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真实又荒诞的人类,比任何狗血剧都好看! 人类研究所,用显微镜观察地球人的光怪陆离。 情感、社交、欲望、困境... 嬉笑怒骂,调侃逗趣,温暖走心。 正在进行时的人类生活切片,即将呈现!








简介痴迷风水的神棍老妈,打街机无敌的老爸,正值青春叛逆期的同学,搅的主人公不得安宁。 “啊西!我只想安静的学习,不要再烦我啦!!!”(魂淡!不正常的是主角你吧!在这个年龄就要嗨起来!只有你这么老成!!!)




内容简介:  初次见面,那个酷酷拽拽的男孩温柔又奇怪,他说:“我就是她们说的那样的人,不讨喜的坏人。”第二次见面,他是个迟到的坏学生,怼了班主任,还扯了个憋腿的借口——“拯救了一只蠢萌的小猫咪。 ”第三次,她靠近他,他有点冷漠,连续问了两次。“你要坐我旁边?”“你确定?”后来,冷漠的少年像个大型巨犬,偷偷换上和她似情头的头像和微信名,游戏里打击情敌,时不时秀秀恩爱隔应情敌。他抱紧她,“我不怕任何东西,我只是害怕失去你。”他可怜兮兮看着她,“小同桌,跟我一起回家,好吗?”他附在她耳边,温柔缠绵,“没有任何人,只有你。”……亲爱的男孩,其实,我也想告诉你,我从见你的第一眼起,就一直暗恋你啊!1w0-2909 >>


内容简介:迷迷糊糊醒来,脚一软还磕到了鼻子,意外激活了爷爷留给自己的传家戒指。还被提醒穿书年代文倒计时。赵婧一想起梦里的一切,连忙卖了父母留给自己的房子,拿着存款和卖房子的钱,买买买,囤囤囤…生 怕自己遗漏了什么……好不容易买完了,就等着时间到…等啊等的……迷糊睡过去了…一觉醒来成了年代文里的小可怜……唯一的亲人也在十天前去世了,留下她自己一个小可怜,好在她的辈分高,村里的人都也都对她很好,虽然总会有这么1w0-49450 >>


内容简介:幸亏我没信息素幸亏我没信息素小说阅读其它类型小说幸亏我没信息素由作家有鱼酱创作一个普通人,穿越到abo小说怎么办?没有信息素的沈鱼很绝望,每天用香水装信息素也不是个事啊。那本小说里还有 个大反派,大反派喜怒无常,对主角受因爱生恨,最后连人都不做了。帝国局势变化,大反派生病了。做检查的b医生,被关了闭门羹。坚强的a士兵,被揍得怀疑人生。连温柔可爱的o男士,都被大反派给丢了出去。一众护士你推我我推你,一把把沈鱼推上前,让他给大反派看病。沈鱼颤颤巍巍上前,想着要不要帮反派去追主角受。第一天,沈鱼的香水被没收了。第二天,沈鱼还活着。……第n天,大反派的病好了。就是沈鱼有点愁。他怎么才能让大反派知道,咬他脖子没用呢?本小说网提供有鱼酱著作的幸亏我没信息素最新章节,幸亏我没信息素全文免费阅读,幸亏我没信息素无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供幸亏我没信息素最新章节幸亏我没信息素最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-78617 >>


内容简介:他是自我长眠的少帝,仙古纪元唯一存活的仙,末法时代之后,他一觉醒来,发现这已不是他的世界。且看南极冰川之下醒来的少帝,如何在这个世界生存!帝喜晴空万里!帝怒山崩地裂!欢迎加入都市之少帝 归来,群聊号码:952241875本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市之少帝归来》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w27502-77970 >>


内容简介:林夜意外穿越到斗罗大陆,居然肩负起了完成水友们心愿的重任。完成心愿,就可获得奖励。帮我截胡戴沐白订婚朱竹清,我出一块万年魂骨!帮我辅助千仞雪统一天斗帝国,我出一个十万年魂环!帮我去星斗 大森林,唤醒古月娜,我出超神器,天圣裂渊!当然。这一切还得从曝光唐三双生武魂,获得通往蓝星的双穿门开始。魂师能否挡得住枪械?魂圣能否挡得住RPG?封号斗罗呵呵,不好意思,你的洲际快递到了!而蓝星,也因为斗罗世界降临,变得不一样了异变降临。妖魔横行。就在人族危难之际。林夜一声大喝,响彻九霄。”前方蓝星,妖魔禁行!”PS、本书又叫《核平斗罗》,《我从斗罗大陆出来斩神》1w0-84175 >>


内容简介:小兵提供商红药大神最新作品《白月光每天都在努力崩人设穿书》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,白月光每天都在努力崩人设穿书小说txt下载,白月光每天都在努力崩人设穿书小说笔趣阁,白月光每天都在努 力崩人设穿书无弹窗!本站最新最快更新白月光每天都在努力崩人设穿书小说最新章节。1w0-124750 >>


内容简介:  陈争,寒门贵子,名牌大学毕业,可是因为毕业后各种选择错误,导致人到中年,不仅情场失意,事业也无成。一夜间回到大学毕业时。这一次,他要做出最佳选择。1w0-2340




