










类别都市 恋爱


















类别治愈 奇幻




内容简介:  林云秀寿终正寝,死前已经是一品诰命,风光无限,子孙后辈个个成材,是所有高门主母里当之无愧的翘楚。谁料老天爷竟然给她一个带着记忆重生的机会,让她重生在了八零年代里和她同名同姓的人身上 ,但这个林云秀,却是一个极其差劲的恶婆婆。总用孝字压顶,磋磨儿媳妇,背后里挑拨离间,搅的四个儿子都不得安宁,最终都走向了妻离子散的结局,女儿更惨,好好的家庭因为她弄的家破人亡。面对早已离心的儿子,心中憎恨她的儿媳妇,不愿意亲近的女儿,林云秀表示小问题,调教后辈正是她的拿手菜之一。至于早已死亡的丈夫,林云秀乐呵一笑:男人,在老娘这里早就被抛弃了,赚钱才是第一,时代以后会越来越开放,以后可以养个小奶狗。某死亡(且失忆)的丈夫表示,我就是小奶狗:“汪汪汪。”林云秀:这男人,怎么和她上辈子偷偷暗恋过的公子长的一模一样?1w0-3426 >>




内容简介:日更下本写《白色月光》因为父母太过频繁的催婚事宜,二十七岁那年,阮念选择嫁给了一个见面不到一周的相亲对象。那人是她的高中同学。也是她暗恋许久的男人。婚后,阮念一直小心翼翼地保持着所谓“ 凑合结婚”的界限,却在结婚不久后,无意打开他桌底的抽屉,发现里面放着她高中时期送出去的腕带,以及压在最下面的……她和他唯一一张合照。背面署名:念念。时间是十年前。希望你以后每次想起夏天的时候,都能想到我。——柏颂炸毛小太阳×自卑大魔王眼科医生x钢琴家双向暗恋穿插校园回忆《白色月光》文案顾盼曾经一度以为,邵愈对她的所有爱意,都只是因为他是她父母资助的小孩。“原来在你眼里,我是这样的人。”床单凌乱,男人靠在床头冷眼看她,衬衫随便敞开,语气漠然得像是对待一个陌生人。顾盼站在床脚,脸色慢慢变得苍白。“你说是就是吧。”男人像是丝毫不在乎被误解,轻笑出声。随后语气嘲弄地补充:“既然如此,顾经理不如正好考虑下包了我。”“毕竟前女友,打半折。”“让我爱你,然后把我抛弃。”——林宥嘉《残酷月光》“英国冬天很冷。”后来的某个清晨,她突然在他耳边抱怨。男人手掌习惯性地环在她身后,睡眼惺忪地开口:“你也知1w0-82933 >>


内容简介:如果17岁有幸遇见暗恋的人是什么感觉?那应该是安景暗恋的少年打天上来,他无意掀翻烛火,点燃她双眸盛满的暮色。那……如果24岁遇见喜欢的人是什么心情?那应该是18岁的顾幸川坚定用余生告诉 安景:你被我安稳爱着,应该有做任何事情的勇气!1w96093-98743 >>


内容简介:萧萧重生在了她十八岁那年。她面临着以下问题:一:高考二:减肥三:打脸当秦渊止向萧萧告白的时候,萧萧十分震惊。萧萧:“我们还不怎么熟……”秦渊止(微笑):“可我已经暗恋你六年了。”男神突 然撩我怎么破和编编商议,定于12月五日周一开v,届时请小天使们支持正版生前后男主不渣。偏轻松,爱古耽的请戳哟以身相许的一百零八招接档坑,脑洞大开之作,依旧果对胃口的话请先收着呦每天都要攻略反派1w0-81814 >>


内容简介:  虚拟梦境设备?这是什么鬼?“用来做白日梦的?没兴趣。”“什么,百分百虚拟现实?一个晚上能当半年用,还能从现实中复制一个角色?嗯,真香。”“第一个梦境,当世界其他所有人都消失,只剩下 我一个?”PS:群,696714917本书改编漫画已经上线,下载个腾讯动漫APP,搜本书书名即可找到,欢迎大家去看漫画版。1w0-4082 >>


