


类别恋爱 冒险 治愈 奇幻






























内容简介:  【1V1+团宠+爽苏】  姜瑜穿成了一本书里的炮灰女配。  在书里,她是豪门姜家走失十四年才认回的女儿,重回豪门,名媛圈里叫她草包废物丑八怪,排挤她嫌弃她,唯有她的继妹姜婉对她好。   她满心依赖姜婉,把救了四个亲哥哥的秘密告诉她,最终被她抢去了所有功劳,  继妹成为了亲哥哥们的心头宠,她却孤立无援,含冤而死。  刚穿过来的真·全能大佬姜瑜,直接一脚踹翻了一个亲哥哥!  她满脸嫌弃,什么瞎眼的垃圾玩意儿?  ……  后来,哥哥们眼睛不瞎了,一个个争着要宠她:  商界新贵,身价千亿的富豪大哥:“不过一个亿的项链,也敢在我妹面前显摆?”  医科圣手,享誉全球的天才二哥:“敢惹我妹,是想死,还是不想活?”  顶级流量,唱跳俱佳的歌手三哥:“我妹才是仙女,你算什么东西?”  赛车新星,少女杀手的校草四哥:“不跪下跟我妹道歉,就别想走出这条街。”  还有那暴戾狠绝令人闻风丧胆的男人,宠她入骨,爱她成魔,为她虐遍所有渣还怕她手疼,  他委屈而虔诚地牵住她的手,“瑜儿,别让我滚。”  哥哥们:松开那只爪子!!!  (武力值爆表惫懒女主VS偏执症狠绝深情男主)  注:亲哥哥不是男主!1w0-2680 >>


内容简介:【黑夜降临之日,众生鸣泣之时,你被选中,是幸运也是不幸,是悲伤也是欢乐,是死亡也是永生,是坠入地狱也是攀登天堂,命运的齿轮在你手中,请记住,唯有知识才能点亮黑夜的灯塔】【欢迎你,来自蓝 星,尊敬的读者先生,你获得了一次无与伦比的机会,从数百万当人拥有了进入到‘黑夜’这款集养生、治愈、佛系于一体的休闲游戏当中,成为一名沉浸式体验的玩家,本游戏不肝不氪,收集为主,不负责收尸】【请记住以下条例……【拼图将会是你接触非凡的途径,但同样也会促使你疯狂……【禁止将在非规定时间强制使用任何手段退出游戏……【禁止……【违抗者,抹杀】1w0-96514 >>


内容简介:带着建设系统重生二战后,创造一个欧洲经济强国。“马歇尔计划带给我们的是基础,但并非诺德崛起的核心。”——诺德公国拉格纳三世约瑟夫“我不太喜欢这个人,因为他欺骗美国公民的感情。”——美国 总统“身为欧盟中的重要成员,我很难想象那个国家在经济上居然会凌驾在我们之上。”——法国总统“如果说谁能够时时刻刻牵动着好莱坞众多女星的心,那无疑是诺德公国的那位大公。”——花花公子创始人本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生欧洲一小国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83162 >>


内容简介:小兵提供龚心文大神最新作品《入侵向哨》最新章节全文免费阅读,入侵向哨TXT下载,入侵向哨全文字更新,入侵向哨无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网入侵向哨吧,本站最新最快更新入侵向哨的最新章节。1w 0-134787 >>


内容简介:  原书名《最强装逼打脸系统》!  最强反套路,我TM反手就是一个套路,横扫修仙界无敌手,就问一声还有谁?  装逼如风,常伴吾身!  长路漫漫,装逼相伴!  生死看淡,不服就干!  “ 年轻人,当年我开始套路的时候,你们还在穿开裆裤!”  徐缺踏上了一条套路之路,每天不是在套路,就是正在去套路的路上!1w0-2505 >>




内容简介:武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞、李 纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与1w382-30442 >>


内容简介:如果你突然出现在一个野兽的世界,凶猛的野兽到处都是。随处可见的兔子,老鼠比以前大10倍。凶猛的老虎狮子,体型堪比小汽车。你敢说:“就这?”那10米高的黑熊,百米长的巨蛇,还有更强大得妖 兽。不光要躲避强大的野兽,你还得躲避其他生存者得猎杀。没有系统,没有金手指。你如何这这个危险的世界生存下去?当你遇到野兽你只能选择逃跑,或者战斗。开局只有一间小破屋,所有物资全靠打。你可以击杀想把你吞入口腹的怪物,获得各种物资。【水】【肉】【技能】【武学】【身体强化属性】【刀法】【剑法】【魔法】【强化晶石】在这个令人绝望的星球,王凡一路披荆斩棘。杀野兽,斩妖兽,斗强者。在这颗荒野星球变得越来越强大。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《全球都在求生而我却在浪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70409 >>


