


类别悬疑 恋爱 少女 灵异














简介十二画生漫画工作室/漫画岛联合出品 德诚高中的S班全称“special class”,顾名思义,这是一个极其特殊的班级。S班带头的人物是校草兼篮球队主力谈言封,一个嘴炮max,人神共愤的男学生。而成墨是一个从小就品学兼优的女学霸,出国留学一年后,回国重新踏入德诚高中,原本的学生会主席就立刻卸任,将职位交给了她,整个德诚高中都对这个神秘的把S班都踩在脚下的女生感到万分好奇。就这样17岁的成墨成为了德诚高中S班的班主任?原著:流年知彼时(圣诞文学网)
















内容简介:既然穿越到游戏王的世界,那么就打牌吧,不对,决斗吧!真红眼中的无限银河,怀着暴怒与战意,一次又一次的击败敌人,黑暗游戏?我就是黑暗。红瞳的少女中二病又犯了可还行。游月你在墓地里挖土呢? 给我上啊!打开盖卡,真红眼之魂!出现吧,我最强的仆人!红瞳少女喂!我才不是你的仆人!该死的小鬼!游月不想打么?哦,那我把真红眼献祭,上级……主人!不要啊!!!1w0-60058 >>




内容简介:樗公,封邑在樗,遂称樗公。原名江十一,因占据过太阳台,后又名江太阳。祖籍黑山踵,后随兄流亡至北方。初为流民,四处奔波;后为奴隶,受尽屈辱;在一番艰苦斗争后,命运终于开始对他微笑,指引他 遇到了那个后来颠覆整个北方的男人这是一部小人物从底层不断成长为大人物的奋斗史,所有的细节和人物塑造都尽可能写实。1w0-29811 >>


内容简介:咸鱼死神白树,被派遣到小世界刷业绩时,发现这里简直是死神的天堂。因为落地第一天,他就见到了一个名叫工藤新一的男人。这个走到哪让人死到哪,明明连鬼都看不见,却被无数地球人封为“死神”的男 人蹲下身,打量着地上的白树,眉头紧皱,自言自语,“错不了,这一定是他杀。”“……”,趁工藤新一跑去报警,白树伸手捞过自己的头,往脖子上一安,飞速逃离现场。洗干净坐在家里沉思片刻,白树拨通了一个电话,“毛利侦探您好,久仰大名,缺徒弟吗?”掐指一算,工藤新一马上就要变成柯南。只要混进这个小学生的死神领域,他就可以过上躺着数业绩的日子了!——咸鱼群:790893687本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《在名侦探世界当死神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70675 >>


内容简介:青青子衿,悠悠我心。纵我不往,子宁不嗣音?青青子佩,悠悠我思,纵我不往,子宁不来?挑兮达兮,在城阙兮,一日不见,如三月兮。雪地初见,你白衣白发,微微一笑却溶了这烈烈寒br各位书友要是觉 得《仙侣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!仙侣最新章节仙侣无弹窗仙侣全文阅读各位书友要是觉得《仙侣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97793 >>


内容简介:季明舒和岑森结婚的第一年,岑森远赴澳洲开拓海外市场。第三年,岑森回国。季明舒朝他脸上扔了一张离婚协议书,妄图结束这段丧偶式婚姻。岑森闭眼按住纸张,安静三秒后又将其压至桌面,神色自若道: “明舒,我尊重你的意见,不过你可能需要我帮你回顾一下婚前协议,离婚以后,你恐怕没办法继续收集稀有皮birkin,坐私人飞机去米兰看秀,眼都不眨拍下十五克拉斯里兰卡帕德玛蓝宝钻戒……”“等等!”季明舒忽然清醒,“我觉得……还能再忍一下。”- 骄纵大小姐x腹黑大boss- 何其有幸,我这一生,能做你的不二之臣。1w0-3938 >>

快穿 绿茶生存大法

内容简介:斯文败类疯批攻38毒舌沙雕貌美受1v1双洁主受强强沙雕甜宠文江免为续命,与系统绑定穿越各个世界做任务,任务内容是努力降低黑莲花大佬的黑化值,然而,好不容易感化好大佬,但凡他想逃离,大佬 们就会发疯。世界一:病娇总裁将他圈在怀里,轻咬着他耳垂呢喃道:“总有刁民惦记我的宝贝,我把那个影帝杀了助助兴如何?”江免:“可以,但让我来。”总裁:“?”世界二:偏执校草将他锁住,阴郁道:“我说过,再跑就将你腿打断。”江免:“不如将我手也一起打断了吧,这样我就不用自己吃饭了,还有人喂,针不戳。”校草:“……”世界三:病弱世子自知活不久,将他困在榻上柔声道:“我怕我死后你会跟别人跑了,不如与我同死,如何?”江免径直将一杯毒酒喝下,然后亮出崭新的大刀,“废话真多,毒酒没了,有刀,你自己动手还是我帮你?”世子:“……”本文又名【我媳妇总是在沙雕的路上越跑越偏】、【论108种不重样的沙雕死法】、【每天都在浪断腰边缘反复横跳】……1w12277-60894 >>




内容简介:一座仙府小院,一头青牛,三亩灵田。忙时种植灵田,闲时骑着青牛漫步,没事画画符,练练剑,逗逗红颜。轻松种田,悠闲修仙,岂不快哉?萤火虫书友群:962785831本站提示:各位书友要是觉得 《种田系修仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81229 >>




