














简介传闻存在着一个集合着社会各界知名人士的神秘组织——杀道会。每个杀道会的核心成员,都拥有匪夷所思的超能力,他们是超级杀手,也是至高道义实行者。 【更新频率:每周三、周五更新~】




















内容简介:小说《异唐新月》介绍:惊艳!这是他的第一个印象。她的眼睛深邃如天空一样广象草原一样宽,如大海一样深,满布着清新慧谐的光芒,柔嫩细致的肌肤透出淡淡的粉红色,腻滑得让人想咬上一口。虽然他不 是第一次看自己的女儿,但昨天婴儿刚生下来时只有一瞬间曾睁开眼睛,随后便沉沉睡去,而他因为担忧她只顾焦急的传唤大夫和呻斥下人,倒也一时无暇多细观她的样貌。天下间,能够抵挡她魅力的男人只怕屈指可数,届时恐怕……”他一双剑眉不由深深蹙起,眼神也瞬间变得酷寒冷残,“无论如何,要想从我身边夺走她的人,我必定要他付出惨重代价!神挡杀神,魔阻杀魔!”酷爹爹和俏女儿的故事,可能会走军事争霸的路子。她转生到了一个莫名的朝代,遇到了她命中注定的男人,从此,他们——缘定三生……Tags:异唐新月无弹窗广告、异唐新月全文阅读、异唐新月手机阅读1w0-108997 >>




内容简介:秦王政二十年。荆轲受燕太子丹派遣,携燕督亢地图和樊於期首级,前往咸阳宫廷刺杀秦王嬴政,然而秦廷早已识破目的,图穷匕见之下,荆轲屡次不中,事败被杀。同时。秦王第十子嬴斯年,在荆轲刺秦时离 奇失踪,嬴政闻讯大怒,清洗宫廷,诛杀相关联宦官、禁军数千人,全城范围内大索。搜寻无果。十年之后。骊山一隅,孤山深林中,一间幽静小院内,一名青年正垂首诵读着《道德真经》。“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万1w0-89358 >>


内容简介:前世的慕晚晚死后,看到她避之如蛇蝎的薄司寒抱着她的尸体生活了半年,才知道他原来爱她入骨。重活一世,慕晚晚彻底开挂,抱紧薄爷大大腿,一边虐渣一边撒狗粮。无数女人把传说中有钱有权又有颜的薄 爷当成梦中情人,盼着慕晚晚被抛弃:花瓶配不上薄爷。慕晚晚冷笑一声,不好意思。天才编剧,国家医学研究院大佬,金牌作曲人……本小姐的小马甲随便拉出一个,都能亮瞎你们的眼。最重要的是我1w5176-26491 >>


内容简介:林陌穿越平行世界获得科学家系统,研发出国产航母“泰山舰”,镇四方海域,扬华夏国威……鹰国:OMG!这就是泰山舰的电磁阻拦技术?林陌真是个天才科学家!米国:我们不得不承认,林陌出现之后, 华夏科技力量遥遥领先!高丽国:米国想布置德萨?滚蛋,我们要抱华夏林陌爸爸的大腿!林陌:我只是个奋斗在一线的平凡科学工作者罢了!……本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-84740 >>


内容简介:  大鸿世界,他有一个百万年前的祖先,名叫姜子牙!  吞噬星空,他有一个同学,是罗峰!  雪鹰领主,他有一个哥哥,叫做雪鹰!  …………  PS:已完成高订两万精品书《造化之主》  P S:诸天:吞噬群:732--990--4931w0-220 >>


内容简介:  系统:你的任务是呵护那个男人,免其堕落为反派boss。  大佬软萌萌歪头,努力理解:哦,我的任务是当反派boss,不让他当。把他当成小花朵一样,保护起来。  桀骜少年神情阴沉:世人 皆恶,我要做最恶……咦?老婆,你冷静,凡事好商量,做人不要太冲动,再打那人就死了!  腹黑首辅成竹在胸,勾唇浅笑:天下尽在我算计之中,我要……等等!夫人,你别造反,给你买冰糖葫芦,求你留陛下一条狗命!  无情帝王冷漠睥睨:朕翻手可为云,覆手可为雨,无人敢忤逆朕,朕要当昏君……爱妃,朕刚才无心之言,朕立志要当千古一帝的!打人不打脸,嘶,轻点……  本书又名《反派boss是怎么走上正道的》《软萌大佬在线宠夫》《反派只想谈恋爱,而大佬只想搞事业》  1V11w0-2528 >>


内容简介:香槟味血液。那是只存在于血族传说中的至宝,但凡品尝过的吸血鬼,都会感受到如同梦境的美妙,而那也是原名七日,现为佩西亚伯爵家长女,洛伊丝薇尔的毕生追求。「虽然转生成了人类的俘虏,这副身体 也碍手碍脚,但能尝到各种口味的血液,也不是那么坏的事1w0-29551 >>


内容简介:  积善之家,必有余庆,留余庆,留余庆,忽遇恩人;幸娘亲,幸娘亲,积得阴功。劝人生,济困扶穷……而谁可知,人生于世,上承余庆,终究却是要自己做出道路抉择,正是所谓岔枝发:  东风携云雨 ,幼藤吐新芽。  急催如颦鼓,洗尽茸与华。  且待朝阳至,绿遍庭中架。  更盼黄叶时,采得数枚瓜。  ……  ……  《庆余年》同名影视剧由张若昀、李沁、陈道明、吴刚等主演,11月26日起在腾讯视频、爱奇艺开播。1w0-728 >>


