










简介陈曦本是一个养女,没有恶毒的继母也没有悲情的童年,反而当了十六年富家小姐,却不想一场突如其来的变故让其身陷困境,也正因如此,陈曦遇见了让她倾心也让她死心的谢庭月,面对陈曦这个仇家之女的谢庭月,本以为一场预谋的婚姻不过是他报仇的手段,可爱情却在悄然发生。 制作工作室:蓬江区大熊设计工作室 作者:ALLENLU 主笔:40599 脚本:多洛 上色:无语 勾线:健忘 每周四更新


类别玄幻 都市 恋爱




















内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者沐柒绾的经典小说:《破案大佬在线追妻》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【甜宠1v1】五年一别,前男友竟摇身一变成为了自己的同事。桑雨萌:?? ?桑雨萌安慰自己,工作就工作,咱不谈感情。于是,在见到前男友的时候,桑雨萌面不改色,一脸淡然。但……谁能告诉她,一向孤高冷傲的前男友,怎么变得如此粘人奶狗?后来,桑雨萌渐渐发现,不管自己置身何处,身边都会有个叫厉瀚璟的男人。本想缩起头来做乌龟,却不想他变本加厉,根本不允许她逃脱。后来,娱乐圈当红小花的恋情被曝,全网一片哗1w0-80158 >>




内容简介:一个普通人类,一觉醒来后发现自己竟然变成了一只刚刚破壳的小乌龟。而自己所处的世界,居然是……各位书友要是觉得《穿越变成小乌龟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -78850 >>


内容简介:  江湖中绝顶的剑道高手,剑魔独孤无败,在破碎虚空时,灵魂被一柄雷劫之剑,带到了一个玄奇世界,附身在了剑脉尽废的天才剑修叶孤辰身上。  这是一个九剑悬空的玄幻世界,诸王争霸,域界争锋, 大帝传承,更有神秘的太古名剑录,记载了撼天动地的一百零八柄绝世名剑!  且看剑魔异界重修,炼九劫心经,融前世武学,夺太古名剑,证万古剑道!  Q群号:1256519701w0-950 >>






内容简介:简介:恐怖复苏,鬼物崛起!当别人还在成为鬼修,和鬼共存,被阴气侵蚀时。江宁却已经获得守夜人系统,开始修行阳气,修行雷法,获得各种神奇的物品:【叮!恭喜宿主获得以下物品:】【1守夜铜锣: 铜锣声可打散阴气,震慑鬼物。】【2封鬼符:可用于封印鬼物。】【3阴阳眼:破灭虚幻,可视鬼物。】【4阳元丹:服用可获得三十年阳气修为。】【5《罗汉金身》:至阳功法,金身护体,邪灵退避!】【6打鬼棒道教法器之一】…………代天巡狩,焚尽万鬼——我是夜行御史,守夜人!小兵各位书友要是觉得《恐怖复苏:我是守夜人!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82066 >>


内容简介:【虽然开了这个坑,但按照惯例,正式开始连载还要过几天嗷】快穿任务结束后,宋熹回到原世界,发现这个时候的自己还是个虐文女主角,正在流产挖肾前期,还被全网黑,人们大骂她假千金鸠占鹊巢,还纠 缠别人的未婚夫。然而事实上她是抱错的这件事宁家早就知道,却故意不说,将她养在身边作为他们儿子的移动骨髓和器官库,同时偷偷接济亲生女儿。真千金却以为自己被鸠占鹊巢,回家后对她展开十级报复,宁家和男主冷眼旁观。如今的宋熹:???qnmd,再见,老子不陪你们玩了。打开自己的行囊,里面装的全是各个世界的世界碎片。先拿出一个下方满是石油,上方数座金矿的岛屿。岛上的国民发现女王踪迹,当天就和政府联络,派出军队和政要前来迎接女王。鸠占鹊巢的假千金竟是神秘隐世王国流落在外的公主殿下,回国后马上要登基骂得正嗨的网友们:???宁家和男主:???真千金粉丝勉力挽尊,区区屁大点国家,肯定没钱,迟早被其他列强欺负成为他国附庸。宋熹看着自己的行囊,又从里面拖出几座岛屿,美食岛、恐怖冒险岛、奇幻魔幻岛,还有她最爱的侏罗纪岛。准备给这个世界打造一个不可思议的乐园。神奇的魔法世界、超乎想象的未来科技、不可思议的野生蛋炒饭,还有本已经消各位书友要是觉得《我要开侏罗纪公园》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64915 >>


内容简介:传闻,霍少的未婚妻是乡下长大的,长得很丑,没有学问,跟个草包一样。宴会上,舒情露面,众人纷纷都惊了!“这哪里丑了!”“据说影帝是她小弟!”“她爹是世界第一首富!”“神秘的leo服装设计 师就是她!”一个个马甲掉光,众人都惊呆了,不过那又怎样,霍云城又不喜欢她。当天,霍氏集团官方发了条微博。“感情很好,即将准备结婚。”1w5556-25665 >>


内容简介:他回到了游戏公测的第二天,获得掠夺属性逆天天赋技能!属性?掠夺!Boss的极品技能?掠夺!减益效果?掠……掠夺,再施加给傻宝们!且看凌风如何玩转【神祇】之路;如何改变曾经的所有遗憾!重 生归来,【神祇】为王!1w0-77620 >>




