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通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...


内容简介:是蝼蚁,是埃尘还是强者,不是你说了算!倾九从来不是弱者!穿越三千世界,只为寻得一线仙缘,成那九天强者,复归齐域兴荣。本文女主无CP本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之倾九》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80533 >>


内容简介:  一场意外,让一名四十岁的中年人回到了六十年代,并且重生在一名八岁的孩子身上,开始了他风骚的人生。1w0-1493


内容简介:简然当初以为自己嫁了一个普通男人,谁知道这个男人摇身一变,成了她公司的总裁大人。不仅如此,他还是亚洲首富盛天集团最神秘的继承者。人前,他是杀伐果断、冷血无情的商业帝国掌舵者。人后,他是 一头披着羊皮的狼,把她啃得连骨头也不剩。1w15834-29263 >>


内容简介:《你很强但现在是我的了》穷途末路,绝望濒死之际,乐语叫嚣道“你有种就杀了我。”敌人狞笑道“我从未听过这么奇怪的要求。”乐语死了。然后乐语又活了过来,活在敌人的身体里。这是一个被人杀,就 会夺舍杀人者的故事。“为什么杀我的人都是一些身世离奇老奸巨猾任务线一大堆随时都会死的枭雄鬼才?”“就没有一些忠厚老实富可敌国美女成群的人生赢家来杀杀我吗!?”1w7106-80257 >>


内容简介:穿越成为史上第一鬼畜攻的暴君身份,靳长恭表示蛋痛,当然如果这暴君有蛋的话——想她白白坐拥三千男后宫,住着暴君打造的精美奢华宫殿,享受着里面囚禁着无数妖娆美少年——但——绯色的缱绻抵死缠 绵她是没有瞧着……★接锺上幕的却是腹黑美男与伪雄性暴君尼玛刺杀与重口调教?旧情人太上皇权场情变后的相爱相杀琵琶别抱?传闻中太上皇外遇对象竟是个上天赐予金手指的白莲花女主,作为一个被女主无敌主角光芒下被秒掉的女配,还得接受她时不时来坑姐炸桥撬墙角?╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮★所谓攘外必先安内,靳长恭目标一:没有蛀虫!她欲使出三六计兼七十二变,从全国各处俘了一群才富五车才高八斗运筹帷幄决胜千里的“美男”替她当苦力冶理国家!★目标二:没有清水。虽强男遍地,贤夫难求啊!一个、二个、三个……桃花朵朵虽扎堆地朝她涌过来,然乱世繁殇,痞性傲娇二货混杂太多,扛谁上?吃肉与不吃肉,跟你们扯不清!★楚狂天下,天下谁人不识君,靳国永乐帝一手祸国殃民,一手拯救危国,孰人能辨她是非?★靳国有暴君出没,群臣们,当心了!★片段一:当一直用冰冷视线俯视她,如俯站在云端的他褪下一身华贵暗花纹饰的朝服,再看那肤若凝脂,白壁无暇的身子缓缓跪身匍匐在她的脚下。靳长恭神色莫辨,并无任何欣喜。“陛下,臣愿意以已身换取那黎城数十万百姓的性命,望陛下收回成命。”她抿起双唇,眼中鄙夷:“呵……凭什么?”他闻言错愕不已,这时一直偷窥的几位终于按奈不住了。“陛下,一个不行,咱就一群吧!”靳长恭语录:远离渣男,珍爱生命!推荐静的完结文:无双帝之昏君:《朕家“病夫”很勾魂》1w0-95561 >>


内容简介:花羡人间四丁目小说最新章节由网友提供,《花羡人间四丁目》故事扣人心弦、情节跌宕起伏,是一本文笔与情节俱佳的仙侠小说,小兵免费提供花羡人间四丁目最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读!1w0-2 6220 >>


内容简介:  一个平凡普通的公务员,机缘巧合回到了1936年,寻找地下组织,追查日本间谍,在波澜壮阔的大时代中为祖国,为民族的解放与复兴贡献着自己的一份力量,开始了他传奇的谍海生涯。谍影风云书友 1群 833528943,谍影风云书友2群 879936725 谍影风云舵主 9405108491w334-1264 >>


内容简介:他是武林中最年轻的武学宗师,拥有神秘的绝对手感,可他现在却是一名普通的中医大学的大一新生,本想低调的学学医,看看病,恋恋爱,可在一次中秋晚会被迫表演中震惊了全场,注定闪耀的美好大学生活 从此开始了【欢迎关注小步的微信公众号:bxtx521,或者直接搜索“作者步行天下”添加,会有相关番外和剧情介绍)友群:1218832391w0-1032 >>


内容简介:救人一命,胜造七级浮屠,我是为了救你,不是为了泡你银质针继《武医亨通》之后又一呕心沥血之作,敬请支持!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《医道天骄》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友 推荐哦!1w0-75880 >>


内容简介:拒绝黄赌毒的大好直男一头钻进了恐怖游戏中,谁劝也不听。穿进了游戏不说,结果还TM为了一个buff折了腰。冷静分析帝小少爷受(颜元)x骚包技术帝回形针攻(沈桉容)双智商在线,年龄差为6, 受17没成年。没成年。没成年。1w0-94368 >>


