
































内容简介:原名:龙王医婿。 江家陷入一场阴谋中,江家被一场大火焚烧,唐楚楚冒死把江辰从大火中拉出来。 十年后,江辰荣耀归来,报恩也报仇。 报唐楚楚救命之恩。 报江家灭族之仇。 江辰出现在 唐楚楚身前:从此后,有我在,你就有全世界。1w4595-2362 >>


内容简介:嫁给沈霆琛,白偌依才算真正认识了什么叫做上一秒热情似火,下一秒冷若冰霜!沈霆琛,你这男人怎么这么冷血,这么无情,这么无理取闹?我要离婚!白偌依忍无可忍,撕破贵妇的伪装怒吼道。沈太太,咱 们在床上打架的时候,你可不是这么说的。某男顿时满脸阴霾,将炸毛的小猫逼到墙角。我……白偌依顿时无语凝噎。他,冷血冷心,毫无情谊。他,宠她呼她,将她捧在手心。最后,白偌依发现,曾经她以为将她踩下地狱的人,原来才是那个将她捧上天堂的人。1w0-66114 >>


内容简介:九雄仙的《原来我是顶级修仙大佬》小说全文免费阅读,最新章节由网友分享提供,更新最全最快,欢迎点击《原来我是顶级修仙大佬》小说阅读,全文免费阅读《原来我是顶级修仙大佬》无弹窗。1w0-8 4353 >>


内容简介:因为举报肉文而穿越到书里,这是个禽兽男主遍地,毫无三观可言的世界,没有最变态,只有更变态!“叮!恭喜宿主成功绑定第88号藏经阁系统!”赵合欢简直想跪下叫爸爸,就知道金手指是不会抛弃她的 !但——神特么开启系统福利需要禽兽男主的好感度?!赵合欢跪倒:坑爹啊!这是羊入虎口啊!某禽兽:“欢欢,你把我看光了想怎么负责?”呸!是谁五花大绑捆了她然后跳起脱衣舞的?某变态:“欢欢,你吃我的住我的,不留下点什么?”呸!住?那黄金鸟笼你自己怎么不住?某神医:“小白鼠,回来试试改良版的千疮百孔三步倒?”赵合欢泪奔:给我个痛快吧!惹不起,躲不起吗?换脸,换性别,见男主就躲着走,兜兜转转,却压根躲不过命运二字!赵合欢怒了:她丫发誓要比禽兽更禽兽,要比变态更变态,她要十倍反虐回去,狠狠虐死这群渣子!ps推糖完结文《末世之暖萌娇妻撩美男》1w0-99681 >>


内容简介:世人都知道,镇国公府出了一个娇小姐,虽然很是调皮捣蛋,有小魔王之称,可唐家全是护短的人,就算是六小姐的错,也是别人的错,谁要是敢欺负,行啊,先打过五位哥哥再说。什么?你说打得过,那行, 你得确保打得赢女儿奴唐将军,还有上过战场无数的孙女奴镇国公。都没问题?哦,你也许不知道,人家六小姐是有人罩的,看见没,就是那位活阎王,那位可是连皇上都敢打的主,你敢动一个试试,下一刻你肯定出现在大牢。各位书友要是觉得《皇叔的第一宠妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25636 >>




内容简介:贫困大专医学生秦少阳的生活乏味而无趣,却因爷爷在神农架拜山的神秘失踪而变得离奇多彩…… 在调查爷爷失踪的过程中,秦少阳意外获得神农尺,拥有终极医术,诡异的神农尺带给秦少阳的究竟是福还 是祸…… 当一个个风采各异却心怀叵测的美女暧昧地出现在秦少阳的身边时,一个布局近千年的棋局也在朝他一步步地逼迫…… 1w0-1221 >>


内容简介:九大塞王,手握重权。尊王攘夷,威震边陲。燕王善战,宁王善谋,秦王骄横,晋王跋扈。而镇守公认最危险之地——河西走廊的肃王,却鲜有人提及。后世一名地理老师一不小心梦回大明,附身第一任肃王朱 楧身上,大明及世界的历史该会发生怎样的改变?本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《回到明朝做塞王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97918 >>




内容简介:  【爆宠+爽文】  海城傅霈,桀骜暴戾,又痞又狂,人人都不敢靠近他,直到有天他身边多了个小姑娘。  小姑娘生的冰肌玉骨,唇红齿白,乖的要命,成日缠在他身后絮叨,“不许抽烟,不许打架, 不许说脏话!”  众人看到一向凶的要命的人,却跟乖孙子似的低声下气哄着小姑娘,“你他妈别哭,老子听你的就是了!”  一众女生心碎,哭着询问小姑娘如何将百炼钢化为绕指柔的方法。  小姑娘翻了个白眼 :因为他是我亲爹呀!  _  一朝重生,傅听回到了二十年前,这个时候她的影帝父亲还是学校里的少年,还没有因为得上绝症不治而亡。  傅听决定挽回悲剧,让父亲提前走上社会义接班人的道路,早点带领她过上挥金如土的日子。  _  京城新贵岑先生,清风霁月,克制禁欲,大家都以为这位天上仙不会动凡心。  后来,有记者拍到他和傅霈同进同出,顿时轰动了娱乐圈。  #爆!影帝傅霈与岑倦两人虐恋情深,表面捅刀私下恩爱!#  岑倦微博:这是我老丈人@傅霈  傅霈转发:我女婿,了解下@岑倦  傅霈含泪发完微博,转头就揍了岑倦一顿,这狗东西,拐了老子闺女,还要老子给他擦屁股!  全网:???  从社会主义兄弟情过度到父慈子孝画风未免有些过歪?1w0-1336 >>




