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通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...




内容简介:“七天变一次怪物,在这个全是人类的星球上,我还怎么混?要是变成血族、精灵、外星人倒是还好……但大部分却是变成怪物、巨兽、神话生物……我要变一哥斯拉,还不天天挨核弹啊?”浑身浴火的炎魔, 不死冰霜的巫妖,矫捷灵动的精灵,八百触手的怪物,九万眼珠的异人,长着翅膀的老虎,贪婪食人的巨魔,独角黑鳞的蛟蛇,翻江倒海的巨兽,吞天噬地的星空生物,脑域开发极限的外星种族……蓝坎表示自己根本就是个怪物集合体,活在人类的社会里,不闹腾出乱子,根本就是不可能的事嘛!既然如此,不是没有异能者吗?我就有异能!不是没有史前生物吗?我就是!不是没有神话怪物吗?我变过!不是没见过外星人吗?我现在就来亮个相!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《非人基因统合体》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82979 >>


内容简介:【火爆全网】【每日十更】【收藏有惊喜】先天神道胎,混沌种青莲,不灭元始经,未出生我已无敌!九天最强祖神宁尘重活一世,于凡尘中崛起,踏上热血争霸之路,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,一路横扫无敌 ,只为斩尽前世敌,救最爱之人……1w19300-32390 >>




内容简介:佞臣九千岁温容,权倾朝野,谋略无双,却独宠声名狼藉的相府弃女烈九卿。她以为,是温容毀她清白,害她身败名裂,对他的宠爱视而不见,恨了他一辈子。最终,他为救她,被皇帝五马分尸!直到死前她才 知道,姐妹伪善,亲人毒辣……被所有人算计了一生,唯独温容,负尽天下唯独没有负她!一朝重生,烈九卿身怀空间,医毒双绝,锋芒尽显。她势必要让仇人血债血偿!可她最想做1w0-107492 >>


内容简介:路时洲向高中时的初恋女友求复合,惨遭拒绝。他喝到半醉和朋友吐槽:我这个初恋贪财好色还花心,是我疯了才把脸扔到地上,让她踩了一次又一次。朋友:我也失恋了,不过拒绝我的那个女孩单纯优雅又善 良,是我配不上她。后来才知道,拒绝他们的是同一个人。半校园甜文,读者群:5788299971w0-59602 >>


内容简介:世间光怪陆离,似妖怪打架。看着父母干架长大的何明橙从小发誓,她一定让她的孩子幸福成长。但世事无常,好学历,创业快成功,离幸福只差一个好男人的的她,就这么被迫入了妖怪打架的世间局。只见过 两面的男人,带着俩萌兽就这么闯入她的生活!这矜贵霸总富贵萌娃追着她跑是什么意思?一脸情深眼泪汪汪,搞得她像个不负责的妈,我跟你们不熟啊。何明橙被动入局。可妖怪干架,最是无常事与愿违为的时候,人生如何抉择?人生如1w0-37695 >>


内容简介:第一次见面沈琪琪晕倒在阴亮怀里,把他吓成了白痴。第二次见面沈琪琪把阴亮忘了个干干净净,把他衬的像个傻子。这都十年过去了,阴亮不相信他这个高富帅的天才少年,搞不定这个只会吃吃吃的小傻瓜。 1w0-90354 >>


内容简介:  不减肥就得死!一部被贬仙人在凡间的奋斗史!群号:8324766241w0-138


内容简介:当药尊者从萧炎母亲的纳戒中飘出“小炎子,你可想要拜我为师?”萧炎:“你这糟老头子坏得很,吸我斗气”云岚宗萧炎:“师父,这糟老头子说要和你比炼药”古河:“药尊者,别来无恙啊,来看看这斗圣 骸骨做为你的躯体可还满意?”药老:“我看你有斗帝之资!”1w0-52687 >>


内容简介:高亮排雷!狗血!古早!火葬场!男c女未定,介意慎入!求预收《虐文女主是我姐》世人都道是裴二公子厌弃了月宁,却不知自她离开后,裴淮便夜夜思她入魔,梦里尽是月宁眼梢微红,低声啜泣的模样。矜 贵公子活成了行尸走肉。裴淮知道,他快要疯了。上元节灯会,华灯璀璨,摩肩擦踵,流光溢彩的烟火声中,裴淮忽然看见月宁站在桥上,冲他莞尔一笑,唇齿轻启间,似在嗔怪,仿佛在说:怎么还不过来,等你等得累极了。他脚步微动,想上前确认之时。身旁有个男子极快地提袍而上,于月宁身前站定脚步,伸手递过去编织精巧的花灯,两人相视一笑,万千烟火轰然炸开。那一刻,裴淮攥紧了腰间的长剑。阅读指南:※架空,非常空。※撒狗血的火葬场,结局he※男主黑化后很黑,大概率有强取豪夺。求个预收《虐文女主是我姐》姜宝忆做了个噩梦,梦里本该拿着甜文剧本的姐姐,最后把自己作成了虐文女主。不仅被人糟蹋玷污,就连姜家都血流成河,人仰马翻。而罪魁祸首,便是惨遭抛弃,对姐姐爱而不得的前姐夫周启。姜宝忆痛哭流涕,爬过去扯着他的袍子求放过,然而素来温润儒雅的人,坐在高头大马上,只说了一句:不留一个活口!姜宝忆惊醒!看着眼前手握香囊,尚还娇羞无比的姐姐,打算做些什么。“你说,他会喜欢吗?”姜宝忆连连点头:“喜欢,喜欢,你做什么他都喜欢!”姐姐:“他瞎了,大夫说治不好了…”姜宝忆:“你信我,他不会有事的!”姐姐:“平阴候世子来提亲了,他说了好些体己话,我实在扛不住了…”剧情还是走到了这里,周启再次惨遭退婚。姜宝忆锤了下心口,险些当着周启的面哭出声来,姜家药丸了!“你哭什么,被退婚的是我,又不是你。”“宝忆,我是个瞎子,你姐姐选了世子我能理解……”“宝忆,你走吧,我不会恨姜家的…”姜宝忆听他胡扯,最后壮了壮胆子,决定自己来。她颤着双手,捧起周启的脸,无比真诚:其实…我爱慕你很久了。推荐专栏完结旧文《那个偏执独爱我》readapp2重生后男主又黑化了1w0-44670 >>



