


简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476































内容简介:  孟渐晚在圈子里挺出名的,放着好好的千金小姐不当,非要当一个样样精通的大姐大。  大姐大勾唇一笑:“别爱我,没结果,除非赢过我。”  宋少发表爱情宣言:“我觉得,爱一个人呢,就是要给 她买跑车,一辆不行就两辆,实在不行再加一架私人飞机,或者豪华游艇!”  孟渐晚:“OK,我可以考虑一下。”  *  婚前,宋遇就知道孟渐晚是惹不起的小祖宗,婚后更甚。  宋遇正忙着呢,秘书火急火燎跑来:“宋总,夫人她在酒吧把程家小少爷给揍了,人已经进医院了。”  宋遇习以为常:“她连我都打,打别人有什么好惊讶的。”  秘书:“……其实这事儿不怪夫人,程家小少爷刚留学回来,不认识夫人,把她当成未出嫁的小姑娘调戏了,听说是摸她的脸。”  宋遇签字的手一顿,挑起眼梢:“程家小少爷手断了没有?”  “那倒没有。”  “我去把他打断。”  “……”  自此,宋总放出话来:“友情提醒,宋家夫人不好惹,见了她最好绕道走。”  吃瓜群众:“她这么放肆,还不是您惯的,别墅都改造成养鸡场了,就因为小夫人爱养咕咕鸡、爱捡鸡蛋。”  *  宋总即兴rap:“以为她是孟德瑞拉,实际是朵霸王花,只好连盆端回家,免得祸害到大家。哟哟哟!”  孟渐晚:“你完了:)”1w0-4243 >>




内容简介:小兵提供娴川大神最新作品《海贼强推香克斯的一百零八式》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,海贼强推香克斯的一百零八式小说txt下载,海贼强推香克斯的一百零八式小说笔趣阁,海贼强推香克斯的一百零八 式无弹窗!本站最新最快更新海贼强推香克斯的一百零八式小说最新章节。1w0-74144 >>


内容简介:我命浮沉,血染风云;男儿重诺,一诺千金!唐承风本是这个国家最神秘部队的王,却为了一个承诺提前退役回归都市,本来只想低调守护在她身旁,然而风云际会暗嘲涌动,于是男儿一怒只为红颜!1w0- 1006 >>


内容简介:李阳有五个师娘。大师娘:“好胆,敢偷看我洗澡!”一套横练战拳…二师娘:“什么你想娶我?”麻绳牵着小兄弟遛着走…三师娘:“什么,阳儿你居然不想我?”丢到山里喂狼去……从小李阳便是在这样的 环境中成长起来!五个师娘一个比一个狠!可怜,弱小无助…师娘,饶命啊!1w0-94922 >>


内容简介:书友QQ群:924035696龙神狂婿,守护而战,龙有逆鳞,不服就干!为了爱,他一往无前,为了守护,他坚毅执着,为了复仇,他冷血无情,为了自己的信念,哪怕是明知必死之局也绝不退缩,这就 是他,一个集霸道与温柔于一体,既善良又冷血的一代龙神华龙!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《龙神狂婿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71212 >>




内容简介:小兵提供我非优雅之人大神最新作品《玩死这个屠夫》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,玩死这个屠夫小说txt下载,玩死这个屠夫小说笔趣阁,玩死这个屠夫无弹窗!本站最新最快更新玩死这个屠夫小说最新章 节。1w0-73889 >>


内容简介:  这个星球被海洋覆盖。  人类悬空而居,每当少年礼时,所有的孩子将进行垂钓测试,根骨奇佳者,有可能成为伟大的钓师。  在无尽海域。  每一种生命都被赋予神圣的使命,这里有飞天遁地之鱼 ,有受尽天地精华之龟,有口吞天地之鲸……还有无数垂钓之人。  垂钓,是一门技术。  这里流传着一句古话,如果你不是在垂钓,就是在去垂钓的路上。  大群:589849852 休闲群:633504307 VIP:7980839411w0-97 >>


内容简介:  李乘风穿越了,遇到逍遥子,成为了逍遥派的小师弟,本以为抱上金大腿,可以随便浪,却发现这个世界和他想象的有点不一样。嵩山少林,有千丈佛陀金光万丈。峨眉金顶,有飘渺剑仙御剑乘风。昆仑山 下,有魔道巨枭拳碎虚空。这个世界好危险,好在李乘风激活了系统,签到就能变强。从二师兄无崖子身上签到《北冥神功》,天下武功,无不为我所用。从大师姐巫行云身上签到《八荒六合唯我独尊功》,天上地下,唯我独尊。从师父逍遥子身上签到《逍遥游》,鲲鹏法相,遨游天地!这下子,好像可以随便浪了……1w0-3273 >>

溯洄(骨科 兄妹H)

内容简介:溯洄(骨科兄妹H)是由绮罗所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供溯洄(骨科兄妹H)最新章节阅读溯洄(骨科兄妹H)全文阅读溯洄(骨科兄妹H)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现溯洄(骨科兄妹H)更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-32771 >>

Rakuen No Jouken

Contains: 1. Rakuen no Jouken (The Conditions for Paradise) Two adult women figuring out the boundaries in their relationship--is too much freedom a bad thing? 2. Hoshi no Mukougawa (Beyond the Stars) Chapter 1 prequel. It's about how Sarina and Sumi first became more than friends. 3. Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees A continuation of Sarina and Sumi's relationship. 4) 20 Musume x 30 Otome About an art prep school teacher who feels like she can't compare to her new 20-year-old girlfriend. 5. The Opposite of 'Seme' is 'Protector' Chapter 4 sequel. Keiko wants to take things further. There are two more stories in this series in the Lapis Lazuli Dream collection. 6. We're Aiming for Love Now It's about two women who love each other just as they are. 7. Momo no Aji (Peach Taste) A girl struggles to convince the object of her affections to take her seriously. 8. Sakurahime Hanafubuki Set in Japan's past. A knight protects her princess.

Yaneura No Majo

From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?

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36-year-old Yasano Mamoru woke up one morning and realized that he has lost his memory. Not only that, he learns that he has a 16-year-old wife who still goes to high school. Mamoru can’t believe that Hana is really his wife or that he is a famous erotic manga author. His representative at the manga publisher, the beautiful Shirabe Hoko, even comes to try to help him regain his memory but nothing helps. However, as Mamoru gets closer to Hana, he slowly starts getting bits and pieces of his past back. Little does he know, something may have happened between Hoko and him the night before he lost his memory that could affect his marriage with Hana...

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The Good Shepherd

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The Unwanted Princess

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Wyoming Wildflowers - Match Made In Wyoming summary: Wyoming Wildflowers - Match Made In Wyoming summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wyoming Wildflowers - Match Made In Wyoming. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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