内容简介:苏可歆只想嫁给一个普通男人,可谁能告诉她,为什么她莫名其妙地成了总裁夫人?他许她一世,宠她入骨,待她如宝。她以为,这或许就是幸福了吧,可他突然将一沓纸丢在她面前——“苏可歆,我们离婚吧 。”她终于明白1w33747-131012 >>

Oresama Na Aitsu

Ryo is helping out at his father's modeling agency. But, his classmate and rising rookie model at the agency, Ito, is openly antagonistic to Ryo's older brother, a very charismatic model. Ito finally corners Ryo and demands that he looks at him only! After a passionate kiss, he promises that crossing him will incur punishment! Ito may be an arrogant boy who does nothing but give orders, but Ryo is undone by his forceful and dominating approach!

Tsumi Koi

Compilation of short stories: - Tsumi Koi / Sinful Love “If you want me to stay quiet, then have an affair with me too” Yashiro witnessed her classmate Maki, who is extremely popular with the girls, with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend. Tired of her uninspiring days Yashino suggested that she become Maki’s “lover”, but because of these circumstances she finds herself being charmed by him and she can’t stop herself from falling in love with him…!? - Until I Fall in Love About twin sisters, Tae is the older twin and Rie is the younger. One day, Rie begs Tae to switch places with her. Rie has a crush on a boy who sits next to Tae. Finally Tae agrees. In Rie's class, Tae is surprised to discover that Rie sits next to a cute guy, the one on the soccer team that she saw after school a few days ago. Then, Tae has a good time sitting with the boy. He's funny and nice. When he invites Tae to watch him play soccer, Tae agrees, but then she realizes that he invites her as Rie.. - Let's Meet in Dream! Fuzuki has been having some strange dreams recently. In them, she is at school, and she is talking to a cute young teacher. Fuzuki is in love with this teacher, and he knows it. They always hand out on the roof of the school, where he smokes a cigarette. Every night she has dreams about him, and they hold very real conversations. But the thing is, Fuzuki doesn’t know who this guy is! Why is Fuzuki dreaming about this guy? Does he dream about her? Will they ever be able to meet in person? - Tears of Goldfish It was a summer festival 5 years ago, and a young girl was kissed by a cute boy while fireworks exploded all around them. But one of their classmates saw them kissing and teased them. They were elementary school kids, so their accusations are rude and obnoxious. The girl, Iyo, was embarrassed and denied it before the boy, Tsujiai could say anything. Ever since that day, she and Tsujiai, haven’t spoken. Now they are once again placed in the same class after 5 years. Iyo feels awful and awkward. But it’s obvious he still hates her… - Love Spell Momoka and a friend are standing at their classroom window, checking out some cute senpai boys. Momoka prefers boys with shorter hair. Her friend says that Shibahara isn't Momoka's type. Shibahara is a boy in their class, and he has long hair that obscures his face. The next day, Momoka finds out that Shibahara arrives to class with a new, short, haircut! And wow, he is actually very cute! Momoka can’t believe this. Could he had overheard her conversation yesterday? Or is this a coincidence? Could he really have cut his hair for Momoka? Momoka suddenly finds herself very aware of Shibahara. Is she falling for him?

Rix Vanus

.The handsome and strapping Prince Rix Vanus has returned to his homeland after winning a brutal war against demons! And yet... cursed by a vicious demon, the warrior prince is tormented nightly with shameful, lust-filled hallucinations as the demon takes the lascivious form of all his associates. Escaping to the wild, miraculously, a benevolent divine spirit named Nuah joins the prince, seeking to break the curse and ease his suffering. And now, his nights and more are filled with Nuah...

Hard Triangle

Collection of short stories: - Hard Triangle- Mutiple personalities, murder, rape and a shady past between a doctor and his teenage patient. - Doll - Crystal Game- Playboy Gaku is in love with his stern best friend, Takayuki. But the jeweler only seems to notice the crystals he works with. When Takayuki offers to give Gaku a crystal treatment, Gaku has his own ideas of how he wants to be treated. - The Rusty Swamp - Silent Voice


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The Shadow of the East

The Shadow of the East summary: The Shadow of the East summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shadow of the East. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories

Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories summary: Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Get Next!

Get Next! summary: Get Next! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Get Next!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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