


































内容简介:转世投胎的楚天舒无奈成了一只巨大的螃蟹,既来之则安之,就算做螃蟹我也要挑战海洋中最强大的种族,也要在大海中霸道横行,成为海洋中的至尊死神!作者:黑孔雀所写的《至尊死神》无弹窗免费全文阅 读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-31914 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:西游:我,说书人!开局给人族传道!】姜玄穿入西游世界,绑定最强教化系统,系统内有诸天万界一切法门、学说、流派。此时西游路未开,姜玄化身说书人,誓要整改三界,点 化众生,将人族从漫天神佛的摆布中解救出来,使人族成为真正顶天立地的存在。很快,经过他的教化点拨:唐僧化身花和尚,吃肉喝酒,三拳打死白骨精:“呸!酒肉穿肠过,有仇当场报。”孙悟空挣脱金箍,叛出佛门:“一万年太久,只争朝夕,紫霞,你在哪儿?”通天教主手持诛仙剑捅穿如来金钵:“天地不仁,以万物当刍,去你娘的众生平等,有教无类才是王道。”红孩儿半夜偷走观世音菩萨的玉净瓶,沿街叫卖:“大罗仙器大甩卖,价值两个子,夜壶良选之物。”姜玄笑飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-57214 >>


内容简介:  转生开局就是亲王世子,俗称小王爷大康国朝安稳,四海清平,商业发达,皇帝大伯又是出了名的宽厚待人我以为我已经站在了人生的巅峰,可以一直飞,一直爽,不断飞,不断爽……结果现实却和我开了 个天大的玩笑世间最残忍的一幕,就这么展现在了我的面前……我本想当一条与世无争的快乐咸鱼,可你们为什么偏偏不让我如愿呢?……已完本万订精品800万字《美梦时代》、700万字《重生之最强人生》,以及300万字《我什么都懂》,十年更新从未中断,欢迎老爷们赏脸观赏。1w0-2721 >>


内容简介:男朋友消失了很长一段时间后,我被他手下的干部们找到,说他要见我。我只知道他是个非常注重隐私的怂货,一年以来他从来没有对我说过一句话,见面时候也不让我看他的样子,甚至还用剪贴纸写威胁信警 告我不许透露他的真实身份,是个绝对脑子有问题的精神病患者。直到有一天我被通知终于可以见他了,但是我在第一眼看到那个自称是我男朋友,并真诚地告诉我他爱我的小鬼时候,我就非常确定他绝对是冒牌货!……想什么呢,小鬼1w0-88834 >>






内容简介:今天的更新在晚上修真废柴徐朵穿回现代后不思进取,终日沉迷看小说。被天道一脚踹进年代文,成了书中大佬那作天作地的出轨前妻。生活所迫,徐朵不得不捡起半吊子修真,开始种田采药包参地,然后坐等 老公提离婚。一年过去了,对方没动静。两年过去了,对方还是没动静。眼见日子越过越富,他非但不走,还臭不要脸钻她被窝。徐朵终于忍无可忍:“你不是要回城吗?怎么还不回?”男人温柔地摸着她的肚子,“朵朵,这胎咱们回帝都养吧,咱爸咱妈早想见见你了。”徐朵:这和书中写得不一样啊喂!甜爽无虐,背景半架空,考据党轻拍另外,推荐一下我的预收文,《穿成锦鲤真千金》文案:黎锦穿越了,成了《百亿娇妻》里面的女配,一个被恶意抱错的真千金。亲生父母是当地豪门,把她捡回来养大的养母则是个住在贫民区的单身妈妈。一朝土鸡变凤凰,她却放弃豪门生活,选择留在贫民区。所有人都在等着看她的笑话,然而——穿来第一天,她妈妈买了个彩票,中了五千万。穿来第二天,她爸爸恢复记忆、带着几十亿家产找上了门。穿来第三天,她随手捡了个男人,居然是原书中男女主都只能仰望的大佬……所有人都真香了,哭着喊着要抱她大腿。各位书友要是觉得《仙门娇女在七零穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81516 >>


内容简介:高三少年张卓,在人生最倒霉的时刻获得了一幅宇宙之中最强大的铠甲。通过对魔甲的步步解析,从而获得各种各样的能力。他能够使用全宇宙五万两千一百一十二种语言,通读世界文学史以及最艰难的空间数 学,有缜密的思维以及堪比计算机的精算能力。他是天生的格斗之王,他能够把计算完美的融入到格斗之中……1w0-31645 >>


内容简介:【本文为《心上月》《愿得一颗星》的舅舅文】【下本写《野性温柔》《情动难歇》,求个收藏】谢征初见温情那天,她盘腿坐在KTV包房外的走廊里,抱着一瓶可乐一边哭一边喝。陪着她的朋友问她哭什么 ,她抹了把泪,“他1w0-97000 >>


内容简介:  穿越到刚刚招安封侯的土匪一家。  亲爹,威武勇猛爱闯祸。  亲娘,貌美如花爱爱闯祸。  亲哥,英俊潇洒爱爱爱闯祸。  ……  你问她啊?  她就比较懂事了,刚刚从街上抢回来一压宅夫 君……  ——————  木嬴新书《嫁偶天成》~1w0-361 >>


