













通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...












类别热血 都市






内容简介:(已经完成的世界《战狼2》《神雕侠侣》《龙门镖局》《老九门》《僵尸先生》《功夫》《斗破苍穹》)(正在进行中的世界《庆余年》电视剧版本)(一定会写的世界《天行九歌》《斗罗大陆》《超神学院 》《仙剑奇侠传三》电视剧版本)穿越诸天万界接受他人委托,完成委托即可获得奖励,是为诸天委托人。1w0-77942 >>


内容简介:  穿越成一名正在接受魔道宗门改造的新人,面对绝对的武力,身为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的四有青年,张长空很想肝胆两昆仑,可是,事到临头,面临生命与理想的选择下,张长空的内心可耻的 退缩了,无能感叹,有心杀贼,无力回天,顺其自然的成为了一名魔修,有了生命,才能有理想。1w0-1687 >>

他是衣冠禽兽(高H 1V1 SC)

内容简介:他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)笔趣阁,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)sodu,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)小说,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)顶点,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)就想 吃肉肉,疯批富二代x娇软小白花转学第一天温若就被傅亦川盯上了,软硬兼施强要了她。从此之后操场教室保健室,哪里都能成为他发泄兽欲的地方。为了躲他,温若放弃了自己心仪的大学,偷偷改了志愿。四年后,他再次闯入她的生活,却儒雅斯文毫无半点当年的影子。直到她接受家人的安排开始相亲,那只披着羊皮的狼,才卸下了伪装。本文上半部分是校园篇《他是疯批高HSC1v1》点击书名即达其他文已肥未完结,入坑谨慎点击书名即达《傻白甜天天挨操高HNP》软萌小白兔X各种凶猛大灰狼肉杂含骨科、强奸等元素,不适者慎入《被合租糙汉室友肏到哭》器大活好的拳击教练X娇软小作精高H1V1有年龄差1w0-97564 >>




内容简介:我的死敌成了上将星际笔趣阁,我的死敌成了上将星际sodu,我的死敌成了上将星际小说,我的死敌成了上将星际顶点,我的死敌成了上将星际探汤,【重新梳理大纲……稍晚更新】四年前因为孟泠的证词 陷入流放的死敌回来了,身居高位,压他一头全星系都知道孟泠的证词是伪证,都在积极给段上将提供报复孟泠的证据孟泠胆战心惊,终于等到了再次见到段杓的那一天。四年不见,眼前的熟人陌生到让人害怕段杓眼神阴沉,让人毛骨悚然的笑,“其实,孟泠,我当年最后好像有点喜欢你了,还准备好好追你来着。”孟泠猛地抬头,不敢置信的同时眼里闪动起几乎从未在他眼里出现过的惊喜的光然后,段杓的那一丝笑消失得无影无踪,“不过现在我发现,你配不上让人追,床上玩一玩也就够了。”狠话天天放执行就手软攻vs底线很低道德观残缺十分缺爱受【高亮必看:不是互宠,前期会有点虐。攻受真的是仇人,攻是回来报仇的。受性格不择手段。】1w0-96051 >>


