


类别悬疑 玄幻 古风






简介本来想当个祸国殃民的美貌妖孽,蛊惑皇帝、祸乱朝政,覆灭民不聊生的王朝,却不想危机时刻,皇帝貌似不是个色胚草包,是巧合还是另有阴谋?! 艳姝:皇上快点死翘翘吧!我好回天庭过神仙生活! 皇上:朕要太平盛世,还要你做我的皇后! 每周六更新~不要错过哟~




简介【每周二、周六更新】一位是全球最大的甜品集团的总裁易子航,另一位是亚洲知名连锁火锅店的大少爷关天霸,他们同时喜欢上的美食杂志小新人慕菲!慕菲虽然是新人美食记者,但是她却拥有所有美食家梦寐以求的极品味蕾,可以精确品尝出一道菜中的各种味道及用量!为了慕菲的归属两人决定用美食展开决斗。甜咸党各自披挂上阵,这次誓要决出胜负!(编:苏禾 绘:白菜 春风画社)




















内容简介:唐佐穿越了。穿越到斗罗大陆的世界。成为唐三的哥哥(非亲哥,但两人不知道)他长着和宇智波佐助一模一样的帅气脸庞。武魂觉醒仪式上,他觉醒了写轮眼,和……十拳剑。唐佐不鸣则已,一鸣惊人当他开 启第三武魂与系统后,整片大陆开启了他的无敌时代。ps本文单女主宁荣荣,书友群799204164ps本文起点首发1w0-7320 >>


内容简介:穿越而来只能依靠捡垃圾而生,三天后就是清理垃圾的时间,如果没钱连带着人一起清理!淦!我都捡垃圾了,哪来的钱!不过还好【宿主李宇】【分身数量1(投放中)】【变形金刚世界分身生存时间–7天 】【路线选择接近主角】【第一天作为一名黑户,在NY市,您成功被抓了起来。】【第二天拘留的生活总是枯燥的…】【第三天地上的肥皂充满了诱惑性,但你成功的守住了节操】【获得1w0-88994 >>


内容简介:  本书幕后流,书名又名《如何把疯狂的时代变得疯癫》《论一个人怎么忽悠万千鬼神》《你瞧瞧你干的是人事吗》《多灾多难的霓虹》  ……  重生日本东京,灵气复苏,天地异变,鬼神入侵,世人颤 栗,疯狂的时代到来。  王尊立于东京铁塔之上,俯瞰着远方天穹裂开,那里鬼气森森,阴风呼啸如鬼哭神嚎,似阿鼻地狱要现世,  对此,王尊脑中系统提示音响起,作为唯一的超凡的他,抬起手摆头,五指纤细于东京铁塔上空划过,犹如优雅的音乐指挥家,指挥着无声却又激昂的乐曲:  “系统,消耗剧本点,拉低灯光。”  刹那,天穹正午时分,炽盛的骄阳变得柔和,暗淡下来。  “系统,消耗剧本点,舞台准备。”  瞬息,东京轰鸣,一股股似云如棉的雾,弥漫于东京街道、小巷、马路、高楼大厦间,将之整个东京漫溢。  “系统……”  …  当一切准备剧本就绪,天穹裂缝大开……  【读者一群】:315932728(已满)  【读者二群】:809559008  1w0-851 >>

为妾 (1v1)





内容简介:  创世流+幕后黑手+玩家流一切都要从姜平不小心捡到到某只蓝胖子的创世日记开始。于是一个个上古神话世界被他创造出来。 洪荒世界,奥林匹克世界,玄幻世界……再加上一群沙雕玩家的乱入,更是 增添了无数变数。众神赞美:您是一,也是万。是刹那,也是永恒....姜平:没错,是我姜平路边随手折的树枝,竟然长成世界树,邻居大妈送的鸡蛋钻出盘古,池塘中的莲花也化为了混沌青莲……书友群:345978117,可以一起讨论剧情和设定1w0-2198 >>




