




























类别悬疑 恐怖 少年 神话




内容简介:《末世炉鼎系统》简介:转载请注明出处:a又在阳台上待了片刻,眼看下面那群人一时半会儿完全没有散开的意思,林城想了想,决定靠近一些凑上去瞧瞧(末世胶囊系统)。如果下面只有几个十几个幸存者 的话他是绝不会冒险下去凑热闹还是会继续留在阳台上观察,但此时下面可是有数百名幸存者,在这么多人的情况下多出一个外人被发现的概率非常低,这也是他为什么敢下去凑热闹的原因(末世胶囊系统)。下到一楼后,林城悄无声息地向人群贴近,很快就融入了熙熙攘攘的人群当中,而事实证明他的想法完全没错,直到他一直挤到人群最里面,也没人发现这里突然多出来了一个陌生人(末世胶囊系统)。站在巨坑边缘,林城立刻就闻到了一股熟悉的气味,这是一种类似于爆炸残留的气味,之前他跟那些爆破能力者交手时就经常能闻到,这也让他意识到眼前这个巨坑是怎么来的了,不禁对巨坑里面的情况更加感兴趣了(末世胶囊系统)。。1w11918-84558 >>


内容简介:“肖恩格里尔斯,站在魔法界顶端的男人。”丽塔斯基特:“不行,没有噱头,改成格里尔斯与邓布利多不得不说的那些事。”斯内普:“你们是我带过最差的一届,除了肖恩,很好肖恩又是第一,斯莱特林加 十分。”赫敏:“肖恩学长,可不可以请教你一个问题?”哈利:“为什么同样都是大难不死的男孩,差别怎么就这么大呢?”邓布利多:“肖恩是霍格沃茨有史以来最优秀的学生,没有之一。”阿瓦达啃大瓜下唯二的幸存者,拥有魔法之眼的肖恩能够看穿魔法本质,碰巧比哈利大了两岁,那就整起来,好好带带这帮捉急的学弟学妹。各位书友要是觉得《哈利波特之最强学长》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78821 >>


内容简介:《与起点文男主为敌快穿》为作者糖崽儿创作,作品与起点文男主为敌快穿章章动人,格格党小说网为你第一时间提供糖崽儿精心编写原创与起点文男主为敌快穿及无弹窗与起点文男主为敌快穿最新章节,与起 点文男主为敌快穿全文免费阅读1w0-111906 >>






内容简介:  “以斗争求和平则和平存,以妥协求和平则和平亡”  单人破阵,我以一人之力破万军  “我来当第五代火影,谁赞成?谁反对?”   拳即是权,木叶的规则由我来规定  “你也配起舞!?”幕 后黑手?千年布局?我今天不仅要把这棋盘砸了,还要顺带把你们这些棋手一起打死。  当宇智波京意识到,完全无法跟一群中二病,偏执狂交流后,便选择打服他们,打爆他们!  这是一个带着霸者重装在忍界开无双的故事!1w0-829 >>


内容简介:老妈参加葬礼消失了两个月,回来后就说要她继承一大笔遗产。好吧!继承就继承嘛,这一大笔遗产究竟是个什么样啊?哇嘞嘞这一屋子的美男就是所谓的遗产吗?什么?还不只她继承的居然是个不曾出现在史 书上的古代国家?她怎么突然就成了女王陛下了?这也太天方夜谭了吧?虾米?她来这个国家的第一件事居然是找个美男来陪她睡觉?好吧找就找吧,随手一指,竟然让她整个心都丢到美男身上去了。好不容易打开了美男的心结,两个人的感情极加温中,却突然冒出一个前来联姻的冰山王子给他们本就不平静的生活又加了点料。所谓祸不单行,不知是不是她交友不慎,就这么被人陷害,迷迷糊糊中破了四个待嫁的美男身,她也没说不为他们负责啊,怎么一个个的都弃她而去?她决定拿出愚公移山的精神来把她的美男们都给追回来,只是这山还没有移呢,就让她现了山里还住着一个迷糊脱线的美男子,只是“他”真的是美男子吗?那他背上那薄薄的羽翼要怎么解释?不过“他”还真是脱线的可以,把自己买了还感谢不断的帮着人家数钱,实在看不过去了,管“他”是什么东西,先收到自己后宫再说作者:若夜所写的《女王的男人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-109991 >>


内容简介:小兵提供不听周南大神最新作品《神明家的龙崽崽》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,神明家的龙崽崽小说txt下载,神明家的龙崽崽小说笔趣阁,神明家的龙崽崽无弹窗!本站最新最快更新神明家的龙崽崽小说 最新章节。1w0-77851 >>


