


原神 - 多人

女王在上 1




























内容简介:数百万年前,一场战乱席卷苍穹大陆,无数武神陨落,珍贵战技,战器被毁,武道崩断,再无人能成为武神。数百万年后,经过无数大能推算,世代完善,创造出法术法器替代失落的战技战器,完善了武道,但 仍无人能成为武神,自此武神成为一个传说……一个被亲人夺走圣体的少年,机缘下得到葬有‘神’的大墓,他将成为揭开‘武神绝迹’的关键。神级功法,天级法术,至高法器……妖孽般的领悟力,坚韧的心性,不屈的意志……这就是洛尘。等级设定:凝气,蝉凡,腾空,金丹,破窍,周天,化神,武神之境……1w0-4177 >>


内容简介:妖族横行、在内忧外患之下,人族组成一个联邦,只依靠城市防守。李啸天乃是华夏区虎滩市里面一名光荣的摆地摊的!只是他可以到三界各处摆地摊!人界:”哎呀,你看我这可是唐伯虎真迹!售价1500 w联邦币绝对不多!“天界:”什么?嫦娥仙子你想要穿时尚的衣服?这个得让我好好去测量测量尺寸啊。“佛界:”我说佛祖,你怎么又想要新的游戏机了。行了行了,我吃1w0-60481 >>




内容简介:【王者荣耀征文】当绝望来临,耻辱地活着不是为了苟且偷生,而是为了将一切百倍奉还。当两个怀着不同信念的人相遇,命运便开始改变。我叫韩信!各位书友要是觉得《王者荣耀之我叫韩信》还不错的话请 不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71418 >>


内容简介:文案“该死的!”华服男子扶着墙壁,大口大口的喘气,俊美的脸上透出不正常的潮红,绵软的躯体几乎站不稳,大滴大滴的汗水顺着脸颊滚落,浸湿鬓角的发丝。“唔……”男子咬紧嘴唇,依然阻止不住呻吟 泄露,贴身的里衣每一次摩擦肌肤都像受到酷刑一般,产生灼热又刺激的快感,尤其是胸前的两点肿胀的摩擦让他发1w0-62568 >>


内容简介:她是现代美女特工,在执行任务中与犯罪分子同归于尽,穿越到架空古代成了瞎眼的大将军府嫡女。青楼前受辱,被庶妹抢去了未婚夫,赐婚给一个不能人道的嗜杀冷酷的王爷。不过,不是不能人道吗?这玩意 儿这么精神是怎么回事?不是嗜杀冷酷吗?这像只撒娇的哈士奇在她肩窝里拱来拱去的是个什么东东?1w15326-90133 >>


内容简介:一个身世迷离的少年,几段缠绵悱恻的情恋!因缘际会之下掀起一场天地变色的腥风血雨!正邪相争,道魔倾轧,平静了二十多年的江湖因为少年的无心闯入而风云再起!在这里有精彩绝伦的打斗,有感天动地 的旷世绝恋,还有奇异惊险的见闻经历!1w0-95815 >>


内容简介:  初回帝都,一无是处的废物苏二公子竟勾着权势滔天的穆二爷下巴调戏!众人都等着看笑话,却发现,画风不对!这废物苏二公子竟突然多了五个大佬哥哥,还把“他”宠上了天!某家族大佬:穆二,我家 小祖宗要追你,赶紧从了!某设计圈大佬:穆少,你也别给我出难题,从了吧!某金融圈大佬:二爷,我家小祖宗多好,真从了吧!某娱乐圈大佬:别看我,我只负责帮小祖宗给你下聘!穆二爷:……我对男人不感兴趣。可不久,大家发现,顶级调香师、国医圣手、神秘催眠师、第一格斗师竟都是苏二公子???众渣:对不起,脸有点疼!直到后来,整个帝都轰动——什么苏二公子,这分明是个女大佬!就在各路大佬要求娶时,一向坐轮椅的穆二爷忽然从轮椅站起了,大杀四方。“对不起,小祖宗已经怀了我孩子。”某祖宗顾离:???她什么时候怀了??1w0-3161 >>


