

武庚纪 封神记 第一部



















类别悬疑 恐怖 惊悚












内容简介:  徐文若是一位美貌与智慧并重,英雄与侠义的化身,改变社会风气,风靡万千少女,刺激电影市场,提高青年人内涵,玉树临风,风度翩翩的偶像。和那些唱跳俱佳,并且还会rap和篮球的练习生相比, 徐文若感觉自己格格不入。当其他选手说自己超甜,徐文若则是左手打着太极拳。当其他选手拍导师马屁,徐文若则是用唢呐给导师整了一出大戏。当其他选手纠结要翻唱谁的作品,徐文若则是埋头搞起原创。当其他选手拼命运营粉丝群,徐文若则是直言请跟我保持距离。......歌单:《下山》、《放肆》、《本草纲目》、《倔强》、《将军令》......综艺:《极挑》、《明侦》、《吐槽大会》、《向往的生活》......影视剧:《盗墓笔记》......(以上是已经写到的剧情,后面出现的会陆续更新,敬请期待)1w0-3547 >>


内容简介:楚南原本只是一个平平无奇的普通学生,却因为一次意外,获得了等同于最先进光脑的数据收集分析处理能力。在他的眼里,世界的一切都可以用最为精确的数据给出判定,敌人的任何一次攻击,都只是无数个 数据的组合。甚至……连内息在经脉里的流动,都可以用数据来精确量化。在这样无比精确的数据帮助下,他不仅可以异常精确地使用自己的肉体力量,更可以改造出最适合自己的内功修炼方式,实力自然是突飞猛进。在发生这样的突然变化之后,他的人生也随之产生了改变……——————已完成作品《魔法工业帝国》,总计416万字,讲述一个机械工程师穿越到魔法世界,在异世界打造完整魔法工业体系的故事,欢迎观赏。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《光脑武尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-56492 >>


内容简介:全集TXT小说《暗夜沉沦》由潮声渐喧所著,类型:耽美同人小说,本站已更新至全本完结,小说文案如下:鲜网VIP作品完结,美强,NP,人兽。冷子琰,冷家继承人,冷酷英俊。然,外人眼里高贵的 世家公子,却有著不为人知的一面。渴望著被男人压倒,渴望著火热的手掌抚慰自己的身体,冷子琰唾弃自身的淫乱,却又不得不屈服於欲望之下。与父亲大吵之后,到黑街寻找堕落的快感,躺在墙角,被头发乱得跟野鸡似的男子狠狠操弄,这一幕,竟被不知何时路过的好友看到……1w0-31340 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:nba:开局满级传球,教练慌了】重回06年,陈凡成为杜兰特的队友,决心再次逐梦篮球!那一年,易建联宣布参加07年选秀,举国沸腾!而大洋彼岸的ncaa,一个黄皮 肤面孔,孤身作战,无人问津,站着如喽啰!那一年,威少在打替补,库日天被北卡拒绝,哈登还不知道黄金俱乐部小球时代未开启,nba还是雄争霸,逐鹿总冠军!而狭小的宿舍中,黄皮肤的面孔教会了‘死神’吃干脆面,两人看着电视憧憬着未来那一年,竟然再次看到了‘老大’!打个单挑吧,输了的,这辈子不准坐直升机一切,都从满级传球开始!血压上来的教练:“卧槽,那没人,你传给谁好球!!!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78498 >>


内容简介:邪神之血的诅咒,蔓延了整个世界,汲取人内心的意象具现化为怪物。罗哲只是想过平静生活的上班族……血疗,刑具,魔药,言灵,处刑人,炼金术,亵渎圣所,禁忌遗物,狂人的知识……黑暗与鲜血的终点 ,是谁在低语?谜团与善恶的尽头,是谁在进行惩戒?理智尚存的人无法触及,陷入狂乱的人无法解答。但已经不重要了,震颤脑髓的,是呻吟还是歌声?它将罗哲的一切悉数修正,改造成正确的模样。今夜,罗哲加入狩猎。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《原初猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80808 >>


