






简介每【周六周日】更新! “从现在开始!尊重我,信任我,不管贫穷富裕、疾病还是健康,你愿意与我相互扶持,做一对秘密的假夫妻吗?” 钻石王老五、广告业女大佬、加班狂魔徐佳慧的求婚翻车现场,由PIMO鸭鸭为你现场直播!
























简介【每周五更新 新作看起来】好不容易大学毕业,竟然穿越回高中!一朝回到解放前?!繁重的学业,不属于自己的爱人,蛋疼的青春期......喂喂,放开那个蓝孩,我才是他老婆!!!


内容简介:“七天变一次怪物,在这个全是人类的星球上,我还怎么混?要是变成血族、精灵、外星人倒是还好……但大部分却是变成怪物、巨兽、神话生物……我要变一哥斯拉,还不天天挨核弹啊?”浑身浴火的炎魔, 不死冰霜的巫妖,矫捷灵动的精灵,八百触手的怪物,九万眼珠的异人,长着翅膀的老虎,贪婪食人的巨魔,独角黑鳞的蛟蛇,翻江倒海的巨兽,吞天噬地的星空生物,脑域开发极限的外星种族……蓝坎表示自己根本就是个怪物集合体,活在人类的社会里,不闹腾出乱子,根本就是不可能的事嘛!既然如此,不是没有异能者吗?我就有异能!不是没有史前生物吗?我就是!不是没有神话怪物吗?我变过!不是没见过外星人吗?我现在就来亮个相!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《非人基因统合体》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82979 >>


内容简介:韩枫被黑袍人送到斗破苍穹世界。附身到斗破苍穹之中的反派“韩枫”身上。没有像原着一样杀掉药老韩枫会有怎样的经历?萧炎还会像原着那样崛起吗?一切的一切将会在《斗破苍穹之韩枫》中为你解答。各 位书友要是觉得《斗破之韩枫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-93544 >>


内容简介:作者做了个恐怖的梦,梦到自己变成老虎被狮子吃掉了。梦醒后心里不甘,于是写了一篇yy文。文笔不好,请多包涵。文案:作为一个威风凛凛的森林之王,融寅没想过自己会变成孱弱的人类。而把她困在这 副身躯之中的那个人,每天晚上都会来…首发:ωoо1⒏υip1w0-122503 >>


内容简介:每次都穿越到肉文女配身上,还要去跟女主抢男人?!顾璃表示很不开心。然而女配系统编号4087契约已签,灵魂已出卖,顾璃迫不得已只能乖乖完成任务。可是,说好的只要斩断男女主的情缘、拆掉这对 CP就行呢?结果男主个个如狼似虎,非把她弄得下不来床【首发:ωoо1⒏υip】1w0-74446 >>


内容简介:穿越到了海贼王世界,叶封竟然获得了暗黑破坏神中的法师职业……这下可牛逼了。“穿越了,向各位前辈大佬问一下,法师技能该怎么点?在线等,挺急的!”“你要主流点法还是非主流点法?”“哈?主流 的吧?…1w0-66151 >>


内容简介:如果这条路,你不能走下去,那么,让我成为你。——陆笙Strongisbeautiful——南风注:竞技言情,萝莉养成。作者专栏,所有的文都在这里:各位书友要是觉得《南风入我怀》还不错的 话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60770 >>


内容简介:  懵懂少年,自幼丧父,寡母孤妹,生活艰困。这是一段平凡人的不平凡往事,一段独品却又为众品的人生,酸辛甘苦,一壶浊酒,浮沉几十载。人间沧桑,自有正道!故事从改革开放前的那个少年说起…… 1w0-2807 >>


内容简介:我生来就有一身邪骨,从小多灾多难,还有一双令我厌恶的阴阳眼,而姥姥却说我的命格十分高贵,前途不可估量。n沈南辞:“一切皆是命数,无论如何,我只想成为你的妻。”n程潇岐:“我不信命,我只 信我自己,想要永远…1w74044-101238 >>


内容简介:游戏红尘的白领浪子王国华重生了,一个重来的机会摆在面前时,王国华选择了另外一条发展道路。由此,一段关于官场沉浮的故事开始了。《扶摇》vip500人大群群:118736849(进群要求全 订阅)《扶摇》普通交流群:149455952(喜欢扶摇即可进)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《扶摇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3137 >>


