














类别都市 恋爱 生活


















内容简介:蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭他是华夏的最强兵王,但却被取消国籍,被迫出境。他是黑暗世界的暴君,但却受万人敬仰,让人臣服。他是潇洒的花都王者,万花丛中过片叶不沾身。看绝世强者重回都市,用简单粗暴 的行事艺术,抒写一段天王传奇。新蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭1w1081-69217 >>


内容简介:屌丝方远惨遭富二代陷害,入狱之时饱受欺凌,阴差阳错却获得了足以改变世界的“大明星养成系统”,从此咸鱼翻身,一路啪啪啪,泡了校花,打了富二代,混进了娱乐圈,跟各路枭雄斗智斗勇,收获亿万粉 丝,成为炙手可热的天王巨星!1w0-82799 >>


内容简介:那人趿着双拖鞋跟在助理身后慢慢地走着,披散着头发看不清情绪。彭沛伦等人走近了才降下车窗跟人打了声招呼:“哟,白姐姐!”白芸好像抬头看了他一眼,时间非常的短促,她走到车门旁站定,低着头就 没有动作了1w0-27438 >>


内容简介:  一滴血一条命,别人打游戏爆肝,我打游戏爆血。次元风暴降临,地球四处出现了大量的异次元领域,仙、佛、恶魔、天使、精灵等各种异次元生物降临地球。而那些神秘的异次元领域,却都变成了手机游 戏副本,别人拿命去冒险,我却拼命打游戏。已完本小说《超级神基因》730万《剑装》300万《神品道圣》160万。1w0-12 >>


内容简介:他是北境狼军的首领!叱咤世界的杀神!十五年前,遭大伯陷害,家破人亡,幸得沈家搭救十五年后,战神归来!快意恩仇!沈家的活命之恩,我愿以一生偿还!林家的破家之恨,提刀纵马灭你满门!1w19 242-25085 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我穿越成一个国》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读见过混穿、身穿、性转、夺舍……怎么到我这,就直接变成一个国家?等等,你不要过来啊。你是国家,我也是国家,你见过两个国家撸胳膊上阵肉搏的 吗?斯文点,斯文点,我们派遣兵将,让国主作为统率征战,难道不好吗?等等……这什么坑爹的世界,国家怎么可能拥有意识!还有这些狂妄的神明,老子是国家,不是你们的对象,都离我远点啊!以国土为骨,以国民为血。这是一个倒霉蛋带着华夏薪火,跑去异世当国家,重立诸夏文明的故事。1w0-61647 >>


内容简介:  这是属于我们唐门的世界,一个个你们所熟悉的唐门英雄会在这场众神之战的大舞台中登场。还记得光之子中的长弓威、狂神雷翔、死神阿呆、仙帝海龙、天帝天痕、琴帝叶音竹、冰火魔厨融念冰、酒神世 界的烈焰和姬动、天珠变世界的大力神周维清以及我们的唐三、霍雨浩吗?在这本唐门英雄传中,他们会一一登场,这是属于我们唐门的一场众神之战!燃烧吧,青春的热血!1w0-308 >>


内容简介:小兵提供出轨全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),出轨电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。男人有七年之痒可他们交往才六年,他就开始发痒了?她,夏妍羽,个性谈不上 火爆,对情感却是理智得过火,当风昱翔,那如1w20274-84003 >>

家庭淫魔 VIP未删节全本

内容简介:故事大约起先在两年以前,那年我十七岁,一个对性爱懵懵懂懂的年纪,由于母亲对我的管教甚严,所以我在高中以前几乎都不知道有关这方面的知识。而高中很凑巧的读了一间和尚学校,里头的学生全部都没 有异性,只有清一色的男性学生,想当然尔正处在青春期的我们,对于男女之事都是充满了好奇心的,但是我们当然没有正常的管道可以来了解,而学校里面也几乎都是晚娘脸孔的女老师,所以三俩哥们凑在一起,话题当然离不开有关性爱的东西。分享书籍《家庭淫魔VIP未删节全本》作者:狂龙使1w0-30081 >>


内容简介:  学霸系统降临。  只要学习,就可以增加积分!  “叮!您解答了数学题目,数学积分+2”  “叮!你查看了英语单词,英语积分+1”  “叮!您进行了一次化学分析,化学积分+1000”   “叮!…..”  “您的化学积分已经足够,等级提升:三级!!”  当学习变成刷积分的时候。  苏牧终于可以理直气壮的说。  “我要从今天开始当学霸!”  “而且是全能学霸!!”  ……  轻松校园风,无敌文,可放心食用  书友交流群:665、041、3251w0-4108 >>


内容简介:冬宁接受了一个哨兵的心理疏导工作,却发现他身患神高潮瘾症,并且有严重的药物依赖。为帮他脱瘾,她不得不采取特殊手段。【入坑指南】:1非典型向哨gb文,不写动物神体,看清楚,是【gb文】, 女主更强势。更多小说请2存在bdsm玩法,剧情需要。3有副c。我很喜欢他们,但正文不会过多描写,可能写番外或者再开一篇。4是为了让我自己爽才激情开文的,文笔不太好,而且【更新不稳定】。1w0-88104 >>


