


















简介只要拥有梦(shen)想(bi)!愿望就一定能成真!一个拥有神笔的少年和他的画作们轻松搞笑的日常!大家要相信,女主会很美的!要耐心呀~!每周双更,暂定周二和周六! 神笔马尚-读者群 573938426














内容简介:  不想当皇后的嫔妃不是好嫔妃,我们的目标是——教育乾渣龙!————新书《大清良人》求收藏!求养肥!拆迁暴发户卫嘉树倒霉穿越大清朝,结果发现,这个清朝竟不是历史记载的那个辫子朝!而是一 个叫宣建国穿越前辈建立的新朝代。她满腹槽点无处吐,实在憋得难受,直到遇见了一只能交流的阿飘君……大吐特吐之后才发现——阿飘君姓宣名承熠,乃是当今天子、开国太祖宣建国之孙也!卫嘉树:这个孙子!离魂症皇帝和活见鬼宫女。1w0-3793 >>


内容简介:《极品神医闯都市》是桑心精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新极品神医闯都市最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的极品神医闯都市评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持极品神医闯都市 读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《极品神医闯都市》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76214 >>




内容简介:【热血玄幻·升级流·一代谋圣驰骋异界】记忆被封印的天才少年谋圣,一场意外让他被卷入了大陆无尽黑暗的漩涡……当难以让人接受真相曝光之时,面对未知的力量、强横的敌人、还有那永无止境的三界追 杀,他的选择,又会是什么?◆手持通天噬灵器,内修魔道弑神决,乘骑洪荒超神兽,驭使深渊百万军。◆你有你在意的钱权酒色,我有我珍惜重视的热血伙伴!胆敢手欠犯我者,管他天地容不容、诸强服不服!不服!打到你服!各位书友要是觉得《魔道剑神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26996 >>


内容简介:西行淫记西行淫记h简西行y记银蛇肉色屋西行淫记西行纪敖灵h西行淫记by西行印记李花生悟空与观音艳记西行纪视频免费完整版穿越西行纪之系统妖僧西行记西行yin记银蛇西行淫记txt《西行y记 h》最新章节就在小兵1w0-66334 >>




内容简介:前世,穆如酒为太子鞠躬尽瘁,却最终后位被夺,兵符上缴,一杯鸠酒死于冷宫。三年后,穆如酒重活一次,誓要将皇帝扳倒,搅得国无宁日!听闻,向来清冷的摄政王祁君羡,身边多了娇蛮任性的小丫头,还 娇滴滴叫人“皇叔”。“王爷!小姐把余家公子打残了!”“愣着干什么?还不去帮忙?”“王爷!小姐把您珍藏的书画撕了!”“又不是你家的!”“王爷王爷,小姐说要嫁给公孙将军!”高位上的男人冷1w0-89781 >>


内容简介:《小狐狸业务不熟快穿》是作者一颗苹果糖创作安陶是一只因为不会吸元气冻死的小狐狸,结果给拽着后颈扔到各种险恶的系统世界中——扮演不是作天作地,缠着主角攻给主角受下绊子,就是出场三章被拎出 去为主角攻受赴死,奋战在第一线的炮灰。安陶战战兢兢走剧本时,发现主角攻受和反派BOSS身上,都有他不吸就会挨饿受冻的元气……于是小狐狸只能悄咪咪试图薅暖气,缠人再缠久一点,给反派BOSS打小报告,还悄悄给主角受递爱的小纸条。主角攻:这小狐狸精勾引我?反派BOSS:……小东西,你引起了我的注意。主角受:既然那人待你不好,就跟哥哥过吧。勉强求生的小狐狸越到后面,就越害怕,不愿意也强行被催熟了。没来得及跑,就被束上了捆妖的红丝带。安陶:我,我不要元气了……主角攻冷脸拉下领带:“过来。”“别让我重复第二遍。”主角受微笑着掐他下巴诱哄:“乖乖的,嗯?”“我知道你喜欢。”安陶后退几步,撞到反派身前,瑟瑟地试图告状:他们,你看他们,都坏了……反派BOSS臂展一捞就把小狐狸禁在怀里,伪装面具撕下,不怀好意地顺着他尾巴根往上摸:“那是什么给你错觉,全局从底子里都坏的坏人,会放过你呢?”———高亮————业务不熟练的小狐狸精X腹黑大佬各世界主角攻,主角受,反派BOSS,各色大佬等不幸多选一。注意事项,主受2苏,苏苏苏3高亮!主角非强4黑化情节√感兴趣可康康预收↓——《靠宿敌的信息素才能勉强生活》——校园ABO学神斯文败类攻X学渣会咬人本能逃不过猫科动物受景默是猫妖,因此腿长爱干架能睡觉身体素质一流又热衷于抢地盘,在校三年,终成惹不起的校霸。所有西城的学生都默认他是个A,而且是个猎食性的顶A,景默自己也这么觉得。直到他某天在更衣室里,从那个看不顺眼,人气爆棚的Alpha转校生身上闻到……薄荷的味道。当场把人扑倒在地,跨坐在人腰间,景默意识不清地埋在人颈窝里嗅嗅闻闻,漏出来的尾巴啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着地面,缠着人大腿。“你……别动……让我吸一口……”带着鼻音的轻哼在更衣室里响起。“…………”转校生面无表情地伸手,覆着薄茧的手指慢条斯理地捏上了身上人白皙的后颈。于是景默就像被捏着命运的后颈的猫一样不能动了。再后来,命运的后颈被咬了一口。……——你天生就该是我的猫。逃不脱,跑不掉。……斯文败类信息素猫薄荷攻X会咬人的猫科动物受笔趣阁首发小狐狸业务不熟快穿最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-84703 >>