内容简介:正道的光清冷小天使受x妖艳白莲白切黑真A攻受后期分化成O,攻A装0谢青书穿书后她只是一个古早味的AO文里的炮灰A,因为跟主角0抢人,最后落了个死无全尸的下场。谢青书决定老实做人,可看到 了周阙眼含泪光,简直美得人心颤,就明白了对方被几个A强取豪夺的原因了。猛A如她决定帮周阙当个猛O,三年之内要脚踩渣A,五年崛起O权。所以外界眼里一向不合的影后谢青书和小白花周阙,忽然合作了,原本以为两人还会撕得热火朝天。但有一天,直播忘了关,周阙声音沙哑,“姐姐,我抑制剂失效了。”任何一个O做到这个地步,换做谁能够忍住。周阙凤眸里满是狠厉,信息素带着压迫。二次分化O的谢青书对信息素尤其敏感,隐隐感觉到一丝异样,她倒是想标记!可周阙是个A!刚要冲进来骂的粉丝:……好像知道了什么了不得的事情。本文将在26号入v,感谢大家支持ps:【受后期分化O,攻一直都是A】【有私设,AA可以互相标记,O同理】【女A没有多的器官】【文案梗在后面会写】【后面补上】底图bs找的,感谢那位太太!预收:被渣A当成替身后所有人都知道覃微爱惨了钟离棠,没名没分跟了三年,任由索取掠夺。却换来钟离棠一句轻飘飘的,“覃微啊,也就是信息素好闻了点。”开始没人理解,后来其他人才知道覃微的信息素跟那位的——钟离棠的白月光。一模一样。覃微就是个替身,但是她依然跟着对方,笑嘻嘻的,仿佛这事没有一样。可别人不知道的是她对所有alpha的信息素都过敏,医生告诉覃微,要找到百分百契合的alpha,才能有希望治愈过敏。钟离棠想要替身,她要治病,覃微觉得她们不亏是百分百匹配,连目的都是一样。再后来过敏真的治好了,白月光也回头了。钟总最近很头疼一向听话乖巧的雀儿在闹分手,她习惯性的没当回事,迟早会飞回来的。可一天,两天,一个月过去,都没见到任何影子。钟离棠冷哼一声,胆子肥了。没忍住去找了覃微,却发现老婆身边哪里还有自己的位置。#我可以苟!##我这么大个老婆呢#ps文案已截图,11月13号留1w0-71961 >>






内容简介:在大灾害之后的一百年中人类文明被摧毁殆尽,电已经不是能量的主要形式了。因为很多生物变异在吸收天地能量时电作为天地能量的一种也很是被他们喜欢。经过它们不断的各位书友要是觉得《我的末世回收 站》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99685 >>






内容简介:苏留穿到古代江湖,身带白玉京,出入各个武侠世界完成任务,还能将人物带回现实?不亦爽哉醇酒美人,纵马江湖,扬眉剑出鞘九阳九阴,凌波六脉,圆月拔刀,八荒六合唯我独尊小李探花那袖手一刀,懂了 才知寂寞无敌我心中却还有一剑,剑二十三可杀陆地神仙金(鹿鼎,笑傲,射雕,神雕等……),古(风云第一刀,楚留香,陆小凤,绝代双骄等……),黄(大唐双龙,破碎虚空等……),温(四大名捕,说英雄等……)新书求点击收藏推荐支持本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《武侠枭雄》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64553 >>

[Switch] Artbook

Artbook for Switch

17-Sai Hajimete No H

From ShoujoMagic & Nekohana: A collection of short stories revolving around a girl's first time! Story 1: A Boy's Suggestion, by SHINJO Mayu Kana is on a mission of love. How pathetic would it be if a senior like her completed high school without ever having had a boyfriend? That's when Takuya, a freshman with a reputation as someone you don't want to mess with, confidently asks Kana to go out with him. She has misgivings about him being younger than herself, but can she be adult enough to overlook it? Story 2: Virgin Beast, by MINAMI Kanan See Ren-ai Shijou Shugi, volume 2 side story. Story 3: Let's Go Be Daring!!!, by AYUKAWA Mio Yoshino has a crush on Kanou and is too shy to tell him, but if she doesn't act quickly some other girl might. Yoshino's friend tells her how to becoming daring: Don't wear any underwear! This secret technique certainly catches Kanou's attention when a brisk breeze blows Yoshino's skirt up, and... Yoshino needs to come up with a good lie, fast! Story 4: When I'm with You, I Won't Be Home 'til Morning!, by KOUSAKA Yuuka After two months and three days of dating, high schoolers Eimi and Hiroto are finally ready to have sex. Eimi is nervous, but Hiroto seems okay. She heard that he's a real lady killer and his ex-girlfriend was his college-age tutor. Can Eimi -- a virgin -- possibly measure up to the kind of experience Hiroto has had? What will it mean for their relationship if she can't...? Story 5: The Awakening of Love, by SAKURAI Miya High school girl Asuka has a boyfriend who's 23 years old, Hiroyuki. When people comment that older guys must be better in the sack, Asuka confirms it -- but she doesn't honestly know... because Asuka is still a virgin. Unable to stand it any more, she gives it up to Hiroyuki (who didn't know she was a virgin), but instead of bringing them closer together, it drives them further apart...? Story 6: Smooch Smooch Smooch, by MASUZAKI Yoshino Tomo, age 16, has a crush on the university student Yuuji. They even live together. Problem: Yuuji is her cousin! He's never had a girlfriend, but that's because Tomo harrasses him in a series of various 'attack' styles. As her latest attack, designed to make Yuuji jealous, Tomo and her friend Samata pretend to have a relationship when they're in front of him. But when Samata becomes serious about Tomo, Yuuji knows he has to make a decision -- fast. Story 7: Sweet Desires, by SHIGANO Iori Maya caught her boyfriend cheating... Since then she has lost faith in men. But will this change with a sudden kiss, outside a bar... from a kouhai??!!