内容简介:安烬,一个来自异世界的灵魂从璃月地脉的最深处醒来,奇妙的是他似乎并非第一次来到这个世界。因为他曾经游玩过这款游戏,但是更重要的是,他似乎还曾经作为魔神生活在这片土地之上,后来却因为偷渡 出走被天理杀死。而现在,是他在提瓦特的第二次人生。“实惨啊,为什么想要回个家都要被天理手刃?太狠了吧?”安烬摸着自己脖子十分后怕。决定了,后来不是还有旅行者吗?只要和这位打好关系,引导她好好成长,我岂不是可以坐看1w0-45710 >>


内容简介:她是君家嫡女,却被妹妹和未婚夫联手陷害。十年囚牢,千刀取血,家破人亡!踩着君家的尸骨,吃着她的血肉成就了人前不可一世的玄帝?她君沫璃上一世活成了一个笑话!重活一世,吃了她的吐出来,伤了 她的千倍万倍还回来!玄气锻骨,轮回炼魂,重生的君陌离回来了!!不管你是白莲花还是狗尾巴花,本小姐手下只有血债血偿!逆天改命,至尊无双。她让整个大陆都为之颤栗。有人却跨三界而来,emmmm,妖孽还要本尊来收……1w0-68143 >>


内容简介:简介:(霸宠男主X天才女神医,大宠文)四年前,她被渣姐陷害,强了帝都最有权势的男人,四年后,她带天才龙凤胎回归。活阎王厉三少携千亿聘礼从天而降,带着小正太缠上她:“老婆,儿子想妈咪了。 ”小正太泪眼汪汪:“麻麻,爸比问你什么时候再生一个?”“”我去,一胎三宝还不够?再生成母猪了!1w0-82735 >>


内容简介:  机械科技已经陷入停滞,生物科技才是人类的未来。————————普通Q群:582699771Vip群:705762365(需1000粉丝值)1w0-4544






内容简介:手机阅读《雷法为王》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读道法神通万千,且看我雷法为王。仙,神,佛,魔,妖鼎立,一个卑微的仆役获得雷法传承,搅乱这鼎立恒久的局势。(本书慢热,大概会在五百万字以上,请 放心收藏。)1w0-49494 >>


Arion, a young man, is kidnapped by Hades as a child, raised to believe that his mother was blinded by Zeus, and that killing the ruler of Mount Olympus will cure her.

Ex - Shounen Hyouryuu

From the Animeraider: Satoshi and a group of his friends are on a lengthy boat ride to Kijijima when the world comes to an end – literally. A huge Tsunami wave 500 meters tall overpowers the boat and he finds himself stranded on an island and alone. Meanwhile the rest of the boat has grounded after being dashed upon the shores and soon Satoshi finds them, and sets off a struggle to survive for the passengers and crew of the ship…

Make Love Shiyo!!