内容简介:正文完结,番外会持续掉落下本开《为她做不二臣》或《他被撩了》【文案】:狗男人X假温柔传闻傅氏集团总裁傅亦铭冰冷无情,对下属极其严苛,封莞却做了他五年的秘书。直到某天封莞情急之下,把他丢 在高速公路的服务区,独自驾车离开。再回公司,他递给她一个信封。封莞愣了愣,以为她被辞退了。“好,走之前有些话我必须说。”她咬咬牙,扬声道:“傅亦铭你知道自己多讨人厌吗?洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。要不是投胎投得好,我保证你活不到这么大。说实话这五年,我从不觉得自己是个秘书,而是你亲妈!”傅亦铭不耐烦地抬起眸:“说完了吗?”封莞点点头。“那就去把这份合同寄出去,”封莞:“?”后来,封莞相亲回家,在家门口看见一身西装的男人倚在车边吸烟。看见她,傅亦铭掐灭烟头走过来,朝她步步紧逼:“洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。”封莞被逼退到角落,正准备求饶。却听见他说:“你做我女朋友,我都改。”封莞:“?”下本《为她做不二臣》:【性冷淡总裁X骄纵摄影师】商业联姻先婚后爱追妻火葬场(并不1简谣十六岁那年遇见洛知南,一眼倾心。四年后,洛家父亲病逝,洛知南仓促接手家族企业,面临资金链断裂危机。简谣为帮他渡过难关,主动提出联姻。领证当天,他向她父母发誓,他这辈子会敬她,重她。唯独不肯说爱她。简谣心死。2世人皆知洛知南生性冷戾,在商场上手段狠绝,令人闻风丧胆。却传闻他英年早婚,娶了位富家千金。不过从未有人见他带妻子出现过公众场合,有人称他对妻子并无感情,全靠女方死缠烂打。不久之后,有传言流出——洛知南将要离婚。不少富家千金纷纷拍手叫好,蠢蠢欲动。后来,他接受某财经杂志邀请,拍摄封面。有人在化妆间看见摄影师简谣丢给他一份离婚协议书:“上次寄给你,你说丢了。那麻烦你现在签一下。”而一贯冷厉自傲的他眼圈微红,满脸慌张地抓住她的手不肯松。“谣谣,我任你罚,不离婚好不好?”下本也可能先开这个《他被撩了》,求收藏呀!文案:1研二开学,沈棠和谈了两周的男友分手,被吐槽古板守旧。当天晚上,她借着酒劲在ktv强吻了个男人,临走时塞给他一张理发店的打折卡,媚眼如丝道:“小费。”2几天后开学,沈棠替大一学妹代课,看见讲台上的年轻副教授,想死。代课被抓,沈棠好说歹说还是被年轻教授揪回办公室,通知导师来领人。办公室里,导师冷脸问她:“为什么代课?”1w0-107787 >>




内容简介:  从小立志做一名外交官,完成妈妈的遗愿。突然得到穿越系统,接到的第一个任务竟然是“杀死一个鬼子兵”,可获得系统奖励。看一个满身技能的外交官,如何玩转世界。  大雨新书发布《电影世界私 人订制》,敬请关注。1w0-4271 >>


内容简介:江络是一本真假千金文中死于非命的假千金。死后,江络被快穿系统选中,成功度过八个世界后,她又带着一身技能穿回去了。鸠占鹊巢十六年的假千金被赶出江家后,竟然跑去参加女团选拔赛了!江家父母气 到晕倒,青梅竹马的未婚夫庆幸还好自己及时退婚,真千金更是大骂她不要脸面。靠1w77498-78223 >>

Shibou To Iu Na No Fuku O Kite

A story that wonderfully depicts the emotions of an overweight woman with low self-esteem surrounded within the harsh environment of slim and good-looking women. She then decides to lose weight after getting dumped by her lover. The consequences and side-effects are explored further after the 'achievement'..is it what she really wished for?

