








简介我的妹妹小埋16岁,完美的妹妹,完美的高中生,但在家里却是个超懒的干物妹……华丽?变身?干物妹小埋漫画 ,欢迎在线观看!












类别恋爱 校园 生活












内容简介:穿越到古代傻女身上,柳叶也很无奈,为了从后娘的手中寻找出路,她代嫁冲喜,装疯卖傻斗极品亲戚,针灸治病发家致富。本以为人生的巅峰就是诰命加身,谁知道人生总是意外不断。看着京城中前扑后拥的 女人都被他冷酷无情的拒绝,柳叶挑着眉头试探的问道:“世子,你看看她们一个个貌美如花,你真的不打算收几个?”男子一把将她拉到怀里,挑着她的下巴,嘴角带着邪笑:“夫人,我看你最近太清闲了,不如,我们再生几个包子,如何?”1w0-73140 >>




内容简介:展暮这个男人,不爱就是不爱,即便你跪在他面前,他也不会爱你。这个道理直到她死才真正明白。当真心的付出,换来的却是濒死的绝望时,她累了,也认命了。……假如时间能够倒流,人生可以重来,那么 她定不会再执着……展暮,这次我放过你,也放过自己。(男女主双重生文)关于定制:沧蓝的定制主要修改如下:因为字数限制,一切配角(蓝致,温以深,魏无斓,程英……只要不是主角)的戏份,某商酌情删了。1w0-32531 >>


内容简介:时间为你,停滞在朝暮里。温柔攻X旗袍女装受灵感来自于崔开潮何珍妮。很温柔的一首歌,希望这篇文也能写的很温柔。已完结,番外更新中。本书关键词:幻想奇缘甜宠年上情投意合HE《朝暮里》小说推 荐:刺青、从林正英世界开始修道、神之禁忌目录、夫君是我一手带大的、三国:开局收服太后、僵尸世界:神级选择、私密保姆、武侠:开局算计师娘、秋以为期、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、跨物种相亲、黎明之后、星际之亡灵帝国、居山海、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、玄幻:我!天命大反派、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、草茉莉、论演员的自我修仙、斗罗之武魂殿主、绯闻太多是我的错吗、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、典型意外(ABO)、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、我本娇蛮、最豪赘婿、陛下,你这样很容易失去我、热吻野玫瑰、饺子铺的跛脚男人、灰大叔与混血王子1w0-75877 >>






内容简介:沈卿卿爱霍霆萧十年,为他甘愿赴死,却不想新婚当天,他亲手将她送入监狱,毁了她,还害死了襁褓中的儿子……涅槃重生,她记得所有人,却唯独忘记了他,面对前夫的穷追不舍,她说,前夫,滚远点,想 追我?请排队!1w6024-30324 >>


内容简介:天生失聪,本应是死寂的世界,却从来都没有消停过。凄厉的歌声,疯狂的惨叫,百鬼齐哀……我或许并没有失聪,只是听不见那个正常的世界。楼道下的脆响,微小的打嗝声,炸裂的皮囊…………当一件件诡 事发生,我才恍若察觉,宿命,终究逃脱不掉。不要怀疑真实,可能连你也不知道,究竟谁才是真实的。开新书了,小伙伴们多多捧场。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诡耳人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68994 >>


内容简介:燕京富豪秦家有着人见人羡的优秀基因。秦先生:亿万金融巨鳄秦太太:知名三金影后秦大少:投资点金圣手秦二少:顶流男团爱豆秦三少:国服电竞大佬幸福的富豪之家还意外之喜得了个小宝贝,五斤六两软 得跟团棉花似的,取名棉棉,是被三个大佬亲哥团宠的小妹妹。可灾难来得犹如灭顶,妹妹在三岁时突发意外没了。自此,秦家五口陷入深渊,悲痛万分,彼此怨怼。直到某天,秦氏总裁办公椅上坐着一个又乖又软的奶团子,穿着小裙子的妹妹回来了!*重生的棉棉是个下凡渡劫的小神仙。她偷看了记载凡间诸事的凡尘簿,震惊地发现看似光鲜的家人们都在自己意外过世后逐渐黑化,没有一个能活到大结局。原来她降临凡间的渡劫任务,是治愈一个即将分崩离析的家庭。棉棉回来后。原本会因为大量酗酒罹患肝癌的秦爸爸迷上了逛公园遛闺女。重度抑郁症放弃事业的秦太太重回片场,登上了事业的新巅峰。寄情工作日渐冷漠的三个哥哥每日画风变成——秦三少:“今天轮到我送妹妹上幼儿园。”秦二少:“棉棉说喜欢二哥的法拉利,一周至少要坐三次对不对?”秦大少:“都闭嘴,两个自己都管不好的熊孩子,棉棉今天坐我车。”棉棉:哥哥们太爱争宠了怎么破QAQ1w0-2677 >>


内容简介:【言情小说】他在她耳边呢喃,“阮绵绵,你就跟你的名字一样,抱起来软绵绵的,就不知实质怎么样,不如你就主动点吧,我们之前的所有事情也算是了结了,怎样?”……五年前,她扒光了他,害得他一觉 醒来就动了大怒,“女人,你要是让我逮住了,你就死定了!”五年后再遇,她拔腿就跑,跑?他邪笑,“感谢老天把你送到我的面前。”不过,惩罚这个女人怎么像惩罚自己呀,这女人像是毒,让他一吻上了瘾,一摸起色心,不觉中还丢心,这不要怪他,怪就怪她实在太勾人,某天,竟然得知她已经有了个儿子,还有个男人,这妒忌这羡慕,呵呵,好样的,看他平时对她太尊重是不是,好,哪怕在电梯里,我也会让你销魂呻吟,让你永远也忘不了我……小妖孽:你为什么跟我一模一样?,某人:是你跟我一模一样!1w0-74404 >>


