


类别恋爱 总裁 虐心






简介知名女模真实身份竟是女装大佬? 身负数个代言,郁一直被当“女性”。 随着进入青春期,他开始对青梅竹马萌生了特殊的感情,而对方却一直把他当成gay蜜…作者:郭晓(编)&秃头老咸(绘)/春风画社,每周四更新~












在面目全非的世界之中,“生命”依旧存续! 一亿年之后的世界!在遥远时间的彼方,历史的终焉之处,神话将会重现!那即是——














内容简介:  浩瀚的宇宙中,一片星系的生灭,也不过是刹那的斑驳流光。仰望星空,总有种结局已注定的伤感,千百年后你我在哪里?家国,文明火光,地球,都不过是深空中的一粒尘埃。星空一瞬,人间千年。虫鸣 一世不过秋,你我一样在争渡。深空尽头到底有什么?——————书友群见书友圈置顶帖。1w0-3584 >>


内容简介:一个黑到红,美到威胁顶流的大小姐,到娱乐圈体验人生,吃瓜新闻不断,背后男人撕皮,撕到险些出人命。杜太太到哪都万众瞩目,她有什么资本?她是杜夜泽的女人。白久怒砸报道社,老娘除了会谈恋爱, 实力也是一等一。1w0-79702 >>


内容简介:置顶【俞衡非男主,俞衡非男主】另附,扒文案抄的作者祝扑街八百年。简介十六岁,阿姜成为俞衡的未婚妻。漂亮美丽如同瓷娃娃的少女,跪坐在樱花树下,戴着宽沿帽,穿着复古的宫裙,怀里抱着一只白毛 蓝眼的布偶猫。周围是盛开的爬藤蔷薇花,绿叶攀附在少女的裙摆上。俞衡说“把她给我,我让殷家起死回生。”十八岁,阿姜在香市嫁给俞衡成为俞衡的妻子。穿着白色婚纱的姑娘,看着那双修长的手指,犹豫很久之后,才伸出手去牵。小心翼翼,带着胆怯与害怕。二十岁,俞衡在外风流,有无数女人,却从不让那些女人靠近阿姜半分,也不让阿姜出去看这个世界,他给她这个世界上最昂贵的宝石,最漂亮的裙子,却从不给她自由。就像被束缚在高楼上的公主。二十三岁,阿姜死了。死的那天,天很晴,风很暖,窗外的樱花海开得很漂亮,爬藤蔷薇蔓上了窗台,舒展着柔嫩的花瓣。她趴在钢琴上,没有了呼吸。后来,阿姜重生回十六岁。离俞衡来殷家还有两天,离殷家真正的千金回归还有三天。阿姜偷偷把殷念给换回来,趁俞衡还没来之前逃之夭夭。【我做不得那被束缚于宫殿阁楼上的公主。】【我只想做那有着自由快乐与忧愁的灰姑娘】你心向自由与光明,不知这条路要披荆斩棘。有人盖上你的双眼,将荆棘斩尽,半跪在你面前,亲吻你细嫩的指尖,无比虔诚的低吟【你不属于国王。】【你属于我。】ps金丝雀的设定!是和基友!青灯如昼!商讨共用一个设定写出不同故事!俞衡不是男主,另附俞衡与阿姜结婚地在香。p如果您喜欢女配不是金丝雀,别忘记分享给朋友作者:戈南衣所写的《女配不是金丝雀》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83368 >>






内容简介:宋禹丞是律师界最出名的拆家小达人,专门负责离婚案件。一次意外,绑定绿帽系统,穿越各个世界,专门打脸渣男渣女。总裁替身渣攻我有一抹白月光。受这不重要,今天开始请尊称我为小爸爸娱乐圈前任各 位书友要是觉得《你无法预料的分手,我都能给你送上》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-46335 >>


内容简介:  鸽子游戏设计师弗林,受千万玩家诅咒,而不幸成为异界偏远村庄的领主。为了回馈玩家(为了过上腐朽没落的封建领主生活),弗林将异世界设计成了一款游戏。召唤玩家体验全世界最好的游戏。(召唤 玩家为腐朽的领主打工)于是,全世界最好的游戏诞生了!(全世界最富有的领主诞生了!)水友之群:1338950381w0-3385 >>


内容简介:我十岁时,家里又迎来不幸,父亲再一次保镖的途中,遇山贼打劫,由于这时他已四十多岁,再加上独力抚养我,近几年精力已衰,功夫已退步很多。和盗贼打斗中不敌被砍成重伤,生命垂危。就在我即将成为 孤儿的时候,离家十年的二叔李海天却不期而回,于是父亲才放下最后的心事撒手西去,去世之前对这次受伤仍耿耿于怀,又一次输在李家的软肋内功上,“练拳不练功,到老一场空”弥留之际嘴里仍喃喃着“内功、内功”不止。1w0-82851 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:穿越终极之天武系统】来到终极一班,激活了天武系统!父母被黑龙杀害,和汪大东成为了兄弟,进入了终极一班。KO榜?我虽然不上榜,可是我比你们所有人都强!在终极一班 的世界里,苏瑾又会搅起怎样的风雨呢。(另外提一句,作者算是终极一班的铁粉了,所以不会将剧情改的一塌糊涂,尊重原著,喜欢虐主勿入!)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢穿越终极之天武系统,别忘记分享给朋友作者:非鱼不猫所写的《穿越终极之天武系统》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-80239 >>


