


类别恋爱 少女










难过时想你,开心时更想你 甜甜甜宠小漫画,走过路过不要错过呀



















内容简介:一觉醒来发现自己穿越中世纪!一睁眼就是被托孤的现场!此后一脸懵逼和骑士开始逃命生涯!好不容易逃回自己的领土,莉莉安以为自己拿的是刷怪升级复仇剧本,却没想到拿的是带领子民种地发家的剧本… …作为二十一世纪吃货少女,只会吃,不会种,可谓是两眼抓瞎,幸好有个系统在!【中世纪背景框架少量魔法元素翻译腔】1w0-29610 >>


内容简介:【专栏连载文《爱豆今天掉马了吗重生》60br62以及预收文《偏执反派Beta好难当穿书》求关注】60br62——————60br62杜默穿进了一本ABO星际背景的霸总成长向爽文。60b r62他是书里极没存在感的工具人,唯一的剧情线就是打理冯异混乱的感情生活。60br6260br62身为炮灰的他身上有两条不能违背的规则:60br621不能改变剧情;60br622不能违背冯异。60br6260br62违背的后果:头疼。60br62因此面对这位冷酷残暴且薄情寡义的俊美Alpha,杜默每天都活得提心吊胆。他伏低做小、任劳任怨,做事勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,只期望自己能平安活到剧情结束回到现实世界。60br6260br62后来,冯异公司年会,杜默以助理身份躲在后台。60br62原著这段他记得清楚,冯异信息素突然失衡,匆忙之下随手抓了个他看着顺眼的小明星就进了休息室,然后霸道又狂躁的Alpha信息充斥整个会场,以至于工作人员不得不提前清场……60br6260br62可是小明星为什么在休息室外面?60br62下一秒,他听见冯异压抑的低吼:“杜默!!!给老子进来!!!”60br62手握炮灰剧本的杜默:原著不是这炮灰Beta他装不下去了最新章节地址:1w0-86009 >>


内容简介:本文在517号入v,当天下午3点万更,拜托拜托养肥的也支持一下首订,这对作者很重要哦,么么夏冬穿越了,成了一颗垃圾星上出生的珍贵雄虫。“你安全了,但是你确定要申请入军队服役吗?那很辛苦 。”眼前的雌虫穿着黑色的军服,白银色的绶带从肩膀一侧环绕而过,黑曜石一般的眼睛泛着冷色,只是其中也蕴含着难言的温柔。“是的,我1w0-80461 >>


内容简介:犯罪心理学专家、著名侦探林易穿越成为一名小诊所医生,并绑定【医学诊病系统】,通过给患者诊病可以获得丰厚奖励。于是林易开启了直播,思维缜密的为水友进行诊病。“主播,我最近总是恶心、干呕, 我一个男的不至于是怀孕了吧!”诊断后,林易摇头叹息道:“大哥,回去抓紧办手续吧,你老婆给你下药了!”…“医生,我身上奇痒难耐,还起了好多红疹,这是怎么回事啊?”“这个病症等你进去之后再慢慢治吧!罪犯还敢来看病,好大的胆子!”“大夫,我”“你就别来凑热闹了,回家换条不掉色的内裤就行了!”诡异的病情,扑朔迷离的事件。让人拍案叫绝的缜密推理。这一刻,医界泰斗震惊了!“有请下一位犯罪嫌疑啊,不,下一位患者!”1w0-96686 >>


内容简介:汪洋重生了,回到了他16岁,刚刚升上高中的时候。重生当然有福利,他现自己体内多了一个恋爱系统,只要是学校内的美女,系统就会和她们建立攻略关系。成绩提升,好感1;体育提升,好感1;魅力提 升,好感1;约会一次,好感……等一下,如果约会中不能让她满意,好感会1w0-75488 >>


内容简介:南宋嘉定十六年,来自现代的卧底沈墨,开始把江山社稷玩弄于股掌之中。数之不尽的奇谋、毒计、狠招、在他手上狂喷而出。他的现代刑侦技术屡破南宋奇案,他的谍报技能狂虐辽金密谍。当纵横无敌的蒙元 铁骑滚滚而来时,他练成的钢铁之师,迎头撞碎了蒙古铁骑那席卷天下之势!只手补天,力挽天倾,这是一场一个人对抗一个时代的战争!1w0-2313 >>


