


类别古风 爆笑
















在打倒了魔王的勇者一行人当中,魔法使芙莉莲是精灵,她和其他三人有不一样的地方。 生活在“之后”的世界里,她感受到了什么—— 留下来的人们所编织的葬送与祈祷又意味着什么—— 故事从“冒险的结束”开始。 这是讲述英雄们的活法的,后日谈奇幻作品!





捉鬼上海滩 前传

致敬林正英和功夫的上海滩捉鬼的老故事 搞笑和修仙 和僵尸 和捉鬼










内容简介:《病弱美人自救系统(快穿)》为作者十里长堤创作,作品病弱美人自救系统(快穿)章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供十里长堤精心编写原创病弱美人自救系统(快穿)及无弹窗病弱美人自救系统(快穿)最 新章节,病弱美人自救系统(快穿)全文免费阅读。1w0-32417 >>


内容简介:流明:光学单位,用来描述光通量,一流明的物理学解释为一烛光,简单来说就是可以被人眼感受到的亮度。穷小子酷哥攻(邓莫迟M83)×小少爷痴情受(陆汀Lu)赛博朋克废土背景,幻想多科学少,干 了很多坏事的贫民窟高智商黑客和不识人间疾苦的总统幺子之间的爱情故事,年上(23×19),AO恋,受对攻一见钟情并且穷追不舍。攻又美又病但是不弱,受又帅又娇气但是能打。——陆汀:反叛领袖在我船上,我怕什么?邓莫迟:错,是故国王子在我夺来的船上。【注】少量世界观设定借鉴银翼杀手系列电影。【再注】已检查两遍,标注出引用内容。预祝七夕愉快。各位书友要是觉得《流明之罪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!流明之罪最新章节地址:1w0-99274 >>


内容简介:南翎修炼了近十万年,眼看着就要进阶神龙了,却在最紧要的关头被天雷劈到了下界一个奶娃娃身上。几万年心如止水的她瞧清自己的处境后简直想哭了。整个大陆灵气极度稀薄不说,本身资质还极差。不过好 在海中生物灵气十足,只要她足够勤勉,修炼有成也只是时间问题。知道她心思的人都笑话她,那海中的宝贝是多,可又有几人能有命去拿呢。南翎抬头望天一笑,别人自然是不可以。可她,是海中的霸王。食用指南:1女主成长系小言情,男主前期镜头很少,介意勿入。2女主胎穿,可以在海中自由呼吸。3本文架空,海中生物除了生活中见到的就是参考海洋百科全书,如果有写的不对的地方欢迎小仙女们指正,但希望不要人参公鸡。 ̄▽ ̄打滚求预收啦《大佬总想啃我续命》作为一个活了上万年的人参精,沈草最大的本事,就是跑。躲了采参人几千年,一不小心就躲到了现代。现代好啊,好吃的好玩的,还有个好看的……就是命有点短了。沈草大发慈悲,扯了根头发丝儿给他。喏,拿去保命吧!不谙世事的万年人参精x黑芝麻馅儿的短命大佬小剧场:凌昭凑近沈草,挑起了她的发丝闻了闻。“小草,你好香啊。”沈草瑟瑟发抖捂紧头发。“不能再拔了!你病都好了!”凌昭满脸黑线。“我不要你的头发,我想要的……”他的手滑向小草的脖子,轻轻勾了勾她的衣襟。“是这个。”沈草惊恐脸捂住胸口。“你要扒我的皮?!”凌昭气急,直接上手扛人扔到床上。“对,现在就扒了你的皮!”龙女完了就开这本,喜欢的小仙女点下收藏吧。~ ̄▽ ̄~推荐一本基友的完结文,非常不错的!《穿成女扮男装的男配后(穿书)》一本非常精彩的脑洞穿书文!感兴趣的小仙女可以直接搜索名字去看看各位书友要是觉得《落难龙女发家史》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-59256 >>


