


















简介一个强大的外星类人形生物入侵地球,军方将其杀死后从其体内找到了使其实力强大的基因,而这种基因在人类变态者身上也有, 因此军方计划抓住前一百名最变态者,提取他们的基因进行研发...









Role of 王





内容简介:众所周知,白野和叶青蔓是两个世界的人白野,白家私生女,流落在外十八年,终于被从乡下找回家。众人眼中痞里痞气的小混混。不仅白家不待见她,学校里不少人都等着看她的笑话。叶青蔓,叶氏财阀继承 人,性子矜贵孤傲,狠戾无常。别说学校,整个豪门圈子,都没几个人敢得罪她。开学第一天,白野径直坐到叶青蔓身旁,凑到人家脖颈边,笑意盈盈:“你的信息素真好闻。”同学们不怀好意地看过去,等着叶青蔓狠狠甩白野一巴掌没想到,叶大小姐不但没生气反而弯起眉眼轻轻地笑,捏住白野下巴晃了晃,拇指温柔抚过她的唇:“谢谢,你的也是。”所有人都震惊了。白野有个秘密从分化成alpha的那一天起,她就时不时会和某个omega交换身体那个omega叫叶青蔓。只是……白野一直以为,叶青蔓是个优雅端庄、不食人间烟火的大小姐直到一次交换身体时,叶青蔓面不改色标记了自己。白野才反应过来,叶青蔓她就是个不折不扣的疯批——!——她是她无人可替的矛与盾,亦是夜空中予她温柔的皎皎月光。【街头一霸·忠犬·小狼狗Ax优雅端庄·疯批·大小姐O】注:1白野不是小三的女儿,是未婚生女私设很多,女A【没有】器官。ABO私设很多,架空世界观,我说了算。3没什么逻辑的校园小甜饼【入v公告:本文将于(周三)入v,届时三合一大肥章送上,感谢订阅ovo】下一本写《成为妖女的朱砂痣》,文案如下:世人都说,桃羽是不折不扣的妖女,薄情冷血,诡计多端只有我知道,她不是。是她救了我的命,帮我报了血海深仇她会在所有人都不知道的时候,温柔对我笑她会偷偷折一朵花哄我开心她会在我耳边说最动听的情话我坚信,世上没有比她更好的人了。直到那天,她亲手将我押入敌营她最后看我一眼,笑得轻鄙我这时才知道,原来我和她的宏图大业相比,不值一提。几日过后,魔教和正道交战,江湖动荡我最终没有死在敌人手中,她脸上带着一贯的浅笑,朝我伸出一只手“回家吧。”她说。我笑着后退一步,第一次没有听她的话“桃羽,你爱我吗?”我问。她古怪地笑了笑:“你在说什么?我当然……”我已经知道答案了。不等她说完,我仰头,毫不犹豫跌入万丈悬崖再见了啊,桃羽。再也不见。我最后看见,她的目光忽的破碎,眼眶几乎渗出血泪。桃羽一直以为,白芒是她床前的一抹白月光,随手可以抹去直到那一天,白芒温柔笑着跳入万丈深渊,决绝离她而去她才惊觉白芒不是她的白月光是刻在心尖的朱砂痣从此,她没有一刻不在心痛。1w0-26203 >>


内容简介:圣宠不衰,艳冠六宫本甜点619入v,三更还有红包哦已完结《与花共眠》《闺中记》《大唐探幽录》《小逃妻》《满床笏》各位书友要是觉得《贤德妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推 荐哦!1w0-70208 >>


内容简介:僵尸,以怨为力,以血为食。被众生六道抛弃,乃神憎,鬼恶,人厌。既然我变成了僵尸,我要成为尸王之王,一统僵山!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《一统僵山》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里 的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84650 >>