内容简介:【下一个更在16号000,届时三更】温瓷自幼学习古典舞,模样娇,身段绝、气质好。撑着太阳伞骄傲地走在绿茵路旁,俨然如一朵人间富贵花。被她拒绝过的男生,加起来可以凑几个篮球队了。那天,她 又收到一条平平无奇的告白微信——“hi,可以和你交个朋友吗。”温瓷:“不可以。”随手删了。后来,她考上了重点高校——南湘大学。家族企业濒于破产,温瓷肩负了重要使命,接近傅家那位浪荡不羁的太子爷——傅司白,不惜一切代价成为他心里的那个人。几经周折,温瓷终于见到了傅司白。他手里拎着烟,衬衣衣领敞开着,眼底透着几分懒怠和不羁。他坐在一帮谈笑风生的少年正中,宛如孤狼。长得还……挺正。温瓷走上前,大方地扬了扬手机:“hello,傅司白,可以加个微信吗?”傅司白嘴角勾着,将手机递了过来。温瓷添加之后,意外看到了过往的聊天记录——“hi,可以和你交个朋友吗?”“不可以。”【您已删除对方,对方不能再给您发送消息】温瓷:?那场盛大无声的暗恋,傅司白如疯犬一般爱慕她。一往情深,很多年。直到被她无情删除。【诡计多端太子爷vs大局为重小淑女】双c,男主伪浪子,几章后忠贞如狗女主不完美,非常作——————————接各位书友要是觉得《误删大佬微信后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!误删大佬微信后最新章节地址:1w0-99750 >>


内容简介:姜糖意外穿越到七零年代,姥姥不疼,后妈不爱,身后还有个跟屁虫弟弟。正当她饥寒交迫时,金手指来了。她随便在地上画一画,就能凭空变出东西。食物、商品、粮票应有尽有,简直躺赢有木有。前一世, 她是公司高管,呕心沥血,这一世她打算躺平了。奈何,从小定的娃娃亲上门,对象是个病秧子,姜糖摊手:我堂堂大女主,就配这个?某男摇身一变,文学泰斗、商界黑马、医学界传奇……姜糖点头如捣蒜:“配一脸!”1w0-27519 >>


内容简介:【空间种田甜宠】秦沐瑶穿书了,替嫁给残疾世子,也是未来的美强惨反派,而她是压垮大佬的最后一片雪花!她害怕极了!逃荒路上她用空间种田,每天投喂大佬。流放乡下,她白手起家,开铺子,娇养反派 大佬。白天兢兢业业赚钱,晚上陪着大佬运动,腰都快要断了。终于,大佬站起来了。“相公,你重回京城,我就不陪你去了,这是和离书,我们好聚好散。”宁承霄邪气勾唇:“散?不怕我黑化咬死你1w89677-89678 >>

Tales Of Destiny 2

Being the child born between Stan and Rutee, two of the 'four heroes' who had saved the world from crisis a few years ago, the young boy, Kyle, has inherited his father’s golden locks, indigo blue eyes and a straight forward characteristic. Day after day, Kyle spent his time longing to become a hero and to experience an adventure of his own, just like his parents. One day, along with Loni, who he had considered to be his brother, Kyle went to the depths of the forest and found a gigantic lens inside an ancient ruin. In his first adventure, Kyle had an encounter with a mysterious girl. Who is the ‘hero’ the girl is searching for? Once again, a famous RPG by Namco is being adapted into a comic!!

Horror Collector

From Aerandria Scans: Evilice and Sin are shadowy but attractive characters who have lived for their collections. Evilice collects items that are cursed, and Sin collects ones that were used for murder. Though they compete for the same items most of the time, they have the opposite feelings towards only one item: an old doll. It is a cursed woman who Evilice loved and ruined, and who Sin is jealous of. With stories of sinister items, their secrets spread!

Inu Mo Arukeba Koi Ga Hajimaru

Sora Pometani, a sober high school student, has a peculiar constitution: when he's anxious he turns into a Pomeranian. One day, his classmate and secret love, Makito Matsuda, bumped into him in his Pomeranian and ends up taking him home.Makito takes Sora in his pomeranian form home because he resembles his grandmother beloved but deceased dog, 'Pometa'. Makito finds out about Sora's true constitution and, in order to make his grandmother happy, he asks Sora to keep visiting her in his pomeranian form. Sora is promoted from a mere classmate with a secret crush to one of Makito's friends.

The [email protected] Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology Passion

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His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce!

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”

Lady Rosamond's Secret

Lady Rosamond's Secret summary: Lady Rosamond's Secret summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Rosamond's Secret. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Money Class

The Money Class summary: The Money Class summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Money Class. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tales of Men and Ghosts

Tales of Men and Ghosts summary: Tales of Men and Ghosts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tales of Men and Ghosts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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