






简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!








简介上班族卞构跟自家养的名叫一条狗的土狗互换了身体,成了一条狗,接下来会有怎样的大冒险等着他呢…… 下载腾讯动漫APP提前看更新。


















内容简介:屋内有阴灵,窗外有恶鬼,城中有行尸,而江宁刚刚穿越。本以为只能等死,却不曾想激活武道修改器。系统,给我加点。十年不行就百年,百年不行就千年,千年不行就万年。看我以武道横推世间。1w0- 87239 >>




内容简介:资深玩家陆凡穿越进开放世界游戏,成为绰号“女王之手”的恶魔宰相。本以为可以过上位极人臣的富贵生活,但他接手的却是魔物横行、叛军四起的王国,女王大人更是教科书般的昏君。于是,以征服傲娇女 王为起点,他开始了画风不正经的异世界征服史诗,逐渐成为一代凡尔赛大师,更慢慢发现了世界背后的隐藏秘密。群星帝国、失落遗迹、深渊龙穴、远古世界树、冰封王座、永恒之海、苍穹图书馆、妖异东方大陆……“我真的只想当个普通人,过完平平无奇的一生。”多年后,面对向自己俯首求饶的战败国皇帝,陆凡一边抚摸身旁的巨龙,一边由衷感叹着。PS:本书又名《凡学家的自我修养》《生而欧皇我很抱歉》《女王育成手册》1w0-99530 >>


内容简介:在人蛮共处的世界里,雄踞中原世界的大月朝有一特殊组织,他们上监百官、下镇江湖、内斩暗碟、外诛妖邪,世人称其为守夜人!浊水河畔有一仆从少年,天生神力,却不得不为改变命运而战,手握一把锈刀 ,远赴神都,搅动风云!1w0-89809 >>




内容简介:摸奶一百八十式(限,高h,np,不伦)是yinersan所著的小说,摸奶一百八十式(限,高h,np,不伦)全文阅读小说全文情节引人入胜,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的小说,玄界小说网免费提供摸 奶一百八十式(限,高h,np,不伦)全文阅读,小说章节清爽干净的全文字在线阅读。1w0-80728 >>


内容简介:前世她被最亲近的人谋财害命,重生一世,她要让狗男女血债血偿。只是,某条发着金光的大腿伸了过来,是抱还是不抱呢?“七少,抱大腿呀。”某人瞄了一眼她的腿,嗯,腿型不错。第二天,她哈欠连天的 哀叹,抱大腿是要付代价的。1w22098-27889 >>


内容简介:水影月一觉醒来发现自己穿越到女尊世界,还没来得及摸清头绪,突然被一阵冰冷的机械声音打断。告知:获得夫君一号贺兰,好感度10水影月想,所以这是个恋爱系统?告知:获得夫君二号莫晗生,好感度 负10000水影月惊喜,好家伙,这还是个女尊世界?等等,为什么好感度是负?而且为什么夫君二号看起来要将她生吞活剥?告知:获得女皇继承权,存活概率。水影月崩溃:她不做女皇了可以吗,为什么所有人都要追杀她,她只是个手无缚鸡之力的弱女子啊!1w94582-97719 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,竟意外重生在了东汉末年,成为了最年轻的西凉郡守!此时的天下太平道猖獗,氐、羌两族响应黄巾反叛,各郡县接连失守,关键时刻钟离觉醒了签到系统,签到就能变强!前往陇西郡签到【奖励十 万大雪龙骑】前往古都洛阳签到【奖励十万玄甲龙骧军】前往金帐王庭签到【奖励十万狼骑】此世天灾人祸并起,他虽是无意逐鹿,但也知苍生苦楚!传闻帝君出征之时,北击匈奴,西征大漠,一统九州,主宰中原,还天下一个朗朗乾坤!1w0-94005 >>


内容简介:胡娇彪悍,许清嘉文雅。他们的婚后生活是这样的:胡娇:“相公你说什么?”许清嘉:“……身为妇人就应恪守妇德……”胡娇:“相公我耳背,你近前来说……”缓缓举起手中刀……许清嘉……许清嘉强挤 出一抹笑来,“娘子……娘子言之有理!”原本是驯妇记,最后变成了驯夫记。胡娇:“……”我啥都没干!许清嘉:……娘子言之有理!”内心默默流泪:谁能告诉我,当大官还要附赠个怕老婆的属性?这不是真的!1w0-4035 >>


