


































内容简介:小兵提供西红柿飞上天大神最新作品《重生之纨绔逆袭修仙》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,重生之纨绔逆袭修仙小说txt下载,重生之纨绔逆袭修仙小说笔趣阁,重生之纨绔逆袭修仙无弹窗!本站最新最快更 新重生之纨绔逆袭修仙小说最新章节。1w0-75657 >>


内容简介:失忆后男友总在翻车笔趣阁,失忆后男友总在翻车sodu,失忆后男友总在翻车小说,失忆后男友总在翻车顶点,失忆后男友总在翻车宣梨,【已完结】隔壁连载文《强A突发性狗化综合征》已开求收藏推荐 基友校园abo甜文《绿茶Alpha太磨人》二班有一对死对头,整日针锋相对,同学们总觉得他俩有一天会打起来。后来,其中一个失忆了。谢淮青因车祸失去了半年记忆,复学第一天,有个帅哥总盯着他看。谢淮青:同学你谁?我们很熟吗?霍珹震惊道:你忘了吗?咱俩是一对啊。谢淮青:……不知该说是惊喜还是惊吓。谢淮青采取冷暴力,像个渣男一样等着霍珹主动提分手。一等就是一个学期。然后又一个学期。搞得谢淮青都习惯自己有个男朋友这件事了。只不过总觉得哪里不对劲,比如——同班同学:你俩什么时候关系这么好了?学校论坛:昔日仇敌如今基情四射为哪般班主任:你们能这样共同进步老师很欣慰啊,以前那样多伤和气。……谢淮青理了理霍珹的校服领子,温柔道:“以前哪样了?给你个机会,解释。”霍珹攻×谢淮青受————————————《强A突发性狗化综合征》文案:温慕穿成一篇abo耽美文的炮灰,成了霸总白月光的替身。金主alpha目光阴沉,喜怒无常,还很嫌弃他,温慕做好了被摧残折磨的准备。可是——温慕晚上不在家,裴书臣抱着他的衣服睡。温慕出门买个菜,裴书臣红着眼眶,坐在门口望眼欲穿地等他。温慕不小心沾到其他alpha的味道,裴书臣露出“你在外面有狗了”的心碎眼神。……啊这……金主对白月光真是用情至深,忘了他只是个替身吗。温慕一边心里咬手绢,一边rua金主大人的头发,日子过得纠结又分裂。后来,白月光和他的alpha分手了,温慕麻利收拾行李,拍拍金主的肩膀:“你的机会来了,祝你们百年好合。”裴书臣缓缓摩挲着Omega后颈的腺体:“谁?和他有什么关系?”“我只想和你百年好合。”————某天,裴书臣发觉自己身体有些异样,检查后,医生朋友沉重地告诉他,“你得了一种举世罕见的病,叫‘Alpha突发性狗化综合征’。”裴书臣:说人话。医生:就是人会时不时降智,表现出犬类行为。裴书臣:……裴书臣是名副其实的天之骄子人中龙凤,从没想过自己会患上一种如此丢人的病。这种病需要与他高度契合的Omega信息素来治疗,如果长时间得不到信息素的安抚,发病时间会越来越长,直到智商永远降低到一只狗的水平。然而……唯一一个和他匹配的Omega,正是几天前向他表白被他丢出去的温慕。冷漠傲慢真香攻×怂哒哒呆萌受日久生情,伪白月光,年上,攻比受大十岁————————————推荐基友连载校园abo甜饼《绿茶Alpha太磨人》by落孤谢凌是个装成顶级Alpha的Om >>




内容简介:容娴一不小心忘了个约定,便被小心眼儿的天道君主放逐到破碎世界,想要离开的办法只有一个:拯救世界。容娴:好家伙,我直呼好家伙。当她发现收集力量的捷径是人情绪波动后,她走上了迫害所有人的路 上。亲自上手写下煽情狗血让人胃疼的剧情并亲身演绎,一路跑偏拽不回来。容娴:笑容逐渐失德。我只是个无辜可怜又弱小的社畜,社畜能有什么坏心眼,不过是想跟大家一起玩罢了。PS:更新说明,不出意外的话,每天1w0-91064 >>




