


















大正十四年、浅草でひっそりと営むカフヱーピウパリア。昆虫学者がオーナーの、文化人達が集う個性的なカフヱー。ここで働く女給さん達もまた、ちょっぴり“ワケあり”で…。 大正十四年,在浅草悄悄地经营着一家西式餐厅。店主是昆虫学者,是文化人士聚集的个性的咖啡馆。在这里工作的女招待们也有点“有理由”[+展开]”…[-折叠]




类别恋爱 穿越 古风 少女 其他








类别都市 恋爱 生活


内容简介:当唐僧师徒四人在灵山受封的时候,灵山脚下,一个看起来像是乞丐的男子眼中流露出不屑之色,他恨恨的低声说道:“如来,俺老孙,会回来的。”n不一样的西游,齐天大圣的复仇之旅。1w0-1287 38 >>


内容简介:“伦坡先生,究竟是什么让你暂时停止创作了呢?”丽塔·斯基特的速记羽毛笔也停顿了下来,仿佛在等待着后文。爱德华露出一丝笑容,“因为,我答应了阿不思一个小小的请求。”速记羽毛笔则是这样写下 的“因为阿不思·邓布利多的极力邀请,所以大作家爱德华·伦坡应邀参加这将是小说界的一大损失,好在仍有他的弟子吉德罗·洛哈特先生”呵呵,当然是为了汤姆·里德尔那诱人的灵魂1w0-9992 >>


内容简介:有了百倍修炼速度是啥体验?你打了别人一巴掌。基础掌法圆满,自动进阶黄级下品掌法!没事走两步。基础身法圆满,自动进阶黄级下品步法!楚晨就是这样,得到了百倍修炼系统,被这效果吓的目瞪口呆。 “叮!你瞪大了双眼,基础目力圆满,自动进阶为千里眼!”………有了这样的系统,真是想怎么牛批,就怎么牛批!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我有百倍修炼速度》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75582 >>


内容简介:将近30岁的宅女没有男朋友没有存款遇到过几个渣男但是没有任何收获,除了觉得男生都是骗子每天加班累成狗,生活在水深火热之中的时候,都会在心里默默祈祷老天让我也重生吧我不会改变历史的也不会 去浙江找马云我就是想过上小资一点的生活最好再能找到一个忠犬哪管丑点都行最主要是忠贞本文走轻松风格女主一直以为自己重生找到了忠犬并且一直默默地玩养成结果发现忠犬是腹黑的大灰狼而且自己才是那个被养成的红太郎各位书友要是觉得《重生之老公养成计划》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79665 >>




内容简介:免费提供作者林雪灵的经典小说:《你最动听》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【正文已完结,番外更新中】【专栏接档文《余生有你》、《他的心尖宠》求收藏。】林安安有 次做节目,被嘉宾反问有没有男朋友时,林安安大方地承认没有。某日深夜,她睡得正香,忽然感觉到有重物压在自己的身上。她惊醒,一张熟悉清俊的容颜蓦地映入眼帘。林安安放弃了抵抗,任凭那个人掀开被子和她肌肤相亲。男人亲吻着她的脸颊,凑近她耳边,灼热的呼吸酥痒撩人:“听说你没有男朋友,是吗?”“是……是啊。”男人在她耳垂上咬1w0-76836 >>


内容简介:  生前420级的骑士死后重入《天域》游戏世界的开端,却发现自己变成一只蝴蝶幼虫。但是凭借着他一颗坚持的心与昆虫幼虫的天赋【进化】,他不停的向前,逐渐走出了食物链的最底端。【红外感知】 、【昆虫直觉】、……、【超声波定位】让他在战斗之前便已把握先机。【甲壳武装】、【断肢再生】、……、【超细胞活化】不仅让他防御超高,还让他成了打不死的小强。【喷射丝线】、【毒液操控】、……、【迷彩伪装】让他成为了出色的猎手。不仅如此,蝶化法师形态、重装铠甲形态、……、刀锋战士形态,能够变化为各个形态的他成功的转职成为游戏中的各个职业,学习各种职业的技能。这是一只虫子在《天域》的神话……1w0-1936 >>


内容简介:末世降临,我竟然获得了天庭系统。有丧尸,我有黑白无常,后面的丧尸注意排队,拿好表格,去阎罗殿安排投胎!有巨兽,我有妖王孙悟空,不好意思大力了一点,一金箍棒给杵成肉泥了,今晚只能吃撒尿牛 丸了!有美女,我有召唤月老,红线已经给你换成钢筋的了,你就使劲浪吧。有邪神,我有太上老君,这个妖邪扔我炉子里,加点柴,盖好盖,九转金丹这就来!自此,世间万物皆颂我之名,皆扬我之道,因为我是1w0-77990 >>




内容简介:小雄跪到妈妈身后,扶着她的屁股,大鸡巴对着她那水淋淋的小穴一顶,大鸡巴马上进去了一半。“哦……好……就这样……哦……”妈妈说。抓着妈妈丰满的屁股,小雄一收一挺的干着她,妈妈也一前一后的 移动身体来迎合他的抽插。“哦……喔……我的好宝贝……好儿子……妈妈……好舒服啊……啊……”颖莉久旷的体内如饥似渴的相应着,迎合儿子的抽动。“哦……臭小子……你一定看……看过A片了……哦哦……好会插啊!”1w0-108343 >>