内容简介:男主:最近喜欢上一个主播,可是她好像不怎么喜欢我女主:最近总有个观众给我送钱,一送就是好几万。江盼一觉醒来,发现自己变成了连口红都买不起的大学生,顿时有种长梦不醒的冲动。可是,那个奇怪 的家伙为什么总是阴魂不散?这是一个除了钱什么都没有(并不)的男主和一个除了钱什么都有的女主的嗯,互撩故事食用说明:没有傻白甜,直播内容不多,线下交流为主,双处(不要问我怎么做到的)预告,下周一,第十九章入V,当天万字1w0-69062 >>


内容简介:最初听闻大boss季总结婚的消息,Cetus的员工都十分好奇,“老板娘是干什么的?漂亮吗?身材好吗?”季褚云淡风轻道:“普通人,造卫星的。”众人恍然大悟:“原来季总不是颜控,而是智商控 啊。”直到后来,老板娘作为遥感卫星的副总工程师出现在航天空间所发布的宣传视频里,凭借着哪怕死亡镜头也挡不住的高颜值一炮而红……Cetus众人才反应过来,纷纷惊呼上当:“谁说季总不是颜控?季太太比有些小明星都好看了!”1w0-4280 >>


内容简介:这是一个sm短篇。富二代酒吧猎艳反被猎,被医生攻捉到地下室爱死爱慕全过程详细描写,各种技术性道具其出场 ̄w ̄【喂够了1w0-27667


内容简介:濒死体验其实很美妙,只是大多数人在体验过后就再也没有机会跟别人谈论这种感受了。一生一世的生活在一瞬间完全展现在你面前,你可以停留在某一个点上,重复它的全部细节。就是说,你可以重新经历任 何你曾经经历过的事情,每一个细节都那么真实。这就是你,最真实的你。其实他还看1w77498-84298 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原神:蒙德的未来骑士】我叫苏米洛是蒙德的未来骑士,现在正在为十个木桩而烦恼,请问有那位大佬可以为在下演示,如何毁坏十个木桩?只要木装备同时摧毁,苏米洛就可以获 得那位大佬相对应元素战技和元素力。“坚冰断绝深仇!”“听凭风引!”“大扫除!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-99522 >>


内容简介:【卑微小广告:星际文《被毛茸茸包围的日子》预收】单元故事合集。放飞自我,随心所欲。【第一单元】兄弟的女朋友我爱了【第二单元】论如何从朋友晋升情人关系【第三单元】金屋藏娇【第四单元】好吃 不过饺子【第五单元】家花不如野花香【第六单元】彩旗飘飘◤阅读指南◢1、宝贝们我肥来喽~作者手速慢,更新频率不太稳〃°ω°〃2、友好看文,不讨论三观问题3、渣女系列and只虐男↑如果有小天使们的爱的话,应该会更勤奋一点哟~1w0-81028 >>

Santa Claus Wa Blue

Christmas is a joyful time to eat cake with loved ones. But is that the case for Hujita?!


One of the first published works by famed Berserk mangaka, Miura Kentaro. It's a short story about survival in a post-apocalyptic era.

Holy Avenger

In almost all respects, Arton is the same as Earth. The sky is blue, the Sun is yellow, the Moon is silver. There we find the same air, the same water, the same trees and animals that we know on Earth. Arton is a world of adventurous heroes. They are everywhere, in kingdoms, villages and cities. The greatest of those heroes is a champion who came to be in recent times. He's only known as the Paladin, and no power has ever proven itself able to defeat him. A holy warrior, tempered by the power of twenty gods, he's the utmost defender of truth, honor and justice. The Paladin has gone missing... (Taken from the 1st volume intro) --- Lisandra has lived on the secluded island of Galrasia her whole life, fostered by cavewolfs. One day she dreams of a golden armored champion. Those dreams wouldn't stop and in time, they became nightmares about this unknown warrior being defeated in battle against a great evil yet to come into being. Those relentless nightmares would lead Lisandra away from Galrasia, to the continent of Arton, where she would begin her quest for the Rubies of Virtue, mystical gems also presented to Lisandra in her dreams. By gathering all the gems, the girl hopes to rid herself of this heavy burden the Gods have given her, and also revive the hero who shall defeat the upcoming darkness... Holy Avenger is a Brazilian manga-influenced comic based on a short RPG adventure of the same name, which takes place in a campaign setting called Tormenta (a synonym for 'Storm' in Portuguese), originally published in the RPG magazine Dragão Brasil. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Avenger NOTE: This is an OEL, not a manga, manhwa, or manhua.