内容简介:这时老头双手分开她那雪白的大腿,只见大腿中间一下子露出了一条细细的「肉缝」,由于她生过四个孩子,阴唇有点发黑了,阴唇四周布满细细的阴毛,可是里面的肉还是娇艳鲜嫩的,被淫水流的湿润无比。 老头急不可待的把自已还不是很硬的「阳具」插入这个湿润的洞内,激动的抽插起来……「啊……啊……」胡秀英只觉自已的「阴道」一紧,呻吟起来……老头只插了十几下,只见他浑身一抖,完事了,原来老头年龄大了,又是兴奋激动,忍不住的丢了。正个软在了秀英的身体上。1w0-95683 >>


内容简介:全网公认运气爆棚的顶流万望穿进了一本校草文里,年幼辍学的他决心把握青春,弥补遗憾,好好学习。至于剧情什么的,跟他有什么关系吗?他满心满眼都是学习,可不知为何,他发现校草们看他的眼神有点 奇怪。直到有一天——高冷学神校草:浮世三千,吾爱有三,日月与卿。日为朝,月为暮,卿为朝朝暮暮。校霸:谁敢动他,我让你们看不见明天的太本书关键词:幻想奇缘都市情缘打脸穿书校园《锦鲤顶流穿进校草文后》小说推荐:刺青、僵尸世界:神级选择、从林正英世界开始修道、武侠:开局算计师娘、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、夫君是我一手带大的、跨物种相亲、三国:开局收服太后、神之禁忌目录、秋以为期、居山海、编辑总是在撩我gl、草茉莉、绯闻太多是我的错吗、情敌每天都在抢我的戏、开局从大唐开始、黎明之后、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、驱邪女生:鬼魅校草、玄幻:我!天命大反派、武破九荒、都市透视小神医、都市:总裁姐姐,我不想努力了!、领主时代:百倍增幅、一无是处、Moba:刷到满级就上场、我本娇蛮、我、我是你的、刺猬1w0-75001 >>




内容简介:《懒土豪和过气MB》小说简介:小说《懒土豪和过气MB》寂静清和著懒土豪和过气MB全文阅读文案:懒得动的土豪攻和过气gt所有E放心阅读通知:接到通知本文将于周一2月3日入v,18章开始倒 v,谢谢大家的支持。原则上不支持任何形式搬文,实在不搬不可,请求和么嗒。更多短篇,作者专栏:「绿茶茗」微博:「群:286688681(群二)27263937(群一)懒土豪和过气MB是原作者寂静清和精心创作的历史小说大作,小兵同步更新懒土豪和过气MB最新章节,书友所发表的懒土豪和过气MB评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持懒土豪和过气MB书友的观点。寂静清和的其他作品:红海镇关键词:懒土豪和过气MB最新章节、懒土豪和过气MB无弹窗、懒土豪和过气MBtxt下载您要是觉得《懒土豪和过气MB》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持寂静清和吧!1w0-77991 >>


内容简介:四年前,她被渣妹设计。四年后,她携子归来。一个矜贵霸道的男人突然闯进她的世界,“说,孩子的爸爸是谁?”一个缩小版的他突然跳出来,“哪来的男人,敢抢小爷女神!”“……”萧夜凌,“女人,偷 生我儿子,知道什么下场吗?”1w0-2557 >>


内容简介:叶无缺,本来天资绝世,惊才绝艳,但为了身世之谜甘愿寂灭,装成废物凝练斗战圣法本源,整整十年!如今十年期满,真龙归来!一条碾压无数奇才鬼才、打爆各种王体神体、生撕诸天神话令万界颤抖的无敌 之路至此展开!“你说你资质无敌?悟性逆天?血脉高贵?”“抱歉,那要分和谁比,和我比,你会哭的。”战神崛起,一路狂飙!1w16881-26021 >>


From Ivyscan: Aika is an ordinary high school girl. She likes memories and photography. Those things involve her in an unexpected incident. A tough guy at school wrecks the lens of her camera and she demands that he fix it. They end up skipping school for the day and...