内容简介:不良高中教师,本着好玩的心态捡了一个看似可怜小狗的受伤男子,打算把他当成奴隶来奴役,不曾想日后这小狗兽性大发变成恶狼起来反扑。受伤失忆的恶狼被暴力男捡到,听话体贴,恢复记忆后却发现对方 是自己恨的咬牙切齿的男人,隐瞒仇恨最终强压之。补充1:必须是剧情流补充2:这不是兽人文【为了和谐社会,找肉章请戳到我的作者专栏】↑↑↑↑以下1章节抽风看不到新内容的话,请将地址栏改成my2这是个很有坑品的人入V公告:编编通知06月10号入V,当天三更,谢谢支持手机看不到河蟹请嘟一声各位书友要是觉得《捡只狼来爱强强》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!捡只狼来爱强强最新章节捡只狼来爱强强无弹窗捡只狼来爱强强全文阅读1w0-32821 >>



Love Romance Sweet Kiss

1-3) Romance Handsome features, magnificent physique, the returning elite of America: Saeki, the bespectacled beauty of the Systems Department. While Kurahashi is the perpetrator of a crime! His pride is unforgivable. He has a ruthless attitude, so why does his hot gaze stir up Saeki's heart? 4) Rainy Weather, 1pm in the Afternoon Yoshizawa and Mori work in the same company but different departments, though they often meet up on the rooftop for breaks. Mori always gives Yoshizawa candy, but it isn't long before Yoshizawa is craving more than sweets from his ever cheery coworker... 5) The First Civil Servant A history lesson from our favorite lawyers. 6) Throbbing Kiss and Love Independent lawyer Oosawa is surprised to see that the new prosecutor is Suzuki, his old college classmate. Oosawa had forgotten kissing Suzuki in a drunken moment, but now he can't forget how sweetly Suzuki kissed him back. 7) Children Can Never Understand Fukaya is asked by a friend to help tutor intense student Kuroda. Fukaya is still brooding over his 6 month old break-up with his ex, but Kuroda is quickly getting under the older man's skin with his perceptive attention and lack of understanding about personal space.

Tonari No Gokudou-Kun

About the student council president and his otaku friend(?) daily life in school.

Yuuwaku - Sakaraenai Yokubou

1) Teach Me More by SHINJO Mayu On her way home from school, Hina is attacked by a pervert on the train! She's too embarrassed to raise her voice, but - she's saved by Kyousuke!? Kyousuke is the hottest guy around, and there's not a single girl who doesn't want him. He pulls Hina off the train, and then... he does more things to Hina than the pervert on the train would have! (Also included in Motto Oshiete) 2-4) Chase 4Me by IBUKI Kaede Hana's mother and father died when she was five, and ten years later it's her four incredibly over-protective and super-possessive brothers who take care of her. Today, she's beginning her first day of high school at an all girls school... but when she accidentally walks into the all boys school next door, she's assaulted by males! Then Hana falls in love at first sight with the boy who saves her - Ren - and begs him to take her on a date. Ren can can rescue Hana from the boys in his school... but is he any match for Hana's brothers? 5) The Frontline of Summer! A First Date Victory-or-Defeat Charge by FUJIWARA Natsu Megumi is 16 years old. Today is her first date with her crush, Satou-kun, and... the extra-long title says it all about this extra-short story! 6) Radical Love Revolution by SARA Mahiro Riko and Kippei have been friends since they were kids. They're so close that they beat up bullies together, and now they've handcuffed themselves to each other! They've always looked for excuses to fight... but now Riko is looking for an excuse to love. So the question becomes: can Kippei survive the romantic advances of a girl who expresses herself through violence? 7) The Desires of My Right Hand, the Beating of My Heart by AYUKAWA Mio Touko is a mild-mannered high school girl with an unspoken crush on Kuga-kun... until her friend hypnotizes her, and Touko's right hand takes on a perverted mind of its own! It gropes Kuga-kun, and Touko no longer has any control over it...!? 8) Sepia-colored Secret Room by HARUSHIRO Amami Third grader Chiko's friends were constantly being bullied by Rei-kun, a boy who glared at them with beautiful sepia-colored eyes, because he didn't want anyone hanging around Chiko but him. They took revenge on him by locking him in a haunted house, and Chiko never saw him again... Seven years later, the new transfer student from America is... Rei!? He's become rich and is twice as sadistic as before, and he's got a score to settle with Chiko's friends - and Chiko herself.

Sensei! Koi No Shitsumon Desu!

Sensei! Koi no Shitsumon Desu! summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sensei! Koi no Shitsumon Desu!. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Book of other People

The Book of other People summary: The Book of other People summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of other People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wall Street Girl

The Wall Street Girl summary: The Wall Street Girl summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wall Street Girl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812

The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812 summary: The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Naruto System Within Naruto

Naruto System Within Naruto summary: Linley Riku lived his life as a total MADAO.... leaching off from everyone he could..... His love was anime Manga and all types of fan-fictions but his most favorite one that would kill if he missed something from it was Naruto.... One day as he was sitting in an cafeteria seeing Boruto series..... Sound of brakes could be heard and the last thing he remembered was a huge BUS... Stepping over them...

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