内容简介:林不凡穿越修仙世界,成为一代女魔头风妙依的第十位亲传弟子,也是唯一的男弟子。上头九个师姐个个都是神凰真凤之资,只可惜个个都叛离了师门。大师姐陆青衫,玄女宗掌教,正道第一强者,上位第一战 就将女魔头风妙依打成重伤,名震天下。二师姐鱼玄霜,剑痴,杀的天下剑修无人敢拔剑。作为师尊身旁唯一的弟子,林不凡所能做的也只有在美人师尊身旁尽孝而已。激活签到系统,师尊闺房签到就能变强。修炼是不可能修炼的,只能每天给美人师尊揉肩捶腿勉强维持生活。“师尊,今日徒儿为您做了桂花糕。”“师尊,今日徒儿为您做了冰淇淋。”“师尊,徒儿今日来给您捏捏肩。”“”等等,为什么感觉师尊看我的眼神有点不对劲?本书又名《霸道师尊爱上我》《美人师尊好像暗恋我》《反派师尊竟然暗恋我》《师尊请自重,徒儿只想专心修仙》各位书友要是觉得《我是反派师尊的宠徒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74269 >>


内容简介:胡娇彪悍,许清嘉文雅。他们的婚后生活是这样的:胡娇:“相公你说什么?”许清嘉:“……身为妇人就应恪守妇德……”胡娇:“相公我耳背,你近前来说……”缓缓举起手中刀……许清嘉……许清嘉强挤 出一抹笑来,“娘子……娘子言之有理!”原本是驯妇记,最后变成了驯夫记。胡娇:“……”我啥都没干!许清嘉:……娘子言之有理!”内心默默流泪:谁能告诉我,当大官还要附赠个怕老婆的属性?这不是真的!1w0-4035 >>






内容简介:黑道三大佬的小性奴简介:纯肉np各位书友要是觉得《黑道三大佬的小性奴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《黑道三大佬的小性奴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群 和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-32535 >>

Kodoku No Kane Ga Naru

1) The Sound of a Lonely Bell Father Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him? 2) The Flower of Captivity As the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer! 3) The Prince and I Hired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment? 4) Bubbly Night First Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him... 5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive Flower When Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his 'aniki' Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say 'I want you...'! 6) The Place That You Desire After the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his 'duty'...

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As a child, Amasawa Rei had attended Shirohato Park Institution. After her parents were killed in a car accident, she lived at the institution and befriended a boy. She doesn't remember anything from the time she spent at the institution, not names, not faces, nothing, only that she and the boy shared a secret--a secret much darker than she thinks it is. Now, as a new student at Shirohato Academy with her old classmates from the Park, she is assailed by fragmented memories of the past. What was the secret? Why does she feel driven to find that nameless boy? And most importantly, why doesn't Rei remember anything from her past?


From Blissful Sin: ('Still...' is the second part of Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari - Yano x Ishida Hen) It's been eight years since Ishida and Yano shared a very awkward moment during their graduation from Seiryou High. After college, Ishida hadn't seen or heard from his best friend for over three years. One day, he briefly glimpses Yano on a passing train. When did he come back and why do his friends insist it couldn't possibly be Yano? Ishida begins a desperate search for his missing friend with the old Student Council in tow. Still... is part of Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari ~ Yano x Ishida Hen

Kodoku No Kane Ga Naru

1) The Sound of a Lonely Bell Father Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him? 2) The Flower of Captivity As the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer! 3) The Prince and I Hired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment? 4) Bubbly Night First Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him... 5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive Flower When Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his 'aniki' Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say 'I want you...'! 6) The Place That You Desire After the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his 'duty'...

A Fair Maiden

A Fair Maiden summary: A Fair Maiden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Fair Maiden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls

Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls summary: Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

On Prayer and The Contemplative Life

On Prayer and The Contemplative Life summary: On Prayer and The Contemplative Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On Prayer and The Contemplative Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

What Would Emma Do?

What Would Emma Do? summary: What Would Emma Do? summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Would Emma Do?. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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