












独有个性的歌手X精致可爱的画家,从小认识,长大相认。小心翼翼地配合治疗。 喜欢一个人,不难过,但重要的是不要在这喜欢里面自我安慰,死要面子地说我怎么可能会爱上ta




















内容简介:前世,她是魅世妖姬,身世离奇,命运坎坷。重生后,她风华绝代,才华横溢,无人能及。他曾冷言道:若不想沦为倾城妖姬,你可以自尽。她亦冷傲道:本姑娘也可以自强,更可以女扮男装。从此,她,一言 九鼎,披荆斩棘,纵横九州,睥睨天下。奈何命里,任务繁重,男儿腹黑,师叔冷情。且看那传奇女子如何与之相争,如何风华魅世?从今后,岁月无蹉跎,且行且珍惜。PS此文女强,女扮男装。苏墨此生最不甘的是,为何自己的师傅是门派中最严厉的女掌门?偏不是那七位玉树临风…美得人神共愤的师叔?直到一日,恰遇到师叔在下界历劫,她因犯错,一同被罚入下界。于是,她开始了与师叔不得不说的故事。总是应了那句古话:近水楼台先得月。————少年冷傲地道:“你居然是魅世妖姬,天下有权势的男子无不渴望得到,与你立下契约实在是我一生最倒霉的事情。”她目光诚挚:“你面冷心热,有颗七窍玲珑心,能与你立下契约,是我最幸运的事情。”少年脸色一红,撇过头道:“天下之大,莫非王土,你,又能逃向哪里?”她肃然正色道:“若我实力极强,这天下群雄都仰视于我,何处不可容身?”少年忍不住道:“我以为我是极傲的,不曾想你却比我更傲。”她微微一晒道:“这叫近朱者赤近墨者黑。”————蓝衣男子随意瞥她一眼,淡淡道:“原以为你身世可怜,不想你却是凤凰命格,既然如此,是本公子看走了眼,以后概不奉陪。”她冷笑道:“你若离开,我会告诉天下人,染公子始乱终弃,抛弃你的宝宝。”说着,她玉眸轻抬,拍了拍肚子。“什么?你有了?”男人顿时面色变幻,欣喜若狂,不禁大笑三声道,“很好,很好,还是年轻的能生,那些老头子们远不及我。”言讫,一众风姿飘举的男儿走上前来道:“虞染,说清楚,谁是老头子?”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《天下第一妖孽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79145 >>


内容简介:花国农大毕业的高材生竟穿越成了个被发卖到乡下的童养媳,无父无母,连名字都是随便捡来的。更可怕的是ampampmdashampampmdash她的夫君是一个随时随地都会黑化的大魔王!开局 就是地狱模式,简直天要亡她。幸好她身带系统,分分钟扭转局势,手撕绿茶婊,脚踢白莲花,带领全村暴富,走上人生巅峰。可是这个大魔王1w17485-26016 >>




内容简介:地球进入灵气复苏时代,人类开启异能觉醒江南开局觉醒最强地摊系统,大力药水解毒小黄豆幸运樱桃供不应求世界顶级神豪、首富、美女校花、人气主播、高冷女神、巅峰强者纷纷前来求购。江南:“我对钱 亿点都不感兴趣我只想坑额,我的愿望是世界和平”1w3607-109906 >>


内容简介:成轶是小破站鬼畜区UP,重回2016年。在这个短视频行业刚刚起步,野蛮生长的时间节点,成轶步步先机,制作出各种爆款短视频,成为全网最火网红!易梦灵?一栗沙子?我把她们捧红的!手工梗?导 演小测?朱一蛋?那是我公司员工!想封杀就封杀,想捧红就捧红!作为一代网红教父,执行业之牛耳!无数入行新人跪在他的面前,求成轶赏他一碗饭吃。1w0-99928 >>


内容简介:  进入神奇的武道空间,从开启第一项横炼天赋开始,李玄踏上了一条直通最强的崎岖道路。  正邪侠魔谈笑过、仙女魔女心中留。  做男人就要强,就要硬!  群号:254526016,欢迎大家 来耍。1w0-2710 >>


内容简介:江云穿越到玄天大陆,激活“绑定系统”。只要绑定目标,就能获得对方提升的修为。你修炼神速,一夜连破三个境界?你功参造化,任何功法一眼明悟?你大帝之姿,堪称万古第一妖孽?全绑定了!以后你们 的任务就是给我好好修炼!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我能绑定亿万妖孽修炼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72226 >>


内容简介:一个二十世纪的地球人类,被一名现代武林高手收为徒弟,在一次武功切磋中,被击落山崖,竟然被意外出现的时空黑洞吸进去而来到异大陆,从此(前面有些老套,希望大家可以慢慢看下去,那样才能发现他 的不同之1w0-68117 >>