内容简介:  皇孙刘诏选妻,提笔一挥,圈下顾玖的名字,坚定地说道:“我要娶她!”  皇上下旨赐婚。  众人纷纷上门恭喜顾玖,果然是走了狗屎运,才能嫁给皇孙。  面对大家的祝福,顾玖面上笑嘻嘻,心 里MMP。  顾玖这辈子最幸运的事情,是病逝后居然中大奖,穿越到古代,开启第二次生命。  而她这辈子最倒霉的事情,是遇到了皇孙刘诏。  传闻皇孙刘诏风度翩翩,温文尔雅,待人谦逊有礼。  顾玖:呵呵!  世人眼瞎。那个男人明明是个腹黑,狡诈,阴险,狼子野心,头生反骨的大反派。电视剧里一路嚣张狂虐男主女主,到大结局才会被编剧写死,还能引来无数粉丝心疼的那种人。  传闻顾家二姑娘顾玖是个温柔贤惠的病娇。  刘诏:什么温柔贤惠还病娇,都是假的。那个女人明明是个傲娇,自私,脾气大,爱记仇的小吃货。1w0-2692 >>




From ADV: When popular high school student Chiko finds a cell phone, the voice on the other end tells her where she can witness a suicide! The phone doesn't stop ringing, and soon Chiko and her classmate Bando will have to race against time to save these lost souls.

Tokumu Sentai Shinesman

From Onadoru Euphoria: Shinesman is a comedy series that parodies shows like Power Rangers or Ronin Warriors. There were only ever two episodes released, with notably hilarious dubbing for a show. The manga series has 9 volumes and is drawn by Kaimu Tachibana, who often draws BL, so you can expect there to be innuendo or jokes about the male characters being too close. The main story in Shinesman is that Matsumoto has joined the Right Trading Company, and somehow was picked to become the newest member of a group of superheroes called 'Shinesman' (which would sound like 'Businessmen' in English). They fight evil aliens who are trying to take over the business world. It's light-hearted and undeniably cute. From Mangascreener: Ever seen a little show called Power Rangers? Or any of its relatives stateside or around the world? Well this is a mix between a parody, a satire and a tribute to all the greatness of Super Sentai all rolled into one... with a twist. This task force of heros have jobs, a boss and a 401k. Set during the bubble economy of the 1990s, this campy but loveable manga brings office comedy to a classic genre of super hero shows. If you have a chance, the anime is released in the United States (all 2 episodes) so go check it out, and get ready for the manga!

Scarlet Order - Dance In The Vampire Bund 2

Adapted from Seven Seas' summary: Seven years have passed since Mina Țepeș' triumphant return to the Bund. The year is now 2020; integration of vampires into human society has greatly progressed, the threat from the three clans has been eliminated, her rule over vampiric society appears absolute, and the Bund has became an integral part of the world economy. Now Tokyo is hosting the Summer Olympics with Mina as guest of honor at the opening ceremonies. During her speech, terrorists infiltrate the stadium and demand that she close the Bund and remove all vampires from Japan. In front of TV cameras, Mina and Akira must confront the terrorists. And that's not the only threat waiting for them...


From Nakama: 1.Two men who are endowed with different phermones - coworkers Miyake and Koshikawa. Once enticed by that scent, soon these two are drawn close together in a relationship... are these newly born emotions love? Or lust? From Goki408 2) Relation of promise. 3) Wedding. Serina and Seji have been neighbors for years,After Seji's girlfriend dump him. Serina suddently confesse to Seji and ask him, 'Could you hold me once? It's okay if you thinks of me as a girl, and if you really can't i'll give up ) On thoses words Serina start to cross-dress for him but.. 4) Sugared words. 5) The future that was born from incandescence.

The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny

The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny summary: No one told Xie Qiao that the after effects of transmigrating into a fetus would be so great. The moment she did it, she became sickly. Fortunately, she had maximum affinity with living creatures. The animals she reared could fight, the herbs she planted could live. She could write talismans, read fortunes, and get rid of love interests. She could perform divination, detect aura, and read Fengshui. She could also good at the chess, music, literature, art, carving, and cooking, so she could earn a lot of money. And she was now taken back by the crown prince. “I heard that the princess consort brought about a lethal fate to her parents since young, and she has a lethal destiny. She’s someone who will not live long. If she marries the crown prince, she might not be able to protect her life. Very soon, she’ll kick the bucket!”
This was the secret news of the imperial city.
Several years later…
“Grandfather, Grandmother, did anyone place bets on when you’re going to die today?”

The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist

The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist summary: One day, due to G.o.d’s mistake, Tomoaki Akino’s life was accidentally s.n.a.t.c.hed away. Though he gratefully accepted the cheat offered as an apology and reincarnated, he was reborn as a female elf! Then time pa.s.sed, and Tomoaki now works as the intelligent and beautiful receptionist named Ilya in the Luneville branch of the Guild a.s.sociation. In a world of swords and magic, her job in the guild begins today.

Aladdin and Company

Aladdin and Company summary: Aladdin and Company summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aladdin and Company. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories

Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories summary: Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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