




























类别玄幻 都市 恋爱




内容简介:棠溪死了,带着师父当年给的无字天书ampampmdashampampmdash《天下美食》,重新回到十五岁。这一年,唐家真正的千金小姐找回来了,她被养父母留下。因着对真千金的愧疚,棠溪 处处忍让,却换来养父母的厌恶,青梅竹马未婚夫的嫌弃……不仅如此,她还生病错过了高考,命悬一线,是生父生母散尽家产捡回一条命。这一次,棠溪不想再留在养父母家里1w17489-25258 >>


内容简介:  【人面鬼心,托古言今,吾为江湖之主】林寿一觉醒来成了秋斩刑场的缝尸人。落叶归根,入土为安,死留全尸,被砍头的死囚尸首要缝合完整才能下葬,否则乱殡生变。林寿发现,他竟能通过缝合尸体能 获得各种奖励。葬经,伤寒杂病论,人骨皮影,阴神龛,城隍腰牌,傩神戏面,八门江湖术……爽文不虐主,黑色喜剧。1w0-2574 >>






内容简介:【【创世历史2018流派征文之盛唐华章】参赛作品】一场梦,让他回到1000多年的晚唐时期,成为了唐僖宗他弟、唐朝倒数第二个皇帝唐昭宗身上,看他如何扭转大唐困局,治宦官干政,平朝堂之乱, 除藩镇之祸,重现大唐王朝的盛世!李晔看着远去的长安城,发出了怒吼,“给我20年,我将还天下一个盛世大唐!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之大唐中兴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65698 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:玄幻:妖皇的我,老婆是神朝女帝】李若尘穿越玄幻世界,从一只小鸟,奋斗千年,成为了妖族妖皇。但羽化神朝统治一切,无上女帝发誓要横扫一切敌,他索性来到帝都隐居,却 意外遇上了挚爱宁清霜。却不知道她就是神朝无上女帝,修运朝流,必须太上忘情,但她却没有经历过任何的感情,隐姓埋名,意外和李若尘遇见。当她随时可以太上忘情,成就至高,却选择了平常生活,和李若尘生儿育女。直到羽化神朝世仇白衣女帝出关,誓要取女帝性命,粉碎羽化神朝,为兄报仇,君临帝都!“夫人,你竟然是神朝女帝?”“相公,你竟然是妖族妖皇?”被迫出手的两人相互错愕,却不知道白衣女帝青铜面具下疯狂震惊,因为李若尘和她的哥哥长得一模一样!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84512 >>


内容简介:当人类开始踏入星河时代,古老的修行就焕发出来了新的生命力。修行,无论在任何时代永远不会过时。金刚经中,须菩提问释迦牟尼,“要成佛,如何降服其心?”。一句话,就道 尽了修行的真谛,四个字,降服其心。心神通广大,所以孙悟空又叫做心猿。每一个人的心灵就是一尊孙悟空,降服心猿,就可成斗战胜佛。在星河大帝之中,梦入神机为你阐述修行的真谛。1w0-987 >>


内容简介:杀破时空杀破时空小说阅读科幻灵异类型小说杀破时空由作家翊哥男子创作“我擦,”铁九九呆目圆睁,“这算什么鬼,穿越就穿越呗,干嘛把我性别給穿错了?”高三毕业生铁九九,醒来时发现自己全身赤裸 躺在隋朝大兴城皇宫中,当夜即将参加伺寝选拔,而脑中突显若干文字,任务:累死隋文帝,时限:2小时起初他只能按要求去完成任务,不然便会被送入死亡空间,面对绝地大逃杀多年后,铁九九一爪将恒星大犬座α划爆,用意念向全银河系宣称:“有我在啃书网提供杀破时空最新章节杀破时空最新更新章节啃书网免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-98930 >>


内容简介:顾嘉本是真千金,却因错抱而流落在外,十几年后才回到父母身边。养在乡下的她心思单纯,比不过那位一直被父母养着的假小姐,深宅大院之中她处处艰难,受尽苦楚,最后就连亲事也是捡了一个对方不要的 。重活一世,再入侯门,她只想捞钱,捞足了就走,什么父母亲情,什么豪门公子,一边去吧。无脑苏爽文一枚,重生后走上人生巅峰的故事1w0-3993 >>


内容简介:◆文案◆傅家金龙令,紫玉斩花宫!江湖上,每个人都有秘密。你若踏入江湖,永远不知道下一秒将发生什么。恩怨情仇,爱恨纠缠,江湖上的血雨腥风挡不住无尽的缠绵爱恋。爱与不爱的距离,不过是那人转 身时,你抬起又放下的手。梦醒处,一场烟花散尽;回首成长,淡淡的香气中亦氤氲着淡淡的痛。◆读书群:60861592加群请加备注,为书中人物名字。谢谢支持!◆◆◆小贴士◆◆本文将于6月14日周六入(倒)V,倒ampgt看过的读者请勿重复购买哦!入ampgt谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持……入更3000,如特殊情况会请假,然后补更。谢谢大家的支持。其他《傅家金龙传奇》系列文。喜欢的请点:傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之各种风格不同的朋友的文文,喜欢请点:1w0-70625 >>