内容简介:预收《一家穿成败家子》文案在下方。不知经历了多少时间,曲仲终于完成异世穿越任务满级归来,回到了自己的世界。商业大亨,政界精英,学术界大佬,曲仲表示咱们不约,我要回家种田。一望无际的山林 ,院墙斑驳的老房子,和房后永远不会干涸的小溪就是他最想回去的地方。山上有树,田里有粮,溪里有鱼,家里有人!日子平淡而舒适。可……偏偏《满级大佬种田日常》小说推荐:恐怖女王快穿、穿成末世圣母女配、重生民国娇小姐、你和人头都归我电竞、反派亲妈的佛系日常、宠入心扉、夫人,你马甲又掉了!、头号军婚:重生辣媳十八岁、爱妻入骨:独占第一冷少、他从火光中走来、重生年代福妻满满、影后成双娱乐圈、成了霸总的心尖宠、情敌每天都在变美穿书、PUBG世纪网恋、和马赛克相亲相爱那些年快穿、七十年代白富美、被大佬们团宠后我野翻了、全娱乐圈都在等我们离婚、许你万丈光芒好1w0-29287 >>




内容简介:她江离不能文不能武,被世人看做废材一个,却突然嫁于赫赫有的战王,世人都道这门婚事是个笑话,却不想某人宠妻狂魔。“王爷,王妃又把金夫人给打了。”“让她打,银子本王来付。”“王爷,王妃娘娘 说是要把您的池塘填了种药材。”“让她填,填不动了你们也帮着填。”管家汗颜,见过宠的还没见过那个不分青红皂白就宠的。1w83996-84064 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者雒枫的经典小说:《无定长安》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说正文已完结欢迎宰杀晋江独家发表,三千字一毛钱一本书也就10块,买不了吃亏买不了上当,还 能有本宝宝亲亲抱抱举高高,不要花钱去买盗文资源谢谢,下资源卖的我有权追究你们的法律责任请切记。背景架空勿考据么么哒作者君公众号:八月二十四萧无定想替父报仇,才女扮男装参了军。漠北一战成名,从此无定将军名震南北。再回人世再见青梅,却不可避免有所欺瞒。公主要这天下,萧无定哪怕此生不得安定,也要双手奉上。可周锦河要的1w0-78537 >>


内容简介:浩漭天地,界陆三分。妖魔横行的寂灭大陆,药神宗天才宗主,毕生无法修行,于大限将至之际,寻转世再生之路。然,生死海深,轮回路险,因果纠缠,厄难降临。……三百年后。凡人聚涌的乾玄大陆,一座 边陲小城,风雨飘摇的虞家,有一天魂、地魂遗失的浑噩少年,一夜觉醒。就此,风云突变,天地翻覆,传说和神话再续。新生少年,地魂凝炼阴神,天魂进阶阳神,人魂蜕变元神。终,三魂盖世!……1w972-99302 >>


内容简介:太宰死了。中也前脚刚参加完他的葬礼,回家就看到狗比搭档躺在他床上。——真是活见鬼了!“混账东西,你死了都不肯放过我吗!”已经火葬场骨灰都扬了却没死透的幽灵宰语气恶毒:“全都怪中也,我死 了你也别想好过。”中也:“艹!”更糟糕的是幽灵宰只有他能看到,害的众人都误认为他接受不了搭档离世产生重度幻视,港黑八卦论坛全都是他们1w0-81475 >>


内容简介:白日梦贩卖机是由芙玖所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供白日梦贩卖机最新章节阅读白日梦贩卖机全文阅读白日梦贩卖机免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现白日梦贩卖机更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0- 70098 >>


内容简介:九转十世,投胎皇家。命运给了他一个尊贵无比的太子身份,也给了他一个残酷无情的生活环境!那就是他不得不面对的坑爹现实:他爹是李治,他娘叫武媚。新书《宋疆》已发布,还请大家多多支持。群号: 605978837.欢迎大家进群讨论。1w0-3751 >>