内容简介:【无敌爽文】苏子阳重生在《龙神世界》开启之前,占尽先机。强化系统激活,强化装备、强化属性、强化技能……一切皆可强化!欧皇:“我去,我打BOSS爆的装备,还没有他小怪爆的好!”肝帝:“大 佬,你这种升级套路,6666……”神豪:“泥马,我花百亿雇佣的圣骑大军,结果被他一个小兵给灭了?”书友群:707303650书荒朋友可以先看老书《网游之百倍伤害》,与本书有些关联。1w0-98000 >>


内容简介:  “生子当如孙仲谋,刘景升儿子若豚犬尔。”初平元年,被曹操称为猪狗儿的刘琦站在宜城的大门外,替他父亲刘表走进了荆州。如何不当豚犬儿?好儿子就要替父亲承担困难。单骑入宜城解决宗族,太危 险,我替父亲去。对付内忧外患的荆州,太繁琐,我帮父亲弄。结交诸权贵纳夫人……父亲您年纪太大了,还是我来吧!1w0-4539 >>


内容简介:小可爱们,大概在本月5号入v,感谢大家支持谢知命意外签订了恐怖直播协议,成为恐怖直播的一个新人主播。进入副本之后,谢知命抽到了有名的炮灰身份舔狗人设。“只要舔的够多,就不算舔。”谢知命 看着手机里面各位书友要是觉得《在逃生直播中当万人迷无限》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-106273 >>


内容简介:大家好,这里是盗墓直播间,正能量主播,在线带你逛古墓。快看啊,墓里有只女鬼,等我把它抓起来,给大家表演个才艺。老铁们,棺材里有只千年老僵尸,只要礼物到位,我把僵尸灌醉。喂警官,墓主人亲 自带我来它家拿东西的,你凭什么说我是盗墓啊?尸王:“这小子怎么又来我墓里了?我金牙都让他拔了,他还来干啥?”厉鬼:“有没有谁报警把他抓了?盗墓就算了,怎么拿了东西还打鬼啊?”妖女:“我这么漂亮,他都不放过我的墓,还有没有王法?还有没有法律?”陈三夜:喂,前面哪个鬼,对,就是喊你,过来。你的墓在哪儿啊?墓里有没有什么好东西啊?不说?沙包这么大的拳头,你吃不吃得消?1w0-97075 >>


内容简介:小鲤鱼心性善良,为了拯救他人的性命,却将自己变成了宫中的小公主。此公主心智有损,不论是父皇母后还是哥哥们或者下人都不将她放在心上。但自带幸运加持的小鲤鱼夏宝儿,分分钟赢得了所有人的喜欢 ,没等她说要什么,家人们就将一切好东西都摆在了她的眼前,真真是个幸福的小公主……1w63800-75722 >>


内容简介:十六岁出道。二十岁成为最年轻影后。二十二岁坐拥百亿资产。二十四岁……卒!时念醒来就发现自己居然重生到被黑成煤炭的十八线女星身上!前世恩仇,来世百倍奉还!只是,时念发现,她居然还有一个神 秘大佬老公?大佬在手,报仇何愁?“老公,困了吗?抱一抱。”“老公,渴了吗?”“老公,饿了吗……”大佬老公发现最近小娇妻很不对劲,从前爱沾花惹草,现在离了他一步就走不动道了。他面瘫一般面无表情,声线低哑危险:“吃你?”1w65644-99363 >>