13-Nin No Short Suspense & Horror

13-nin no Short Suspense & Horror summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 13-nin no Short Suspense & Horror. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Yume No Moribito

In a certain village, in a certain cave, lies a young girl that has been sacrificed. A certain mysterious man comes to her rescue...

Taishou Mugen Kitan

From Storm in Heaven:Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes.Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice.Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone: This continues the story of Akira Hanawaka, an unusually gifted Noh dancer who crosses the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms. But what lies at the heart of his powers? And how is his world changed by an unexpected confrontation with his younger brother? Secrets are revealed when the demons of Akira's past ominously threaten another's future.Beloved Princess: A young exorcist at court during the Heian Era (794-1192 CE) is confronted with a series of bizarre incidents involving the occult. But nothing is as it seems, and a greater mystery remains to be solved: the tragic tale of Princess Hashi.Evil One: Sometime in the not too distant future, civilization has been decimated by a biological weapon known only as Evil One, stolen from the laboratory of a brilliant scientist and unleashed upon the world by an enigmatic group of terrorists. In this shattered world, a young prostitute called Agata struggles to survive. His life goes by unnoticed until one day, after a particularly brutal encounter, Agata is rescued by a mysterious stranger who appears to know more than anyone should about the dark secrets of Agata's past. Who is this man? What does he want? And, most importantly, what is Agata's connection to the Evil One?

Yuusha no Segare

Yuusha no Segare summary: Yuusha no Segare summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yuusha no Segare. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dragon-Marked War God

Dragon-Marked War God summary: Dragon Marked War G.o.d is a very popular, and highly rated online novel with exciting and interesting content. The story is combined with different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, martial arts, and romance among others. Su Yue Xi is the author of this book, and it is published on NovelOnlineFull. So if you are interested, you can find it there. The story is most suitable for readers who prefer long stories because there are almost two thousand chapters available as part of this novel, and the new updates are on their way as well. So if you are a fan of a story that never ends, this is the right solution for your entertainment.
This story contains one great character with extraordinary abilities and power. He is so powerful that he can make real miracles. He is even capable to create new worlds, so his power can be of tremendous benefit for millions. However, he can also be dangerous at moments, especially when enemies appear. This powerful figure was the greatest saint in the past life, so he inherited many of his powers from that period. However, he was born again at the beginning of the story, and he is ready to start and develop new adventures.
It is almost impossible to compete against this guy because he is virtually unbeatable. With effectiveness of 100%, he is a real nightmare for every opponent in this story. The saint speed is also unquestioned, so others are unable to oppose him even when it comes to that aspect of the martial arts.
This former saint has preserved the enormous experience fro the past life. And it now enables him to use all kind of fighting techniques and eliminates virtually any enemies out there. You can find truly good fighters in this story. The action is the main genre, however, no one of these great masters possesses the skills and experience from the past life. That’s why the former saint is much better than any of them. And he was very powerful in the past life, he was not just a regular guy so that matters too.
But he is not the satin anyone as well, and he is named Jiang Chen in this new life. Jiang has dressed appropriately to a man of his abilities and supernatural powers. There are different features of his cloths, and he has a handsome figure and long black hair. It is totally clear that he is a very strong individual even at first sight. You do not have to know about his past, but you can conclude that by his appearance only.
Jiang has a big love for his friends and family, however, he is merciless to his opponents. That’s why many are willing to avoid any type of confrontation with him. Jiang is calm in every situation, no matter how dangerous that can be. He can handle it without any problems. Despite his kind nature, he can also manipulate with others to take different advantages if necessary.
All in all, the story hides different twist and turns, so you can enjoy various events. And that’s the best thing a reader can get from a novel of this kind.

Only I Level Up

Only I Level Up summary: In this world where Hunters with various magical powers battle monsters from invading the defenceless humanity, Seong Jin-Woo was the weakest of all the Hunters, barely able to make a living.However, a mysterious System grants him the power of the 'Player ', setting him on a course for an incredible and often times perilous Journey.Follow Sang Jin-Woo as he embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled...


Audrey summary: Audrey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Audrey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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