






简介一个寒冷雪夜,年幼的黒主优姬意外遇上 LEVEL E级的吸血鬼。在这个吸血鬼向优姬露出獠牙的生死时刻,另一个名叫玖兰枢的纯血种吸血鬼救了她,并将她带到黑主学园请求园长(黑主灰阎)收留。黑主学园除了一般学生就读的日间部外,还存在着夜间部。在夜间部就读的学生都是十分俊美优秀的人物。不过这里却隐藏着不为日日间部学生所知的秘密——夜间部的学生全都是高级吸血鬼。十年后,为了维持学院安宁,优姬和同被园长收留的锥生零一起担任学园的“风纪委员”,守护这个秘密。而受人尊敬的,也是优姬非常倾慕的玖兰枢,更是被称为“吸血鬼中的君主”的纯血种,是站在吸血鬼金字塔端的最高种族。如果被纯血种吸血,就会变为LEVEL D(曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会变成LEVEL E)。而锥生零作为g吸血鬼猎人,却在一次家难中不幸被同样是纯血种的绯樱闲所咬。绯樱闲杀死了零的家人,带走了他的弟弟一缕,所以零非常憎恨吸血鬼(尤其是纯血种)




简介【每周日更新】21世纪金牌神医特工,一朝穿越定国侯府三小姐,却成了远近闻名的胖丑废物? 须不知她冷眸一开,万兽臣服,脚踩恶女渣男,化身顶级召唤师,遇佛挡佛,遇神杀神!虐渣减肥正上头,不想却惹上个腹黑皇叔: “王妃美若天仙,你们给本王看紧了,搭讪者杀无赦!” “救命!这种长得帅但眼睛不好的粘人老公申请退货可以吗?”




简介“你知道尸体可以卖钱吗?年代越久价格越高哦!”“那等什么!盗墓贩尸去啊!” 西王古墓,唐朝藩王墓,尸王,鬼医,蛊毒,墓中的神秘秘境……这次,我们可能踏上了一条不归路!


















内容简介:嬴高重生大秦,开局就在巨鹿之战,此时项羽八战八捷,千古人雄的名声,就差最后一胜!开启召唤系统,千古人雄赵云杀来,救王离、收章邯、退项羽、诛赵高、三世而立!破釜沉舟不再是美谈!当李广带着 三十万并州狼骑封狼居胥;赵云率领白马义从马踏罗马,威震欧洲;甘宁在美洲插上了大秦的龙旗!除了世界毁灭,没有人能够阻止大秦帝国的扩张!1w21613-27796 >>






内容简介:我有神眼!武林绝学,观之即会;玄门手段,信手拈来!我有神眼!玩赌石、收古董,富可敌国;医奇疾、治怪病,妙手仁心!各位书友要是觉得《武道医王吴东云汐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博 里的朋友推荐哦!1w2294-4852 >>

无可救药的……(HPSS) by 月落猪蹄

内容简介:无可救药的……(HPSS)by月落猪蹄小说全文免费阅读完整版在线阅读小兵年下HP文案HPSS文。N年前的恶搞东东,最近终于写完了,整理下重新发上来吧。至于那些会锁的章节,就没办法了。哈 利同学会到学校当教授,然后卷入了一堆事情里面。顺利拐到教授,有包子出没,攻受请叫字母顺序,敏感者勿入。因为本文已经写完了,所以假设有1w0-99560 >>


内容简介:《本书全文免费阅读!》苏玉穿越异世。开局签到上古重瞳!七天签到便可无敌!原本,苏玉想待在神天宗内安稳地度过这七天,但是,自己的七个绝世师姐,一个比一个暖心,迷人啊……知冷知热的大师姐, 痴痴呆呆的二师姐,韵味十足的三师姐,勾人心魂的四师姐,心狠手辣的五师姐,佛系天慧的六师姐,古灵精怪的七师姐以及心机的师父广月仙子……一曲《登高》让文道圣人下跪;一击必杀绝世剑神;弹指灭杀魔界至尊;这是,苏玉的无敌人生!1w0-73402 >>




内容简介:为什么别人穿越之后都是牛逼哄哄,不是天赋出众就是外挂一堆,偏偏萧白怜穿越了,却杯具的发现自己虽然是特殊体质,却是号称史上第一蛋疼犹如废柴一般的零魂体质?美女倒是不少,但是为什么都是自己 的召唤兽?零魂体质效果:不分实力和品级,下至战斗力只有5的渣,上至开天辟地神魔全部都能召唤成功!而且没有数量限制!PS:被零魂体质的召唤师召唤的任何生物,都会因为零魂体质影响,战斗力被严重缩水!萧白怜各位书友要是觉得《零魂师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97492 >>


内容简介:程青青原本只是想找个人嫁了,摆脱继父的诡计,未曾想一不小心嫁给了全城最最矜贵无双的男人。原以为只是一纸契约婚姻,逢场作戏,但他却宠她如命,爱她进髓,不仅如此,还帮她虐继妹,斗渣爹、撕极 品……程青青表示:“韩先生,宠妻请低调……”一脸傲娇的韩少:“抱歉,不会写这两个字……”(1v1双处,甜宠无极限)1w0-80124 >>


内容简介:归元派有一座道观,隐居于山林之中,传承千年,能将钱财自动转为功德,庇护弟子,不受五弊三缺的干扰。没想到第一百零一代观主意外被害,第二代观主池西只能借尸还魂,从地下爬上来收拾残局,暂代第 一百零二代观主之职。谁曾想,道观超前消费,兑换了庞大的功德,欠下大笔款项。不管是活着的时候做玄学大佬,还是死后在地下做自由鬼的时候,都没有为五弊三缺烦恼过的她,马失前蹄,成了一个彻彻底底的穷鬼。——今天也是为钱烦恼的一天。——为了还钱,她付出了太多。——什么时候才能找到弟子继承这庞大的债务。1w0-4459 >>