内容简介:从青梅竹马变成pa0友关系后,阮梦和魏泽第一次zat验糟糕透顶,两人互嘲是对方的锅。结果去医院一查,是阮梦x冷淡……阮梦心虚了,小心翼翼地问魏泽:“要不,你换个pa0友呗?”魏泽深x1 了一口烟,幽深y鸷的眸子狠狠地瞪了她一眼,咬牙切齿道:“不换,老子陪你治!”ps一对口嫌t正直治病治着治着,就不要脸谈起了恋ai的故事。【日更,求珠珠100、收藏100加更】您要是觉得性冷淡治疗日常还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!推荐地址:1w0-76891 >>




内容简介:“我媳妇怀了!”整个帝国沸腾了,大总裁什么时候有媳妇了?她一不小心就惹上个权势滔天、财大气粗的超级大Boss,一怒风云变。婚前的他偏执霸道高冷无情,婚后却宠妻如命千依百顺。“老公,我想 要10克拉的戒指。”“买。”“老公,我想要10辆兰博基尼。”“买。”“老公,我想在后花园里滑雪。”“来人,把后花园掀了给夫人建滑雪场。”“老公,我不想过了,离婚吧。”“……离。”拿着离婚协议书女人潇洒离开,本以为就此过上逍遥快乐的生活,没想到只是兜兜转转了一圈又回到他的身边,从此又成了他一个人的专属。“陆煜霆,你的霸道总裁高冷人设呢?”谁说陆爷高冷无情,谣言,统统都是谣言!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《陆爷心尖宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77250 >>


内容简介:安洛云一不小心把自家总裁给扑倒啃干净了,她看着坐在床头那让政商两界都忌惮的男人,淡定道“乖啊,我会对你负责的。”顾擎远冷笑一声,“好,我等着你负责。”顾擎远是个土豪,聘礼要亿万‘嫁妆’ ,安洛云望着银1w0-67762 >>


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

Bushidou Sixteen

From Animenewsnetwork: Bushidou Sixteen centers around two female competitors of another Japanese tradition, kendou (sword-fighting). Kaori is an accomplished kendou practitioner, but she finds herself facing an unexpected opponent in Sanae, a superficially weaker fighter who bests Kaori in a bout.

World Destruction

In a world ruled by anthropomorphic animals. Humans live as slaves, and a group of terrorists dubbed the 'World Destruction Committee' intends to destroy the world in rebellion. A young man, Kyrie, who possesses the power to destroy the world, though he does not know why. Morte, a young woman with a tragic past and who is leader of a terrorist organization plotting to destroy the world. A demi-human named Naja, Morte's childhood friend Agan, a tough bear named Toppy, and a dragon girl named Lia. These beings will come together and journey to destroy the world! summary by solitaryCross

Tokyo Bardo

It is the fate of the Hirasaka family to protect a barrier underneath Tokyo that separates the human world from the demons of another world. One day, an incident in the underground tunnels claims the lives of 6 civilians and a Hirasaka. The mass death and the mysterious circumstances under which it occurred have been hushed up by some powerful, but unknown, people. These people seem to be dismantling the barrier the Hirasaka family has fought so hard to protect, and it is up to the remaining Hirasaka to stop them. From Anime News Network: The story revolves around an underground barrier beneath Tokyo that separates our world from the evil spirits of another world. For centuries, the Hirasaka family has been entrusted with protecting this barrier. Within the past ten years, a conspiracy of unknown parties has been dismantling the barrier, piece by piece, and the future of Tokyo rests in one man who vows vengeance.

People of Africa

People of Africa summary: People of Africa summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of People of Africa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting Girl

Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting Girl summary: “Just once, I want to make it through the first stage of screening…”
“Please, teach me how to write a novel.”
The ordinary high school boy Sei, is actually a ma.n.u.script screener for a light novel newcomer compet.i.tion. One day, he found the work of his cla.s.smate, Hyosetsu Hyonomiya among the submissions sent for his screening.
The aloof girl known as the ‘Ice Maiden’ actually wrote a light novel with fonts varying in size and onomatopoeic words for a contest! The surprised Sei started giving advice to her work after this unexpected event.
He gently guided Hyosetsu who was hurt by the screening criticism. The world background, character setting, story structure and other issues were progressing smoothly, but…
A bright youthful content creation story begins!

The Man Thou Gavest

The Man Thou Gavest summary: The Man Thou Gavest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man Thou Gavest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

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