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内容简介:直掰弯野马顶流攻vs易碎感美人影帝受闻纪年是gay圈纯欲天花板,他同桌仲星燃是个钢铁直男,向来排斥gay,两人是全校公认的宿敌。有一天,他们一起穿越到了五年后。仲星燃成了内娱唱跳顶流, 狂傲不驯舞台劲爆,迷死一票女友粉。闻纪年则成了演技爆表的新晋影帝,肤白貌美清冷易碎。可怕的是,他们竟然结婚了!且两人都是出了名的秀恩爱狂魔,不久前刚签约了一档直播恋综。为了不造成大混乱,并弄清楚这五1w0-127332 >>


内容简介:混混头子朱油笑穿越时空,成为明朝短命皇帝天启帝朱由校,开局干掉了魏忠贤!经过他的发展,大明有着连片的工厂,烧着煤炭的蒸汽火车,射程五十公里的北平大炮,漫天的蒸汽飞艇远征军,无数黑灰色制 服帝国伞兵!内乱在他手中平息,敌国在他脚下称臣,大同全球只是开始,星辰大海才是目标!1w0-98061 >>


内容简介:前世,沐芷兮辜负了宠她如命的男人,帮助渣男登上皇位,到最后被渣男和庶妹联手背叛残忍害死。 一朝重生,她紧抱自家夫君大腿,夫君,我知道错了。 面对渣男,滚远点,看到你就觉得恶心。 重生后的沐芷兮性情大变,一路打脸虐渣渣,和夫君双双把家还。1w0-4600 >>




内容简介:【已一更。】专栏和新文《烈火玫瑰》求收藏!微博桔一元*赵唯一回国交换第一天赶上了校园晚会,晚会凭票进去,她没有票,笑着对门口的俊俏少年打着商量,“我其实是咱们学生会的家属,能通融一下不 ?”阮斯然掀了眼皮,冷声,“学生会哪个的家属?”“就你们校草会长,建筑系的阮斯然!我是他女朋友!”赵唯一说的认真。阮斯然:?清明节的时候,赵唯一又给阮斯然表白了一次。阮斯然被她气的青筋暴起,“你为什么清明节给我表白?”赵唯一想了一下,认真回答,“失败的话,我鬼上身了?”阮斯然:?阮斯然一直被誉为不为情爱所困的男菩萨,都当大家都以为这人一生都断情绝爱时,发现这人恋爱了。赵唯一发现,男菩萨恋爱起来一点也不佛系,那清泠泠的平静双眸会被爱欲执念填满。神明从神坛跌落,坠入红尘淤泥中,她才发现,菩萨动情起来比凡人更加疯狂。他一点也不清冷,他爱人的时候是飞蛾扑火的奋不顾身和永不回头的悲壮。阮斯然说赵唯一,是你先招惹我的,就不要想着抽身。⊙HE双初双C1v1⊙不近女色但动心后占有欲强还偏执的男菩萨x人间妖精小狐狸⊙微博桔一元(来找我玩吧,不要逼我跪下来求你呜呜呜)下本预收《烈火玫瑰》求收藏卑微疯批美男学霸x人间富贵大小姐姜词像一朵含苞待放的红玫瑰,刺眼夺目又美丽带刺,她就这样明晃晃地闯进了喻令淮的世界。初见的时候,喻令淮正被人围在小巷子里殴打,他被动挨揍,姜词大喝一声,“你们欺负谁呢?”后来喻令淮发现,这个玫瑰少女是他的同桌,她一来,他的世界才开始有了花开。姜词伤心地对喻令淮哭诉,“她们都不喜欢我。”“我喜欢你。”喻令淮目光澄亮。“那你会喜欢我多久?”姜词轻呵一声,并不相信。“如果你需要,我会喜欢一辈子。”“如果我不需要呢?”“我也会喜欢你一辈子。”没有人在意过喻令淮,除了姜词。哪怕那并不只是出自真心,可喻令淮当真了。他说姜词,你说过你喜欢我的。*在我贫瘠的土地上你是最后的玫瑰。——聂鲁达*遇见你之后,我的生命才算开始。⊙he,1v1,双初双c⊙最极致最卑微最深情的喜欢。⊙成长双救赎⊙微博桔一元如果您喜欢你明明心动,别忘记分享给朋友作者:桔一所写的《你明明心动》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84030 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《偷脸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读一天,有个陌生人加我qq,说我女朋友是男人,我骂他傻X。结果我女朋友死了,死的时候真的成了个男人。因为她的头被割了,缝在了一具男尸的脖子上……刑 侦、悬疑、恐怖、无神论我的新浪微博:topnav1wvr6本人qq26582718861w0-27446 >>


内容简介:他们结怨的开始是结亲。她是位高权重的长公主,是天下数一数二尊贵的女子。那种泥腿子出身的低贱男人连给她提鞋都不配,更遑论做她的驸马!他们冰释的开始是……结亲三年,他们头一次逾了矩。不…… 也不能说是逾矩。可是长公主自那一次起,就食髓知味了……首发:po【海棠搜书】fcоmpo1⒏υip1w0-73592 >>


内容简介:  东方神州,有人皇立道统,有圣贤宗门传道,有诸侯雄踞一方王国,诸强林立,神州动乱千万载,值此之时,一代天骄叶青帝及东凰大帝横空出世,东方神州一统!  然,叶青帝忽然暴毙,世间雕像尽皆 被毁,于世间除名,沦为禁忌;从此神州唯东凰大帝独尊!  十五年后,东海青州城,一名为叶伏天的少年,开启了他的传奇之路…1w0-470 >>