内容简介:江一凡穿越了,继承了一座道观。并且绑定了一个名为最强祖师的系统,不断的催着他去收徒。然后么“系统你出来,我保证打不死你。”“这破地方连个鬼影子都没有,你让我收徒,收个鬼哦!”1w0-7 1203 >>



Jyuushi Saida

Taka-chan, an honor student, desires his less-than-brilliant childhood friend, Ken. Taka-chan plots the seduction but Ken keeps doing things that disrupt his plans. Will these two ever get together? One-shot. From Baka-Updates: High-schooler Takayuki is considered a cool elite; all his peers are sure his thoughts are about nothing but serious, important subjects. However, they're mostly just wild fantasies about his childhood friend, the cute but simple Ken. Using all his cunning and wiles, Takayuki's determined to win over Ken.

Top Wo Narae 2!

Adaptation of Top Wo Narae 2!/GunBuster 2 From here 'Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster follows the story of Nono, a country girl who dreams of becoming a space pilot (or to be more precise, 'like Nonoriri,' the meaning of which is revealed as the series progresses) who, due to a chance encounter with an actual space pilot finds herself becoming part of the elite Fraternity. Made up of teenage pilots called Topless, and armed with quasi-humanoid weapons called Buster Machines, the Fraternity's mission is to protect the people of the Solar System from attack by swarms of uchuu kaijuu (literally, space monsters). The series revolves around Nono's quest to become like Nonoriri, her relationship with Lal'C Melk Mark, the first Topless she meets whom she immediately idolizes (to the point of 'ironically' calling her onee-sama, or big sister), and the hard work she believes she has to do to be 'worthy' of Lal'C's attention. It also explores her interactions with the rest of the Idols, her efforts to fit in and, ultimately, the truth to her forgotten past.' The manga covers about half of the OVA story. The 'extra story' chapters in Dragon Age are more comedic than the Dragon Age Pure chapters.

Femme Fatale

The term “femme fatale”, or “deadly woman”, is a stereotype of an alluring woman who charms her lover into an unsatiable desire for her, and draws them into dangerous situations. Its Japanese translation means “the fated woman”. In this thrilling romance, Saito Hajime joins a club at his college and meets the “femme fatale”: Yukari Ebisawa, a graduate student who loves donuts and has quite a quirky personality – and a boyfriend. However, their relationship soon becomes complicated, interfering with their friends, work, and club duties…

Hatsukoi Dandelion

Hatsukoi Dandelion summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hatsukoi Dandelion. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Ice's Yearning

The Ice's Yearning summary: The blood-stained girl swung her blade and extinguished lives. In order to protect her beloved person, she acquired the power beyond the human boundaries and treaded towards the destruction of her sanity.

Martial God Asura

Martial God Asura summary: Martial G.o.d Asura is an online novel published on Novel Online Full. The story is a mixture of ten different genres such as action, adventure, fantasy, romance, and martial arts among others. There are many interesting events in this book, and it can be suitable for readers of different tastes, thanks to this useful genre combination. Martial G.o.d Asura is a popular novel considering some counterparts. It has received thousands of mostly positive votes, comments, and reviews. That’s why the rating is also very high if not completely excellent. This story is suitable for readers who prefer long novels because it contains over 3400 chapters. That means you have a lot of content to read, and the new updates are about to come as well. So the readers have an opportunity to read this book in the long time frame.
Chu Feng is the main character in this story, and he belongs to the Chu Family. They are located in the Azure Province, which is a part of the Continent of Nine Provinces. Chu was, however, adopted as a little kid, and that’s why he was not really accepted as a full-fledged member of the family. This opens a s.p.a.ce for other family members to hara.s.s and a.s.sault him regularly. Only several members treat him decently, while others do not do that. He is, for example, kindly treated by his adoptive brother named Chu Guyu and his adoptive cousin Chu Yue.
Chu Feng started studying in the Azure Dragon School at age 10. And that’s the moment when many of his adventures begin. He starts to travel in different parts of the world, meet different cultures, and discover various secrets.
However, this path is not going to be easy for him. It just seems like a great opportunity at the start, however, many problems are about to arise so he will face different problems and dangers. Some of these might even lead to his own personal tragedy as well as to endless struggling and fighting.

On the other hand, Chu is a strong man, and that’s obvious from the start. You just have to look at him and his body figure explains everything. He is almost two meters tall and has a long black hair. He is often equipped with sword and other pieces of armor His enemies do not have an easy task when they try to compete against him, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy an exciting adventure while reading this Martial G.o.d Asura.
Also, Chu has an opportunity to advance in ranks during his traveling and fighting. He already achieved a serious success, so there is no reason to stop now. And this is an ongoing story with new updates ready to come soon.
The entire book should be available to members of The Light Novel, so you should go there if you want to read the story. Of course, you will need to access your account in order to get the content. If you do not have one, you can easily register on the website just by writing a a few basic personal details about yourself. The membership is free, and that’s a real opportunity for many people.

River: The Suicide Forest

River: The Suicide Forest summary: River: The Suicide Forest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of River: The Suicide Forest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fancies and Goodnights

Fancies and Goodnights summary: Fancies and Goodnights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fancies and Goodnights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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