谨上 濡染之莲最新章节在线阅读





简介一对婚前男女的生活故事,有趣,有理,幽默,光明。一点小坏,一点温情;一点保守,一点前卫;一点小资,一点草根;一点孩子气,一点大人腔……虽酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,但整体上搭配得口味清淡宜口,且还有些营养。转载请到苦笑的QQ空间http://79043708.qzone.qq.com/出版约稿采访等请联系邮箱[email protected]












类别都市 恋爱 霸总













谨上 濡染之莲

命莲与白莲与星莲船众人的故事 发布于2017年,ひそな老师偏早期的作品 虽说比起老师如今的作品,本篇或许有些不足,但其意境仍是好的。


内容简介:小兵提供小冷大神最新作品《虫帝的后宫(虫族)》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,虫帝的后宫(虫族)小说txt下载,虫帝的后宫(虫族)小说笔趣阁,虫帝的后宫(虫族)无弹窗!本站最新最快更新虫帝的 后宫(虫族)小说最新章节。1w0-99146 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:爱情公寓:都市完美人生】没有雷劈、没有车祸,就这么穿越了,来到平行世界,获得抽奖系统,继承亿万遗产,看来我要成为主角了?诶,那边两个,怎么好像是展博和宛瑜啊, 还有这熟悉的拖拉机,这是穿越到爱一了?等等,大力,你从哪冒出来的,你这身子想馋死我啊。还有张伟、羽墨、悠悠、赵海狸,怎么全出来了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢爱情公寓:都市完美人生,别忘记分享给朋友作者:天惊石破所写的《爱情公寓:都市完美人生》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-130619 >>


内容简介:天道动荡,轮回崩碎,苍茫六界,天骄辈出,一位位不甘平庸的天之骄子,在这六界之地,演绎各自的传奇。北斗之地,七雄争霸,战火染苍穹。圣迹之地,百家争鸣,传承垂万古。妖冢之地,万族争雄,神威 破九天。六界之地,天骄争锋,承天逆乾坤。少年自开阳之地走出,掌封天之塔,驭千妖,驱万兽,轮回之路,谁与争锋?1w0-73769 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:当兵:从军校开始】飞卢责编光辉倾力推荐天榜军旅小说。张羿重生平行世界,带着系统,直接一头扎进军校。什么?你学成绩好?不好意思,我这系统,配备手把手教学,重要的 是我有十倍时间流速哦?你们是部队考生?身体素质强?专业技术强?忘了和你们说了,我的训练空间,不止能学知识,还能训练,更重要是完成任务还有奖励!这是一个重生着,带着系统,从军校就直接成为学霸,一路横冲直撞,到闯入部队掀起惊涛骇浪的故事飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢当兵:从军校开始,别忘记分享给朋友当兵:从军校开始TXT下载1w0-75956 >>


内容简介:【书迷群5451663期待诸位老铁加入!】成婚当天,丈母娘突然要求彩礼加倍。这是要的彩礼吗?这是要的父母两条命!彩礼加倍?这婚不结了!拒绝之后,沈浪反手便娶了大唐公主!1w0-4619 4 >>


内容简介:  “知识就等于力量。”  “所谓神,不过是强大一点的奥术师。”  带着一大堆知识的夏风穿越而来了。  1w0-538


内容简介:  一场意外,让一名四十岁的中年人回到了六十年代,并且重生在一名八岁的孩子身上,开始了他风骚的人生。1w0-1493


内容简介:提醒:【女主很渣。慎入。】文案1:你每一次的逆行,我都在原地等你。文案2:去吧,愿光脚追逐爱情;桥都坚固,隧道都光明。——改自塔朗吉人设:消防中队队长VS医院烧伤科医生内容标签:都市情 缘业界精英搜索关键字:主角:宋焰,许沁(孟沁)┃配角:┃其它:1w0-25604 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:王者:双穿门,开局邀约阿离!】“主播,我相信你是真的穿越了,能不能让我们再看看阿离?”“我不挑我不挑,我看看大小姐也成!”“你们都弱爆了,给俺看看咬金兄弟咋样 啦!”“主播今天打扮这么帅,是要跟我阿离老婆去约会吗?缺钱给我说,我给你打赏。”·穿越到平行世界,洛渊成了一名王者主播,并且获得了双穿门系统。每天有两小时时间可以往返现实世界跟王者大陆。还能将皮肤、跟现代东西在王者大陆售卖,每卖出去一个英雄皮肤,便能获得相应的奖励,还能邀请这些英雄来现实家中做客。团子:“吃鸡吧,我要去投奔渊哥打王者去了!他的队友可是我最喜欢的貂蝉阿!”大仙:“那个还有位置吗?阿离不阿离的都不重要,主要我喜欢渊哥!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75368 >>


内容简介:安烬,一个来自异世界的灵魂从璃月地脉的最深处醒来,奇妙的是他似乎并非第一次来到这个世界。因为他曾经游玩过这款游戏,但是更重要的是,他似乎还曾经作为魔神生活在这片土地之上,后来却因为偷渡 出走被天理杀死。而现在,是他在提瓦特的第二次人生。“实惨啊,为什么想要回个家都要被天理手刃?太狠了吧?”安烬摸着自己脖子十分后怕。决定了,后来不是还有旅行者吗?只要和这位打好关系,引导她好好成长,我岂不是可以坐看1w0-45710 >>


