













类别恋爱 穿越 古风




类别恋爱 生活 古风 少女 其他
















内容简介:大学生李克,法学专业2年级学生。除此之外,他还有个不为人知的身份——注册阴阳师。几千年来,阴阳师的使命是在都市中解决人们遇到的“非常规”事件,而作为茅山道派传人,李克的特长,是一只鬼眼 。鬼眼可看穿阴阳、明鉴三界,那些每时每刻都发生在你我身边的小事,换一个角度看去,原来竟有这么多让人毛骨悚然的原因……对于注册阴阳师来说,我们的世界,究竟是什么样子的?1w7485-81743 >>


内容简介:亡国太子百里辛为求时空逆转拯救灭亡的国家,绑定了位面系统,并成为了人工智脑此他过着秒穿、秒变脸、秒黑化的风餐露宿的日子。古代、现代、未来、末世,机甲、血族、神魔、仙侠…他的精神力越发强 横,眼看便要达成时空逆转的条件。却没成想,他居然触发了隐藏的神级任务,主神归来!他须完成“主神归来”才能脱离位面回到现实世界?!╯‵□′╯︵要是知道怎么触发的,他一定躲着走!扫雷:本文纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属躺枪。苏雷爽金!1受文,攻宠受,攻自始至终都是一个人!全篇没有逻辑,不满者右上角,请不要互相折磨。接受有意见评论,但不接受恶意找茬差评,谢谢!百里辛:我这次要兑换的是……咦,这是什么?系统:叮!恭喜宿主,成功兑换名器重峦叠嶂。帝迦:呵,来战!(深藏功与名)注:由于大白近些时日穷困潦倒、见钱眼开,故本文将于本周五,0入V(不出意外的话)。入谢各位读者大大这么久以来的支持,还请一直支持下去牧白的读者群:161921132敲门砖是任意文中人物,欢迎来玩,进群有惊喜。这个是大白的专栏,可以随时观察大白进度呀~反正戳一下又不会怀孕,戳一下嘛~求收藏→:快穿之主神归来是原作者牧白精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新快穿之主神归来最新章节,书友所发表的快穿之主神归来评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持快穿之主神归来书友的观点。您要是觉得《快穿之主神归来》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-75253 >>


内容简介:关于透视医圣:林奇得到上古传承,觉醒神瞳后,拥有了不可思议的能力,他不在是一个平凡小医生,还有了很多烦恼,因为昨天冰山女院长要他约在小树林,讨论一些羞羞的事情,但是他今天已经约了热辣老 师,清纯校花,高挑女警,傲娇大明星……一起学姿势。透视医圣是原作者大小写精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新透视医圣最新章节,书友所发表的透视医圣评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持透视医圣书友的观点。您要是觉得《透视医圣》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w6519-3116 >>


内容简介:  《龙樱》、《海女》、《半泽直树》,不论是多么吸引人的影视剧,背后的故事都是由字组成的。当清水彻意识到这一点时,他还不知道以字为武器的自己,会在日渐倾颓的日本影视界掀起多大的风浪。日 娱相关,多涉及日本小说与影视剧。1w0-3437 >>


内容简介:文案一季远川穿进了一本小说,叫长盛天下。未来的大贪官、暗杀首领、宦官头子、铁血帝王。现在都是他的学生。而且他发现,这些反派在霸凌男主——未来的帝王。呵呵,是嫌命太长,还是嫌题太少?那为 师就多多布置功课吧,《三年科考》《五年算术》怎么样?。文案二长盛天下讲述了顾长盛如何从一个小兵成长为铁血帝王的小说。因为男主前期是个小可怜,所以总有无数女主想来温暖他,成为他心中的唯一。比如:丫鬟为他送饭,目标是成为小青梅。前未婚妻资助他,目标是成为白月光。女扮男装的小兵为他挡剑,目标是成为朱砂痣。还有敌国公主,青楼妓子……小说中,她们都成功了。……而拿着炮灰剧本的季远川,却演了“女主”的戏份。明明想推进故事情节,却被爱吃醋的男主误以为——他对那些女人有兴趣。她们都是冲着你来的啊!不是我!吸引男人而不自知的攻X吸引女人而不自知的受各位书友要是觉得《穿成男主的夫子后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73710 >>


内容简介:前世,程珞窈被白眼狼的弟弟妹妹背叛,当作免费的供应机,aaaaaa吃她的,用她的,不知感恩,贪得无厌,嫌弃她没本事。aaaaaa原男主,虚情假意,算计利用,只为夺取她的气运1w0-11 7939 >>


内容简介:人死之前,会不会有什么异常征兆?答案是肯定的!不管你信不信,死亡征兆确实存在,而且,生死有命,就算你发现了,也千万不要妄自破解,不然我因为无意间破解了一次死亡凶兆,从而被卷入了一个凶险 诡异的世界,死人血泪、鳞尸噬心、鼠送钱,狗刨坟,毒虫拜母,万蛇朝宗,几经生死我才明白,这个世界,并没有我们所看到的那么简单!新书求支持:诡行记》已完本:狠人狠事》1w29738-34803 >>


