





欧巴, 你不会爱上我吧





















简介 少年陈钒得高人传授,习得绝世功法,原本只想过着平静的生活,没想到却被校花苦苦纠缠。








内容简介:女人被男人甩了,不是要一哭二闹三上吊吗?她照办就是!她哭,哭他小三流了产;她闹,闹得他公司大破产;她上吊,吊着他小叔脖子睡大觉!一场顶级订婚宴上,惊艳绝色的她身穿婚纱,手执酒杯,千娇百 媚招待宾客。“婶婶,恭喜。”一个对她迷恋已久的男人走过来。“前夫,同喜。”与他碰杯,轻勾唇角,似笑非笑。前夫?她是前妻?男人表情仿佛被天雷劈过,不可能,他前妻长得歪瓜裂枣,前平后板,怎么能和眼前绝代佳人相提并论划等号。女人越贴越近,神情举止好像情人般亲昵,但出口的话语却寒冷如冰,“忘了告诉前夫你,我是国内著名高级化妆师,曾经的歪瓜裂枣,前平后板只是我的作品。”“不,不可能!”男人大惊失色。“宝贝,累了吗?”神秘至尊男人,也就是今天的新郎温文尔雅走过来,宠溺拥她入怀。“小叔,小叔,她是我前妻。”遮掩眸中的痛苦,但身体止不住颤抖,是愤怒,也是后悔不跌。“同名同姓而已,别胡思乱想。”闻言,新郎笑了,这一笑男色惑人,魅力不可抵挡。哐当一声,男人手中的酒杯掉在地上,如同他此刻的心,四分五裂。1w0-25493 >>


内容简介:  新书《大宋明月》上传,求支持,求推荐票,求收藏,求打赏!  给我一个姑娘,我创造不了一个民族;给我一块木头,我能瞬间制造出一把连弩。  兵甲系统在手,三国天下我有!  并州狼骑又如 何?且看我三千铝盔铝甲的白马义从如何马踏天下!  河北先登又如何?且看我怒锋营手执钢制弹簧连弩如何荡净九州!  江东水军又如何?且看我装备连发火炮的幽燕车船如何纵横四海!  ……  醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权,穿越成公孙瓒庶子公孙白,起于幽州,席卷天下。  本书书友裙号:3-1-3-0-5-6-1-5-9,欢迎大家前来吹牛打屁。  PS:铝盔铝甲指的是超硬铝合金,性能不亚于普通钢材的那种,勿以此吐槽,拜谢!1w0-4563 >>


内容简介:【滴!献祭地龙精血一滴,触发千倍回报,请选择……1一千滴地龙精血2一滴真龙精血。】n【滴!献祭生命之水一碗,触发万倍回报,请选择……1一万瓶生命之水2一副不死之身。】n……n江枫穿越到 妖魔复苏的世界,所…1w0-75938 >>




内容简介:欧阳明在第一次被追债的时候,“跑”到了《僵尸先生》的世界。其实他是拒绝的,毕竟被人追,总比被鬼追强啊!!!这只是一个普通人,混迹在中外电影世界的故事而已!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《混 迹在电影世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84486 >>


内容简介:  一场战役结束,战败的r国不得不履行承诺,将全国唯一孕育出来的一只分化成人形、且具有超强作战能力的垂耳兔少女秦柠送去联邦帝国,与那位星系首席顾指挥官进行联姻。结婚头一天,顾指挥官回到 家看到这样一幕——小娇妻蜷成一团,浅灰色长耳簌簌发抖趴在颈侧,小手扒着钻不进去的笼子,坐在地上怯生生地看他。“老公,我想睡笼子。”顾言:“……你只能跟我睡。”秦柠鼻尖红红,委屈得用两只兔耳朵埋住了小脸。结婚第二天,顾言在家办公,小娇妻抱着木锯蹲在旁边兢兢业业勤勤恳恳筑造兔笼。一直到晚上大功告成,秦柠抱着枕头准备钻进笼子里睡觉觉时,顾言终于往她这边瞥了一眼,随即二话不说扔了笼子,拎起垂耳兔娇妻上床睡觉。结婚几天后,顾言一觉醒来,发现小娇妻把床被拱成了巢穴形状,正趴在床被上,一团毛茸茸的圆圆短短的雪白小尾巴冒了出来,晃眼极了。顾言伸手摸了一把,圆球尾巴立刻打了个颤儿。秦柠眼睛水汪汪的转头回来,小手揣着平坦小腹,软蓬蓬的耳尖泛起薄红,很不好意思地告诉顾言:“老公,我怀孕了。”顾言一脸阴晴不定:“……??”【肤白貌美娇软可爱战斗力十足垂耳兔战舰队长x沉稳低调疯批斯文指挥官男主】1w0-1861 >>


