎撞大运了,不仅有任劳任怨的水手帮他挖矿赚钱,还有无数的金属资源供他挥霍。狄小虎语录:被一群美女弄 的头很疼!采矿船语录:我是海洋之王,凡人不要惹我!水手:承接走私、破坏、打捞、偷渡、押运、护航——1w0-77576 >>


内容简介:  【高定两万精品~】三百年前,灵气复苏。林曙光重生觉醒,从拔刀开始,征战四方。【击杀成功,夺取100000卡血气值】【获得杀法,一键提升】夺无尽气血,铸无敌力量,一路横推,极道无双, 升级属性伐神证道。1w0-4365 >>


内容简介:韩式AD:我对线不死。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我团战在胯下输出!林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我零失误。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:你暴毙很骄傲是吧!林淼:我是世界冠军!我有德莱文皮肤!我 承伤第一,肉身开团!林淼:我劣势绝不隐身,闪现永远向前,即便暴毙,也要在临死前将所有输出打出来,给中上制造收割机会!我只会站着死1w0-28871 >>


内容简介:我不要当白月光!穿书全文免费阅读笔趣阁,我不要当白月光!穿书全文免费阅读sodu,我不要当白月光!穿书全文免费阅读小说,我不要当白月光!穿书全文免费阅读顶点,我不要当白月光!穿书全文免 费阅读时茵,精选来自————我不要当白月光!穿书穿越时空娱乐圈穿书★时茵作为一个受国家保护的智脑发明者,在死后莫明穿进一本书中,成了文中被亲姐诬陷出轨,被重生种马男活活踢打流产后自杀的白月光女配只是时茵醒来后看着原主几乎毁容的脸,瘦骨如柴的身体,还有割腕自杀的伤口,时茵懵了,她是不是穿错人了?★9月26号入v,入v当天5更,欢迎小天使们收藏观看╯3╰★专栏有下一本言情新文《聚光灯下无人处》欢迎小天使们点进收藏╯3╰,以下文案:“我如果在你面前脫光光的话,你是不是还像现在一样无动于衷?”“是的!”“那我考验下你好不好?”“好!”“大骗子混蛋说好无动于衷的”★作者专栏有已完结文╯3╰:★《原点》无cp快穿文,有爱真尊的人“魔”但是真尊不懂爱╯3╰★《无法逃脱》耽美宠文,超甜超甜超甜的╯3╰★《不许跑》双性生子文,甜度upup无虐,小受娇柔体弱,有来月事情节,过于纯洁的小天使谨慎观看╯3╰1w0-106703 >>


内容简介:被闪电击中,却得到八百年的修仙记忆,且看沦为废物的叶尘,如何逆袭人生!(等更新的朋友可以看一下本人220万字老书:《我有一缕仙灵气》http://www.heiyan.com/book /80486,本人Q:387783348)(钻石票每满千加一更;打赏玉佩,冠名加一更。)1w0-3869 >>


内容简介:看梓同热门小说替嫁郎君:绝色俏神医最新章节请到小兵,该小说情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本难得的情节与文笔俱佳的好书,现在替嫁郎君:绝色俏神医最新章节是第695章顾忌,欢迎广大网友在线阅 读1w0-75544 >>

Akuma De Koibito

Story 1: Devil and Boyfriend Ever since she was young, Rinko has always been labelled as a 'Ohito yoshi baka' by everyone except for a young boy, Itsuki. Since then, Rinko has always had strong feelings for Itsuki, but will he ever be like that angel-like person she meet as a child or stay as the Akuma she has now gotten used to? Story 2: That's the Rabbit's Forest Madoka is a hardworker! One day her friend asks her to fill in for her as a house-keeper due to illness and Madoka gladly accepts. When she arrives at the apartment of the Art-College student who she's suppose to clean for she finds a scary shadow-like figure in a war-zone of trash. On top of that he yells and threatens to strip her and use her as a nude model. What mess has she gotten herself in!? And whats this? A rabbit-fetish? Story 3: Because, It's Love Jun has always had a mature and cold face, but she gets easily scared and cries when she's alone. The seniors are graduating and they don't have to go to school until their graduation. While Jun is cleaning the mops, a guy next to her accidentally splashes water all over himself. She hands him her handkerchief. This handkerchief is very important to her because a guy gave it to her while she was crying but she never saw his face. Before she knows it, the guy's friends drag him away with the handkerchief.

