
































内容简介:  你相信世界上有仙人吗?云黛相信,因为她就是半仙。为了寻求境界上的突破,云黛决定封闭记忆下山历练。为了养活自己,她一边读书一边赚钱。商界巨子肾亏还不孕不育?科学院大佬命不久矣?中东土 豪得了绝症?不要慌,她能治!无论什么疑难杂症,是人是畜,只要给钱都能治!*父亲赌石失败,欠债十几亿?众人:“神仙难断玉,赌石害人不浅,你可不要学你爹!”云黛:“不好意思,我能感应到毛料里的翡翠。”短短几个月的时间,云氏玉石帝国的名气响彻全球!*某综艺节目邀请云黛去当辅导老师。黑粉质疑:“她一个高中生能行吗?”最后云黛辅导大山孩子考上了京大,辅导吊车尾的高中生考上了华清大学,辅导英语学渣考过了英语专八……节目开播后,云黛荣获最强神级辅助称号!粉丝狂吹彩虹屁:学渣行不行,云神说了算!*陆二爷:媳妇的粉丝太多了,我不仅要防男人,还要防女人!全能大佬VS人美心黑的疯批男主*Q群:717056711推荐我的完结文《盛世贵女之王牌学神》1w0-2852 >>


内容简介:瓒兵三万,列为方阵,分突骑万匹,翼军左右,其锋甚锐。绍令麴义引精兵八百,强弩千张,以为先登。瓒轻其兵少,纵骑腾之,义兵伏盾下,一时同发,瓒军大败,义亲斩瓒大将严纲,获甲首千余级。追至界 桥,瓒敛兵还战,义复破之,遂到瓒营,拔其牙门,瓒军俱惊,溃败而逃。麴义斜首望天,睥睨天下,曰:“试问天下豪杰,吾有八百先登,谁敢与争锋?”1w0-88775 >>


内容简介:怎么那么多太监烂尾的书呀?怎么这些书结局都不尽人意呢?苏嫣扶额。每一本书都是一个世界,做为倒霉读者的苏嫣要做的,就是为这些太监烂尾的、没有创造完美的世界弄一个完美结局。这是一个奇葩的世 界,苏嫣现,原来作者的脑洞真大呀……1w346-109359 >>






内容简介:(正文已完结,番外更新中)我来到孤岛收容所的第三个月,一场巨型台风追赶上了夏季的尾巴。在暴雨降临前一秒,倒头直坠而下的青年,隔着破碎玻璃窗与我对视了——这就是我和太宰治的初见。【食用注 意】·背景设定来自手游《被囚禁的掌心》,有修改。·短篇,轻松日常小甜饼,时间线在首领宰跳楼之后。·ooc,不适尽快逃生。·第一人称,女主姓名“甘寻光”。·期待评论,啾咪!1w0-68539 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:娱乐:女装大佬专业户!】男人一旦美起来,那就真的再没女人什么事!获得神级影后系统,李长生开启了他的无敌女装大佬专业户之路!【获得神级化妆术!】【获得神级变声技 巧!】【获得神级如意假发!】【获得不可描述神级辅助道具!】【女装大佬专业户:神级被动技能,当饰演任何女性角色时,都将自动获得演技提升999999,气质提升999999,魅力值提升999999,全场演员被动获得演技加成999】【帝后威仪:超神级被动技能,威势提升9999999,睥睨天下,万民臣服!】在《至尊红颜》中扮演武则天,他就是那柔媚与威严霸气并存的千古第一女帝!在《封神榜》中饰演苏妲己,那祸国殃民的妩媚风情,颠倒了众生,连仙佛飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢娱乐:女装大佬专业户!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:第一乌鸦所写的《娱乐:女装大佬专业户!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-97668 >>


内容简介:  国术世界中,他国术大成,拳压王无敌!大明江湖中,他横行无忌,天下第一! 手捏生死,拳破虚空!白蛇之中,画一卷万妖之图!遮天世界,魔主天下,威慑禁区!完美之中,我为魔皇!西游之中,论 道太上,掌压灵山!封神之中,四圣摆下诛仙剑...........顾少伤投影诸天,一步步踏上征途,直至,霸凌诸天! 本书vip书友群722975968(进群需要粉丝截图)本书普通群753202997(欢迎大家加群)新书已发《诸天大道宗》,感兴趣的可以看一看。1w0-373 >>


