
























类别搞笑 恋爱 古风








内容简介:  “陛下,管管你女婿韦憨子吧,他又要在东门外单挑那帮大臣!”一个大臣跑到甘露殿对着李世民喊道。“这个韦憨子,简直就是胡闹,传朕的口谕,不许在东门打架!”李世民一脸愤怒的喊道。···· ····“走,去西门,东门不能打!”韦浩在东门对着那些大臣们喊道。1w0-1696 >>


内容简介:叶辰重生九霄大陆,绝美女帝洛红颜选帝后。拥有签到系统,普通地方签到效果差,蹉跎二十多年的他被选为了帝后!皇宫签到,直接起飞!“帝后别的都好,就是实力差了点。”“是啊,帝后才区区后天级别 !”几年之后听到宫女议论,叶辰笑而不语。他已无敌!一日,外敌入侵,千名顶尖强者围困皇宫,皇朝面临灭顶之灾。“想杀我的媳妇,你们先赢我手中轩辕剑再说!”剑鸣响起,举世皆惊!1w0-26472 >>


内容简介:  “我们的业务,即生命本身。” “我们收容,我们控制,我们保护,我们是人类的第一道防线,我们绝不后退。”——威廉·罗素--当一个世界陆续涌出,异常生物、事件、个体。那么,人们必将会活 在恐惧之下。未来,世界必将会陷入黑暗毁灭。为了避免这个事实的降临,一位落魄的贵族,成立了一家名为安布雷拉的公司。明面是国际垄断企业,拥有极高的评价。暗面却是为整个地球,撑起一道保护伞。--主角的舰队和机械骨骼等武备,借鉴或来自于《生化危机》、《光晕》、《星际争霸》、《EVA》等。以及‘低配’版的阿斯塔特。--已征服的世界:主宇宙的半个银河系(主角所在的宇宙)。《星河战队》。《终结者:抵抗》。漫威电影宇宙的银河系。《黑袍纠察队》。即将征讨的世界:《灵笼》--群:8-8-1-4-9-7-6-5-81w0-3409 >>


内容简介:人人都说叶婉清好命。虽然是养女但养父母对她疼爱有加,妹妹也对她亲近;虽然没能顶父亲的职,但当老师工资越来越高,比顶职强了不知多少倍;虽然第一次结婚遇人不淑,但年近四十竟然还嫁了个亿万富 翁过好日子,养得又美又雅致像三十出头。对此叶婉清只想说一个字:呸!重生到十八岁,叶婉清睁开眼就发现自己正被男人粗鲁地摁在怀里亲,硬硬的胡渣刺得她脸颊发疼,周围一群小混混在使劲起哄。前世,对上这张胡子拉渣的糙汉脸,叶婉清一巴掌扇过去,还骂了一句“臭流氓”,捂脸哭着跑开。这辈子,叶婉清抓着男人的领子朝墙上一推,柳眉倒竖地质问他:“抱也抱了,亲也亲了,什么时候娶我?”1w0-4037 >>




内容简介:严经纬从小便被他的坑货小姨灌输了一种思想:不要和漂亮女人打交道,越漂亮的女人,越会让男人坠入万丈深渊。七年戎马,王者归来的严经纬偏不信这个邪,他毅然和一个妩媚妖娆的女人好上。半年后。严 经纬渐渐发现对方迷人的容颜下,隐藏着不可告人的秘密肤浅失眠中新作,本书献给岁月静好的我们1w10656-81248 >>