内容简介:Faker单杀叶一修?你在开玩笑吧?什么人能单杀一座防御塔?——Theshy修哥,我们五五开好不好?我们发育好不好?求求你别再单杀我了。——污渍他才是世界第一VN!——山泥若修神,永远 滴神!听着众人对自己的…各位书友要是觉得《叶一修》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w7945-95957 >>


内容简介:穿越火影世界,宇智波清发现自己在木叶开的一家小饭馆与冥界净土产生了联系。千手柱间,宇智波斑,千手扉间……强者们的魂魄重现于世,全都成了自己小饭馆的员工。【宇智波清今天是吃烧烤还是吃火锅 ,柱间和斑你们俩打一架,谁赢谁说了算。】【千手扉间我堂堂水遁宗师,居然沦落到来后厨洗碗。】【宇智波斑你有什么好抱怨的,我不照样用火遁烧火。】【千手柱间老板昨天跟我说,想让我用木遁添点柴火……】——————轻松流,本书又名《三句话,让宇智波斑为我打工》;《我和我的影级员工们的日常生活》;《木叶的圆梦大师》。1w10601-69496 >>

Yu-Gi-Oh Ocg Stories

In the distant past, the prosperous nation of Kama waged war against the nation of Spectra, resulting in the creation of an AI that wiped out all humans. Centuries later, Raye, the last surviving human, lives amongst an android society on the outskirts of Kama. On the night of her 13th birthday, her peaceful life is upended when Spectra attacks, destroying her home and forcing her friends to the front lines. Desperate to save everything she loves, Raye calls upon humanity's last bastion: 'Sky Striker', the Kama-developed secret technology made to turn humans into the ultimate living weapons. …Unexpected, right? In this newest adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the focus of the plot is not on the card game, but instead the many storylines featured in the cards. The first arc surrounds the Sky Striker series, with more to come in the future.

Baby Pop

Cool and gorgeous Nagisa paired with her perverted and stupid step-father Ryunosuke makes for a hip-hop story that presents a father and daughter who cannot be honest with each other.

Kekkon Kirai No Sankyoudai

In the Kekkon Kirai no Sankyoudai series(????????; The Three Marriage-Hating Brothers), also called the 'Billion-Dollar Braddocks' series: 1) Onzoushi no Yuuutsu (??????; The C.E.O.'s Unplanned Proposal): Cinderella by Mistake! When a case of mistaken identity landed Katie Canton in the Braddock world of wealth and power, she couldn't resist the temptation to mingle with the famous family. Especially fascinating eldest brother, Adam. Getting the commanding C.E.O. to loosen up was a worthy cause -- until Katie realized the danger of opening her heart to a man whose master plan did not include Ms. Nobody from Nowhere! The unshakeable Adam was all shook up -- and a slip of a woman was to blame. Mysterious Katie had tilted his ordered world off its axis. Would the man who had everything recognize the one gift money couldn't buy -- a lifetime of love? 2) Koi wa Butoukai de (??????; The Playboy's Office Romance): Spoiled...Braddock! Lara Richmond couldn't believe that irresponsible playboy, Bryce Braddock, would be CEO of Braddock Industries -- and Lara's new boss. Surely the tabloids' favorite Braddock brother would grow bored without his fast cars and faster women? Lara wasn't about to examine why the thought of enduring Bryce's maddening presence every day caused her heart to beat faster! Bryce reveled in the chance to prove his right to the Braddock legacy. And to provoke no-nonsense Lara Richmond. Until one intense encounter hinted that their battle of wills hid an earth-shattering passion. It was time for a new corporate strategy -- a takeover of the heart! 3) Lady e no Kaidan (???????; The Blacksheep's Arranged Marriage): The Braddock blood ran fierce and true in Peter Braddock. Yet his scandalous past kept the youngest Braddock sibling from feeling he really belonged in the elite society his family ruled. Perhaps that's what made him defend shy, awkward Theadosia Berenson -- the ugly duckling debutante -- and landed him in trouble that led to a marriage proposal! Thea knew Peter felt honor-bound to propose. But the perpetual wallflower couldn't say no to the man who stirred her secret fantasies. Though she tried to hide her tender feelings, one kiss revealed a shocking desire between them. Would the spark ignite a fire -- and lead two lonely hearts home? (from fictiondb)

Too Many Reasons I Am Unpopular

Hina is very popluar with the guys, but all they see her as is a girl friend (A girl who is only a friend). She has no luck with guys because of this, so she gets it tough everytime she is told she is only thought of as 'one of the guys'. Satou claims she is very unpopular and Hina asks why. He doesn't say, but she tries to make him tell her. Usually, Hina has always been the bridge for others to cross (Which means in cases of love), but maybe this time, she might be the one who gets to cross the bridge for the first time?!

Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier

Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier summary: Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tale of Grumpy Weasel

The Tale of Grumpy Weasel summary: The Tale of Grumpy Weasel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tale of Grumpy Weasel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Vale of Cedars

The Vale of Cedars summary: The Vale of Cedars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vale of Cedars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lord of Darkness

Lord of Darkness summary: Darkness enveloped the sky, who will rule?
This is a story about a young scientist, about his struggle and how he rises. He was once a human, scientific researcher, but now he just wants to be the strongest under the stars!

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