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类别搞笑 后宫 爆笑 剧情








内容简介:  宇智波桐京穿越火影世界,觉醒了放置系统,在不同地点放置,可以获得忍术、血继熟练度。作为宇智波镜的孙子,他一直被三代、团藏所猜忌。所以,与卡卡西并称为木叶双子星的他,在成为中忍后,只 好苟在木叶医院发育,以学习医疗忍术、放弃写轮眼为由麻痹监视的暗部。放置五年,怪力、医疗忍术和创造再生熟练度拉满。父亲去世,写轮眼熟练度+983点!三勾玉写轮眼(2996/3000)!半步万花筒!他将继承父亲的遗志,革新宇智波一族,谋取火影的权柄!灭族之夜,就是桐京取下眼镜,亮起万花筒的时候!这是宇智波一族崛起的故事!ps:右眼的瞳术“八雷神御”,可以制作马甲,目前的马甲是冰遁的水无月(猫娘御姐)尸骨脉的辉夜(m)木遁的……1w0-3302 >>




内容简介:相亲吹牛逼,被识破怎么办?全职业签到系统启动!房产!豪车!现金!送送送!绿茶女当场懵逼!……嘉禾国际签到,就成世界商业精英!犯罪现场签到,成就顶级破案专家!十万人演唱会签到,成就传奇天 王!中海北山医院签到,成就济世医神!……林楠:我也想低调,但系统不允许呀!(故事发生在平时世界,请勿对号入座)1w0-108185 >>


内容简介:  陆玄难得发善心,准备把横尸荒野的少女挖个坑埋了,不料少女突然睁开了眼。他骇了一跳,强作淡定,就见少女挣扎向他爬来……  这下陆玄无法淡定了。(《逢春》V群:1081376187,需 粉丝值两千以上)1w0-1849 >>


内容简介:他们是游历四方的预言者,也通风水,走阴阳,行于世间的时候永远都身背一包菜刀和剪刀,所过之处所见之事通常都会留下个邪门至极的预言。“这把菜刀你且留下,五年后你家中老人若死于痨病,我再过来 收钱”“这把剪刀你且留下,等你孩子出生之时如若有鬼缠身,我再过来收钱”他们是来自遥远道门的传承,铁口定生死,神算定乾坤,预知身后事,请问赊刀人。1w0-2426 >>


内容简介: 父母失踪,为得到能力找到他们,我迫不得已要当十年哑巴。 却在这档口被点名做了上门女婿,虽然老婆绝美倾城,但从未给过我一天好脸色,说我是个窝囊废! 而今天,十年限制结束! 我将把一切,重新翻盘…… 新书火爆来袭,阅读的朋友别忘记点击收藏! 【每天更新时间凌晨保底连更三章】 老书《老子是神龙》链接 http://www.heiyan.com/book/89742 老书《无敌修仙在校园》链接 http://www.heiyan.com/book/78207 1w0-1241 >>




内容简介:南浔遇到了一只碉堡神兽,可带她穿梭各个世界,她帮助神兽收集功德值,功成之后便可回到过去改变身死异处的结局。可是现在,她悔啊,悔得肠子都青了。尼玛那功德值是得从黑化值100恶念值100的 反派大boss身上获得啊,她只是想净化那些邪恶boss的心灵,卧槽她真不想要他们爱上她啊啊啊!变态1他吃人!变态2他是只恶鬼!变态3……当南浔知道他们都是一个人之后,她双眼一翻,直接躺地上装死。邪魅狂狷酷霸拽的boss大人邪邪一笑:“宝贝儿,你不是要净化我的心灵吗?快来吧~”南浔:“自作孽不可活,我好想死啊怎么办?”1w0-3997 >>


内容简介:  钟离重生了,重生到了十年之前,那并不美好的学生时代。那时诸神未临,百王未醒,地球还未沦为宇宙杀戮的战场,尘封于远古遗迹之中的武道众圣也未复苏。而他,却回来了,带着未来科技的完美结晶 ,承载人族武道传承的武神智脑,回到了这大世将启的十年之前。在百慕大三角力搏深海巨兽在撒拉哈沙漠探寻古神遗迹在法老金字塔灭杀远古亡灵在浩瀚宇宙中决战星空诸神……扶大厦之将倾,挽狂澜于即倒。这一世,不留遗憾,只手擎天!1w0-3795 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民神祗:我的神域是科幻天庭】秦牧穿越到了人人都能成为神祇,点燃神火,凝聚神格,设计自己从属的异世界。并且每个人,都拥有自己的神域,以及里面生活着的种族。兽人 ?精灵?都弱爆了,我的设计可是科幻天庭!可是,这些建筑,怎么都活了?三十三重天飞升平台:天河护卫你们行不行,不行就让我来!轨道歼星炮诛仙剑:和他们哔哔什么,我一剑过去削死他们!空天母舰凌霄宝殿:都闭嘴,地府号曲越舰都要把对面的打完了!鬼兵鬼将歼星舰:老子打的就是精锐!基因武器孟婆汤:给我留点俘虏做实验啊!终于在有一天,秦牧愕然的发现,自己不仅成为了神上神,还征服了无数位面和晶壁系!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81065 >>