内容简介:这是一个关于暗恋的故事。只是这场暗恋的时间太漫长,长到足以唤醒每个有过暗恋经历的人的记忆。故事里,女主名叫洛枳,十几年来,她在自己的世界里演着这场暗恋的独角戏,对男主盛淮南感情复杂,既 因他的优秀而被吸引,又因别的一些原因而嫉恨他。因为盛淮南,洛枳一路追随,考上了最好的大学。因为各种机缘,洛枳和盛淮南终于走近。但成长的过程和现实的压力,让两人接受了很多考验,两人是否能走到一起?洛枳的日记本到底是被谁捡取?盛淮南的家庭是不是有变动?洛枳对盛淮南的爱,到底在面对现实的考验时,会不会坚持下去?在家庭和爱情的面前,各位书友要是觉得《洛枳盛淮南》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96120 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】宴兮是燕栖最讨厌的女明星,没有之一。这个十八线白莲花不仅天天捆绑倒贴她的男神傅子尘炒绯闻,还和自己名字同音。然而一次意外,醒来后的她变成了宴 兮这朵白莲花本花,才知道娱乐圈水有多深。宴兮捆绑倒贴?狗屁!明明是渣男傅子尘求爱不成贼喊捉贼!宴兮不仅已婚,她隐婚老公还是傅子尘对家,当红影帝季修北!某日,宴兮收工回家,看着已经做好饭的季修北,突然心生愧疚:“老公,如果我做过对不起你的事,你会怪我么?”季修北挑眉:“比如?”宴兮心道:比如,在我还是燕栖的时候,为了傅子尘天天去你微博下冷嘲热讽……不等她答,季修北说:“无论什么,肉偿就行。”想起昨晚的激烈战况,宴兮腿不自觉发抖,求生欲使她闭嘴装死!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生小甜妻:老公,缠上瘾》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27532 >>

Lover's Mode

Businessman Aoe is trying to leave so his student lover can study. But that is proving to be difficult. Sequel to Love Mode, but not really necessary to read that first

Shuukaku No Juunigatsu

Konno Masaki just recently moved to Tagami and has already stirred up a mess. The goddess of the land, Noshiro, lives alongside the people of the city and for some reason chooses Masaki as her mate. Without thinking about the consequences, he agrees to her demands only to regret it. At the same time, Towada Yuki, the only daughter of the wealthy family of Tagami, falls in love with Masaki and asks him to be her boyfriend. And like a fool, he agrees. Now Masaki has to juggle two of the most prominent members of the community, the goddess of the land and the member of the Tagami family, and prevent it from blowing up in his face.

Geki Ai Motto Motometai

An anthology of oneshots. 6. Advent Prince - Karen is in love with the school Prince. When he asks her out it seems too good to be true. Why is he interested in her?


There are several stories in Dakishimetakunai: 1) Electricity (Denki) - A high school student despairs of ever making friends on account of his appearance scaring everyone off. However, the new transfer student with the unique and 'electrifying' physique shows up in time to prove him wrong. 2) I Don't Wanna Hold On You (Dakishimetakunai) - When middle-aged salaryman Masato is laid off, Tatsuya, a host hires him to take care of his apartment… and other, more personal services. But when Masato starts to have doubts about accepting Tatsuya's money, what will Tatsuya do to stop him from leaving? 3) Reason For Desire (Yokubou no Riyuu) - The rich and lonely young businessman gets into a scuffle with a castoff vagrant. He gets a bit more than he bargains for when he takes the man in as live-in housekeeper. 4) Secret Knife (Himitsu no Naifu) - Two solitary people walking similar paths, one an assassin for the yakuza, the other a Shinigami (a Grim Reaper), meet and find their way to mutual love and understanding. 5) Rose and Knife (Bara to Naifu) - Sequel to Secret Knife. Yato comes upon an old partner who is bent on 'reteaching' him how to be a ruthless killer once again. Kamui, however, will do anything to keep that from happening. 6) Keep Up Your Right! (Migikawa ni wo ki wo tsukero) - I Don't Wanna Hold On You omake Keep Up Your Right! omake

I Was Reincarnated As A God

I Was Reincarnated As A God summary: I Was Reincarnated As A God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I Was Reincarnated As A God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

Boba Fett_ The Fight To Survive

Boba Fett_ The Fight To Survive summary: Boba Fett_ The Fight To Survive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boba Fett_ The Fight To Survive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

All Good Children

All Good Children summary: All Good Children summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All Good Children. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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