Monaco No Sora E

Monaco no Sora e summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Monaco no Sora e. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The World God Only Knows

Read The World God Only Knows Manga Keima Katsuragi, a second year high school pupil, is an enthusiastic player of gal games (video games that require interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Yet, in his school life that was real, Keima is called a derogatory portmanteau of the two words megane and otaku, otamega. At the start of show, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to 'conquer' girls and, believing it's an invitation into a game challenge, he takes. In response, a cunning devil from Hell named Elsie appears: a Spirit Hunter. Elsie proposes the only real solution to drive the evil spirits outside is by 'conquering' the girls' hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps that the at large evil spirits conceal in, where she is then in a position to get them. Interested only in gaming girls, nevertheless, as he's no intimate real life experiences whatsoever Keima is appalled by the thought, and refuses the duty. However, together with the contract already consented, Keima has no choice however to help Elsie no matter what, as they're going to be beheaded through an invisible (to others) purple collar around their necks when they neglect. Each sister is inactive in the center of a girl among those they've previously helped, so Keima beat their hearts and must find them a second time. This time however, they recall the meetings he's had with them as a result of goddesses inside them, as he attempts to beat the girls concurrently causing endless potential failure and high tension. Nevertheless, his time is restricted as a rebel devil faction called 'Vintage' is about to get the goddesses and take on the planet. Keima begins seeing visions of a kid who's somewhat familiar to him, after Vintage's plans are thwarted. The goddesses send Elsie and Keima to days gone by of assisting her together with the job. Upon arriving, they team up using a mysterious girl who seemingly has some link with Dokuro, Elsie's first-class in the underworld, and Keima finds that several incidents before are distinct from what he recalls, resulting in a terrible chain of events which he should avert to make sure that the present remains unaltered, along with another devil faction which releases giant humanoid creatures. As Keima finishes his final assignment, he has the capacity to make up with this and finds the truth about among the giants. Although Elsie decides to stay with him, he could be alleviated in the collar and returns to his regular life in real life. Then he professes his love for Chihiro Kosaka, among the girls who has enjoyed him from the start. Along with Keima's romantic comedy experiences, the show parodies and makes fun of common, and popular platitudes about dating sims, anime character stereotypes, and pop culture. The World God Only Knows Manga is composed and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki, serialized since April 9, 2008 in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday. Kami-sama!!' . Haksan Culture Company licenses in South Korea the collection, as well as the initial two volumes of the chain has been concurrently released with limited edition addendum for each on August 2009. Other miscellaneous information is contained. The manga series that was official has ended as of April 16, 2014, with chapters that were 268. Other manga: + Kuroko no Basket Manga + Soul Eater manga

Do Not Fight

About a husband and wife who are spouses on paper only (live in the same house, but separate rooms; same company [he is the president, she is a worker], but act as strangers) falling in love with each other.

Ushiro No Shindere-San

From Manga Updates Karugasaki Tora decided to repeat a grade and turn into a delinquent just so he could be popular, on his best friends advice. However, his plan backfired and nobody talks to him in his new classroom. The only thing he can look forward to is seeing the cute girl sitting next to him, but after trying to talk to her she immediately kicked him and threw him out the window. Later the same day, though, he saved her and a little girl from being hit by a truck. No longer able to avoid him, the girl reveals that she's a ghost playing a shinigami's game. She must get the boy she likes to return her feelings at times given by a pair of hourglasses so she can return to life, or fail and be sent to hell together. Unfortunately, her feelings have awakened for Karugasaki...

Lady Good-for-Nothing

Lady Good-for-Nothing summary: Lady Good-for-Nothing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Good-for-Nothing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Trinity Six

The Trinity Six summary: The Trinity Six summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trinity Six. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Descendant. summary: Descendant. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Descendant.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Murder Of Angels

Murder Of Angels summary: Murder Of Angels summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Murder Of Angels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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