内容简介:沈迟作为一名祖传颜控,在飞机看到乔景城的那一刻就…走不动路了,胳膊哗哗的流着血还能一边给自己紧急止血一边问人搭讪要号码。可他没想到对方不按常理出牌,一句话差点让他手动给自己拧出第二个刀 口子。只见对方似笑非笑道,“只要号码吗?人要不要?”“什,什么?”“正好最近需要结个婚,有意吗?一起去?”“啊???”沈迟震惊脸。被人约结婚的当事人经过飞机落地的几分钟迅速衡量利弊,最后一拍大腿,结就结,谁怕谁!可惜人算不如天算,本以为对方顶多是个退役了的兵哥哥,无权无势老老实实过日子就行了。谁知某天他看到财经频道某个熟悉的人影,艹!那不是自家老攻嘛?!沈迟揉了揉眼睛,已经开始怀疑人生,竟然还是某跨国集团CEO?某人怂惯了,总裁夫人什么的,他真不想干,不合适不合适真的不合适!于是他当即就要求离婚。不过他这次又料错了,对方不光有钱有势霸道总裁一枚,还满肚子腹黑套路小九九。“想离婚是吧?”沈迟拼命点头,“那什么,我觉得咱们这个位置应该让给更优秀的人,我就还是回去做我的小医生就好了。”“行!”乔景城痛快的点头,“你昨天弄丢的男士腕表一千万,前两天出门被你撞坏的车五百万,还有今天弄脏的进口地毯就便宜算你一百万吧。请问沈先生,您是全款还是分期?”沈迟内心瞬间崩溃,支支吾吾了好半天,“……我,我觉得我们还是凑合着过吧,这样就…挺,挺好的!”乔景城冷笑,小样,治不了你我就不是你老攻!ps:架空背景,同性可婚。一句话简介:一辈子只结一次婚各位书友要是觉得《想离婚?没门!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96634 >>




内容简介:(正文已完结)周嘉宁在返校日捡到一个三岁大的短腿小男孩,小男孩奶声奶气喊她“娘亲”,下一秒摇身一变,变成一只毛茸茸的萌兽幼崽。“娘亲,你是仙人,爹爹也是仙人,你们在这个小世界历劫……我 穿越过来,是为了改变你们的命运,让你们尽早相爱!”周嘉宁:“……我只是一个普通的高三学生,求放过QAQ”“我很厉害的嗷,会卖萌会法术1w0-79244 >>


内容简介:内容简介:生活vip系统降临到一个被退学的大学生身上。从此,鱼跃龙门,快意恩仇。辱我的,我百倍奉还;敬我爱我的,我许你一生荣华、一世平安。系统在手,精彩不断;系统在手,谁与争锋?我叫张 晨,注定被世人熟知,注定被历史铭记……1w0-67904 >>


内容简介:酒香不怕巷子深,在东方中州杂货街中有一家酒馆,它有着最嚣张的招牌,有着最高冷的老板,卖着最贵的酒,但是却每天客满,最令人好奇的是,这家酒馆里女客的数量竟然和男客数量差不多,在世界上爱酒 者眼中,那里就好像是酒的圣地!据说,那里的每种酒都有着自己神奇的效果,甚至可以延年益寿……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市酒仙系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63919 >>


内容简介:全文完结,全订仅需一杯蜜雪冰城很便宜哒!感谢大家支持正版!【高亮:主角不会原谅他们,和怀家人是碎镜难圆。】不可一世的怀家小少爷一朝从神坛跌落,成为众人口中贪婪无厌,偷了别人十几年富裕生 活的恶毒假少爷。曾经的张扬放肆都变成他人眼里的烂泥扶不上墙,和在贫穷中长大出淤泥而不染的真少爷唐白形成鲜明对比。疼爱他的爸妈对他痛恨至极:不知廉耻的小偷!嫌贫爱富偷了小白十几年的生活!宠溺他的大1w0-32416 >>