Highschool Of The Dead

Highschool of the Dead is set in present day Japan, starting as the planet is hit with a fatal pandemic that turns people into zombies, euphemistically referred to from the primary characters as 'Them' (?? Yatsura?). The storyline follows a number of highschool students (as well as the college nurse) as they cope using a world-wide catastrophic event called the 'Outbreak'. They also have to confront the further risks of social fall, in the kind of dangerous survivors, and the potential decay of their particular moral codes as the cast attempts to survive the zombie apocalypse. Beginning in the HS, the pupils getaway into town at the place where they have to cope with his pupils and a tainted teacher. They get a dog as well as a small girl, and assess for survivors in their houses. Afterwards, they finally make their way to an elementary-school which is allegedly a secure zone, go through a police station, and last in a shopping center.

Soft Romantic

From BAA: Shuka Nakagawa is a man in a woman's manga world. Cute, into feminine things, he and his new editor, Kenji Asama, have to compete with women artists for publication. With Kenji's support, just how far can Shuka go... and how far can he fall?

Mahoutsukai No Neko

Rio is a 14 year old boy with no particular special traits, except his burning love for books. He’s awkward and considered odd at best by his peers. Rio also has a twin brother, Mao. Although they look alike, they couldn’t be more different. Mao is good at everything, popular, and has future plans to have a big, happy family. Despite their differences, the brothers are close. One day, when Rio attempts to retrieve a cat that wandered into the street, he is hit by a car right in front of his brother’s eyes. Everything fades to black. In the darkness, a voice offers a choice: to live or to die. Fading rapidly, Rio gives the obvious answer: to live! Turns out this was quite the loaded proposition. Rio awakens in a world filled with foreigners and strange animals he’s never seen before. That’s not the only odd thing–Rio now has the form of a black cat! He quickly learns cats are revered in this world because of their special role as familiars of wizards.

My Yuri Harem

My Yuri Harem summary: A couple want to have a baby. Only one problem stands in their way: The individuals are both ladies.But Before sun can rise above the lives of this happy couple, an ocean of past awaits them. And to have a new beginning, one must clean the slate that is a wrecked past.Go on a journey with Madonna and Kiyomi as they tread on a journey of l.u.s.t, anger, love, and forgiveness. Will they...

Waiting For The Train

Waiting For The Train summary: Why is that, every time I would try to say my feelings, the train would always stop me? I thought to myself, would I really let the train stop my feelings? That’s why inhaling deeply, with my hands at each side of my mouth, I shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” But as I shouted, the door had already closed and the train had already gone off. No matter how strong your heartbeat is and even if he’s near, if a train pa.s.sed by, he won’t hear it. Train Guy: “Hi!” Train Girl: “h.e.l.lo!”


Secrets summary: Secrets (Secrets #1) s.e.x is supposed to be s.e.xy, tantalizing, and completely erotic, but Anna never seems to find the right guy. This one seems to be a germ-a-phobe, and the previous boyfriend wasn 't much better. Anna just wants to be wanted. Is that too much to ask? As Anna tries to wiggle out of one relationship, a new one surfaces, but it 's forbidden. Cole Stevens is twice her age, arrogant, rich, s.e.xy as h.e.l.l, and her boss. When Anna 's internship plans derail, she ends up interning at Cole 's elite New York City studio. Close proximity leads Anna to discover that the billionaire bachelor is emotionally scarred. Everyone has secrets, but Cole 's run deeper, cutting him to his core. Cole is trouble in a s.e.xy sh.e.l.l. He 's nothing Anna needs and everything she wants.

From the Bottom Up

From the Bottom Up summary: From the Bottom Up summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of From the Bottom Up. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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