内容简介:龙珠之最强老师龙珠之最强老师小说阅读其他类型类型小说龙珠之最强老师由作家灵山岛主创作【龙珠全时空,全宇宙卷】在龙珠世界,有这么一颗星球,星球上主人是全时空全宇宙最强的老师——罗修。罗修 每天都在重复同样的问题。“系统,什么时候才有人来拜师?”“快了,你知道芭朵斯吗?她是第六宇宙天使……”“呃,芭朵斯,做我的女人……学生吧?”最强老师,横空出世,众神震惊。小兵提供龙珠之最强老师最新章节龙珠之最强老师最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-73182 >>


内容简介:高中校园,学生挣扎,迎战高考。大学生活,爱恨情仇,强者制霸。社会之上,龙蛇混杂,金权至高。战武大陆,第一狂少重生都市。冷傲的校花,娇艳的教师,尽在我手。赌石打架,无往不利。种田医疗,样 样精通。看狂少1w0-26321 >>


内容简介:宁暖暖被自己的亲姐姐所欺骗,不仅丢了清白之身还被抢走了刚刚出生的孩子。幸而还有两个宝宝没有被发现,她带着孩子逃到国外。等她终于准备好了回来复仇时,终于见到了她的另外两个宝宝,但他们的爸 爸竟然是那夜的那个男人……1w63804-67345 >>


内容简介:  穿越到火影世界,成为卡卡西的兄长,枫夜发现自己的脑海中多了一个虚幻时钟刻刻帝。十二个时刻。十二种不同的时间系能力!“火影世界的忍术总计八类,分别是风雷水火土、阴阳遁术、以及包含飞雷 神、通灵术在内的空间忍术……”“而我则掌握着第九类忍术——时间!”………………………………风盟2群:580391329VIP群(2000粉丝值):5516360111w0-71 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者不做打工人的经典小说:《大秦金榜现世我皇子的身份瞒不住了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说始皇东巡,觅长生之道。东海之上,却见皇榜凌空。凡位 列榜单之上,皆受天道庇佑,福泽加身。大秦帝国,赫然在列。是日,始皇震怒。“朕的大秦,万古不灭,永世长存!”而作为穿越者的赢遥却是一脸懵逼,“说好的三年之期,这榜单误我……”1w0-75280 >>

Sugar Sugar Rune

Best friends Chocolat and Vanilla are as different as night and day: Chocolat is a rowdy tomboy who always says what she thinks, while Vanilla is the quiet, shy daughter of the Queen of the Magic World! When, like their mothers before them, Chocolat and Vanilla are selected to be the rival Queen Candidates competing to become Queen of the Magic World, Chocolat and Vanilla don't let it strain their friendship, and vow to be best friends forever, no matter what. The competition works like this: Chocolat and Vanilla are to be sent to the Human World, where for the duration of their stay they will compete to see who can get the most human boys to fall in love with them and then steal their hearts using magic. The girls earn Ecure, the currency of the magic world, for each heart they collect, with each different color being worth a different amount. The witch with the most Ecure at the end wins! But to both Chocolat and Vanilla's surprise, the boys of the human world seem to fall for Vanilla almost instantly, while Chocolat is having a much harder time. Could it be that, unlike in the Magic World, girls like Vanilla -- quiet, shy, and cute -- are liked better than tomboys like Chocolat?! To make matters even worse for Chocolat, she finds herself strangely attracted to her new school's 'prince', the cool and mysterious Pierre. Unlike humans, witches have only one heart -- and if it is taken, they will die, meaning that Chocolat can't let herself fall in love. And though Chocolat and Vanilla promised to be friends forever, no matter who wins, they both wish to become Queen....

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Dekiru Otoko Ga Suki Nanda!

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The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side

The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side summary: The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Fraternity summary: Fraternity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fraternity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Boy Chums In The Forest

The Boy Chums In The Forest summary: The Boy Chums In The Forest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boy Chums In The Forest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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