内容简介:  在中土世界与甘道夫并肩;在权力的游戏世界与龙妈同行;在猎魔人世界与希里共舞...这是一个行走在无限瑰丽奇幻世界的故事。 暂定世界:霍比特人(已完结),指环王(进行中),权力的游戏, 猎魔人…1w0-3567 >>


内容简介:【全文完】沈糯去京赶考的夫君高中成了状元郎,可却有了别的美娇娘。状元郎夫君说美娇娘与他有恩,希望阿糯成全,美娇娘说自己虽是高门贵女,却不跟她争正妻之位,愿做平妻伺候状元郎一世。阿糯六神 无主,终被婆母劝动,跟随夫君婆母来到京城。她为状元郎夫君操持家务,看着自己的夫君和美娇娘恩恩爱爱,琴瑟和鸣,生儿育女。而她郁郁寡欢,不到三十人便撒手人寰。死后,阿糯才知她不是生病去世,而是被婆母跟状元郎夫君和美娇娘毒死的。才知婆母当初提亲不过是想要她的运道。死后,阿糯被埋在婆家祖坟上,继续用一身血骨滋养着仇人一家子的气运。此后数十年,阿糯看着仇人一家富贵权势滔天。她以为终于要入轮回,却不想来到仙虚界成为一名医修。转瞬数百年。就在阿糯渐渐忘却前尘往事,她却突然回到状元郎夫君带着美娇娘回来那一刻。ps:全文架空,金手指粗壮,爽文。文文4月20入V,V章九千字,V后日六。——————下本要开的《最强领主穿成了菟丝花以后》预收求收藏文案:姬玉漪是北郡大陆最强领主,她强悍聪明,无所不能,领土在她的治理下,国富兵强。一天醒来,姬玉漪穿到平衡世界的北郡大陆。在这里,她不是领主,只是姬家刚找回没多久的小可怜长女,亲爹不疼,亲娘疯批,她如菟丝花般依附于姬家人生活着。虽有疯娘护着,可人人都能踩她们一脚。北郡大陆,每年的未成年能力检测中。所有人都在嘲讽姬玉漪。“听说姬家那个找回来的真千金长女能力只有五?这简直废物中的废物。”“人家姬凤君去年检测能力过五千,虽现在才知她跟姬家没血缘关系,但谁让人家能力强,姬族长也更疼爱她。”“姬玉漪这废物还处处模仿姬凤君,真好笑。”姬玉漪:“噢?”1w0-71355 >>


内容简介:福威,福威,何为福威?有威才能有福!剑法为何名曰辟邪?剑名辟邪,自当“百邪辟易”除人间“恶鬼”。那什么又是江湖?有人的地方就会有恩怨,有恩怨就会有江湖。人就是江湖!是非曲直,公道人心何 在?公道不在人心,是非在乎实力。可否全身而退?即入江湖,自当以生死为疆!(纯江湖,纯侠义,不诸天,穿书无系统)1w0-114859 >>


内容简介:上门说亲的媒婆:叶先生,你老大不小该成亲了,隔壁村的王翠花就不错!一看就知道是好生养的……叶枫八岁的养女:王翠花是男人婆,只有这个世界上最美的女子,才配得上我爹爹!媒婆:呵呵!村里都穷 ,能娶上老婆就算不错的了。媒婆离开之后,叶枫八岁的养女楚芊芊离家出走,说要出山闯荡,替叶枫寻找世间最美的女子做老婆……不久之后,‘叶无敌’的大名响彻整个世界,连风华绝代的某位女帝,都成为了楚芊芊的后妈……1w0-113801 >>