内容简介:  韩义在路上扫了个二维码,然后桌面上多了个应用。  这个应用很奇怪,它可以捕捉到现实里的一切物品,通过解析来重组物品。  【滴滴!!电路模块板-Dome-屏幕-前后盖-重组手机!】   【滴滴!!75%纯棉-25%亚麻-磁性油墨-重组美元】  --------  普通群,512341036,  VIP群,343892078,(需要全订截图)  1w0-4574 >>


内容简介:  末世降临,林辉被变成丧尸的女友吓晕,醒来后发现自己跟酒店大楼绑定了。酒店可吞噬丧尸晶核升级。酒店内他就是最强主宰。在酒店内,他无所不能!而且还有一个虽然变成了丧尸,却依旧很美丽很可 爱的女友。唯一难过的地方,就是无法离开这栋酒店大楼。没办法,林辉只好将这家大酒店重新开业,收留幸存者,顺便收取物资作为住宿费这样子!为了快速升级,林辉还兼做一些生意。比如售卖一些自己制造的魔改武器护甲等装备。再比如,给强者复活个亲人啥的。为了升级酒店,林辉也是拼了!1w0-3220 >>

Itsushika Kimi No Toriko

Title oneshot scanlated by Forever More. Walking through the park, student Aoi sees Kouki, his friend from middle school. Aoi hasn't seen him in three years, since Kouki did something terrible, then ran away. But Kouki's not through with Aoi yet...

I Stole The Child Of My War-Mad Husband

The male lead from a romance-fantasy novel, he's a war fanatic. People call him Demon', a nickname filled with awe and fear. And I reincarnated as his wife. If there's a problem is that as soon as the original work starts, I was murdered as the Wicked Previous Wife' together with my own blood-related daughter. My daughter that's slated to die with me is a 5-years-old kid who's boundlessly cute, while my husband is good-looking but scary. I tried this and that to fix my bad-personality husband. But for me who isn't the female lead, fixing his personality is impossible. All right! First, I'm going to take my daughter and run away. Let's think about the future after. / I Took My Warmonger Husband's Child

Kindan No Koibito

From Midnight Scans: Simple Kiss by WATANABE Ayu • Once in a while, we kiss in secret. We are not lovers. We’re just “friends who kiss”. This was supposed to be a simple relationship, but… Guruguru Pon-chan Okawari by IKEZAWA Satomi • With a miraculous invention, a small dog (male chihuahua) turns into a human! This is the interesting story of Sakura (human female) and a chihuahua living together! Akarui Mirai by MIYOSHI Maki • To Sensei, I’m just a “student”, but to me, he’s a “man”. Although it’s not a love that is permitted, will this feeling of love that I have for Sensei ever reach him? Goodbye, Friend by KUMAOKA Fuyu • Kyoko was confessed to by the guy her best friend likes. Although her friend is very important to her, and she definitely doesn’t want to lose her friendship with her, she can’t bring herself to break up with him… Kimi ni Tsugu Ishiko • July 7th. I dye my hair and turn into my dead twin brother. Both my twin brother and I loved the same girl, and I can’t tell her the feelings I have for her because it is the punishment I gave myself…


From The Pink Panzer: Partners was first written 15 years ago, although it has been re-printed several times since then. It's a ground-breaking classic, in the sense that it's the very first manga to realistically depict the gay S&M scene. Set in New York in the late 1980s, Partners follows the lives of six close friends who also happen to be leathermen. The manga depicts their relationships -- both sexual and emotional -- with unabashed honesty. While the story practically explodes off the page with a continuous, unremitting and glorious parade of smut, it isn't 'meaningless sex' -- these are committed couples in full-time relationships, where pleasure and pain are natural expressions of affection for one another. (You guessed it; that's where the manga's name comes from. They're 'partners.') The six friends that star in this manga are split up into three pairs. The main pair consists of Marlon and Doug, around whose relationship the manga revolves. Marlon, a high-flying executive, plays sub and devoted masochist to the beautifully dominant Doug. Doug is, interestingly enough, a janitor at the very company Marlon directs; during the average workday, they barely even make eye-contact. The contrast between their private and public lives is as stark as it is lovely. The other couples also feature in major roles, and what we end up with is an intimate and moving glimpse at an otherwise unconventional lifestyle. Be warned -- these aren't willowy bishounen clasping each other in slender arms! These are very real, very authentic male bodies bending and contorting in well-established ways. If beefy shoulders and leather chaps don't do it for you, you might be in for a bit of a shock!

Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki

Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki summary: Ayase Jirou, is someone who makes a living by net auctioning things he purchased from people who don’t need them anymore, in other words, a Picker. One day he found a large antique mirror from an old bag’s cellar which was given to him for free. That mirror is actually a portal to another world, allowing him to go back and forth between worlds, much like Kakedashi Programmer. In no time he found an exploit that by selling things from modern world to the other world and vice versa he could get filthy rich in no time at all!

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary: Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Champdoce Mystery

The Champdoce Mystery summary: The Champdoce Mystery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Champdoce Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman summary: The Headless Horseman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Headless Horseman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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