Mishiranu Machi

Stories included in this volume: 1. Mishiranu Machi (見知らぬ街) (Date:1989) A group of teenagers went on a summer holiday and had a car accident. The woke up and found the whole city was empty. How can they escape the eerie place? But more importantly, can they really all go back? Note: It has been suggested that MATSUMOTO Yoko traced some of her panels of this stroy from Birthday Present (MIYAWAKI Akiko). 2. Youkoso Mystery Tour e (ようこそミステリーツアーへ) In the summer holiday, a 15 year old girl Kana went on a vacation on an island, when a certain hotel giving out invitation to join a treasure hunt event with only a ridiculously impossible map to read. With a group of four along with her cousin Riku who can't handle transportation, her little brother Takashi who likes mystery and her brother's girlfriend Natsuki, the group join the event, meeting suspicious people and witnessing unexplainable occurences. Can they find the treasure? Is there any hidden agenda from the hotel owner by making such an event? 3. A wa Akuma no A (アは悪魔のア) An almost dead man entrusted a Devil statue to Riku, a 15 year old boy. Before they realized, Kana, Riku, Takashi and Natsuki were already involved in an adventure involving antiques, cops, a devil in disguise, an angel in custody, and a cold blooded killer.

Kingdom Of Zombie

Touched by the Black Death, a little girl becomes a zombie. Twenty years later... Leaving the boring, repetitive work at the smithy behind, Van manages to escape the premises, only to be caught by George, standing guard at the gates. Though he receives an earful and a chase, Van still manages to escape. George had been fearing Van growing up for a while and can't help but get a bad feeling as he sees him disappear. He yells at Van to not go near the Restricted area. Though he replied 'alright,' Van headed towards the North Gates, a request of Edmond's. Feeling the adrenaline, as he watches the two lookouts, a man suddenly appears and kills the two, leaving the Gate open. Soon, smelling the blood, four zombies hobble in and start attacking the injured guards. Van decides that he needs to let somebody know, but was exposed to the zombies in the process. As his strength leaves his legs, the zombies catch up to him. Just when the zombies are near and Van is sure he's dying, a sudden surge of strength emerges from his body and Van starts to overpower the zombies...

Taming Master

Taming Master summary: The world’s largest scale virtual reality game, ‘Kailran’.
A well-known gamer in the virtual reality game community, Ian.
He deleted his lv 93 character to obtain a hidden cla.s.s&h.e.l.lip; but the cla.s.s he chose was the most useless cla.s.s in Kailran, the summoner? On top of that, a call from his professor leads to a mental breakdown! To avoid academic probation, he must level up to the same level as his deleted character in two months!

Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles

Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles summary: Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Alpine Menace

The Alpine Menace summary: The Alpine Menace summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Alpine Menace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings

Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings summary: Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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