内容简介:现代工科宅男意外来到贞观大唐,成为一名身怀神功的富二代游侠。前世的因,今世的果,繁华如烟,浮名如梦,自带宅男基因、胸无大志的李泽轩,只想宅在家里,抱着媳妇儿,打牌睡觉看小说,过着“一生 一世一双人半醉半醒半浮生”的悠闲日子,闲的没事再调教几个徒弟,让他们代替自己出去装比打脸。但凡事岂能尽如人意,老李非要逼着自己搞事情,李泽轩表示很心累!1w558-67154 >>

Dragonaut - The Resonance

Taken from OneManga: Twenty years prior to the story's beginning, an asteroid headed for Earth destroys Pluto. Due to Pluto's destruction, the asteroid, which is dubbed Thanatos, becomes temporarily stagnant in Pluto's orbit. Now, in order to avoid Earth's impending destruction, the International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) works on the 'D-Project', and secretly creates weapons called 'Dragons' after finding a dragon egg under the ocean. However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful, destructive dragons from Thanatos appear on Earth.

Downtown Shuffle

1--3) Downtown Shuffle - Everyone wants Sakura: an aloof, elegant and unattainable beautiful 'princess'. Syou is no exception. He desperately wants him. So bad that he visits all Sakura's favorite night clubs nearly every night. Somehow, somehow, Syou unexpectedly wins Sakura's attention. His friend and bartender Miyako is pleased for him. However it doesn't go as smoothly as Syou's hoped. Sakura may be truly unattainable. Syou falls in love, but not in a way he expects it to be. 4) Let's Go to the Hospital Tsukada Riku's mother forces him to track down their missing cat. He gets into an accident that lands him a hospital, which his high school friends nicknamed 'ERO hospital' (Porno hospital) because of a hospital sign and rumors that nurses seduce hapless patients at night. Will Riku be seduced? Dr. Hiroo might have the answer. 5) Eternal Melody - Rock guitarist Kouga is acknowledged as the guy who formed a rock band, Zest, at high school and has an eye for beauty. However he's never explained why he chose Mei as their singer who ~ as Kouga says ~ has nothing but good looks. Kazuki, a good looking singer of HYPE, enters the picture with a desire to take over Mei's place ... 6) Four Seasons - Mizuta Hayato is overjoyed when he discovers his childhood friend Hyouno Wataru has returned ~ from a four-year stay in Tokyo ~ to work as a teacher at his school. Wataru isn't, however, what he used to be. He's so cold now.

A Tackle On My Life

From Daum.net: Han Ga-Ram will even outwit the swindler gangs. Everything is solved when she transforms back into her unpopular highschool girl moments... Who would suspect a geek with glasses? There is only MONEY on her mind.. day and night. On the other hand, her other twin Yu Ga-Ram exists unknown to both of them. Unlike her, her sister has to bear the bullying acts of her step sister. The story unfolds when the twins try to escape their fate...

Kimi Ga Hikari

Shinohara Sumi is stuck taking supplementary lessons in the heat of summer. Her situation immediately changes when a mysterious boy named Yoshino Mitsuru jumps into the classroom through the second story window. He spends each day helping her with her lessons, and her feelings for him begin to grow. But things may not be all that they seem as she begins seeking the reasons for the loneliness in his eyes…

I Don't Want To Become A Villainess, So I Aim At Becoming A Perfect Lady Together With The Prince!

I Don't Want To Become A Villainess, So I Aim At Becoming A Perfect Lady Together With The Prince! summary: Liz, who came to have a formal marriage meeting with First Prince Alan, unintentionally eavesdropped something. “Be careful, okay? Liz Beltran is arrogant and has a high self-regard, she is a selfish lady. ……Truly, she is a young lady who fits the word ‘villainess’ perfectly.” “Brother who is disgusted by the wicked deeds of your villainess fiancée, awakens to the true love with the Heroine, and finally reaches the happy ending. I highly recommend Brother x Heroine, so I absolutely want Brother to do your best!” A bunch of words she didn’t understand came out of the mouth of Second Prince Wilfred who was together with Alan, and Liz was shocked. “What is ‘villainess’? Why would I be scorned? What did he mean by ‘true love’!” Due to too much frustration, against her better judgment, Liz got teary eyes. First Prince Alan, who was the partner of the formal marriage interview of such a girl, addressed her thoughts. “It’s fine. I will cooperate so that you won’t become a villainess.” At least, what Prince Wilfred said to be ‘villainess’. Liz, who was determined, received Prince Alan’s slightly too sweet cooperation, aiming to avoid becoming a ‘villainess’, even though she didn’t know what it means. This is the story of Liz who aims at becoming a perfect lady, the exact opposite of a villainess.

The Stone Dwellings

The Stone Dwellings summary: The Stone Dwellings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Stone Dwellings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Terry's Trials and Triumphs

Terry's Trials and Triumphs summary: Terry's Trials and Triumphs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Terry's Trials and Triumphs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Waihoura, The Maori Girl

Waihoura, The Maori Girl summary: Waihoura, The Maori Girl summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waihoura, The Maori Girl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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