内容简介:  【小反派×大反派,1v1,双洁,宠爱】  萧月瑶,肤白貌美大长腿,乃京都第一美人!  她爹,手握重权的武侯爷。  她哥,最高审判大理寺卿。  她外公!位列三公的太傅。  可偏偏,她 是个,反派!  ……  萧月瑶自认作为积极向上的小反派,自然要遵守反派守则:  一是要作死,二是要寻死,三是要争取活不过第二集。  所以——  萧月瑶没事就去搞一下女主。  女主:我的女主光环呢?!!  没事再去搞一下男主。  男主:为你痴为你狂,为你哐哐哐撞大墙!  但但但,她是真的没想招惹大反派啊!  直到牌子被翻,那位暴君站在她面前,睥睨倨临。  “听说爱妃在外造谣朕,那日后便由爱妃侍寝。”  萧月瑶哭:“陛下,臣妾做不到啊!”  ……  N年后。  大臣一号:萧妃有福,膝下有子  大臣:一生还生七八个。  萧月瑶叹气:迫于无奈才生的,毕竟家里有皇位要继承嘛!  #一入宫门深似海从此节操是路人#1w0-2214 >>

Tasogare Wa Karera No Jikan

Unbelievably gorgeous, Ritsuto Okumura has always been able charm anyone whether he wants to or not, even to the point of obsession. Although he is the only member of the current Okumura family who possesses this arcane ability, he dresses conservatively and even obscures his appearance with glasses trying to counteract this strange allure as it only seems to bring him hardship. Against his better judgement he uses his charms to help his cousin with a client who then tracks him down at his workplace, completely infatuated with Ritsuto. While wondering how to safely escape from his stalker, a striking man with long black hair named Luka appears and tells Ritsuto to order his stalker to leave him alone...and he does! Desperate to understand what just happened, Ritsuto follows Luka to his hotel room but instead of explaining Luka pushes him down and tells him, 'I want you....It is your destiny to become mine,' and thus begins a darkly erotic tale of unearthly love.

Tomoyo After - Dear Shining Memories

The manga adaptation of Key's adult game Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life. The manga is told from Tomoyo's point of view. There are four chapters.

Honki De Nakechau Koi

A collection of 6 short stories. Each revolving a dramatic love story. Story 1: Crevasse (Sakurai Machiko) Is it right to just look him from far away? To never talk to him? Is it that there's really no reason to.... Story 2: Te wo Tsunaide ikou (Nekoyama Miyao) Mikiko plans to date Sasaken after the image of his 'back was suddenly stamped' in her memory at the entrance ceremony. But how will they progress after a misunderstanding caused by her kouhai, Nari-chan? Story 3: Aishiteru yo hana (Minato Rin) In a cruel twist of fate, right before Christmas, Hana's husband Tanesaburo is killed when he is hit by a truck. This is the bittersweet story of the young widow's Christmas. Story 4: Towa no uta (Mitsuya Omi) Toya and Chiaka have been singing together but when the time comes for their debut Chiaki doesn't want it anymore. What caused this decision and how will their relationship end? Story 5: Cinderella no kutsu wo sagashite (Niiya Moeri) Story 6: 1999 nen chikyuu saigo no koi (Takahashi Rie)

Karen No Fastener

From JShoujo Scans Imaginary Ocean Doora is always talking about the ocean and claims she's a mermaid. But is she really? Trance's purchase Trance goes to the slave market to buy a slave. His cousin Palfiena wonders if he'll buy a useful slave. She's afraid he might make a wrong decision. When Trance comes across a cute girl who can't speak, he'd like to buy her, much against Palfiena's wishes. She thinks he's being fooled, but Trance buys her anyway... Kianna's Tail Kianna is a mermaid of the northern ocean. She lives a peaceful life there with her friends, until a guy arrives who wishes to kill her. Karen's zippers Ever since Karen was little, she always wore clothes with a zipper. When Karen becomes an adolescent, her parents tell her she shouldn't open her zipper in front of anyone anymore. But when Karen falls in love with Rob, he discovers the zipper on her belly and opens it?? Selma's Jingle After a lot of strict music lessons, her teacher says she's finally a full fledged musician. He tells her to go share her beautiful music with other people. Selma goes to neighbouring Mokumoku kingdom to play for the royal family and their guests. Everyone loves her music and request her to play more but Selma promised her master she'd only play once a week. The prince doesn't like no for an answer though, and says he'll marry her if she plays for him... The Painful Dream of Sand In the desert is an Oasis where it is dream like and only people from Tessa's village can reach. People only cross the desert if they are manly enough and Tessa is the youngest to go. The Oasis is there only to rehydrate and stock up on food before they can continue crossing the desert. But there is only 1 resident there. A young boy whose name is forgotten and takes care of the oasis who is lonely until he meet's Tessa. Just who is this boy and why is he alone?

I've Been Reincarnated As This Game's Villainess, I'll Train The Main Capture Target To Be A Yandere

I've Been Reincarnated As This Game's Villainess, I'll Train The Main Capture Target To Be A Yandere summary: I’ve been reincarnated as the villainess of this game. When I was ten years old, I met my favorite character. As it’s my preference, I’ll train him to become a Yandere.

A Posse Of Princesses

A Posse Of Princesses summary: A Posse Of Princesses summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Posse Of Princesses. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily summary: Young Master Lu says, “My wife knows nothing at all and has a bad temper. You’d better not bully her.” Gu Mang watches silently as this man warns everyone who comes his way.
Young Master Lu says, “Read properly. How can you remember anything if you flip the pages so quickly?” Gu Mang takes up another book and reads it speedily.
Young Master Lu complains, “What should I do when my babe hates studying?” What else can he do other than dote on her?
Until one day&h.e.l.lip;
“Young Master, numerous universities in the capital and even top universities overseas are fighting to get Madam to enroll!”
“Young Master, many TCM research centers are getting into deadly squabbles over hiring Madam.” “Young Master, a legion of huge international law firms want to employ

The Rivers And Mountains

The Rivers And Mountains summary: The Rivers And Mountains summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rivers And Mountains. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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