Issho Ni Kuraro

1. Let's Live Together The boss who arrived with the staff transfers is, in spite of being my boss, super cute. Toda-san came from the Kansai Branch, and somehow ended up freeloading at my house...! When I come home I'm greeted by a half-naked Toda-san, at night we share one bed and Toda-san rubs against my back...!! Wha-what?! I've been embraced!! This kind of life seems like the sweet life of living together with your lover... or so you might think, but between two men is it 'living together' or 'homosexuality'? What am I thinking!! - From Nakama 2. Fight With Love Kitada Aki has been stuck taking care of Otoda Jun since highschool. Lately, though, Jun has been saying bad jokes about being in love with Aki... what should Kitada do? 3. Secret Meeting When Sasuke's father died, Zenjirou swore to stay by his side. Sasuke was taken in by a brothel to be raised as a male prostitute from childhood, while Zenji spent years searching for him. Zenji finally found him... but Sasuke/Yakumo* reached 16 and has already been bought for mizuge (losing-the-virginity ceremony). Will Zenji's love be unrequited, or will they both be partners in a forbidden love? Can Zenjirou watch the only one he has ever loved be owned by another man? A story of love between a prostitute and a young master. *Yakumo is Sasuke's 'shop' name. 4. Pure Thread of First Love A 'prequel' to Henai Prince. This is the story of the younger Takahshi brother Kenji and and the youngest of the Satou brothers, Youhei. It's not exactly a prequel as it is about different characters. 5. Clumsy Lovers Hashimoto-sempai is always yelling at Nishi. All the other soccer players say that Hashimoto is bullying him, but Hashimoto actually loves Nishi very much... he just doesn't know how to express himself well. Their relationship stays forced, until Hashimoto finds out Nishi is going to Italy to go pro... 6. Let's Pass Time Together Extra on Matsushita and Toda from chapter 1

The Bride of the Mistletoe

The Bride of the Mistletoe summary: The Bride of the Mistletoe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bride of the Mistletoe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

ALE: Xithymia - The Sixth Judgement Of The Darkest Fate

ALE: Xithymia - The Sixth Judgement Of The Darkest Fate summary: ALE: Xithymia - The Sixth Judgement Of The Darkest Fate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of ALE: Xithymia - The Sixth Judgement Of The Darkest Fate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Gen Super

Gen Super summary: Dalam era perjalanan antar bintang yang luar biasa, peradaban ma.n.u.sia akhirnya dapat membangun teknologi teleportasi, tetapi saat mencoba teleportasi, mereka tidak dikirim ke masa depan, masa lalu atau wilayah yang dikenal oleh ma.n.u.sia... Wilayah misterius yang bernama Tempat Suci Para Dewa, dimana hidup makhluk-makhluk tak dikenal yang jumlahnya tak terhingga. Disini ma.n.u.sia dapat melakukan lompatan...

Shura’s Wrath

Shura’s Wrath summary: The mysterious boy Ling Chen is saved by a little girl as he lay on the street dying. Years later, he strikes a deal to save this savior-turned sister and enters the virtual world. In a future Earth where advanced warfare has forced nations to settle issues virtually or else suffer the consequences, Ling Chen bursts into the scene and goes from unknown to legend. Yet all is not as it seems, for Ling Chen has a dark past, and there is a greater mystery at hand behind this virtual world.
To save his terminally ill little sister, Ling Chen enters the newly released virtual game world and joins a small gaming studio comprising entirely of women. From now on walking upon his path towards the pinnacle. An ancient, evil item almost forgotten by history, the “Lunar Scourge” helps forge his unsurpa.s.sable legend, and causes him to unknowingly step upon a path that is destined to be punished by the heavens, the way of the shura.

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