[Taken from ShoujoMagic] : 1) Let's Make Love!! (Make Love Shiyo!!). (v01 ch1 to 6) Mari Nishimiya is a high school junior who's tired of playing it safe. Less concerned with her summer session and more with achieving the love of a lifetime, she ventures to a foreigners' pub with her childhood friend, Yuuta. There, she meets Leon Gardner, an American dancer with a talented tongue (...meaning, he's bilingual)! While Yuuta disapproves, having an unrequited love for Mari himself, he and other enemies of this international relationship may be powerless to stop it when Leon joins Mari's class as... (!!!) Let's Make Love!! - Farside Story (Make Love Shiyo!! Chou - Bangaihen). (v01 omake). Shinjo Mayu parodies her own work by inserting new dialogue into some of her pages from v01. It's the tale of the Gardner family, where Leon is Papa, Chris is Mama, and Mari is their daughter! Additional curiosities included. Let's Make More Love!! (Motto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch7). Mari wants to have an adult Christmas with Leon. Why is Leon so set against it? Let's Always Make Love!! (Zutto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch8). Attending the international wedding of Leon's friend, Randy, has Mari thinking in a new way about her future. But when Mari begins to feel strangely sick and misses her period, the circumstance forces her to make an early decision! But Leon suddenly has to leave for America!? Why?? Mari isn't going to like the reason Randy gives her... 2) I Don't Need Any Scenario! (Shinario Nante Iranai!). (v02 ch9). This ground-breaking short story was Shinjo Mayu's first work to contain a provocative sex scene and to mark her as a pornographer! Read the freetalk to learn more! Yuuya is the manager of the drama club, and he's very strict and exacting about how the student thespians handle their roles. Chiharu is supposed to be playing a woman in love, but there's no emotion in her performance! So it's handsome Yuuya's job to teach her how to long for a man... Was this scenario in the script!? 3) I Want to Be Painted with Your Color (Anata no Iro ni Somaritai). (v02 ch10). This short story is Shinjo Mayu's debut work. Kazumi Inoue wants to be transformed by the magic of a white wedding dress, and then painted in a man's color. The biggest delinquent in school, Kazuya Sakurai, wasn't who she had in mind, though! He's intent on painting her a different color -- why? Kazumi will have her wish - a transformation through the magic of a wedding dress - but not in a way that anyone expects! (v02 omake). A whopping nine pages covering a variety of topics. Get a sneak peek into Shinjo Mayu's office, find out her favorite stories and characters, see Leon with a top knot, see Leon touch Yuuta in inappropriate ways, and at long last the burning question is answered: How are chihuahuas significant to this serialization!?

Pokemon Dp

Volume 1: New friends, new lands, and all-new Pokemon--the next chapter of one of the greatest adventures! Most kids spend their days at school, but not Hareta. Raised in the wild by Pokemon, he can climb as high as an Aipom, swim as fast as a Magikarp, and even eat bark like a Bidoof! Recruited by Professor Rowan, Hareta decides to become a Pokemon Trainer. Along with his first Pokemon, Piplup, and his new friend Mitsumi, he sets off in search of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga. But Team Galactic is hunting for Dialga too. Can Hareta and Piplup defeat Team Galactic and stop their evil plans? Volume 2: Hareta, Mitsumi and their Pokemon friends continue on their quest to find Dialga, the legendary Pokemon that rules time! As they journey through the land of Sinnoh, Hareta and his partner Piplup grow stronger every day--while ruining Team Galactic's schemes and getting into plenty of Pokemon battles along the way! In Celestic Town, they come across the first major clue to Dialga's whereabouts but discover that Cyrus, Team Galactic's boss, has beat them to it. After battling with Cyrus, Hareta's even more determined to improve his skills as a Trainer. Luckily, he meets just the man to help him do it: Canalave City Gym Leader Byron, one of the toughest teachers in all of Sinnoh. Will Hareta and Piplup be able to pass Byron's test at the Fortress of Steel?

The Window-Gazer

The Window-Gazer summary: The Window-Gazer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Window-Gazer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sharp Time

The Sharp Time summary: The Sharp Time summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sharp Time. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire summary: After a quick and mysterious death, Yoona found herself alive once more inside the body of a witch named Ribbon—a notable witch who was supposed to be dead in the strange world she woke up in. How unfortunate of her, for in this world, witches are condemned, and people are nothing but treacherous creatures. Wicked, a powerful man who introduced himself as the guardian of Ribbon had found her. Thinking that she lost her memory, he offered her a contract where she would pledge her blood to him whenever he needed it, and in return, he vowed to protect her and keep her alive. But is he really a friend or a foe? Moreover, will a normal high school girl survive in this dangerous world?

Legends of the Skyline Drive and the Great Valley of Virginia

Legends of the Skyline Drive and the Great Valley of Virginia summary: Legends of the Skyline Drive and the Great Valley of Virginia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Legends of the Skyline Drive and the Great Valley of Virginia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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