内容简介:  传闻不学无术的池大小姐,在撞柱醒来后,忽然变得通情达理了。  不但琴棋书画,样样皆精,而且诗书礼仪,处处出众。1w0-226


内容简介:简介:穿越大明。成为明宣宗的第三个儿子。作为一个现代人,朱祁钖本没想争皇帝。索性与于谦等人相交,日日过的倒也自在。谁知正统十四年时自己那个哥哥英宗在土木堡大败,还被俘虏!一时间,大明陷 入危机。五十万精锐所剩无几,天子被俘三军军心皆散。都城外临瓦剌大军,内有百官皆乱。朱祁钖在莫名其妙的情况下被于谦抬上了皇位!“皇帝被俘,朝中内乱”“臣知一位王爷,他若为帝,定可匡扶我大明王朝!”瓦剌兵至,京都被围!【恭喜宿主绑定千古一帝系统,以发放新手礼包:士气激励!】朱祁钖:“日月山河永在,大明江山永在!既然1w0-125682 >>

Dero Dero

DeroDero is the story of a juvenile delinquent, Hino Mimio, who happens to also be a psychic. His ability to communicate with the spiritual world as well as his demeanors caused him to constantly interact with supernatural beings -- usually ending up with Mimio beating the crap out of the monster or spirit. not translated Reading direction: Right to left

Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya

Features Illya as a main character where she's living an alternate life as a school girl. However, she is chosen by the Magical Stick Ruby and is involved in a quarrel between Rin (Kaleido Ruby) and Luvia (Kaleido Sapphire)

Kagerou Inazuma Mizu No Tsuki

A collection of stories set amongst the oiran (high-rank courtesans before the time of geisha) in (mostly) the Yoshiwara district of Edo, a famous historical 'red-light district.' 1. Kagerou no Shou When Kagerou was a child, her parents sold her to be trained as an oiran in Yoshiwara. On her way there, she fell in love with the man who transported her, Ryuuji, and insisted that he be her first sexual customer when she grew up. Now, she is approaching the time when she will lose her virginity, but will Ryuuji be able to be her first? 2. Inazuma no Shou Wakana works in Yoshiwara, but she plans to one day buy her own way out. She seduces presents out of the men who buy her, in order to save money for her future. But one man, Mitsunori, is not like all the others. Will the skilled seductress Wakana be able to cope with real emotion? 3. Mizu no Tsuki no Shou Suigetsu is approaching the time when she's meant to lose her virginity. One day, she miraculously meets with a relative who knows her by her real name: Saya. Is it possible for her to be rescued from this life? 4. Nagasaki Bojou Suigetsu, an oiran-in-training in Nagasaki, is slated to lose her virginity. However, she's been told she's going to have a Dutch man as a partner! She's frightened of sleeping with a foreigner who may not even speak her language! However, the man in question is nothing like she feared...

En Passant

Verde, a powerful and secret organization that controls the world has a new leader. The only thing that stands in its way is an unlikely character, Kujou Shin, the king of pessimists. He has no attachments to anything or anyone and feels no hesitation at dying. He is unwillingly dragged into a fight for the most powerful position in the world, the leader of Verde. What will be his fate? Note: In chess, pawns can normally move one square forward, and can only capture pieces that are in front and diagonal to them. On its very first move, however, a pawn can move forward either one space or two spaces. If, by moving forward two spaces instead of one, the pawn avoids capture by the opponent's pawn, the opponent has the option of capturing that pawn en passant (in passing). The opponent would 'take' the space the skipped by the other pawn and capture it just as if it had only moved forward one space. You can only take en passant on the first opportunity provided. For a better description with pictures, search En Passant on wikipedia.

Elsie at Home

Elsie at Home summary: Elsie at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elsie at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sword Of Galaxy

The Sword Of Galaxy summary: “We campaigned for a century, prevailing against all obstacles. The sole exception being the Marshal, who could not be defeated…… The military fame of the Marshal endures, yet the Alliance has been utterly crushed. From this day forth, all the glory belongs to the Marshal, himself.” As the Alliance that governed for a thousand years crumbled, the Galactic Empire rose into power. The supreme military leader of the Alliance, Gavin Silla, refused to surrender and chose to fight to the death for his nation. “Your Majesty, in the Age of Old Earth, mint blossoms were believed to be an omen for reunion. In the language of flower it means— —hoping to see you once more”

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me summary: My old man pointed to the flower-like woman and said, 'Call her mother from now on.' He then pointed to a flower-bud-like girl and said, 'This is your little sister.'
My sister is not cute.
She is arrogant, taciturn, and weird, but she knows how to please our parents.
She is two-faced and deceitful, but it seems like she only treats me that way.
I care for her, try to please her as much as I could, but she still dislikes me.
Until one day, I found out her secret, our relationship begins to get a little bit weird...

Urban Tales Of Demons And Spirits

Urban Tales Of Demons And Spirits summary: A tale of urban demons and spirits, the mysterious exorcist and I. Do you believe that supernatural creatures exist in this world? I’m an ordinary college student while he’s the handsome and powerful demon exorcist from the mysterious old manor. Our paths had never crossed before and yet, our fates became intimately entangled after one chance meeting. The knocking on the coffin in the dead of the night, the little girl weeping inside the box-shaped structure, the good friend of mine who was cursed&h.e.l.lip; Together, the mysterious exorcist Mr. Wen and I embarked on a path into the world of the grotesque and motley. Gradually, I realized that I had developed special feelings for him that went beyond friendship&h.e.l.lip; But, the problem is I’m a man!

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