内容简介:《少女伏魔录》为作者萝卜不加蜜创作,作品少女伏魔录章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供萝卜不加蜜精心编写原创少女伏魔录及无弹窗少女伏魔录全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于少女伏魔录:一花一世 界,一叶一菩提。在洪亮的诵经声中,佛光乍现,少女身披红玉琉璃袈裟,头束玉冠,足尖轻点,脚下莲花盛开。周身缠绕着还未熄灭的佛焰,少女微阖双目,用一种悯天怜人的目光,望着下方如黑潮涌动的冤魂厉鬼,轻启朱唇,口吐慈悲之言:求收藏!求订阅各位书友要是觉得《少女伏魔录》还不错的话请不要忘记向您1w0-99701 >>


内容简介:穿越到古代,只有被赐死才能回到现代,于是她开启了作死之路。可偏偏皇上和皇后都像被附了身一样,她越作死,偏偏就越获得宠爱,不能被赐死的她,已经死机了。成年人的崩溃,你不懂!1w17508 -25347 >>


内容简介:【喜欢的妞儿们请点追书收藏↑↑↑】你有没有试过从陌生的酒店醒过来,发现身边躺着陌生人?结婚第五年,婚姻失利的她被迫坐上相亲宴。平生第一次,她在陌生男人面前醉酒。可他们不过是聊了十分钟, 又哪里来的情。但是等等,他不是和她相亲的那位先生?那个男人长了一张倾城的脸,让她不得不怀疑他就是传说中的男公关。他是游走女人间的温柔情人,她是被丈夫抛弃的失婚弃妇,她注定不该爱上他,可偏偏动心动念。千帆过尽,当现实摆在面前,她才得知他的真实身份。尉氏家族的大少,容氏家族的公子,一家电信局,两家炼油厂,四家半导体,一百三十二家连锁酒店,产业链庞大的惊人。他的名字来源于这两大家族的姓氏尉容!其实爱一个人不可怕,怕的是那个人你从来都不曾真正靠近过。后来林蔓生才知道,原来他不是不爱,只是不爱你。※※※第四最好不相惜,如此便可不相忆。不贪求一个缘,又想起你的脸朝朝暮暮漫漫人生路。★系列文推荐★【1】《秦非得已》秦世锦陆展颜【2】《天嫁之合》唐仁修顾敏【3】《分手妻约》莫征衍宋七月【4】《蔓蔓婚路》尉容林蔓生本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《蔓蔓婚路》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80923 >>


内容简介:三年前,遭家族遗弃,女友背叛,无奈流落山村,却意外获得神秘传承,医术高绝,武道登顶!三年后,强势归来,掌权,掌财,掌命! 那些曾经看不起我的人,通通跪在我的脚下……狂少一怒,染血千里, 这便是他的狂!他的傲!他的天下!1w0-2302 >>

Ar Tonelico Ii

The region of Metafalss surrounds the second Tower of Ar tonelico, which is said to represent the Goddess Frelia of the Trio of Elemia. Reyvateil in this region have been succumbing to a raging Reyvateil-exclusive epidemic called the Infel Pira Dependency (I.P.D.). Croix, a Knight under the Grand Bell Church of Pastalia, is sent to find the source of the problem and contain the epidemic. There is more transpiring in this region than just the epidemic, however, and one mission will throw him into an adventure to unravel the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek out a legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Hymn of Metafalica.

Renai Chuudokuteki Senjutsushi

In the Renai Chuudokuteki Senjutsushi series: 1. Senjutsushi wa Kujikenai - Renai Chuudokuteki Senjutsushi 2. Senjutsushi wa Koi ni Oboreru 3. Senjutsushi wa Netsuai Sareru 4. Senjutsushi to Majin no Shiro 5. Senjutsushi to Fukushuu no Koto 6. Senjutsushi to Saiyaku no Tsubo (1) 7. Senjutsushi to Saiyaku no Tsubo (2) In a certain time, in a certain land, there was a beautiful magician with long, trailing silver hair. His name was Liu Li Xian, a man whose beauty was so great and his magic so powerful, others believed him to be not of this world. However! He had a certain 'illness.' Which was that he really, really, REALLY liked pretty men. He found them IRRESISTIBLE! Liu Li Xian's grand adventure in seeking out prospective lovers begins!

Scandalous Honey

From TCManga: Just like an ordinary girl, Momoka was enjoying her boyfriend's company, eating breakfast together, dating, etc. The only different is her boyfrieed Hiro is an up coming actor in the entertainment industry. Therefore their love life has to be kept a secret. But Hiro's manager wants them to break up in order to not taint Hiro's popularity.... Also includes 2 extra stories.

Dakenai Jikan

[From Fantasy Shrine:] Super-star soccer player, Gai, has a nightly duty to “service” his new boss, Yuito, the new owner of his soccer team and his old high school classmate. Is their physical-only relationship doom to eclipse their hearts…!? Or would the constant battle with Yuito’s formidable pride makes a frustrated Gai force to take drastic measures? Also included in the book is a oneshot titled “Heavenly Hell”.

Old Scores and New Readings

Old Scores and New Readings summary: Old Scores and New Readings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Old Scores and New Readings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Conan the Avenger

Conan the Avenger summary: Conan the Avenger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conan the Avenger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rocker That Loves Me

The Rocker That Loves Me summary: The Rocker That Loves Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rocker That Loves Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary: Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.

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