内容简介:【重大通知】本文自『第35章』开始入V,大肥章更新时间在晚上十点,感谢大家一直以来,给我的支持和鼓励,谢谢谢谢感谢各位小天使来看文,感谢收藏我文文的小天使们,我会努力哒嗯改一下时间,变 成中各位书友要是觉得《睁开眼就变成了孕妇怎么破》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w49121-49413 >>




内容简介:方云,因为误入修真者遗留的洞府成为地球上最后一个修真者,却因为念家只想在家陪陪家人,搞搞旅游。展起来的神奇的小山村引来了许多心怀鬼胎的各路人马,但是都在方云绝对的力量面前碰得鼻青脸肿。 本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸道修真农民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81391 >>

Adventurier: Shinyaku Arsene Lupin

The continuing adventures of classic Arsene Lupin character created by Maurice Leblanc. The manga adapts Maurice Leblanc's novels about a gentleman thief who solves cases while outwitting both the police and criminals. The first chapter of the manga retells the first short story Leblanc published, 'The Arrest of Arsène Lupin' (1905). Lupin is a Gentleman Thief and a master on disguise, during the Belle Époque years.

The Sun And The Moon

From Manga Mania~ On the day Sari transfers to her new school, she confesses her love for her cousin Kazuomi. After being subtly rejected, she find out that Kazuomi's best friend Mizuki is also interested in him. Because those two are like the sun and the moon, Sari's determination to be Kazuomi's girlfriend begins to waver. How will this interesting love triangle develop?

Love Junky

One day, high school girl Sonoko forgets something so she goes back to get it. She glances out the window and sees a boy in the schoolyard, surrounded by unconscious and bleeding bodies! The boy is Narusawa, and blood runs down his cheek, and he has a dangerous look in his eye. He is one of the toughest guys in the school, and had beaten up the guys at his feet. He senses Sonoko looking at him and turns to her. Sonoko's school is co-ed, but the girls only have classes with girls, and guys with guys. At this school, most of the guys are the loud, rude, dangerous, violent gang-member type. Most of the girls know to stay far away from them. But, things are about to change when this kind of boy asks her to be his girlfriend--the dangerous Narusawa-kun himself! He waits for Sonoko after school and follows her around. He seems to really like her! What should she do? Narusawa has a different side to him that he is willing to share with Sonoko. He can be kind and funny. What a strange couple they would make! There are a lot of obstacles in their path to love. Narusawa is willing to tackle them, but can Sonoko face her own fears?

Yuuwaku - Sakaraenai Yokubou

1) Teach Me More by SHINJO Mayu On her way home from school, Hina is attacked by a pervert on the train! She's too embarrassed to raise her voice, but - she's saved by Kyousuke!? Kyousuke is the hottest guy around, and there's not a single girl who doesn't want him. He pulls Hina off the train, and then... he does more things to Hina than the pervert on the train would have! (Also included in Motto Oshiete) 2-4) Chase 4Me by IBUKI Kaede Hana's mother and father died when she was five, and ten years later it's her four incredibly over-protective and super-possessive brothers who take care of her. Today, she's beginning her first day of high school at an all girls school... but when she accidentally walks into the all boys school next door, she's assaulted by males! Then Hana falls in love at first sight with the boy who saves her - Ren - and begs him to take her on a date. Ren can can rescue Hana from the boys in his school... but is he any match for Hana's brothers? 5) The Frontline of Summer! A First Date Victory-or-Defeat Charge by FUJIWARA Natsu Megumi is 16 years old. Today is her first date with her crush, Satou-kun, and... the extra-long title says it all about this extra-short story! 6) Radical Love Revolution by SARA Mahiro Riko and Kippei have been friends since they were kids. They're so close that they beat up bullies together, and now they've handcuffed themselves to each other! They've always looked for excuses to fight... but now Riko is looking for an excuse to love. So the question becomes: can Kippei survive the romantic advances of a girl who expresses herself through violence? 7) The Desires of My Right Hand, the Beating of My Heart by AYUKAWA Mio Touko is a mild-mannered high school girl with an unspoken crush on Kuga-kun... until her friend hypnotizes her, and Touko's right hand takes on a perverted mind of its own! It gropes Kuga-kun, and Touko no longer has any control over it...!? 8) Sepia-colored Secret Room by HARUSHIRO Amami Third grader Chiko's friends were constantly being bullied by Rei-kun, a boy who glared at them with beautiful sepia-colored eyes, because he didn't want anyone hanging around Chiko but him. They took revenge on him by locking him in a haunted house, and Chiko never saw him again... Seven years later, the new transfer student from America is... Rei!? He's become rich and is twice as sadistic as before, and he's got a score to settle with Chiko's friends - and Chiko herself.


Citadel summary: Citadel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Citadel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Post Haste

Post Haste summary: Post Haste summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Post Haste. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Septem summary: Septem, the most dangerous being on earth who has seven other personalities that depicted from 7 deadly sins myth. What if somehow this person and all his other personalities got reincarnated in sword and magic world while retain their memory. Will they reclaim as the most dangerous being again? Seek Septem on his adventure in sword and magic world with many possibilities.[Tags]: R-18, Sword...

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