K - Stray Dog Story

[From September Scanlations] Yatogami Kuroh has lost the only thing remotely close to family he had left—and to make matters worse, he’s been charged with a final task by his master that he isn’t entirely sure he’ll be able to fulfill. Follow this young modern-era samurai as he sets off on a quest to track down the next Colorless King and determine if he’s evil or not…and to strike him down where he stands if he is. (Off-shoot manga of the anime ‘K Project’)

Junjou To Furachi

Collection of short stories about sweet schoolboy-romances, includes: 1) Junjou to Furachi Hiroto is shocked when his best friend Satoshi tells him he likes Nao-sempai. But he accepts his friend's choice, even though he can't tell Satoshi about his past with Nao... 2) The Pretender Katase is trying hard to pretend he's normal. He avoids Amero and tries to forget his feelings. But Amero is having none of it, and Katase gives in, granting Amero two weeks to see if this is the relationship he wants. Will Katase give into guilt, or will Amero's love win him over? (from BAA) 3) The Green that was Reflected in Your Eyes Popular student Takamiya brushes a caterpillar off mysterious rich student Sonoda's shoulder. Sonoda is so happy, he begins to buy Takamiya many expensive presents; he also never leaves Takamiya's side. Can Takamiya get Sonoda to stop buying him expensive gifts? Does Sonoda really want to give Takamiya more than just an iPod? (from AF) 4) Second Love Uenaga and Haruno were best friends throughout school, even wearing the same clothes. So why doesn't Haruno remember Uenaga at their school reunion? Is there a deep dark secret that should keep them apart? Do they have another chance for love? 5) I want to become your most important one Tomo always says, 'I like Yukihiro.' But Yukihiro can't take him seriously because Tomo's always smiling. Yukihiro's own feelings are a confused mess; does he like Tomo, or love him?

Zero No Tsukaima

The continent of Halkeginia is tumultuous--a place where the various kingdoms, princedoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms strive against each other to expand their domains. The nobility scheme and plot among themselves to gain influence to their lieges or to even foreign lieges. In the middle of Halkeginia is the small but important kingdom of Tristein. The most notable fact about this kingdom is the Tristein Academy of Magic where nobility from all over the world come to study magic so they can become magi. Although friendships will form across national boundaries at this school, will they survive the politics and games of the world at large once they leave? Louise is a student at Tristein Magical Academy. She is known to be quite a screw up when it comes to her magic. One day, a ceremony takes place where each student is to call forth a being or entity that will become his or her familiar. For Louise, her familiar comes in the form of a boy named Hiraga Saito. Somehow, he managed to get transported from his world into hers, and shortly after became her familiar. (Not to be confused with the novel which has 15 volumes, so far! Will upload accurate cover later.)


1-2+extra) Narushima, an elite detective of the Metropolitan Police Department who is guarding an important person at football stadium happens to meet his old friend, Fujisaki. When they were promising football players in same team, Fujisaki always dominated Narushima and deprived all of Narushima including of his pride and girlfriend. But Narushima realizes that Fujisaki becomes a sniper. He failed to catch Fujisaki and Fujisaki also failed to kill the VIP. They meet again and make love together... 3) An ex-member of swimming club encourages a retired member by fatal injury to tell the ace swimmer his feeling. Ace swimmer accepts it because he loves injured butterflies... 4) A teacher tries to find out the reason why his student acts rebelliously only against him...

The King of Alsander

The King of Alsander summary: The King of Alsander summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The King of Alsander. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Purple Lightning Emperor

Purple Lightning Emperor summary: This is a story about Shad, a young orphan who was struck by lightning. Instead of dying, he was reborn into another world known as Eidrin. The ambient mana on Eidrin is extremely dense and abundant, allowing mages to reign supreme over the rest of the populace. Follow Shad as he develops the strength to survive in this new world and reaches heights thought to be unattainable for mortals, all in a...

Trick Of The Light

Trick Of The Light summary: Trick Of The Light summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Trick Of The Light. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Man in the Twilight

The Man in the Twilight summary: The Man in the Twilight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man in the Twilight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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