内容简介:《重生嫁给前夫他爹古代》简介:瑶瑶恍然,“原来如此,怪不得人这么多(穿成前任叔叔的掌心娇)。”“对呀,每年都如此。”元悠在一旁着,踮起脚朝前面张望,然而目光所及,全都是人头,不由叹气, “早知道我们昨就应该来的,可以在镇上住一晚,今再来逛庙会(穿成前任叔叔的掌心娇)。”言语之间,很是扼腕。哽噺繓赽奇奇小説蛧1w3698-83743 >>


内容简介:她白天是一丝不苟的总统府邸女管家,尽职尽守的供他差遣。他细心呵护未婚妻,她在背后默默无闻帮他铲除敌对。她是他的影子,他是她的曾经。她早已是个无心之人,不会痛,不配爱,她活着只是为…1w 0-76781 >>

Acid Flower

Set in an all boy’s Catholic school, it tells the story of one Kanan Hatori – a stunningly beautiful but damaged boy who spreads his legs for anyone who would have him. Once betrayed by the person he loved, the emotionally damaged Kanan has vowed never to fall in love again. Because of his beauty, many men he has slept with want him to be theirs; but Kanan always seems to be just dancing out of their reach… He is like the ever elusive wind – you want to touch it, want to bottle it, but the moment you close you’re fist around it thinking you have it in the palm of you’re hand, it just slips right through the gaps between you’re fingers… Jake Langley is the school’s corrupt priest. Just as Kanan had been known to sleep around with anybody, so too is Jake. Using his additional post as a Counselor, Jake openly “entertains” students, even in front of Kanan! But unbeknownst to anyone else, Jake is from a race of vampires that feeds on humans – specially the students he seduces, and he has set his eyes on Kanan to be the next victim. How will he fare? Will he finally be able to bottle this elusive wind, or will Kanan slip through his fingers just as he has slipped through everyone else’s? And what of Jake, what are his true intentions for Kanan? Does he really view him as just another goal to be conquered, or is there more to it? Will Kanan comply, or will he stay true to his reputation and forever remain just out of reach… *********** Because of a painful past experience, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest and school Counselor, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong possessiveness of Jake's, that is beyond normal, to Kanan is also a wonderful feeling...

Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles - Houkai E No Jokyoku

Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine arrive in a remote Russian village to check on rumors that a wolf infected with the T-Virus had attacked its inhabitants. It wasn't long before the two ex-STARS officers found them battling against the villagers, now turned into zombies.

Ultra Heaven

The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...

Sensei No Jijou

1) The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) A student who is fond of eye glasses tells his tender teacher of his feeling. The teacher kisses him but he is a little unsatisfied because the teacher takes the eye glasses off when they kiss 2) At the Guidance Room The hero, a strange student, loves a teacher, a blunder that students make light of. Bad students try to annoy the teacher by using a porn video but the teacher thinks the hero brought it 3) A Person, Held Captive The hero enters the company with his friend whom he has loved since his childhood. Knowing their supervisor aims at his friend, hero finally tie the friend up after an alcoholic party 4) The Reckelness of Youth (sequel to 'Shinobu Kokoro wa'). Hiiragi did not fully accept his orders, and acts separately from his chief, Asagi. He is thrown into jail 5) I'm Sorry, Young Master! The son of a lord, who feels his guard and martial arts teacher took a sexual joke too far, challenges him at his own peril 6) Child of the Palace in the Sea A scholar teacher of the Mountain palace country escorts back a spy boy of the Sea palace country (which dominates the Mountain palace country) who is bullied. The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) extra.

Storm of Prophecy

Storm of Prophecy summary: Storm of Prophecy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Storm of Prophecy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

St. Winifred's

St. Winifred's summary: St. Winifred's summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of St. Winifred's. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Farmer

Heavenly Farmer summary: Accidentally, Ye Xiaochen became new generation of Heavenly Farmer (Shen Nong), the treasure in the eyes of deities of three realms.
Moon fairy’s rabbit eats only the carrots grown from his farm.
The heavenly troop which was formed from the magical beans, came out from his farm.
The ninth level elixir which was just released, he supplied the materials for it.
Ye Xiaochen’s goal is to become the overlord of agriculture, not only in earth but also in whole three realms.
I want the heavens to use agricultural products that I plant, I want all the sentient beings in three realms to eat food made from my vegetables, I want all the G.o.ds to give up the idea of only swallowing air and eat meals three times in a day just like a normal person.

Only I Am A Necromancer

Only I Am A Necromancer summary: It was just one of those ordinary college cla.s.s sessions when all of a sudden, texts and quest cards started popping up in the air.
While everybody is fl.u.s.tered by the strange situation, all the lights go dark and the lecture room is engulfed in pitch darkness. Panicked, everybody is afraid of reaching out and taking the quest cards, but not the main character, Seong-woo: He instinctively realizes that he has to pick a card to survive, and he chooses to become a necromancer.
Soon after, a tutorial quest appears, and the entire school turns chaotic. Suddenly, goblins pop out everywhere and start slaughtering people. Survivors find it hard to adjust themselves to all the sudden changes, but Seong-woo overpowers one of the goblins by using his necromancy skill and starts to complete the quest given to him.
Seong-woo continues to grow his power and so does a number of his followers. He is surrounded by the forces of death that vow loyalty to him, as well as talented followers and trustful colleagues, but he is challenged by numerous villains in addition to a system that threatens to degenerate all of humanity.
In a world that is facing a change that it has never experienced before, a necromancer destroys everything with his committed forces

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