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends want to eventually become more powerful; and transfer pupil Miu Furinji, he follows her a dojo home, to Ryozanpaku several masters of martial arts that are varied, directed by her grandpa Hayato Furinji. After learning principles from Miu, Kenichi beats a high ranking member of the karate club of the school, and becomes a goal for the delinquents in the institution. Kenichi becomes enamored of Miu, and finally becomes a complete disciple of Ryozanpaku while initially training to guard himself. Later, the day-to-day routine of Kenichi is broken up between training below his battles against the members, and the six masters of Ryozanpaku of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. Miu and Kenichi are targeted by Yomi after Ragnarok is disbanded, several disciples personally trained by means of a master of an organization matching Ryozanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryozanpaku and their allies follow the principle of constantly sparing their adversaries' lives (Katsujinken), the members of Yami consider that any means of defeating an adversary is valid, including homicide (Satsujin ken). While his masters face the members of Yami in the battle between both factions, Kenichi, Miu, as well as their allies fight the members of Yomi. The conflict between both factions culminate with all the ultimate battle to prevent Yami's major goal, which will be to usher a fresh age of turmoil and war on earth, also called 'The Eternal Sunset'. Their principal leader is conquered and after the Eternal Sunset is prevented, Yomi and Yami are disbanded too. Kenichi subsequently continues to train at Ryozanpaku, and years after he becomes a renowned novelist, but it is also suggested that he also becomes a martial arts master as well as Miu's husband at the same time. Main characters in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga Kenichi Shirahama is primary Protagonist and the name character of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He could be the Disciple of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, examining martial arts from them to not only get more powerful, but to finally develop bravery and the strength needed to defend the individuals and values which are most imporant to him. He's additionally a member as well as the honorary 'co founder' of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the creator Haruo Niijima (the after of which he's not completely happy about) and is now another year pupil at Koryo High School in course 2-E. In the final outcome of the show, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Furinji, however he eventually becomes a Master himself. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi AMW Miu Furinji is the principal female protagonist of the show. She was previously in The School of Shouchiku Gakuen before transferred to Koryo High School in course 1-E where she and he met a shared love interest and Kenichi started. She's the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, A Disciple and member of The Ryozanpaku, as well as the sole daughter of Shizuha Furinji and Saiga Furinji. She's also a decendent of both the Kuremisago Clan as well as the Furinji Clan, which are both regarded as being ill-famed tribes of martial artists who have been known for his or her physical superiority. In the final outcome of the show, Miu became the wife of Kenichi Shirahama. Other manga: + Death Note Manga + Terra Formars Manga

Hieshou Danshi Kouryakuhou

Asuza is having trouble with summer... indeed a HOT one! And Honjo (her boyfriend) IS REALLY HAPPY!! He wants to go to Okinawa, and She to hokkaido... Where will this lead?! From Baka-Updates: She can not stand the hot weather and does not want to live in Hokkaido. He, the ice man who loves the high temperatures and wants to live in Okinawa. They are a harmonious pair but this does not prevent them to have different for the good of another?

Love & Catastrophes

A collection of 6 oneshots: 1. Escape. Akio is a juvenile delinquent who just got suspended from school for beating up the PE teacher, Koizumi is a model student. One day Akio runs into Koizumi at a convenience store and before you know it, they're driving around in a stolen car. How come Akio even knows Koizumi's name? And why is he stopping the car in this out-of-the-way place? 2. Soulful Cherry Bomb. For the last year and a half, Shuuji has been dating Kawano, but since Kawano got married a while ago, he's been coming by less and less, and when he does show up, they only have quick sex. Still, Shuuji is not so hard up that he would pay any attention to the crazy high schooler he met at the laundromat, no matter how much that kid says he likes him and wants to go out. Not even when the kid goes to ridiculous lengths to convince him of his sincerity. Or? 3. No Place to Go Home to. Odagiri Motoharu is a novelist who's taking a break from everything by renting an apartment in his old hometown, away from all his obligations in Tokyo. He wonders whether anyone will really miss him, whether anyone actually cares about his, rather than what he can do for them. Hirotomo lives next door, with Katsurou, and while the latter's girlfriend is there, Hirotomo is waiting outside, in the snow. Odagiri feels sorry for him, and takes him out to eat. When they return, Hirotomo shows his gratitude in a rather forward way, and that sets off a strange affair.


Ekrano summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ekrano. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Pilots in the Air

Our Pilots in the Air summary: Our Pilots in the Air summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Pilots in the Air. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Doctor Who_ Dominion

Doctor Who_ Dominion summary: Doctor Who_ Dominion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ Dominion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away

Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away summary: Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harper's Young People, October 5, 1880

Harper's Young People, October 5, 1880 summary: Harper's Young People, October 5, 1880 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Young People, October 5, 1880. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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