




简介中世纪的维京人号称是地表最强的民族,他们以残暴的手段攻击欧陆,其中一位传说中的战士托尔兹的儿子托尔 芬,从小在战场上长大,跟着杀父仇人阿谢拉特不断追求梦幻大陆‘VINLAND’!





通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...












简介神居动漫&微博动漫《甜宠机器人》中秋嗨更季开启!99月12号开始周一-周六连续日更更新18话哦~ 当人类女孩遇上没有感情波动的机器人,它究竟和过去的他有什么关系?接下来将上演怎样的爱情故事?! 轻松搞笑的甜蜜暖萌日常,爱而不得的无奈心伤,等待他们的,会是怎样的结局呢?






类别玄幻 搞笑 古风




内容简介:「文案一」大晋长安朝臣皆知,燕侯与长公主的婚姻乃是在先帝病榻前仓促而成,有名而无实,因此,尽管成亲八年,二人未有子嗣也是情理之中。一日,有御史上奏弹劾长公主无德,一曰无子,无子者八年无 出;二曰善妒,善妒者燕侯无妾。燕侯怒,于殿上称有寡人之疾,曰:于公,长公主为吾君,主辱臣死;于私,长公主为吾妻,夫妻一体。御史辱我妻本书关键词:现代言情《本侯有疾》小说推荐:刺青、领主时代:百倍增幅、玄幻:我!天命大反派、神之禁忌目录、异界之步步生莲、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、秋以为期、冷宫签到八十年,我举世无敌、居山海、跨物种相亲、醉卧红尘梦未醒之载酒行、三国:开局收服太后、十年对手,一朝占有、大唐双龙传:开局奖励雄霸30年功力、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、都市:总裁姐姐,我不想努力了!、我、我是你的、绯闻太多是我的错吗、星际之亡灵帝国、爱情公寓:全能逗比、一枝、综漫良善一念为恶人间、职场小白升职记、海贼:垂钓就变强、至尊强婿、灰大叔与混血王子、霸爱(GL)、生途1w0-73206 >>


内容简介:她小心翼翼、未雨绸缪,是太后的掌上明珠,武朝难得的贵女,却依旧被人算计而死。她重新归来,却只想要活一回自己,穿越到一个品行败坏的妇人身上,没关系,正好她也不想做贤良妇。不闹个风生水起, 让那些害她的人不得安宁,怎么对得起老天赠送给她的这条命。——————————云霓VIP群:542814025,欢迎订阅过云霓任何一本书的亲们进群。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《嫁冠天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84539 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:民国:在美洲修仙】李长生穿越到平行世界的民国,加载了超级大脑,可以推演万事万物。万事万物的规则变化,在他眼中一目了然。“宿主观看风水书,开始建模,推演风水术! ”“推演结束,获得磁场风水学!”“建模成功:恭喜宿主获得磁场感应!”饭店的老板说店里的客人老是吵架,甚至打架都有好几次了。李长生感应了一下,发现饭店磁场混乱,会影响到人的情绪。简单,弄一个风水阵就行。搞定!饭店一下子变得神清气爽,没人再吵架了。“这个超级大脑这么给力,我能不能推演出修仙功法,修炼成仙?”只想修仙的他,却在无意间不断改变这个世界。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80755 >>


内容简介:小兵提供八耳九空大神最新作品《怀了豪门少爷的崽》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,怀了豪门少爷的崽小说txt下载,怀了豪门少爷的崽小说笔趣阁,怀了豪门少爷的崽无弹窗!本站最新最快更新怀了豪门少 爷的崽小说最新章节。1w0-71126 >>


内容简介:「预收小甜饼《将门娇妾》求收藏,直球小小姐穿回前朝拯救傲娇小将军,文案在最后」本文文案:周妙宛满心欢喜地为自己挑了个好夫君——远离京城权力漩涡的端王李文演。面如冠玉,加一分;洁身自好, 加一分;能够陪她跑马,加一分……算来算去算出个满分好男人,周妙宛二话不说,嫁了!结果洞房花烛夜,情到浓时,喝醉的李文演伏在她耳边,无比温柔地唤了旁人的名字。1w0-73046 >>


内容简介:  这是礼乐崩坏,神异鬼怪的志怪世界。此地有奇人异鬼,绿尸妖仙,芝人草马、邪修正神。此道有尸解练气,铅汞岐黄,扶乩降神,纸人甲马。陆谦带着提升熟练度的神秘金鉴,误入左道旁门,开始了仙道 求索之旅。亦正亦邪真道士,亦痴亦狂至真人。1w0-3573 >>




