








简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月22号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 就如同人会腐朽一样,国家总有一天也会走向毁灭,就连千年繁荣的帝都,也不过只是个腐败的人间地狱,披着人皮的魑魅魍魉,嚣张跋扈的四处横行!天若无能制裁邪恶,我等将会于黑暗之中给予消逝!我等全员,职业杀手团!
























内容简介:摒弃了满篇都是战争的科幻形式,我试着描绘了一个还算和平的宇宙,以奇异主角的银河之行为主线,校园、社会做舞台,再辅以探奇冒险泡美女的经历来点缀,当然,冲突必不可少,战争也有一点。只是不知 道经过这种百味调和的写法加工后,最后得到的是鸡尾酒,还是蒙汗药。你YY都市,他YY历史,我就来YY把科幻吧。本故事纯属虚构,如亿万年后发现果有雷同事件发生,请一定要追认个“先知”的称号给我!1w0-106031 >>


内容简介:《终极反派西幻》是无渊可秋精心创作的修真小说,小兵实时更新终极反派西幻最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的终极反派西幻评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持终极反派西幻读者的观点。1w0- 82767 >>


内容简介:商王朝帝辛七年君臣正在商议多久前去祭祀上古正神女娲大神一声古怪的问答音响彻了朝歌封神请回答!“问题一:是谁在女娲宝殿提诗:凤鸾宝帐景非常,尽是泥金巧样妆;曲曲远山飞翠色,翩翩舞袖映霞裳 ;梨花带雨挣妖艳,芍药笼烟骋眉妆;但得妖娆能举动,取回长乐侍君王。回答失败者……问题2:是谁活生生打死了东海龙王三太子?李靖笑道,吾儿皆拜名山道1w0-27313 >>


内容简介:海军航母舰员退伍军人叶兵,救人被杀后穿越斗罗大陆瀚海城,觉醒前所未见的航母武魂!在人人都以为是废武魂时,他苦熬11年,添加的第一魂环超过千年!拯救失恋、被姐姐暗杀的朱竹清,两人率先来到 落日森林冰火两仪眼,服用仙品蜕变!魂灵六翼蛛皇,高空隐身侦查机,精神探查、攻击、控制,杀人于无形;魂灵翠魔鸟,歼击轰炸多用途战机,天下地下战力无敌;魂灵……当全大陆精英魂师大赛开始时,1w0-88688 >>


内容简介:【日万更】生子当如孙仲谋,刘景升之子如?犬尔!特种兵刘丛在睡梦中似乎听到了曹操说过的这句话,一睁眼,真的穿越到了汉末,而且成了刘景升之子,刘琮!更加危机的是,曹操已经南下,整个荆州不战 而降,献城的官员个个得到封赏,而刘琮面临的是马上被诛杀。不,我命由我不由天!刘琮绝地反击,杀追兵,收名将,夺城池,积蓄力量,重新夺回《三国之铁血雄主》小说推荐:军婚宠入骨:长官,吻上瘾、云深何处待欢颜、快穿炮灰女配、你好,少将大人、叶宁慕迎雪、军长大人,宠不停!、都市狂少叶凡、大贤王、特种战神、惹火小辣妻:老公,用力点、我在大唐当侯爷、帝国最强败家子、纪少的蜜恋辣妻、破云、大唐国士无双、浅浅爱,深深情、从我是特种兵开始阅读变强、抗日之军工为王、我老婆是冰山女总裁、我的总裁夫人叶雄1w0-75243 >>




内容简介:新书《超级保镖》已正式上传,开始连载,请不要被书名的语法迷惑,这是一个鬼修刺客在修仙界的故事。鬼,奔跑在夜色中,无影无形。刺客,眼神似鹰,刀影掠过,生机灭绝。你没有任何防备的时候,鲜血 已经从喉头喷射而出。我是鬼,但我要主宰这个宇宙!大家不要忘了手上每天的推荐票和期待票各位书友要是觉得《你身后有鬼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95038 >>






内容简介:本文属于猎奇文,别名为《男主他总是很讲的是一位万人嫌的王爷历经千难万险,打败自家后院德才兼备的王妃以及一群千娇百媚的小妾,最终在众人失望的眼神中,喜滋滋地抱得美人归的故事。你需要知道, 女主是个玛丽苏的美女,人见人爱。也需要知道,男主是个万人嫌的渣男,人见人唾。还有一群不愿意女主跳入火坑,时不时跑出来坑一把渣男主的男女配角,其中战斗力最强的是男主明媒正娶的王妃,这是一位深明大义德才兼备有容有貌有人品的好妹子。明天五一,我会入V,入在码字中……是一篇除了虐男主,不会虐任何人的小白欢脱文,鉴于作者有些史料找不到,于是这文成了架空,但是背景朝代确实是唐朝,一个被作者改得面目全非的伪唐,介意勿入!!晋江总是在抽搐,若是您的后台看到更新,而页面不显示更新,【成【刷新页面。若这样还刷新不出来,换手机试试!1w0-109292 >>




内容简介:三百年前,弃少卓不凡遭人暗算抛入大海,幸好遇到师尊君河仙尊路过地球,带他离开地球在星际修真,横扫寰宇!三百年后,卓不凡渡劫失败,带着强势绝伦姿态重生回都市少年时代,拳镇山河,拾补遗憾… …面对形同陌路冷若冰霜的妻子,在家族受尽屈辱的母亲,豪雄王侯的挑衅,他发誓今生定要让世界臣服脚下!1w2254-26318 >>