内容简介:这是一个奇妙的世界,上演着百族争霸的情形,而故事要从小家族的废物古天鹏遇到一条神圣白龙开始……(开头写的不好,不过,后面会越来越精彩的,展现一个完全不同的玄幻世界!)本站提示:各位书友 要是觉得《天才驯兽师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84537 >>


内容简介:《娇气包能一敌百[快穿]》是甜画舫精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新娇气包能一敌百[快穿]最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的娇气包能一敌百[快穿]评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持娇气 包能一敌百[快穿]读者的观点。1w0-72018 >>


内容简介:方凡穿越到兵王归来小白文世界,成为一个小反派,获得随机选择系统,完成系统任务,就能活着就能变强。不曾想到被女主偷听心声,从此,女主人设崩了。乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《反派:偷听心声, 女主人设崩了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68632 >>




内容简介:林俊逸重生了,回到了初三,他有一个倾国倾城绝色无双的亲姐姐,和一个端庄冷艳的女老师。。。。。。世上的美女太多,怎么找?建学校,收校花!举办环球选美,收环球小姐!投资电影公司,收明星模特 !打入军队内部,收军花!口号:只有穿上影视制服的明星,才是最美的!!!我的qq空间里面,有女主的经典照片,超级漂亮,绝对值得一看!全球后宫:皇后——沈雪(妈妈);林婉晴(姐姐)中国大陆分部:皇后——刘亦菲(《神雕侠侣》小龙女)中国台湾分部:皇后——林志玲(《赤壁》小乔)中国香港分部:皇后——唐嫣(《仙剑奇侠传》紫萱)美国分部:皇后——杰西卡·阿尔芭(《罪恶之城》)英国分部:皇后——凯特·温斯莱特(《泰坦尼克号》罗斯)韩国分部:皇后——宋慧乔(《蓝色生死恋》)法国分部:皇后——苏菲·玛索(《勇敢的心》王妃)印度分部:皇后——妮哈·达尔维(印度第一美女)日本分部:皇后——酒井法子1w13827-109363 >>


内容简介:绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表笔趣阁,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表sodu,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表小说,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表顶点,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表雨果,【更新时 间每晚九点到十二点,有事会请假。亲爱的小天使们康康我!我超甜!(声嘶力竭)大人!小的新文《修罗场自救指南穿书》求预收】系统666:你要穿成一只绿茶让美强惨女配找到真爱,请熟练使用【嘤嘤怪】、【欲拒还迎】、【姐姐我不是故意的】等绿茶技能。南枫狠狠心,掐了自己大腿一把,强行泫然欲泣,对视频通话里的女配大人说:“姐姐,我不是故意的……我真的不知道……”扔下手机,南枫翻了个白眼和系统666吐槽:“老娘大腿都掐青了,才挤出那么一点眼泪,演技派真他妈难当!”系统666:宿主你没挂电话。南枫:……嘤!QAQ!【世界一:影后她喜欢主动的】美强惨女配影后的金丝雀:南枫一穿过来就被眼前的情形吓得大脑宕机,影后大人凤眸一眯,睨她一眼:“继续。”翌日,影后大人挑起了她的下巴:“小猫咪,昨天晚上可不怎么听话哦~”南枫当面哭得抽抽搭搭:“姐、姐姐,我不是故意的……”见到慕央无情离开,她才扶着腰表达强烈谴责:“禽兽!简直禽兽不如!”后来,慕央:“带上户口本,结婚。”兢兢业业扮演绿茶的南枫表面哭唧唧:“姐姐,这……是不是太突然了?”实际上叉起了自己的小腰得意洋洋:爷不嫁!你求我!慕央:“拍结婚照!一二三——”南枫比耶,笑得见牙不见眼:“茄子!”【已完结指路→《重生后我把爱豆掰弯了》《上神大人请留步》(金主爸爸快来宰人家嘤嘤嘤)】【求预收→《修罗场自救指南穿书》】:祝乐之穿到了一本天雷滚滚遍地狗血的小说里,成为了脚踏两只船的恶毒女配:无恶不作,结局凄惨。原主劈腿段位了得,一边对她新婚燕尔的妻子(女主)柔情似水,一边对着男主深情款款:“宝贝,我只爱你一个,和他(她)只不过是逢场作戏。”而祝乐之求生欲顽强,自我认知极其清楚,以撮合男女主顺利恋爱为己任,不辞劳苦、兢兢业业为这两位的感情保驾护航。红娘工作没做好,一着不慎满盘皆输,女主重生了,祝乐之把自己赔了进去。祝乐之穿书的第一件事,就是向男女主提出分手。她顺利和男主分了手,却在女主这里碰了钉子——两人同时拿出了一份离婚协议书。傅如初半眯着眼睛打量这个上辈子把自己害惨的恶毒女人,气极反笑:“你要跟我离婚?”祝乐之浑身一颤,低眉顺眼:“我不是,我没有。”是的是的!你搞快点,我明天早上八点的机票出国旅游!别耽误我逍遥快活!傅如初冷笑一声:“想着跟我离婚之后出去逍遥快活?门都没有!”窗户也给你焊死了!祝乐之:QAQ!这个女主不太对劲!傅如初把人扔在床上,睨着祝乐 >>