内容简介:  海贼王世界的震震果实,在火影世界变成了可以震碎一切的震遁血继限界!  尘遁木遁?须佐能乎?  全部一拳震碎!  “当力量达到极致,没有什么是一拳无法解决的,如果有,那就两拳。”   ………………………………………………  新书《世尊》已发布,求收藏!1w0-688 >>


内容简介:无何有乡是Twentine创作的经典的小说作品无何有乡小兵提供无何有乡最新章节全文免费阅读,无何有乡下载,无何有乡全文字更新,无何有乡无弹窗!请关注无何有乡吧,本站最新最快更新无何有乡 的最新章节。1w0-75480 >>


内容简介:宁七不过收个衣服,转眼就被雷给劈了!意外回到八零年代,还重生成一个小傻子!岂能向命(ji)运(fei)低(gou)头(tiao)!小姐姐撸起袖头,要想富,先种树,福气来了挡不住!……跟 小姐姐走……还记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟?1w0-27371 >>



Kirakira Hikare

Mizuno Iruka is a high school girl who spends her every day perfectly peacefully and ordinarily. She has someone she likes, but she always looks at him only from afar. Then one day, Moriyama-kun, the one she’s always admired, asked her out surprisingly, and they’re suddenly getting closer!! But is there a deep reason behind it…?! - Divine Sanctuary

Akihabara @ Deep

It all begins when a mysterious online personality named Yui decides to assemble these outcasts to try and form a group dedicated to solving the problems that plague Akiba by forming the 'troubleshooting' company, [email protected], often shortened to just @DEEP. One example of this troubleshooting would be that the otaku of Akiba have come under a surge of bullying. @DEEP's first task was to eliminate this bullying. After getting rid of this problem, @DEEP began taking up other tasks as well. Some of these include clearing the name of a cosplayer in a case that involved the distribution of underground videos depicting other cosplayers getting undressed in dressing rooms, protecting a news anchor from attacks by otaku who were enraged at a story that she had previously worked on that bashed the youth of Akiba, and helping out a maid cafe that the people of Akiba frequent from an opposing maid cafe that was acting extremely hostile to this maid cafe and even provided various prostitution services to the visitors of the opposing maid cafe. While @DEEP solves these cases, the group unintentionally attracts the attention of a seedy character named Nakagomi Takeshi. The reason behind this is because of a secret past relationship between Nakagomi and Yui. What adds to this is a fully self-reliant AI program that Nakagomi would greatly benefit from if he got his hands on it. This is because he is the president of a very influential electronics company called Digital Capital, often shortened to DigiCap. He will eventually raid @DEEP's headquarters, steal Yui's AI, and kidnap Akira. (from wikipedia)

Ja - Joshi Ni Yoru Agriculture

Her dad, remarried, has moved Inageshi from the city to the country side village of Ogawara where agriculture is very abundant. As a new member of the Nozawa family, she learns the ins and outs of farming which Inageshi finds exciting. But what is more incredible is having new sisters in her life. Yashiro is the oldest, beautiful and seems innocent but has a wild side to her. Mayu is vibrant and vocal but is scared to death of insects. Ringo is the youngest but by far the brains of the group and is an encyclopedia of important and sometimes unimportant information. Their sisterly bonds are still little saplings but with each day passing it becomes stronger.

Akuma De Koibito

Story 1: Devil and Boyfriend Ever since she was young, Rinko has always been labelled as a 'Ohito yoshi baka' by everyone except for a young boy, Itsuki. Since then, Rinko has always had strong feelings for Itsuki, but will he ever be like that angel-like person she meet as a child or stay as the Akuma she has now gotten used to? Story 2: That's the Rabbit's Forest Madoka is a hardworker! One day her friend asks her to fill in for her as a house-keeper due to illness and Madoka gladly accepts. When she arrives at the apartment of the Art-College student who she's suppose to clean for she finds a scary shadow-like figure in a war-zone of trash. On top of that he yells and threatens to strip her and use her as a nude model. What mess has she gotten herself in!? And whats this? A rabbit-fetish? Story 3: Because, It's Love Jun has always had a mature and cold face, but she gets easily scared and cries when she's alone. The seniors are graduating and they don't have to go to school until their graduation. While Jun is cleaning the mops, a guy next to her accidentally splashes water all over himself. She hands him her handkerchief. This handkerchief is very important to her because a guy gave it to her while she was crying but she never saw his face. Before she knows it, the guy's friends drag him away with the handkerchief.

The Croxley Master: A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring

The Croxley Master: A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring summary: The Croxley Master: A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Croxley Master: A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Princess And The General

Princess And The General summary: Princess And The General summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Princess And The General. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Saga of Halfred the Sigskald

Saga of Halfred the Sigskald summary: Saga of Halfred the Sigskald summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Saga of Halfred the Sigskald. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Reincarnated Goddess is Fierce

The Reincarnated Goddess is Fierce summary: In her former life, she was robbed of her status, her looks, and her reputation.
Reborn, she is now a top scholar, and queen of the entertainment world. She will teach the fake girls a lesson and show the creeps how to really live life!

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