Tokimeki Tonight

From Friendship Scans: Ranze Etou is an adorable immortal girl with a vampire father and a werewolf mother who would throw things at each other when they get into childish fights. However, Ranze just wants to live like a normal girl and lead a normal life. Unfortunately, she is 'blessed' with the power to turn into anything she bites. For example, if she accidentally bites a cake the wrong way, then she will turn into a cake. The only way to return to normal is to sneeze! Ranze is in love with Shun Makabe, who is a handsome human boy at school. However, a human girl (without much hair) named Youko also likes Shun, and she would do anything to reveal that Ranze is not a human!! Things got even more complicated when Ranze met Aaron, who is the prince of the Spirit World. Aaron fell in love with Ranze and first sight, and he would do whatever it takes to win her away from Shun... Tokimeki Tonight was one of the hottest mangas in Japan, and you sure don't want to miss this hilarious comedy!

Wakusei No Samidare

The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for.

My Bodyguard

A series of short one shots. 1)Plan - O.N.O. ~ Pgs. 11-42 Misawa has fallen for the captain of the school's track team, but doesn't know if his captain feels the same way about him. 2)Lip Sevice ~ Pgs. 44-67 Katsuhiro is the bad boy type, irratated due to his father always telling him not to make him look bad, he gets into the habit of stealing books. The only one who truly understands him is his father's secretary and his chauffeur, Yoshizaki. On the way to a celebration for his grandfather's recovery, things get a little...intense between Katsuhiro and Yoshizaki. 3)The Lucky Star of The Night ~ Pgs. 68-96 Aoyama has a crush on his cheif, Matsuzawa. After a night of a little too much drinking Aoyama ends up at Matsuzawa's home. 4)Holiday ~ Pgs.98-125 Natsuki, company president’s son, was forced to cancel his weekend plans to go on a family retreat in the family villa for a party. Unfortunately, his father arranged the party in hopes for him to meet with potential brides. Just as Natsuki was about to execute his escape plan to steal a boat, the dutiful bodyguard, Kishida, jumped into the boat with him… As fate would have it, the two ended up stranded in a remote island where Kishida started his feverish pursuit of Natsuki.[from Fantasy Shrine:] 5)My Bodyguard ~ Pgs. 126-157 Continuation to the 'Holiday' 6) Partner ~ Pgs. 159-190 Still the continuation to the 'Holiday' 7)Stubborn Vice President Nacchi ~ Pgs.191-196 Still the continuation to the 'Holiday'

Summoning the Holy Sword

Summoning the Holy Sword summary: During this chaotic era, the darkness engulfs all.
In a struggle of fire and death, despair shrouds the continent.
The line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred as a speckle of starlight penetrates the night sky.
But is it enough to reverse the downfall and fate? To regain the lost glory?
Rhode is a famed player in the game “Dragon Soul Continent”. There, he leads the strongest player guild in the game, the Starlight Guild. Just as he defeats the last BOSS, the Void Dragon, he unexpectedly awoke in a world identical to the game.
As the Summoner Swordsman returns to the continent, waves will be cast in the rivers of fate. Can he face the coming chaos and avert the destruction of the continent?

Master Of Exotic Planting

Master Of Exotic Planting summary: Master Of Exotic Planting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Master Of Exotic Planting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms summary: What is the heavens? Aloof and solitary, none can measure it’s might. It is law. It is commandment. It is merciless. It is unfeeling. Overlooking all existence, controlling the winds and clouds, stripping reward and punishment, leisurely yet capable. For these reasons, the Will of Heaven cannot be measured, the firmament cannot be approximated. Obey it and yield to it even though it may not be to one’s benefit. Oppose it and rebel against it, fortune and disaster however are hard to determine. Heaven, imprisoning the manifold existences like a deep well, the living things of the mortal world as mud. There existed such a very simple, very resolute frog at the bottom of the well, cautiously guarding his mind there were a few, faint rays of light, bearing the meager convictions to absolutely nibble upon swan meat. Step by step from amidst the mire of the mortal world, struggling to leave, step by step to exit the unseeable depths of the sordid, deep well. When he opened his great mouth towards the thoughts of nipping the swan, recklessly taking the firmament and swallowing it down in one bite!   Chu Tian said, lacking money, demand even more money; lacking life, demand to pay with one’s life. This is exactly Chu Tian’s determined, most simple and firm principle.   This principle is greater than heaven!

The United States of America

The United States of America summary: The United States of America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The United States of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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