内容简介:【公告】与编辑商量,本书打算于2016年11月9日也就是星期三入V,当天三更或万字更。姐妹们支持一下正版。更新时间大多在凌晨1点50左右,你们白天起来看。晚12点放防盗,凌晨1点50替 换,已尽力往深夜时间靠,大家可以次日来看。除这两点时间之外皆是防盗或捉虫,特殊情况会说明。带来的不望谅解。前尘缘事皆忘,而后忆起。一代天师季童上一世做了无数利社稷的事结善缘得善果得此重生。【阅前注意:】勿扒榜。此文苏,女主美。码字不易,不适点X,在此多谢。(划重点:女主穿到现代是之后才慢慢想起自己以前的事情的)各位书友要是觉得《女神算命手册古穿今》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80385 >>


内容简介:玉梅饭店的厨子黄皮虎是个油腻猥琐的中年大叔喜欢喝酒抽烟盘串还经常尾随女学生没人知道他的真实身份是众多美女心中的一代男神、退役小兵隐于市井只为默默守护已经不认识自己的女儿。1w0-109 539 >>



Reincarnated Escort Warrior

My dream is to become an escort warrior that rides on a cool horse and transports goods. But I’ve got a limp leg and I’m unable to learn decent martial arts. I’ve lived as a porter working odd jobs for the entirety of my life. Until I died because of the mountain bandits that I met during an escort mission. But… ‘I became the fourth young master, Lee Jungryong?!’ When I died and woke up, I was reborn as the Heavenly Dragon Escort Agency’s infamous good-for-nothing youngest son. The weakling, Lee Jungryong, will become the best escort warrior in this life!

Shoujo Sect

The storyline revolves around Momoko Naitou and the key protagonists Shinobu Handa. They understand each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in-love from the very first day they fulfilled with Momoko. Now registered within an all-girl high-school, days gone by has been forgotten about by Momoko, but Shinobu hasn't. Shinobu still expects for Momoko to recall their assurance from long ago, although both follow their particular manners. Characters Shinobu Handa (Manga Based) Shinobu is among the key characters of the tale. She creating her way on earth or does not have any trouble with cash. She's a bourgeois-only-child. She adores girls no matter age. With reference to sleeping in class, usually being a delinquent arriving late and a failure mark, she's ahead of the curve. Nevertheless, it appears that she was once an ideal pupil right out of some picture. She's in-love with Momoko Naitou the most although Shinobu is involved with a harem with the majority of her schoolmates. Momoko Naitou The primary character of the show. Momoko is an associate of the disciplinary committee of the school's that's a responsibility that she frequently sets her at odds with Shinobu and takes very significantly. She's quite gluttonous (although she never seems to gain any fat), irritable, and has almost no tolerance for other people's jokes (although she's revealed to really have a mischievous aspect of her own). She's kind to her school mates, nevertheless, which makes her quite popular. Momoko constantly wears a somewhat powerful-smelling cologne which often gives her existence away before she causes it to be understood. Several years prior to the show she first met with Shinobu in a park when they both were quite young. Shinobu and Momoko inturn gave her a biscuit and a kiss, respectively. This meeting left Shinobu for Momoko with heavy feelings of love, although Momoko doesn't recall in any way. After recognizing that Shinobu is really kind and really adores her, Momoko finds it difficult to warm up to Shinobu due to the promiscuity of the latter, but afterwards reciprocates her feelings. She even hits on an upperclassman, who'd pushed herself on Shinobu, which triggered the upperclassman hitting on her head right against a fire-extinguisher leaving her unconscious.

