






简介爱书的下克上 第二部漫画 ,从小就是个超级书痴的女大学生本须丽乃,在地震时被掉落的书所活埋,当她醒来时,发现自己竟转生到了陌生的异世界,变成名为梅茵的5岁小女孩,不但生在贫穷的士兵家,且体弱多病,但最让她难以接受的是,在身边完全找不到书籍以及书店、图书馆,书籍价格高昂只能为贵族所有,于是梅茵下定决心心“既然买不到书,那就自己动手做!”。目标是成为图书管理员,过上被书籍环绕的美好生活


类别都市 恋爱


简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。


类别治愈 奇幻




在魔界居住了一群没有特别技能,外表与人类小孩相似,擅长近身战的见习恶魔们 日常负责的工作是卖萌和卖萌~ QQ群 : 933947908
















内容简介:【本文日更,上午1130230更新】入v,希望大家多多支持。五行缺四,一脸短命相的周长庸辛辛苦苦考上了地府公务员,眼看着就要摆脱早夭的噩运,穿越后一朝回到解放前。在这个黄泉天封闭,轮回 大道缺失的修真界,手拿着生死簿的周长庸原本以为自己拿的是主角剧本。结果低头一看,糟糕,死气蔓延,自己的名字马上就要出现在生死簿上了,死后躺棺材的滋味不好受。阎王要你三更死,不可留人到五更。人有人道,鬼有鬼途。九幽已灭,地府当存。—————————本文又名:《我每天都在被气死和病死中间徘徊》《拿着生死簿要被全世界追杀》《拜托了,前辈》《骗妻一时爽,一直骗一直爽》《我被火葬场包围的日日夜夜》每天苟着就是不想死·攻vs世上怎么可能有人不爱我·受同系列文请看《史上第一剑修》和《史上第一佛修》,挨得上背景板设定的边请看《不信邪》立意自立自强,健康快乐的过一生1w0-76224 >>


内容简介:说了多少次,别管我叫大哥!简介【搞笑热血战斗系统】正在蹲坑却意外穿越到了多元宇宙。带着一个动不动就要弄死他的系统。为了活下去只能挥动拳头,打碎一个又一个障碍“你们好,我叫野原新之助1w 0-82447 >>


内容简介:  不会真的有人觉得荒野求生很难吧?荒野哪有求生,不都是度假吗?激活了奖励系统之后,每吃一种新的动物就会有奖励。(轻松、日常、宠娃、薅女主羊毛)书友群:147501020(欢迎来撩)1 w0-3886 >>


内容简介:【2o14星创奖第五季参赛作品】任务:贵族气质的培养,第一支线任务:在面前这个商厦2个小时内消费花掉2ooo万,并且所购买的商品是你自己可以使用的。任务奖励:积分2oo,所购买的物品所 有权。任务失败:惩罚未知。当这个外星人将任务读出来之后,刘飞整个人都傻了。不过,你确认这任务培养出来的是贵族气质,不是暴户气质?被外星人砸中的刘飞,看着外星人给出的任务,还有那兑换无数先进物品的列表,满脸的蛋疼。千人书群:4237957711w0-97002 >>


内容简介:【每晚六点更新】本文文案:靖元帝自登基以来一直为国家大事殚精竭虑,对后宫一向淡淡。直至某日桃花飘零,鬼使神差般进了桃林,却见一绝色女子被困于树上,香腮珠泪,好不可怜。——与冷宫毗邻的绛 云阁住着一位纪才人,体弱多病,无宠无势,性格软弱,似乎生来就是被欺负的主,人人都可踩上一脚。眼见着纪才人将香消玉殒,消失在这繁杂的后宫中1w0-27671 >>


内容简介:开天辟地古往今来哪只凤凰比她更倒霉?开场便是凤落天海被鸡欺,幸而遇见雅量高致俯瞰众生的凤王,进入神界过上饭来张口衣来伸手的好日子,之后无意中救下落难的仙界太子关河月微,更因祸得福吃了凤 神内丹,化为人形,以为否极泰来,与凤王情愫渐生,谁料变数突生。杀神转世的虚天魔帝,上古神威,睥睨六界,无人能制,天界流传着一个重新封印他的预言……在亲眼目睹朝华君与旧情人重逢时,小凰田真赌气外出,正巧遇上睥睨六界无人能制的魔帝,是该“弃明投暗”,还是“忠贞不屈”?三界的命运,竟因她这只小凰而颠覆,冥冥之中,似有一段天意……1w0-83937 >>