内容简介:沧澜大陆,武者为尊!少年陈帆身怀七曜灵脉,本是天纵奇才,却遭奸人所害,被抽灵脉,毁丹田,沦为一介废人!所幸于危难之中得到造化神火,得以逆天改命!再战八荒!且看少年如何步步逆天,登顶武道 巅峰!留下不朽传说!!1w0-63234 >>




内容简介:《江风犹在耳》又名《何以相爱不相知》婆家当我是丧门星,难产也不许剖腹。老公带着狐狸精出现,巴不得我一尸两命。我纵身一跳,在楼下的病房遇到了江涵风。他用深情解救我的胆怯。他见过我最落魄的 困窘,也叹过我最绝美的惊艳。可当我爱之深思之切时,却突然看不透他的眸。江涵风说:“辛然,如果能重来,你还会选择爱我吗?”“……”1w0-108353 >>




Ane-con summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ane-con. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Trouble Love Candy

From Yasca: The experienced Inspector Kazuhiko and the pre-graduate Michihisa are a loving homosexual couple. But Kazuhiko is always busy and seems to constantly find himself in trouble while Michihisa gets into just as much trouble himself! Frustrated with the little time they have together, Kazuhiko seeks help from Michihisa but the latter, not wanting to bother the already work-overloaded Kazuhiko, continually attempts to solve these problems on his own...

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Rozen Maiden

From Tokyopop: After a traumatic incident, Jun Sakurada refuses to interact with the outside world and return to school--he even shuts out his sister, his closest friend. Jun spends most of his time online buying spiritual items that are obvious rip-offs. One day he finds a website that curiously enough asks him to put his order in his desk drawer. Thinking it's a joke, Jun plays along. The following day a suitcase arrives containing a doll named Shinku... that comes to life before his very eyes! Welcome to the world of Rozen Maiden, where Jun must enter an all-new reality to protect and serve a living doll... In its continuation, the story starts with an older Jun, who is now a university student. While working at a bookstore as his part time job, he finds an unaddressed copy of the first issue of a weekly magazine 'How to Make a Girl' containing a spring. He brings it home, and soon starts receiving further issues of the magazine by post, each issue having one part of a doll's body as a gift. One day, after putting much effort into assembling the fifth Rozen Maiden doll Shinku, he receives a notification that the publication has been cancelled, leaving him with an incomplete doll. Suddenly, he receives a mysterious text message from his old number, claiming to be the Jun Sakurada asking for help against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakishou...

Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Concubine

Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Concubine summary: Mu Ru Yue, was a successor to her medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia. After being murdered by her enemy, she reincarnated in the body of a recently deceased good-for-nothing Miss in the Mu Family of the Martial G.o.d Continent, who had been beaten to death. In the throne room, she smilingly received a marriage notice to have a change in marriage to wed the infamous Ghost King from the Kingdom of Zi Yue. It was well-known that the Ghost King was stupid and foolish, with a ghost-like appearance. But who knew that he was actually the most two-faced person? Everyone laughed, thinking that a good-for-nothing was well-matched to a fool, but not in their wildest dreams did they even consider that she was actually a peerless genius in the making. When Mu Ru Yue looked at the man, who had a handsome G.o.d-like look, she said, gnashing her teeth, “Ye Wu Chen, you lied to me. How are you a fool at all?” The Ghost King chuckled as he affectionately embraced her. “By your side, I’m willing to be a fool that you can freely order around.”
Miki’s summary
The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue’s body had been poisoned. Because of this, her meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being known as trash. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body. They want to seal my path? I will train to reach the peak of the realms! They give me a foolish prince as my husband? I can make do with him. It would be easier for me to deal with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I shall strive to become powerful enough that n.o.body will be able to mock or kill me.

Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years

Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years summary: Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Jungle Fugitives

The Jungle Fugitives summary: The Jungle Fugitives summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Jungle Fugitives. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Adventures in Australia

Adventures in Australia summary: Adventures in Australia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adventures in Australia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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