内容简介:南浔遇到了一只碉堡神兽,可带她穿梭各个世界,她帮助神兽收集功德值,功成之后便可回到过去改变身死异处的结局。可是现在,她悔啊,悔得肠子都青了。尼玛那功德值是得从黑化值100恶念值100的 反派大boss身上获得啊,她只是想净化那些邪恶boss的心灵,卧槽她真不想要他们爱上她啊啊啊!变态1他吃人!变态2他是只恶鬼!变态3……当南浔知道他们都是一个人之后,她双眼一翻,直接躺地上装死。邪魅狂狷酷霸拽的boss大人邪邪一笑:“宝贝儿,你不是要净化我的心灵吗?快来吧~”南浔:“自作孽不可活,我好想死啊怎么办?”1w0-3997 >>


内容简介:【最火爆】手有罗盘判阴阳,一把法剑定乾坤。葛羽,三岁修道,少年大成,会抓鬼、会治病、会看相、会算命,会占卜,最重要的还是会摸骨……妹子,我看你骨骼惊奇,天赋异禀,过来让哥给你摸摸骨,指 点迷津。身负洪荒,天赋异禀,玄学五术,样样精通。二十出山,斩妖邪,灭尸煞,斗恶鬼,杀魔头!喝最烈的酒,泡最美的妞,杀最凶的鬼,装最牛的逼。各位书友要是觉得《茅山鬼王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2865-26528 >>


内容简介:从职场精英穿越成侯门千金的章华锦在一场阴谋中醒来,发现双胞胎哥哥也换了瓤儿。当极品亲戚纷纷登场,到底谁曾是搅动她命运诡局的幕后黑手?你用阴谋,我用阴谋阳谋,助哥哥,斗继母,怼毒妹,手撕 渣姐夫,哪样不是力气活?他明知道自己的笑有毒,还凑到面前勾起嘴角给她看,“虐渣那么累,不如到我怀抱里来。”她明知道他是天潢贵胄,不买他的帐,还唬着脸吓他,“再敢对我笑,本姑娘就要脱掉羊皮化身为狼了。”被他吃干抹净多吃亏,把他吃干抹净才赚到。PS:后来她才知道,他的怀抱是乱世中最宁静的港湾……作者:墨池池所写的《素手折春》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-33084 >>


Yaegaki Meguru's next door neighbor is unique, to say the least. They are the Kusanagi ninja lineage, and their son, Kanata, has been her classmate and friend since their younger years. Kanata would always get into trouble or be late to class due to his ninja upbringings. Every morning, Meguru would have to pull him away from his training with his father. Most days, he's late to class anyway. In the past, they both vowed to never hide secrets from each other, yet Kanata would not reveal the 'true purpose of a ninja.' Meguru understood the reason behind Kanata's secrecy regarding his ninja background when a powerful force is released inside their own school. Then, Kanata will reveal his true potential as a ninja.

Dakenai Jikan

[From Fantasy Shrine:] Super-star soccer player, Gai, has a nightly duty to “service” his new boss, Yuito, the new owner of his soccer team and his old high school classmate. Is their physical-only relationship doom to eclipse their hearts…!? Or would the constant battle with Yuito’s formidable pride makes a frustrated Gai force to take drastic measures? Also included in the book is a oneshot titled “Heavenly Hell”.

Mashiroiro Symphony

From MangaHelpers: This is the official comic based on the game of the same name. An all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. On Shingo's first day, he learns that many of the girls are not happy about the coming merger. Specifically, Seno Airi is staunchly opposed and refuses to welcome him to the school. Some of the other girls are friendly, but Airi has a lot of power over public opinion. The truth is, though, that Shingo has met Airi before. When she and Shingo's little sister got lost, he helped them find their way. Airi seemed to like him then, back when she didn't know he was going to be her new male classmate. Maybe he'll be able to win over Airi, as well as all his other interesting female classmates! [tethysdust]

Kono Atatakai Hizashi No Naka De

Kamiyoshi Hina is a new transfer student. She was looking forward to spending her school days with peace and ease. Unfortunately, that thought flew out the window when she was appointed class representative and seated next to the school’s infamous delinquent, Mikuni Satoshi. According to rumors, Mikuni Satoshi gets into fights and spends the nights working as a gigolo. Are there any truths to the rumors? What will happen when the two meet? Is there more to Kamiyoshi Hina’s cheerful demeanor and Mikuni Satoshi’s delinquent behavior? Read to find out!

The Committee

The Committee summary: The Committee summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Committee. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harlan County Horrors

Harlan County Horrors summary: Harlan County Horrors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harlan County Horrors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.

Billy Povich: Loot The Moon

Billy Povich: Loot The Moon summary: Billy Povich: Loot The Moon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Billy Povich: Loot The Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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