内容简介:这是一个微博粉丝五千多万的国民女神陆栀优一门心思的想撩到那位医学界高冷男神沈长安,最后在无所不用其极下,终于成功撩倒男神,然后窝在男神怀里打滚撒娇卖萌的故事。小剧场没确定关系前陆栀优沈 医生,我饿了,我想吃你做的饭。陆栀优沈医生,我们一起来玩游戏吧。陆栀优沈医生,我困了,我想睡觉。确定关系后沈长安过来吃饭。陆栀优我不想吃饭想吃你。沈长安我们一起玩游戏吧。陆栀优我不想玩游戏想玩你。各位书友要是觉得《撩到男神好撒娇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76012 >>


内容简介:陛下心中有个白月光是由不吃糖包所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供陛下心中有个白月光最新章节阅读陛下心中有个白月光全文阅读陛下心中有个白月光免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现陛下心中有个白月光更 新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-79717 >>






内容简介:  新书【重生后我被男主他叔叔盯上了】强强对决爽文,请小可爱们多多支持嗷。  --  出身显赫的世界顶尖级学校博士时宁穿越了,变成一枚学渣。学神时宁表示,她要远离所谓亲人的“捧杀”,她 要洗心革面,好好学习!挡她路者,杀无赦!  有颜又有才的学神陆识安,面对骚扰过自己的学渣突然爱上学习,年少不懂爱的陆识安表示,这个女生坏得狠,必须远离。  后来:陆识安悔到跪着把妻追。  好风凭借力,送我上青云,热血青春,热血作战,从校服到婚纱,势均力敌并肩战斗,终成传奇!  她为国之荣耀而战!他为国之尊严而战!1w0-4117 >>

Eden No Hana

Midori and Tokio have lived separately since their parents died in a fire 13 years ago. Midori hates her school and foster home and drops out of school and leaves home. On her way to Tokyo Tower, she meets a man who happens to be her brother Tokio. Midori has no idea that this man is her real brother. She ends up back at her foster home, where she is habitually raped by her stepbrother. One day, Tokio rescues Midori when she is cornered by her stepbrother. 'I am your real brother and I have come to take you back.' Hearing Tokio's words, Midori jumps from the second floor into the arms of her long-lost brother. Reunited, the two estranged siblings go in search of Eden, a paradise where nobody has ever been to. A schoolgirl who was adopted by a family experiences hardships at school and home. Her foster family treats her as Reika, their daughter who had died a couple years ago. Suddenly, her real blood-related brother appears before her, who has been searching for her for years. Now her life is turned upside down. Will she learn to trust other people again? From ANN: Flower of Eden was slated for release on January 2006 by TOKYOPOP, but was cancelled after author Yuki Suetsugu admitted to copying numerous panels from Takehiko Inoue's manga titles Slam Dunk and REAL. Kodansha has ceased distribution of all 12-volumes of Eden no Hana.

Ghost Story Club

Lee Joon was an ordinary high school student.During the entrance ceremony, he was caught up in a strange phenomenon and died.[You have died.] [Restarting from checkpoint.] [Loading]But then, a message appeared before his eyes.Congratulations on your acceptance at Nakseong Highschool, the school of secrets and mysteries. Uncover the shady secrets hidden within the school, or fight against the legends and ghost stories of the campus in order to earn points to unlock special abilities. Additionally, you must gather comrades to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King before graduation. The world is in your hands.

Mint De Kiss Me

Yuu Watase's Masterpiece Collection Volume 5 consists of four stories. 1) Mint de Kiss Me - There is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body. 2) Genseika - Chiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home. 3) Furimuke Romance! - The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vender, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air. 4) Hang in there Nakago (Part I) - Involves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.

Pet Ja Nai!

A young man, Hanabishi Nao who is blessed with the phenomenal capability to sense the coming danger, was employed to work for Takashino Kazusa as a bodyguard, the son of a prosperous family. Nao, however isn't suited for such a job due to his adorable looks. Instead of treating Nao like a defender, Kazusa thinks of making Nao his 'pet'. But just what kind of 'pet' is Nao? Submissive? Domineering?

Sowing Seeds in Danny

Sowing Seeds in Danny summary: Sowing Seeds in Danny summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sowing Seeds in Danny. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Vampires: The Recent Undead

Vampires: The Recent Undead summary: Vampires: The Recent Undead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampires: The Recent Undead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo Vol 2

The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo Vol 2 summary: The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo Vol 2 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo Vol 2. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Planet Pirates Omnibus

Planet Pirates Omnibus summary: Planet Pirates Omnibus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Planet Pirates Omnibus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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