Endou-Kun No Kansatsu Nikki

Via Baka-Updates Manga: Endou's the quiet guy with the messy hair and glasses who never talks to anyone. Tsuda's the tall, indifferent guy who sits behind him in class. It's only when Tsuda's friend, an aspiring hairstylist, begins to rave about how much he wants to give Endou a haircut that Tsuda bothers to even look at the guy. But he soon realizes that he just can't stop looking, and that he may never be able to look away from that expressionless face again...

Anata Ga Watashi To Kurashitara

From Midnight Scans: When you’re in a relationship with someone, truth is, it’s a complete necessity to live together with that person. Read this masterpiece that sketches out various couples’ trembling hearts in this “living together”-themed compilation. Room 1 Momochi, a short haired lass is in love with Kouta, a 2nd year student in her university. However, she found out that Kouta likes girls with long hair and so happened that her friend was able to invite Kouta for the drinking session that she was supposed to go! She bought a long hair wig in order to attract Kouta but when they're making love, trouble arises?! Room 2 Saki was invited to live together with her boyfriend, Masaya who works as a weekly publication reporter. Although they're living together, Saki doesn't see him much at home and starts to get lonely. One night, she woke up and found Masaya sleeping in the living room...? Room 3 Tsukiyama has a crush on Kanaya and likes him because of his kindness towards her. One day, her roommate kicked her out of the apartment they were sharing because her roommate's boyfriend is coming back so she had to find her own apartment to live in. Tsukiyama went over to Kanaya's apartment and asked if she could stay there for a month. As they live together, Tsukiyama's feelings began to deepen and she had a feeling that she was restricting Kanaya so she decided to move out?! Room 4 Mayu is a designer that works at home. She hired an assistant who then turns into her lover. However, Mayu likes guys who are good with cooking and sadly, Yoshitaka isn't like that. Although she's quite disappointed with that fact, she likes the sex with Yoshitaka. But still, she's quite dissatisfied with 'something' and decided to look at some vibrators... Room 5 This story revolves around Mamiko (Tsukiyama's friend from story 3) who was awaiting for the return of her boyfriend who was studying abroad but her boyfriend cheated on her with a blond chick and thus, they broke up. Mamiko was heart broken and then, she suddenly met a foreigner by the name of Joshua, who needed a place to rent. The last thing that Mamiko wanted to see is a person with blue eyes. Still, she let him rent the room in her apartment and as they live together things starts to change... Room 6 In order to help her friend, Midori decided to live in Mai-chan's apartment. Mai-chan decided to leave that apartment because she want to get away from her ex-boyfriend who so happen to live next door as well. When Midori moved in, she noticed the huge hole in one of the rooms and of course, which apparently leads to her neighbor's room next door. As she greeted the rumored ex-boyfriend of Mai-chan, she was captivated with the handsome lad and began to fall in love with him. But why did Mai-chan broke up with this kindhearted guy? Who exactly is he? Midori have to find out, all this through that captivating hole... Last Room A tiny extra story regarding to the Room 6 story~


Da-Zhong Lian-er has no success at love. With 99 straight strike outs at the age of 16, he meets a new girl just as he cries as he deletes the contact information from his last one. (Based upon the first chapter. This is the name the scanlators listed ~a_v) From NoName-Scan: Da-Zhong Lian-er is a high school student who has been looking for love for a long time. Unfortunately, none of the 100 girls he confessed to so far have returned his feelings. Each of them also unintentionally left him with tears. Meanwhile his schoolmates are more interested about a young star in the magazines, which renji surprisingly didn't pay any intention whatsoever. Who will be the girl for him, if ever finds someone?

Devil Survivor

From MangaHelpers: The Comp is a popular portable game system that also functions as a smartphone. But it suddenly becomes a portal for demons to travel to the human world! Kazuya receives three Comps, from his master programmer cousin Naoya, for himself and his two friends Atsuro and Yuzu. In order to survive the demon invasion, the trio have to use the Comps to summon and subdue the demon that appears in order to fight back against the waves of demons that are about to swarm Japan! [vyc]

Imperial Uncle

Imperial Uncle summary: Imperial Uncle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Imperial Uncle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Perils and Adventures of Harry Skipwith

The Perils and Adventures of Harry Skipwith summary: The Perils and Adventures of Harry Skipwith summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Perils and Adventures of Harry Skipwith. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Beauty After Quest Online

Beauty After Quest Online summary: Beauty After Quest Online summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Beauty After Quest Online. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Home in the Silver West

Our Home in the Silver West summary: Our Home in the Silver West summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Home in the Silver West. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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