内容简介:  记录仓老师与网络文学相爱相杀的点点滴滴,为后来者点燃一根小火柴!欢迎来到,书评乐园!仓氏智囊团破解密码:7922811201w0-2827


内容简介:本文原名《地府生存指南》如果发现身边的同事都不是人,你会怎么做?心理学学霸赵无垢被迫进了个冷清的单位实习,每天别说咨询,连同事都见不到!一朝生病,却收到堆古怪的补品,吃了不会溺水的水果 ,解百毒的老鼠1w0-75081 >>


内容简介:传闻名门之家华氏有个貌丑口吃的五小姐,爹不疼娘不爱,这还不算,偏偏家族为她指婚的对象还是个渣男,大婚当日,新郎逃婚和三线女明星滚床单弄的满城皆知。本该遭人嘲笑的她,婚宴上玉手一指,给自 己抓了个临时替补,完美逆袭。世人这才惊讶,原来五小姐不仅相貌倾城,而且妙语连珠,天资聪慧。隐匿多年,锋芒毕露,天才降世亮瞎世人眼。只是万万没想到,临时替补的新郎竟是个大麻烦。从此华笙夜夜被欺负,某人终于忍无可各位书友要是觉得《江流华笙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2560-4824 >>


内容简介:一次交易,她怀上陌生的的孩子,她怀着孕,嫁给了和她定有娃娃亲的男人。本以为这时一场各怀心思的交易,却在这段婚姻里,纠缠出不该有的深情。十月怀胎临产之时,他地上一纸离婚协议书,她才幡然醒 悟。后来他说,老婆回来,我爱的一直都是你。1w0-27695 >>

娱乐圈之艳色妖精(NP 超H)



A bittersweet story about an old man and his young friend

Battle Girl Ai

From Vampire Knight: Ai was your normal, everyday grade teenage girl until one day, she was involved in a fatal car accident. In the hands of the Specialized Secret Police Organization, she was able to be revived. With her newly gained powers acquired through the operation, she becomes a defender of justice. With the mysterious (and a little perverted) bishounen Sagiriya Shinogu as her partner, she fights the forces of evil!


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

Metto-Kun Wa Ikemen Desu

Makoto is a girl, but because her name sounds like a boy’s, the school mistakenly placed her in the boy’s dorm. On her way to the dorm, she encounters a guy with hair that looks like a helmet. Turns out, this Helmet-senpai is one of her dorm mate! Makoto starts to fall in love with Helmet-kun because he is kind. His helmet hair is covering his face all the time so Makoto really wants to see his face. But, how will she find out more about Helmet-kun with the other two members? One is a cheapskate and the other, a narcissist. What will happen to Makoto’s love?!

39 – The Legend of Sun Knight

39 – The Legend of Sun Knight summary: I am a holy knight. To be precise, I am the Church of the G.o.d of Light’s Sun Knight…in training.
The Church of the G.o.d of Light worships and serves the G.o.d of Light, and theirs is one of the three largest religions on this continent.
As the whole continent knows, the Church of the G.o.d of Light has the Twelve Holy Knights, and each one has his own unique personality and features.
To be the Sun Knight is to have shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compa.s.sionate nature, and a brilliant smile.
…even the Sun Knight-in-training is no exception.
The 38th generation of the Twelve Holy Knights have completed their term of office, yet the time for the 39th generation to take over is still far in the indefinite future.
The Judgment Knight is brash and easily angered; the Storm Knight and the Leaf Knight are always fighting nonstop, day and night.
Since childhood, the Sun Knight-in-training has watched the others grow from kids into adolescents.
What must he do in order to become comrades, who will fight through thick and thin for each other, with this group of “younger brothers”?
“Benevolent G.o.d of Light, may I ask when I will complete my training that has taken more than ten years?”

Dolly Dialogues

Dolly Dialogues summary: Dolly Dialogues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dolly Dialogues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Of Blue And Silver

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Of Blue And Silver summary: It is a prequel light novel series to Fate/Prototype (Original draft of Fate/stay Night), in this timeline, Saber, the legendary King of Knights is a man

P.S, I Love You

P.S, I Love You summary: P.S, I Love You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of P.S, I Love You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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