内容简介:“神级系统找到宿主!”“宿主乃是一缕魂魄,不可附体,进行人物身份更换!”“扫描附近可容纳魂魄之躯,叮前方三丈处有一只蚊子,可容纳宿主的魂魄!”这时一股吸力同时朝着魂魄跟远处的一只蚊子笼 罩而去!一只蚊子,一个神级系统,故事从这里启程!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神级蚊子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76384 >>

Bloody Rose

What would be your first thought if someone killed your parents? Certainly REVENGE... That being the case for Yoshi, who is a thief that wanders from place to place searching to find his parent's murderer, that were killed in a bloody attack his village was under years ago. His only companions.. His instinct, his memories and a rose which was given by his father shortly before he died. Follow Yoshi as he searches for his parent's murderer full of hate and rage!

I’M Desperate To Get Stronger

Yi Shuihan and his sister Yi Chuchu, who were reborn from the apocalypse and returned to the age of 18, accidentally broke into a mysterious transaction in the secret room of horror, and the two were silenced by the mysterious man. , The two were rescued by members of the supernatural organization Rejection Star Alliance. Yi Shuihan woke up and found that he was activated by an energy item carried by the mysterious man, while his younger sister Yi Chuchu needed to use the energy item to maintain her life. In order to obtain the energy items that sustain his sister’s life, Yi Shuihan joined the supernatural organization. As he went deeper into the battle against the star beasts, Yi Shuihan gradually gained insight into the secrets of his own life and rebirth.…… I’m desperate to get stronger

Oyasumi Punpun

Witness the titular Punpun - who is depicted as a tiny, caricatured bird in an otherwise normal human setting - as he copes with his dysfunctional family and friends, his love interest, his oncoming adolescence and his hyperactive mind.


Chaos;Head's story is set in 2008 in Shibuya and is centered around Takumi Nishij?, a high school student at the private Suimei Academy, and the strange and brutal murders that have recently occurred in the Shibuya area, known as the 'New Generation' (????????????) Madness. The story begins on September 28 with Takumi talking to an online friend called Grim (??? Gurimu?). Grim is trying to bring Takumi up to speed about the recent New Generation events since Takumi is not interested in local or international news. A person named Shogun (???) joins the chat room midway through Grim and Takumi's conversation. After Grim leaves the chat room, Sh?gun begins to talk. He speaks in a very cryptic and confusing manner, leaving Takumi nervous. He then sends Takumi a barrage of image links, one of which appears to be of a brutal murder of a man being pinned by stakes to a wall. The next day, Takumi comes across a real life murder scene. Witnessing a mysterious pink-haired girl pinning a man up by stakes in an alleyway, he immediately realizes he is witnessing the very murder detailed in the pictures he received the day before. Convinced Shogun is targeting him and the girl he saw committing the murder is somehow connected to him, Takumi tries to avoid getting involved with other New Generation events. However, as Takumi begins attempting to distance himself from the crime he witnessed, he soon catches interest of the police. With the police suspecting him, and himself convinced that he is being targeted by Shogun, Takumi finds himself caught in a spiral of delusions and paranoia, as he desperately tries to keep himself safe and figure out why he is apparently being targeted. He eventually comes into contact with several other people related to the events, including the girl he saw committing the murder herself. Unsure of what is real or who he can trust, Takumi finds himself thrust into a much larger scheme than he ever thought possible, as the mysterious company NOZOMI carefully plots something from behind the scenes. From Baka-Updates: Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Could he be really the one responsible? And where is the D-sword that he is supposed to find?

My MMO Wife Is A Cultivator

My MMO Wife Is A Cultivator summary: All it took was one meet-up, a simple meet-up with his MMO wife and suddenly he was dragged into the world of urban cultivation. Thus he believed that he would begin his journey as a cultivator in this urban world and live a life of overbearing dominance. However...why is life as a cultivator so hard and so impoverished? How come everyone 's still playing the MMO even though they 're p.i.s.s poor? Wait a minute...playing the MMO is part of cultivation too?!

Second Foundation

Second Foundation summary: Second Foundation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Second Foundation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Crazy, Busy, Guilty

Crazy, Busy, Guilty summary: Crazy, Busy, Guilty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Crazy, Busy, Guilty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Overnight

The Overnight summary: The Overnight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Overnight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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