Ah! My Goddess

Keiichi Morisato is a good-natured, yet hapless and girlfriend-less college sophomore who is often imposed upon by his elder dorm-mates and brow-beaten into taking phone messages and doing other chores for them. One day, while alone in his dorm, he accidentally calls the Goddess Technical Help Line and a beautiful goddess named Belldandy materializes in his room. She tells him that her agency has received a system request from him, so she has been sent to grant him a single wish. Skeptical and thinking someone is playing a practical joke on him, he wishes that she stay with him forever. To his surprise, his wish is granted. Belldandy must stay with him, but as his dormitory is strictly male-only, they are both forced onto the street. They set off on his motorcycle to find alternative shelter, eventually seeking cover in an old Buddhist temple. In the morning, they are greeted by the temple's sole inhabitant, a young monk, who welcomes them and gives them permission to stay until they can find permanent lodging. He immediately puts them to work maintaining the temple grounds, but when he sees Belldandy use her powers to save Keiichi from injury, he begins to fear that she may be a demon or sorceress. He is eventually convinced of Belldandy's intrinsic goodness when he witnesses her solicitous care of the temple premises and her perfect meditation ritual. When he decides to go on a pilgrimage to India, the priest gives the couple permission to remain in the temple so long as they continue to maintain it.

Mardock Scramble

Why me? It was to be the last thought a young prostitute, Rune Balot, would ever have…as a human anyway. Taken in by a devious gambler named Shell, she became a slave to his cruel desires and would have been killed by his hand if not for a private investigator and his self-aware Universal Tool, Œufcoque. Now a cyborg, Balot has not only physical powers, but the ability to disrupt social environments. She chases after Shell, his partner-in-crime Boiled, and faces down a variety of insane villains in this pulse-pounding cyberpunk noir adventure.

Assari Chocolate

1) 'Easy Chocolate' is about a guy who thinks women are annoying, but there's a particularly persistent one! Will she succeed in winning his heart? 2) 'Heavy Clouds, No Rain' is about a young couple that suddenly gets a visit from a stranger who demands consolation money! 3) 'Broach' is basically a story revolving a cat that a couple picked up once. 4) 'From the Cabbage Kingdom '03: Hesitation' is about a reluctant but budding teenage love between an unlikely pair.

Shaman King: Remix Track

A new collection of short mangas (3-7 pages) printed in the back of the Shaman King Remix Editions (Reprint editions). Each story takes a closer look at a side-story not in the original (or KZB) edition of the Shaman King. Because of their humorous nature, the 'plot' of these shorts should not be taken seriously in the series' proper storyline.

The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales

The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary: The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pokemon - A Mystical Journey

Pokemon - A Mystical Journey summary: An avid Pokemon fan got reincarnated in the world of Pokemon. Let 's follow his journey and watch as how he uncovers various mysteries of Pokemon world and begin to grow as one of the strongest trainer ever born Also I don 't own Pokemon franchise . It is jointly owned by Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. This fiction is but based on imagining that world of Pokemon from a different views while...

Rescuing The Supporting Character

Rescuing The Supporting Character summary: The ending of fairy taled is usually a happy ending of the hero and heroine. As for the supporting characters, who will care about their happiness? However, having such a bad thought one day, they suddenly turn dark. They want to revolt, and they don’t want to be the main couple’s stepping stone for their ‘True love’ again. Oh my G.o.d! What’s about the plot? What kind of story will it play out with a character like this? Can it still run smoothly? The hero and the heroine are going to be crippled by the supporting character!!!!! Well, there’s actually a project to save the plot from it. By nipping the bud of all evil thoughts from them, and let the hero and heroine live together in happiness. The named of this project is ‘To save the supporting character’. All executors must dutifully do their work, and as for the mean to achieve it? Oh! That’s not worth mentioning~ No matter whether it is a white cat or black cat, if that cat can catch a mouse then it is a good cat. 黑猫白猫 — This is called ‘Black cat or white cat theory’, derived from Deng Xiaoping’s famous conversation. The saying is ‘No matter whether it is a white cat or black cat, if that cat can catch a mouse then it is a good cat’.

Sword Art Online - Progressive

Sword Art Online - Progressive summary: One month after Akihiko Kayaba’s game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand players having already lost their lives to the ultra-difficult VRMMO world of Sword Art Online. On the day of the strategy meeting to plan out the first-floor boss battle, Kirito, a solo player who vows to fight alone to get stronger, runs into a rare, high-level female player. She gracefully dispatches powerful monsters with a single rapier that flashes like a shooting star in the night…This volume contains three stories, including “Aria of a Starless Night,” which details how Kirito came to be called the Black Swordsman, and “Rondo of a Fragile Blade,” the tragic tale of a young blacksmith that takes place before the second-floor boss fight.

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