Risou No Kao Wo Motsu Otoko

1) The Guy With An Ideal Face Noriko wants just one thing: 'The Man with a Perfect Face'! To her friends' complete and utter shock, Noriko finds Takurou-kun, a man who meets all her unrealistic expectations. They go on a date, they kiss, and have what could be considered a perfect time, but then Noriko sees the real face of Takurou...!? 2) I'm Gonna Get Jealous A girl who sees no point in becoming jealous learns first-hand how it could happen. 3) Love Slave Kanano isn't sure what to make of her relationship with her upperclassman Ooba Yoshiya. After she first confessed to him, she hounded him until he agreed to date her, but the relationship seems to be on his terms, and poor, obediant Kanano worries that her love is one-sided. Then, Kanano learns that Yoshiya has a past with a girl who has her same face...? Who does Yoshiya think of when he's out with Kanano? How come he touched his old girlfriend but won't touch Kanano...!? Contains strong language. 4) I Wanna Get Lovey-Dovey Shihomi has had a crush on Sakayori since the day of high school entrance exams, when she got lost and he helped her. He's got a good heart, but he's extremely rough around the edges, and that's what's making it so difficult for Shihomi to confess. It took her two months just to say 'good morning' to him, and every time she does, he seems to be in an incredibly bad mood afterwards? What's the source of Sakayori's attitude problem?? 5) Well Excuse Me For Being Trendy Mayu already has a boyfriend, but she can't help admiring Shuusaku's dashing good looks, which are increasing his popularity by the minute. It doesn't matter if his personality is as one-dimensional as his expressionless face, because it's looks that count! By chance, Mayu happens to learn about Shuusaku's secret crush -- and his expression is so darn cute when he's confronted about it that Mayu feels compelled to help him win his love. But Mayu's a trend whore at heart, and falling for Shuusaku seems to be getting fashionable...!?

Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai

Welcome to the 35th Test Platoon of the Taimadou Gakuen, or 'Antimagic Academy'. The academy is home to squads that hunt down and kill, destroy, or otherwise render harmless magical practitioners and artifacts. The 35th Test Platoon is a band of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. Each member is a specialist with a focus on a different aspect of operations. The squad may become the greatest team ever, but first they must overcome their greatest obstacle: each other!


Kenny summary: Kenny summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kenny. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Man and a Woman

A Man and a Woman summary: A Man and a Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Man and a Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mary Anne And Camp Bsc

Mary Anne And Camp Bsc summary: Mary Anne And Camp Bsc summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mary Anne And Camp Bsc. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Gekitotsu no Hexennacht

Gekitotsu no Hexennacht summary: The world is terrorized by the powerful Black Witch who has been sealed in the moon. Every ten years, the night of Hexennacht arrives and a chosen witch must battle the Black Witch in hopes of finally defeating her.
As the current decade’s Hexennacht approaches, a mysterious girl named Kagami Kagami arrives and meets Horinouchi Mitsuru, the daughter of the previous Hexennacht representative.
It takes place between Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon and the City Series, two other series by the author.

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