内容简介:【空间种田甜宠】秦沐瑶穿书了,替嫁给残疾世子,也是未来的美强惨反派,而她是压垮大佬的最后一片雪花!她害怕极了!逃荒路上她用空间种田,每天投喂大佬。流放乡下,她白手起家,开铺子,娇养反派 大佬。白天兢兢业业赚钱,晚上陪着大佬运动,腰都快要断了。终于,大佬站起来了。“相公,你重回京城,我就不陪你去了,这是和离书,我们好聚好散。”宁承霄邪气勾唇:“散?不怕我黑化咬死你1w89677-89678 >>


内容简介:想见你想见你小说阅读都市言情类型小说想见你由作家随风揽月创作【追妻火葬场。】陆爷爷去世之前,温乔曾和陆云铮有过一段短暂的“同居”婚姻,为了满足爷爷的心愿,两人婚礼办得仓促且低调,连结婚 证都没扯。温乔是喜欢陆云铮的,感情来的炽烈又汹涌。陆云铮不缺钱也不缺爱,放浪形骸啊玩世不恭,有的是女孩子往他身上贴,温乔那点喜欢根本算不上什么。爷爷去世后,他更是高调恢复单身,肆意风流。三年不见,陆云铮以为她懂分寸知进退,却在她身边出现陌生男人时,满身戾气的闯进她屋,小兵提供想见你最新章节想见你最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w63580-79669 >>


From [RC-SCANS]: Shin-Young abruptly wakes up from a nightmare just to find a man, named Ji-Hoo, sleeping in the same bed. If that wasn't bizzare enough, the two of them find out that they were engaged ever since birth. Was it a mere coincidence or was it a work of fate that has not yet finished...?

Yawarakai Taion

Ever since he was a kid, Hoshino Yuuda was forced to care for himself. For someone who grew up all alone, having someone like Saitou Yukihito confessing his wish to die for Hoshino was just plain absurd. Though, thinking that he could make use of Saitou, Hoshino proposed that they should start off as friends. However, will Saitou’s advances lead to something more?

Velvet Kiss

Shin Nitta is abruptly smashed with debt, but his loan broker tells him he could be freed of the debt if he keeps a particular girl 'company'. Over time, he learns that doing so is as difficult as he believed. The connection between Kanoko and Shin Nitta starts out badly. He initially simply runs errands to keep Kanoko met at a bare minimum, as Nitta simply views Kanoko as a spoiled brat who can not care less about anyone but herself. As time passes, Nitta shortly finds the facets of the life of Kanoko that led to her self centered isolation: the stepmother of Kanoko /aunt caused her dad's sickness throughout the string in addition to her mom's passing. From the conclusion of the show, Nitta and Kanoko have both fallen in love with each other. But since her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko, she cannot be with Nitta as they both concur that Kanoko must concentrate on her new duty. Three plus a half years after, a brand new job has been began by Nitta and her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko. Her aunt has been detained for her offenses. Kanoko and Nitta reunite only to find that Kanoko must travel overseas to enlarge the company. At first, she is seen by him however he falls in love along with her. Kanoko Kikuchiya A wealthy girl that Shin was delegated to. Kanoko is a solitary man belonging to some family that is wealthy, having a stepmother, Yoriko as well as a father. In the beginning, her relationship with Shin just is apparently a relationship that is forced, with Kanoko taking great advantage of the debt to order Shin to do her errands. Nevertheless, this shifts as Shin learns of her youth, and bonds closer with Kanoko. Kanoko is dependent on sex, as her other pals affected her. Yoriko Kikuchiya Kanoko's step mother who commands the company aspect of Kikuchiya hospital. She seems to be sort and worries about Kanoko but it's simply a facade; she's a manipulative girl who happens to be the one that gave his debt to Nitta. Yoriko is having an affair with among the physicians in the hospital.

Ketchup Mayonnaise

From Pink Rose Scans • Ketchup Mayonnaise Atsushi's bar-tending mom remarries to a rich, strait-laced (if not slightly old) salaryman. They move into their new house, and he can now sleep in a bed fit for a Prince! With the union, they've become one big happy family with him, his mom, his new step-dad, his step-dad's kids Peter and Kurara, and the ghost of his ex-wife....wait, what?! • The Spring of Water Maki should be on cloud nine---she's snagged the boyfriend of her dreams after finally confessing her love for him on the train platform, with a little help from her friend Fumika. They've even passed the half year mark in dating when everyone around them predicted they wouldn't last a month. Why is it then that she's starting to get the feeling that this was all a mistake? • Chocolate Ice Cream Sakura's been in love with Niiya ever since she wound up in the same class as him back in elementary school. Niiya, however, doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her. So of course, when God gives her the chance to change her face to one he'd madly fall for, she readily agrees! Who does she become? And does she finally get her man after 14 years of unrequited love?

The Mistress of Bonaventure

The Mistress of Bonaventure summary: The Mistress of Bonaventure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mistress of Bonaventure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bagh O Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes

Bagh O Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes summary: Bagh O Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bagh O Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature

The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature summary: The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Three Lifetimes of Trials; A Wind Chime Brings Tears

Three Lifetimes of Trials; A Wind Chime Brings Tears summary: Since ancient times, the eighteen levels of h.e.l.l have been feared by all men, but only the evil ones have ever entered. I killed countless people in my life. When my soul entered h.e.l.l, I knew that there was no chance for me to escape the suffering of those eighteen levels. However, I didn’t expect for the King of h.e.l.l to exempt my punishment, only to leave me with three lifetimes of trials. In one life, my family was all killed and all my limbs were torn off. In another life, I was alone without anyone to help me, and my best friend was killed. I have one more trial to suffer. At the root of all evil, there’s no one around. Who was it who exempted you from the eighteen levels of h.e.l.l, and helped you pa.s.s through the trials of three lifetimes? Only to see a wind chime fall to the ground, leaving behind a single tear.

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