内容简介:(久别重逢,余情未了,男追女,甜文!)刚回国的秦初怎么也没有想到,一觉醒来会出现在前任顾寒洲面前。原本以为再也不会有交集的两人却相遇在一档恋综节目里。面对前任的各种反向操作,秦初只想录 完节目拿钱走人偏偏,粉丝将她和顾寒洲炒成了“神仙”CP!恋综后圈内又爆出关于秦初的惊天大瓜,秦初爆红全网面对媒体采访,“秦小姐,请问你跟顾影帝是什么关系?”秦初浅笑:“恋综剧本,假情侣,大家不要当真。”当晚顾寒洲手滑点赞了一条粉丝扒出来的古早信息,【顾影帝的前任疑似就是秦初!】全网粉丝炸了!翌日,某仙侠剧官宣了男二和女二,顾寒洲VS秦初!全网粉丝:一向清冷孤傲的顾影帝居然自降身价演电视剧,还是演男二?看过剧本的经纪人内心:因为只有男二跟女二有吻戏和亲热戏!本站提示:1w0-106126 >>


内容简介:  完成航母需要什么?独立工业体系、发达经济文明、强大国防实力  拯救国足需要什么?一个慷慨富人、一个超级球星、一个时代骄子  王艾因世界杯重生,拯救国足成了他必须肩负的使命。在黑暗中 ,他点亮了微弱的光。  Q群:9925351001w0-2886 >>

Onnanoko Wa Koi O Suru To Mousou Shichaun Desu

From Chibi Manga: 'With my beloved boyfriend I want to do that and this...' Every girl who's fallen in love before will nod because they're full of 'No-Good Fantasies!' This should fill your maidens' hearts for sure! -Do You Really Love Me? I love him, but he's from a different world...that's what I thought, but then I caught Itou-kun kissing my desk. Is it that he likes me...? -Invention Princess Shizuka, super genius inventor, has continued to look at her first crush since she first approached him at age ten. Originally to capture him, she created useless inventions in a crazed rampage of wild delusions. -Why the Boy Reads Shoujo Manga The one Rinko likes is the kind, cool, honest shoujo manga hero Jun-kun (two dimensional). She's fast approaching a dream as Asai Rinko has feelings, suspicious feelings, for Sekimoto Shin?! -Public Moral Committee Chairman's M Note I, the public moral committee chair, sneakily wrote erotic delusions in a secret notebook! That notebook was discovered and on top of that, he orders me to 'Listen to what I say!' I can't stop my increasing delusions! -Kanchigai Musume to Buchigire Ouji (Misunderstood Girl and Angry Prince) 'It seems like Kouga-kun, who often meets my eyes, likes me.' And Keiko, brimming with confidence confessed to him. As a result, she was misunderstood and defeated. Furthermore, she transformed into Kouga's favorite...? -Brother, Kiss Me Iyo became siblings with childhood friend Occhan after their parents' remarriage. She'll definitely become a family with Oto! One way or another, it was a mistake to train her big brother. -Kouryaku Seyo! (Capture Me!) She loves Shoujo games! And then she met a boy who's just like the Prince she longs for in the game! She'll definitely capture him!

Elemental Gelade

'Elemental Gelade: Follow the story of two people that cross paths on a fated day that they meet.' Coud is a young sky pirate, he is an adventurous young man. Maybe it's due to lack of education from living in the sky most of his life he is kinda close to the dumb side. but still he gives it his all when the time come to fight. Ren is a seemly lovable young girl, however she and many others in this world are called Edel Reid, ones whom can give power to that of one other person that would be chose: The Pleage, a pact that binds for life, with beautiful Songs that Awakens they're power. ...................................... At first what seemed like a routine mission, turns out more to be the beginning of a journey, through difficult fights, after fights Ren and Coud grow stronger together. The Journey to Edel Garden the place Ren wants to go no matter what. but being the possessor of a rare stone called the Elemental Gelade, the source of her power, she is pursued by whose who could catch her for selfish reasons and some people that want protect her and all Elde Reids, however it is there is going to be many troubles ahead.


COMPILER is a story about the Igarashi brothers Nachi and Toshi, and two beauties from another dimension, Compiler and Assembler. Originally sent to conquer Earth through a game of destruction and creation, Compiler and Assembler ended up deciding that living in our world is more fun than conquering it. They moved in with Nachi and Toshi. A growing relationship began to develop between Nachi and Compiler, and Toshi and Assembler, though none of them can bring themselves to admit it outright. Meanwhile, the people who sent Compiler and Assembler to conquer Earth were outraged by their apparent betrayal. They sent two assassins, Bios and Directory, to deal with the renegades and proceed with the invasion plan. And so, the misadventures begin...

Mana Sorcerer

Mana, the spirit of green living things, can be used for both good and evil, and an investigative office exists to keep the destructive power of Mana in check. Ruwen is a Mana Investigator who's been sent to a small town to check out a possible abuse of Mana situation. Once there, he meets the cheerful little girl Miniru, who eagerly guides him around the town. Could Miniru, who is suffering from a strange illness, have something to do with the Mana situation? (taken from MH)

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary: The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

No Mercy

No Mercy summary: No Mercy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of No Mercy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless

I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless summary: I, Ichinosuke, failed to get a job for 100 consecutive times. Furthermore, my record is still being updated as unemployed.
On my way to a job interview, I was involved in an accident with a truck and tragically pa.s.sed away.
And then, a G.o.ddess bestowed upon me the ability to grow at a speed 400 times faster than normal, before sending me to a game-like otherworld.
However, knowing that I would not become stronger even if I continued growing while jobless, I aimed to get a job, but I found out that it was my terrible fate to remain jobless.
As my Growth Cheat and Jobless Cheat existed side-by-side in this otherworld, an adventure record, no doubt certified by the job-placement agency as a harmful book, begins here.


Natuws summary: 赛道

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