内容简介:手机阅读《原来我是道祖》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读孙昊穿越到一个修仙世界。无法修炼,琴棋书画、诗酒花茶却是样样满级。他不知:农场那只宠物,是九天神鸾。池塘那朵莲花,是绝世妖仙。门外那个护 卫,是雷劫主宰。后来,他发现:那个捡走他破柴刀的刀客,成为一代刀圣;那个常来听他诵经的小生,成为佛教之祖;那个跟他来学弹琴的姑娘,成为妖族至尊。……孙昊坐在天帝位上,满脸震惊:我是道祖?我以天地为盘、众生为子,布一场惊天大局?我怎么不知道?1w0-37220 >>




内容简介:六年前,被父亲和堂姐陷害,顾惋惜怀上一个不明不白的孩子,还被迫和暗恋多年的陆行澜解除婚约,母亲也最终病死在医院。直到那时她才看清,原来所谓的父亲是豺狼,亲近的堂姐如蛇蝎。怀揣着复仇的执 念和一地伤心,她远赴异国。六年后,她携萌宝归来,誓要夺回属于自己的东西,豺狼环伺,她便打退豺狼;蛇蝎上门,她便斩杀蛇蝎。可唯有一人,她始终拿他没有办法。陆行澜本以为此生与他缘尽,可他偏偏却要再次来1w69472-69488 >>


内容简介:人人都知道大历的睿王殿下摸不得、碰不得、更惹不得。 偏偏年幼无知的阿筠不仅摸了、碰了、还……亲了。 睿王殿下邪魅一笑:“就你了。” 被负责的阿筠被打包送到了睿王府 阿筠无语望天,说好的 我爹是国公我想欺负谁就欺负谁呢? 阿筠泪眼汪汪,讨厌,人家不想让熊孩子喂奶。1w0-2706 >>

Kami Sen

Izumi Koutarou's family has been working at their hot spring resort for many generations. But it seems that the hot spring has dried out and the family began to have financial problems. The situation got so bad they were planning to skip town. As a last resort, they try to pray to their god, Konoha-sama, which was in legend sealed in their backyard. At first they thought that nothing will happen, but the next second, the seal broke and their god was free. But apparently, Konoha-sama lost her memories because of her long sleep, and thus, she doesn’t know what her power are or what kind of god is she. The only thing she is certain about is that she is somehow connected to Koutarou. And as reward she revives their hot spring, but soon Koutarou learns that she is the god of poverty and also has the worst luck. How is the resort or even Koutarou going to survive this?

Tribal 12

The world changed because one girl lost the one dearest to her. The grief-stricken girl kept searching for a way to bring him back to her, eventually became a scientist, creating a substance that looked to have promising results. That substance was ‘Metaphysic particles’ which could transform mankind’s wildest dreams into reality, wondrous particles that could smash the divide between the spirit and the being. But a grave error occurred in the research before it reached completion, and the Metaphysic particles were spread throughout the world. Incredible occurrences were happening throughout the world. ‘Monsters’ which preyed on humans appeared, recognized by the masses to be a consequence of the Metaphysic particles. It appeared to them to be the girl’s fault, and they ostracized her, calling her ‘The Witch’. But from the masses emerged people who could use the Metaphysic particles to do battle with the monsters, Knights of Justice who transformed their beliefs into magical creatures to defeat the monsters. Using the twelve devices ‘Accessories’ that could magnify these beliefs, they became known as ‘12’ This is a story of a world where dreams become reality…


Palepoli goes beyond the framework of standard four-panel manga and views its structure in new ways. Actually, Furuya knew nothing of conventional manga styles and methods when he started Palepoli. As a result, he created something that bore little similarity to other manga. Furuya notes that he selects his subject matter and methods with clear and precise intentions. I find it extremely rare for a manga artist to be this deliberate. A portion of Palepoli was featured in Secret Comics Japan.

20Th Century Boys

From here: Growing older is pretty rough and Kenji is finding out just how hard it can be as life starts wearing down on him. On top of trying to make ends meet running a convenience store, he has to care for the niece that his missing sister left in his care. Memories of youth make it easier, until those memories come back to haunt you. Kenji and his old friends are slowly being drawn into a mysterious conspiracy that could threaten the world. Who is the mysterious 'friend', and how does he tie into Kenji's youth? Why are there disappearances and deaths tied into Ochanomizu University? The friend's memories hold the keys to the puzzle, but years between cloud the clues. The strange occurances and the reach of the 'friend' conspiracy grow by the day. It will all culminate on New Year's Eve 2000. Will Kenji and the rest of the group be able to put together the puzzle and save the world? Note: The last two volumes of the story were serialized under the name 21st Century Boys and are not included here.

Wed To The Bad Boy

Wed To The Bad Boy summary: Wed To The Bad Boy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Wed To The Bad Boy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World

Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World summary: The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game.
In this game, Nie Yan prided himself in his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He his father’s enemy. He lay dying shortly after being shot in the pursuit.
However, that wasn’t the end of his story. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past-self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew.

Four for Tomorrow

Four for Tomorrow summary: Four for Tomorrow summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Four for Tomorrow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The King of Alsander

The King of Alsander summary: The King of Alsander summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The King of Alsander. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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