内容简介:恐怖时代:我,城隍,开始签到简介秦风穿越到了恐怖时代,附身在吉祥村城隍庙的神像之上。成为城隍,开启了签到系统:“签到成功,获得混沌功德修炼法诀!”“签到成功,获得城隍印玺!”“签到成功 ,获得勾魂使黑白无常!”“……”自此。华夏有了城隍爷。斩厉鬼,镇诛邪!城隍所在,邪祟退避。界定轮回,惩恶扬善。朗朗乾坤,阴司永照。蓦然回首,秦风忽然发现自己不知不觉,竟然成为了至高无上的冥间大帝……1w0-27599 >>

Anata Ga Watashi To Kurashitara

From Midnight Scans: When you’re in a relationship with someone, truth is, it’s a complete necessity to live together with that person. Read this masterpiece that sketches out various couples’ trembling hearts in this “living together”-themed compilation. Room 1 Momochi, a short haired lass is in love with Kouta, a 2nd year student in her university. However, she found out that Kouta likes girls with long hair and so happened that her friend was able to invite Kouta for the drinking session that she was supposed to go! She bought a long hair wig in order to attract Kouta but when they're making love, trouble arises?! Room 2 Saki was invited to live together with her boyfriend, Masaya who works as a weekly publication reporter. Although they're living together, Saki doesn't see him much at home and starts to get lonely. One night, she woke up and found Masaya sleeping in the living room...? Room 3 Tsukiyama has a crush on Kanaya and likes him because of his kindness towards her. One day, her roommate kicked her out of the apartment they were sharing because her roommate's boyfriend is coming back so she had to find her own apartment to live in. Tsukiyama went over to Kanaya's apartment and asked if she could stay there for a month. As they live together, Tsukiyama's feelings began to deepen and she had a feeling that she was restricting Kanaya so she decided to move out?! Room 4 Mayu is a designer that works at home. She hired an assistant who then turns into her lover. However, Mayu likes guys who are good with cooking and sadly, Yoshitaka isn't like that. Although she's quite disappointed with that fact, she likes the sex with Yoshitaka. But still, she's quite dissatisfied with 'something' and decided to look at some vibrators... Room 5 This story revolves around Mamiko (Tsukiyama's friend from story 3) who was awaiting for the return of her boyfriend who was studying abroad but her boyfriend cheated on her with a blond chick and thus, they broke up. Mamiko was heart broken and then, she suddenly met a foreigner by the name of Joshua, who needed a place to rent. The last thing that Mamiko wanted to see is a person with blue eyes. Still, she let him rent the room in her apartment and as they live together things starts to change... Room 6 In order to help her friend, Midori decided to live in Mai-chan's apartment. Mai-chan decided to leave that apartment because she want to get away from her ex-boyfriend who so happen to live next door as well. When Midori moved in, she noticed the huge hole in one of the rooms and of course, which apparently leads to her neighbor's room next door. As she greeted the rumored ex-boyfriend of Mai-chan, she was captivated with the handsome lad and began to fall in love with him. But why did Mai-chan broke up with this kindhearted guy? Who exactly is he? Midori have to find out, all this through that captivating hole... Last Room A tiny extra story regarding to the Room 6 story~


Golf.. A sport where the prizes are really large. Meet Tadamichi Aoba also called Dandoh. A normal kid who's still in elementary school, he also really likes baseball. But because of a clash with his principal over golf, Dandoh switches to golf when he hears that he can earn about 30 million yen if he can win a tournament. When he was young, Dandoh lost his mother due to money problems. This is why Dandoh really wants to play golf, so he can bring his mother back. Under the guidance of a famous ex golfer, Dandoh aims for one thing !! To master golf and win a championship so that he can bring his mother back !!

Koi To Uso To Pride To

Kamio Shuuji, the heir to a rich organization, has just transferred to Hazuki's average public high school. When Kamio catches Hazuki's eye with an intense gaze Hazuki begins to wonder over his attentions. Especially when Akira, his lover, warns him to stay away from him. He intends to do just that, that is until Kamio claims to have fallen in love at first sight with Hazuki, giving him a kiss to seal the deal. But what exactly are Kamio's intentions? And why has Akira warned him against the heir in the first place? The Prequel to this manga is My Dear Sweetheart

Rinne No Lagrange - Akatsuki No Memoria

From MangaHelpers: This manga is related to the anime, 'Rinne no Lagrange', although it has a different storyline. On the planet of De Metorio, Izo is a student in the royal pilot training facility, together with his few classmates, Kirius, Arei, and Sanu. One day, they get a new student teacher who happens to be De Metorio royalty, Princess Yurikano. She runs things a lot differently than Izo and the others are used to, but there's more to this princess than meets the eye. Will Yurikano be able to get Izo and the others to accept her training, and will she be able to survive the enemies that are gathering against her? [tethysdust]

Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Tales, and Sketches

Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Tales, and Sketches summary: Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Tales, and Sketches summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Tales, and Sketches. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Simply Trading

Simply Trading summary: Join Qin Feng as he tries to get rich, dealing in the resources that most martial artists require!Of course, getting his hands on the same is going to be more troublesome than he had expected, when a war, fighting over the succession, too many pretty women and having no time to practice his own martial arts start messing things up for him!

Wild About The Witch

Wild About The Witch summary: Wild About The Witch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wild About The Witch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation

Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation summary: Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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