Fu Junai

From Alice Dreams : When Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping, she finds a stranger waiting for her, in front of her house. The stranger, Shinohara Yuki, is an old collegue of her who quit working because of an illness - which cannot be cured. So, Shinohara wanted to tell her his feelings before he dies. Together, they start to live in Kumiko's house while living with the thought that Shinohara will die soon... From Baka-Updates: Contains 6 short stories: 1. Fu Jun Ai: One day, Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping and finds a stranger waiting for her in front of her house. The stranger turns out to be Shinohara Yuki, an old crush and work colleague of Kumiko's who quit 3 years earlier because of an incurable illness, and all he wants is to confess to Kumiko before he dies. Knowing that he'll die soon, Kumiko takes pity on Shinohara, invites him to live with her, and soon becomes his lover. But are her feelings really only pity? And is there something Shinohara's hiding too...? 2. A sin to love you: Yuu is the top hostess at an escort club for a reason: she loves getting her guy—but she loves being in control even more! So when shy and conservative Mochizuki becomes her newest client, his reserved behavior perplexes her. Every night she pulls out her best feminine wiles, so why isn't he falling for her already? In desperation, she drags the hapless 'Shin-kun' to a love hotel, where she discovers a very interesting secret about him. Could it be that the tables have turned and now Yuu is the one in danger of falling for Shin-kun? And is that the only secret of the man of her dreams? 3. Can't live without you: A follow-up to 'A sin to love you'. 4. The Deceitful Fingers When homeroom teacher Miyagi's assistant goes on maternity leave, her replacement is the handsome Kiritani Riku. For Miyagi, it's attraction at first sight, but Kiritani seems stuck on an unrequited love—a former teacher of his and the reason why he came a teacher himself. Crushed, Miyagi gets drunk at a welcome party for Kiritani and passes out in front of everyone, but she wakes up to a most unexpected companion...and an even more unexpected proposition! 5. Can I love you dearly? Nishizawa's supervisor Nagase is a devil! His handsome facade can't hide his critical and exacting management style. Then she discover's his secret- he's a fanatical pet owner that loves his cat. The softer side of Nagase is proving devastating to Nishizawa's vision of her boss! 6. How Shinohara-san spends his weekend (bonus story)

Waltz Wa Shiroi Dress De

At the beginning of the XX century, the relationship between England and Japan was strained. England wanted to extend its influence over Japan, and Japan wasn't willing to let any other culture pass its borders. Koto, though, a Japanese girl, didn't care if the people she meets have almond shaped eyes or not, or if they wear a kimono or a western dress. Actually, she is fascinated by this foreign way of life that brings so many innovations into Japan. More than anything else, it's the clothing that seems to grab her attention, as she wants to become a tailor and create dresses for women of every culture.Unfortunately though, she's a woman, so she knows her dream will end as soon as she gets married. She will have to start acting like a noble and a respectable woman would. In fact, she is betrothed to Masaomi Kidoin, the second born of one of the most important and oldest families of Japan. The day she's told she will marry Masaomi, Koto attends a ball at the British Embassy and meets Sagitto, a half English and half Indian spy that captures her imagination and heart. But can their love story have a happy ending when the British and the Japanese are tracking down Sagitto because they want him dead, and Koto is forced to live a life that doesn't fit her?Sequels:> Lilac Nocturne( http://mangapark.com/search?q=lilac-nocturne)> Magnolia Waltz ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=magnolia-waltz )

The God's War

From ilovemanhwa.com: BLOCKBUSTER SCI-FI CHI ACTION FROM THE AUTHOR OF PRIEST! Ton-up kids�� craziest leader Chiwoo prepared a big gang fight to celebrate his 17th birthday, but he finds his father prepared a bigger party as he promised when he left Chiwoo 10 years ago. The party starts with a sudden visit of the agents from the Central Incantation Center of Korea and its enemy, the Unions. Chiwoo is simply shocked by their spectacular Incantation War, but does not realize his power, the Mighty Spirit, the ultimate power these two countries would risk the war for. Which way will this birthday present lead Chiwoo to?

Not All Chicks Are Retards

A composition of One Shots by Minami Q-ta. 'Fun After School' is a two-part one-shot that tells about the relationship between Iwata Megumi, the idol of Chofu High School, and Midorikawa Mayuko, also known as Miss Chofu High School. When another student takes a picture of the two of them in an intimate moment, what lengths will Megumi go to to get the picture and negative? Note: contains nonconsensual sexual situations. 'School Days' centers around a girl named Misaki who hates the co-ed school she was forced to transfer to and desperately misses her best friend from the girls' school she used to attend. Please be aware that this release contains mature content, including het (heterosexual) sex.

Luo Fu

Luo Fu summary: A world of cultivation, seemingly peaceful. But beneath the surface hides an opportunity with effects lasting hundreds of years into the future.
A wild orphan ignorant of the world fatefully encounters a mysterious pract.i.tioner of a generations-old martial art. From the unsuspecting wings of a b.u.t.terfly, a hurricane acc.u.mulates.

Astronomical Discovery

Astronomical Discovery summary: Astronomical Discovery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Astronomical Discovery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Untroubled Mind

The Untroubled Mind summary: The Untroubled Mind summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Untroubled Mind. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Toaru Majutsu no Heavy Zashiki Warashi ga Kantan na Satsujinhi no Konkatsu Jijou

Toaru Majutsu no Heavy Zashiki Warashi ga Kantan na Satsujinhi no Konkatsu Jijou summary: A spin-off of the various works of Kamachi Kazuma. One day, Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) faced yet another misfortune. His toilet was broken and spraying water everywhere. As he was lamenting his misfortune, suddenly he appeared in a strange place along with Index and Misaka. Soon enough, more strange people begin appearing…
A Certain Magical Index
Heavy Object
The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village
The Circ.u.mstances Leading to Waltraute’s Marriage
A Simple Survey / A Simple Monitoring
Killer Princess and Deep End

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